Reluctant mushrooms want sweeteners
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The city council mushrooms are grumbling about the real estate transfer tax increse that they have to approve as part of the mass transit bailout bill. The General Assembly made the tax hike “permissive” - meaning the onus on passing the thing fell to the council. That seems fair to me, but aldermen, like any politician, are upset that the ball is now in their court…
On Monday, Finance Committee members vented their anger — by temporarily derailing the increase and attaching a few strings.
Before they could agree to raising the tax from $7.50 to $10.50 per $1,000 of sale price, aldermen demanded that senior citizen home buyers would have to be exempt from the increase — and that active members of the military and disabled veterans join seniors in riding the CTA for free.
* And then there was this…
Alderman Walter Burnett says minority firms should get half the investment work [for the CTA pension fund].
“This is beneficial to have the CTA, but it’s also beneficial to our community to have a piece of the pie. We have to have a part of it and employ people, so it’s two-fold for a lot of us and it’s out duty to make sure people get their fair share.”
* Added Ald. Ed Burke…
CTA pension fund trustees are “going to have to understand they need to be sensitive to doing business with local money managers, with minorities and women.” […]
Burke added that only six of 43 investment management companies are minority-owned firms and that 16 of 43 are Chicago-based concerns.
* However, as always, they’ll probably just do what they’re told…
The committee will reconvene Wednesday morning and, despite the gripes, is expected to advance the tax increase measure in time for fast-track consideration by the full council, which is scheduled to meet immediately afterward.
“This is one of those votes I think a lot of us will make, holding our noses,” said Ald. Isaac Carothers (29th). “If this doesn’t happen, you are not going to have buses.”
* The most interesting thing about yesterday’s Finance Committee debate was that it was held the day before primary day.
So, some voters who saw the stories last night on TV or today in the papers may take out their anger over another tax hike on any incumbents today. It may not amount to many people, but if there are close races it could make things interesting.
* This idea, from CTA Tattler, is pretty silly, however…
if you live in the 14th Senate District on the Far South Side of Chicago, you should not vote for Senate President Emil Jones. He did the governor’s bidding throughout this mess, and refused to call for votes in the Senate some House-supported transit bills that Rep. Julie Hamos got passed.
If you live in the 22nd House District, House Speaker Michael Madigan is your representative. His feuding with Blago prolonged the “Doomsday” crisis, though he did work with Hamos to get bills passed.
Neither Madigan nor Jones has a primary opponent today. It’s pretty easy to check that out.
* Related…
* No such thing as free rides — ask home buyers
- JohnnyUSA - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 10:10 am:
Honestly - do we even care what ‘mushrooms’ think?
There is a reason we call them ‘mushrooms’ - they aren’t important at all.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 11:26 am:
Okay, I am tired of seniors getting everything for free! They are some of the most demanding people, but demand everything come at a discount. Free transit, free medical care, discounts at Denny’s, AARP rates, lower RE taxes!
- Anon - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:38 pm:
Hey Alderman Burnett have you been updating your fundraising list? Make sure John Rodgers gets an invite after that comment.