This time the gloves really come off, and it shows
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning [Note from Rich Miller: This is my new intern Kevin Fanning’s first blog post here, so try to be gentle. Thanks.] If you hedged your bets that last night’s CNN democratic debate in South Carolina would be the equivalent of last debate’s love fest, today’s political headlines must be leaving you extremely disappointed. Headlines today include “Debate gets fiercely personal” in the Trib, “Debate turns heated as Obama, Clinton allege distortion” in the Daily Herald, and my personal favorite “Sparks fly in most contentious debate to date” on On a night that was supposed to be reserved by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute to debate how best to realize Dr. King’s vision for a better society, we witnessed an example of how best to tear it apart. The claws came out, and only John Edwards was able to crawl out of the ring without a battered face. Minutes into the debate accusations flew back and forth between Clinton and Obama. Hillary looked too aggressive, Barack was too defensive, and Goldilocks was left in the middle asking how “is this going to get us universal health care?” After a bitter exchange about the Clintons’ portrayal of Obama’s “fondness” for Ronald Reagan the junior Senator from Illinois snipped back:
This obviously hit a nerve with Hillary who moments later asserted:
And on it went , ranging from how Obama’s health care plan isn’t universal to how Hillary voted for a banking bill that favored big business to how Obama voted present too many times in the statehouse to how Hillary and Bill have been tag teaming Obama, and finally concluded with Obama having to answer if Bill Clinton really was the first black President. Which to his credit I thought he gave a hilarious response, and in Governor Blagojevich’s words regarding the transit bill “took a lemon and turned it into lemonade.” After last night’s royal rumble one thing is certain, the general election will be no cake walk for either candidate. If Hillary comes out alive after February 5th she will have to mend fences with an angry African American community who came out in numbers to vote “uncommitted” in Michigan. If Obama wins the nomination he will have to answer to the attacks made by the Clinton campaign. Is his universal health care plan really universal? Why did he vote “present” 130 times in the state Senate? And most of all, the Achilles Heel, what was your relationship with Antonin “Tony” Rezko? All of these questions threaten the central theme of Obama’s candidacy, honesty and openness in government. I guess we’ll just have to hold our breath to see which candidate limps their way to Denver. ![]()
Question of the day
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Dana Millbank has a marvelous column in the Atlantic this month, wherein he “translates” DC Political Speak for us. Here are a few examples…
* Question: How about some Springfield Political Speak translations? Have fun.
No way to run a railroad *** UPDATED X1 ***
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is not good news for Republicans hoping to hold onto retiring Congressman Jerry Weller’s seat…
So, he’s only gonna raise money from people he knows, except he won’t even do that? Yeah, that’ll work out well. Campaigning is not a pretty business, but there are things that just have to be done unless you’re wealthy. Cold calls, putting the arm on friends and family are all necessary if you want to compete in a game where contributions are capped and the competition is stiff. Debbie Halvorson and the Democrats must’ve smiled broadly when they read that passage. [See update below.] * And then there’s this…
I guess he has no choice but to stand by the vote now, but, that ain’t good either. * Meanwhile, at the risk of losing my Sun-Times column, what the heck is this?
Um… Oh, never mind. * More congressional stuff from Paul…
*** UPDATE *** A representative from Tim Baldermann’s campaign just called. I was assured that while Baldermann doesn’t love fundraising he is diligently making calls and doing what it takes. Just thought I’d let you know.
Zorn on the Con-Con
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Eric Zorn thinks the state Constitutional Convention referendum will fail this November. Sure, we’re all mad as heck now, Zorn writes, but…
* I wouldn’t be so sure. Both political parties opposed a Con-Con twenty years ago, and their affiliated interest groups funded the “No” campaign. Labor and business walked hand in hand and the entire media establishment went along for the ride. I don’t hear any of those people and groups gearing up this time around. The Republican Party would be insane to oppose a Con-Con this fall. It’s their best bet to motivate voters to the polls. And a whole lot of Democrats are jumping on board. It ain’t just Pat Quinn and his merry band of goo-goos any more. Plus, what better way to show your anger at Gov. Blagojevich’s goofiness than to vote for a Constitutional Convention in the hopes that his bizarre wings will be clipped? He personalizes this issue for voters in a way that just wasn’t the case the last time this came up. Twenty years ago, there was no uproar about an out of control governor, or a dysfunctional General Assembly. And, there was still hope among the punditry and the political elite that school funding reform and a whole host of other issues could be resolved. There has been nothing done on any of that since then. They haven’t even been touched. There is no longer any hope of progress with our current system and our current actors. Three things will kill this off… 1) The powers that be learn to behave themselves this year and voters calm down; 2) A deep recession scares the daylights out of people and their fear gets the better of them; 3) Gov. Blagojevich embraces the idea as his own and voters naturally recoil. * John Bambenek has more. Thoughts?
Governor: “I vetoed the tax hike” *** UPDATED X1 ***
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I wondered how long it would take before he used this line…
* Yep. He vetoed the tax increase for mass transit. That’s the line we’re gonna here for the next three years. “I didn’t sign it, I vetoed it.” And reporters will eventually give up because Rod Blagojevich was born on message. He’ll say it over and over until even he believes it [if he doesn’t already] and then will spend millions on TV ads with the same message. “I vetoed the tax hike.” Never mind that he officially certified the tax increase bill and with that certification he made the tax increase the law of the land. He won’t admit that, you see, because tax hikes are wrong…
Raising taxes is “the worst thing you can do” except when it isn’t. Or something. Whatever. * And what about adding “more burdens” on people? Here’s more of what the governor said yesterday…
* Um, maybe the next time the governor goes on one of his statewide jaunts, he can visit Jacksonville…
No burdens added to any seniors there. Just a bunch of old people who will no longer have a place to live because your administration can’t manage a budget. Thanks, Rod, for saving so many seniors from “unnecessary burdens.” You’re the best. Smooches. * PS: That’s a nifty new website you got there, bub. * PSS: Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Nice rhymes…
* More stuff, compiled by Paul…
*** UPDATE *** From the governor’s remarks in Peoria yesterday…
Oy. Listen to the full statement here.
Morning shorts
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Flash from the past: Rezko indictment: The ABCs * Toymaker fights state recall
* Honeymoon Is Over At Tribune * Illinois Supreme Court justice returning most of her campaign donations, more here * She Brakes for Ideology
* Legends lost * Giuliani to speak at DuPage County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner * Latino voters making their voices heard * Schakowsky co-sponsors bill to end U.S. horse slaughter abroad * Sawyer led to Daley II’s long reign * Park Board debates bus subsidies * ISRA & Cabellas fight Suffredin * Several Latino leaders endorse Suffredin for state’s attorney * Brookins, Alvarez get endorsements in race to replace Devine * Recorder’s contest attracts challenger * Illinois towns eligible for funding in emerald ash borer fight * Kiyoshi Martinez: Elephant Man
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Full Poll Results; Martinez; Madigan; Granberg; Voting; Schmitz; Krause; Peterson; Lindner; Meyer; Bradley (Use all caps in password)
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller