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This just in…

Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 3:42 pm - The beginning of a comeback? From an e-mail just blasted out by the City Club…

The City Club of Chicago welcomes Paul G. Vallas on Monday, April 28, 2008 for a Public Policy Luncheon.

Register for the event by clicking here.

* 3:48 pm - The Illinois Green Party is alleging foul play. From a press release…

Voters who hoped to participate in the Illinois’ first ever statewide Green Party primary are receiving a very rude reception at many polling places, especially in Chicago.

In the early hours of voting, Green Party officials began receiving reports from frustrated voters across the state who, in many cases, had been told by pollworkers that there are no Green Party ballots available at their polling places, or that they had to vote on suspect electronic voting machines, even while other parties use paper ballots.

Some of the most outrageous incidents, however, occurred across the wards of Chicago, where Green Party ballots have been apparently tampered with so they can’t be read and accepted by voting machines, voters are given Democratic ballots despite requesting Green ballots.

* 4:00 pm - A couple of 42nd Ward election judges got into a brawl today

An election judge was charged with battery Tuesday morning after punching another judge at a 42nd Ward West Loop polling place, according to Chicago police.

The female judges, whose party affiliations were not immediately known, were quarreling over “procedures” when one punched the other in the face, said Central District Capt. Joseph Vaclavik.

The judge who was punched, believed to be in her mid-50s, was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for evaluation, Vaclavik said. The other, in her late 30s, whose name was not released, was charged with misdemeanor battery, Vaclavik said. He could not elaborate on the procedural matter that sparked the fight.

The brawl between the twojudges was the culmination of a clash that had been raging for years, fellow poll workers said.

* 4:02 pm - Aaron Chambers is at the Hyatt waiting for the Obama party to begin

Obama is not expected to begin speaking for seven more hours, but already several hundred people are flowing through and around the grand ballroom, in the hotel’s basement, where Obama will stage his event.

The crowd appears to be roughly divided between media and security. Yes, there are a couple hundred reporters, producers, etc., but there are just as many security personnel — secret service, Chicago police (uniformed and in plain clothes), and even officers wearing TSA (Transportation Security Administration) uniforms.

* 4:29 pm - Just a reminder from Emily’s List…

The [Democratic] primaries and caucuses thus far have seen from a 3-4% increase in the share of the electorate that is female. Turnout has been exceptionally high with women making up 57% to 60% of the electorate.

* 4:45 pm -
Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area President and CEO, Steve Trombley writes about those Barack Obama “Present” votes and Illinois NOW’s harsh criticism of him during the current campaign…

During his time as a state senator, no major pro-choice organization questioned Obama’s present votes. Instead, Obama received endorsements from Personal PAC, NARAL of Illinois PAC, the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council, and, YES, EVEN Illinois NOW.

That’s right! Illinois NOW endorsed Barack Obama in his elections in 1998 and 2002 AFTER he voted “present” on several bills. As Illinois NOW officials have stated, they were aware of the “present” vote strategy, and they still endorsed him. They also endorsed several other prominent Illinois politicians who voted the same way.

It is only after years have past that Illinois NOW has changed its mind. Apparently, these days they don’t agree with the strategy that they originally endorsed.


  1. - City Club? - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 3:56 pm:

    If I were making a political comeback, the City Club of Chicago is EXACTLY where I would start. Non-partisan format, quality programming with a great tradition, and Paul Green to boot. I think this event has been announced for awhile though.

  2. - BigDog - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:06 pm:

    If Paul Vallas wants to be this state’s next governor, he can virtually walk backwards into the mansion next election. The question is, does he want to clean up the mess that will be left at that point?

  3. - Huckleberry - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:06 pm:

    If I was a Dem from Chicago, I’d be worried about the Green Party too. But I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation. The Dems in Chicago wouldn’t go so far as keeping the Greenies from voting, would they?

  4. - anon - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:32 pm:

    I had read that Vallas is living in Illinois and commuting to New Orleans to create a new district. Two weeks ago there was an editorial in the Peoria Journal Star about him helping advise their school district at the request of Mayor Ardis, and now the City Club?
    Someone should tell “Governor Comidus” that “Maximus” is alive and well.

  5. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:47 pm:

    Cat fight in 42. LOL.

  6. - Patrick Kelly, ILGP Media Coordinator - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:52 pm:

    We’ve been getting more and more reports as the day goes on. Someone from Libertyville, a first time voter, said that the pollworker told her there was no Green primary because all the presidential candidates dropped out. Unbelieveable.

    One thing is clear, these are not isolated incidents. In polling place after polling place, Green voters are finding ballots hidden away, not taken out of the box, not offered, and even tampered with. Poll workers are under-educated about the primary, and are spreading misinformation to voters. In Chicago pollworkers are giving out Democratic ballots when voters ask for Green Party ballots.

    The GOP and Dems, who shape the election code, force us to use this primary system to select our candidates, and now they’re not letting us cast our vote?

    There should be an investigation of this widespread fraud.

  7. - the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:53 pm:

    Well let’s add one more item to the NOW hypocrisy: among the votes that now bother NOW are Obama’s “present” votes on the three bills often referred to as the “born alive” bills. But the US Senate passed virtually identical legislation by unanimous consent while Clinton was a Senator.

    In other words, voting a “present” vote that makes it harder to pass a bill is bad; but agreeing to pass a bill without even a roll call is OK.

    In addition, one of the big arguments used by the pro-lifers in favor of the “born alive” bills was that even pro-choice Senators like Clinton supported the federal version.

    I don’t know what’s behind NOW’s animosity towards Obama, but it sure isn’t based on the present votes.

  8. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 4:58 pm:

    Trombley said, “It is only after years have past that Illinois NOW has changed its mind. Apparently, these days they don’t agree with the strategy that they originally endorsed.”

    Well, that and Hillary is running for that same nomination. (NOW has endorsed HRC.)

    PS: There’s your answer The Other Anonymous

  9. - 43rd wardo - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:01 pm:

    Vallas for gov in 2010 sounds like a plan! That’s what Periaca was referring to when he mentioed “voters remorse” last year.

    We need an outsider who won’t be a Madigan/Jones pooch.

    One questions for Rich - what will the Greeks do if Vallas and Alexi G both want this job?

  10. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:34 pm:


    Is Paul Vallas returning to head Illinois NOW?

    – SCAM

  11. - The Patriarch - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:49 pm:

    43rd wardo

    Giannoulias vs Vallas is an easy choice for the Greek Community. Giannoulias is twice as popular and prominent in the community after one year than Paul ever was at his height. Vallas may be playing the role Bakalis played in the 2002 gubernatorial

  12. - Rep. Ed Sullivan - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:50 pm:

    Patrick Kelly: ILGP

    I represent Libertyville. The county clerk in Lake County is a woman named Willard Helander. By any standard out there Willard is the most honest, hardworking clerk in the business. You need to have actual facts of “widespread Fraud” before you make defamatory comments like these.

    By the way, politically speaking, Willard is a Republican. Libertyville is very Republican. If there was going to be wide spread fraud in that area it certainly would not be the clerk trying to keep Greens from voting!

    Rep. Ed Sullivan

  13. - rinskee skee - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:54 pm:

    Vallas? Really? How’s he going to get here? A boat up the Mississippi? The guy had his chance. He should let the new blood duke it out for the throne.

  14. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:55 pm:

    As a Green Party pollwatcher, I have so far visited about 20 polling places in Will County. About 1/3 were simply asking voters to declare their party preference, about 1/3 were offering all three ballots, but about 1/3 were only offering Democratic and Republican ballots. I asked election judges to either equally offer all three ballots or simply ask the voters to declare their party preference–without specifically mentioning any of the possible options. About 50% decided to mention all three, while about 50% decided to simply ask for a declaration of party preference (i.e. not mention any specifically.)

    This is absolutely inexcusable. The Illinois Green Party very specifically sent a letter to all 110 election authorities in Illinois, asking that Election Judges be reminded to have available and equally offer all three ballots.

    Tell me again why it is that Democrats and Republicans are maintaining an election law that PREVENTS the Green Party from appointing Election Judges? How about a little democracy, huh?

  15. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 5:56 pm:

    Vallas should stick with what he knows and what he’s good at - and running for Governor is not on of those things.

    43rd wardo - Good question. I would say Alexi G takes - but I always root for the hard-working youngbloods.

    anon 4:32 - Is he really commuting? I thought he was afraid to fly. And if he is commuting, I hope Recovery is still getting what they paid for.

  16. - Zeleni - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:28 pm:

    I’m disturbed at the levity of some of the comments regarding voter integrity in the Green primary. Although there is not proof of systemic concerted fraud, Green voters are absolutely being treated with disrespect, disinformation, and dishonesty in several precincts across Illinois. The degree of which this occurs varies, but I am not at all satisfied with the way the Green primary has been handled. I believe a lot of comes down to education, incompetence, and individual election judges. Rich has reported widely on election judges incorrectly requesting ID cards. Is it that hard fetched that Republican and Democratic election judges would fail to adequately offer Green ballots?

    Representative Sullivan: despite your characterization of the Lake County Clerk as the most hard working Clerk (as a Champaign County resident, I’m going to have to dispute that in favor of Mark Shelden) individual election judges may have an incentive and ability to keep Greens from selecting a ballot. I find it extremely troubling that you have no concern that one of your constituents had his vote attempted to be suppressed. Even though he wasn’t trying to vote in your party’s primary, he’s still one of your constituents. You represent Libertyville, not elected Republican officials who reside in Libertyville.

  17. - IllinoisProgressive - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:29 pm:

    I think everyone respects Paul Vallas for the job he did with the Chicago Public Schools. However, he ran a very poor campaign for Governer, despite the overwhelming support of the Greek community and more than a few key endorsements.

    Conversely, Treasurer Giannoulias was able to convince a skeptical Greek community (after Paul’s loss)to support his candidacy even though Madigan and the party worked hard against him. We all know what happened - one of the youngest statewide officers in history, winning by an impressive margin.

    For the Greek community, the future is Alexi Giannoulias.

  18. - cynic - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:38 pm:

    It’s no wonder this state gets the type of “leaders” it does. I worked with Vallas when he was the city’s Revenue Director, and when he was in Springfield as the Director of the Economic and Fiscal Commission and a captain in the Army reserves. Then he went on to become Daley’s Budget Director, then rebuilt 2 major school districts, takes a 50% paycut to try and make something out of the New Orleans mess, gets to the cover of U.S News and World Report as one of America’s 20 Best Leaders, and some clown is going to compare him Bakalis. Nothing against the Treasurer, or any other “leaders” of this state, but let’s try to make sure that the next Governor has a resume of accomplishment, hardwork, independence and integrity, not just one showing that they’ve been elected and can get elected.
    Personally, I hope Vallas doesn’t run and becomes the next Secretary of Education and fully funds No Child Left Behind.

  19. - Rep. Ed Sullivan - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:46 pm:


    My post was in defense of a fine clerk like your clerk in Champaign. Willard will investigate the mater and take the appropriate action. Prior to my post I had already reached out to our county board members to help facilitate an investigation. Clearly no vote should be suppressed. I probably could have stated what actions I had already taken in regard to this matter. The fact remains a spokesman for the Green party should not be cavalier about accusing someone of widespread fraud. Your guy did.

    As for individual election judges you may be correct. An investigation is certainly warranted.

    Rep. Ed Sullivan

  20. - 19 warder - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:46 pm:

    Giannoulias didn’t have to convince the Greek Community, he only had to convince Vallas’s brother to help get this wards support, when no other ward would, Baraak to do commercials and from what I can see in his D2’s, his family to give him $2.2 million to put his and Obama’s face on every tv in the state.

  21. - Leigh - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 6:52 pm:

    Will Blago be on the stage in Chicago with Obama????

  22. - The Patriarch - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 7:06 pm:

    I wonder why Vallas’ brother brother and the 19th ward could not carry Paul to victory?

  23. - Concerned Voter - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 7:21 pm:

    Reply to comments - Libertyville Precinct - Voting judge and their improper input and Representative Sullivan post haste comments.

    I must say as a Lake County republican, and a first hand witness to the incident that was reported in Libertyville. . . I am astonsished that Rep Sullivan would doubt the information that was provided. Step in and take one for a fellow republican. . . but not for a constiuent that represents our impressioned youth about to move into the controlling majority to run the country as we once did. Mind you, Willard, a hard worker, is guided by the law and should have been absolutely clear on the intent of the legislature that passed on the Green Party ballot issues last November. . . It is her job. Sullivan is correct, an investigation is appropriate… I am sure it was not with malice intent. . . but merely an oversight of some sort. Did I say, oversight? Well, yes I did and that doesn’t sit well with a first time voter that will become the voting future to keep Rep. Sullivan in office… I can assure the readers that I was there, I spoke with the staff in a “joking” manner and it was clear that they had preconceved notions about the right for someone to vote “other than democrat or republican.” They were not informed - and were of no console to the young voter. Yes, clearly an investigation is appropriate, hmmm, better planning and dissemination of information might just be a better preemptive strategy.

  24. - demforlife - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 7:48 pm:

    Vallas vs. Giannoulias. Are you serious? Vallas couldn’t even win when people knew who he was! Vallas’ time is over, he’s a has-been. Everyone knows that his brother, Dean lost the election for him last time. Is he gonna embarass his whole family again?

  25. - Rep. Ed Sullivan - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 7:54 pm:

    Concerned Voter:

    I think if you read my posts throughout you will come to the conclusion I was concerned about the allegations that were made and acted on those concerns. If I would have “doubted the allegations” I would have continued with my night enjoying the election coverage and playing with my newborn daughter while waiting for the snow to arrive. My original post was that an official with an established party was making allegations of “widespread fraud”.

    I am glad you have come forward with the fact that you were a first hand witness. Please contact my office tomorrow. Together we can make sure either the Clerks office or the States Attorneys office is given a statement. Actions by any person associated with the election process like the ones mentioned here should not be tolerated and furthermore should be prosecuted if any laws were broken.

    Rep. Ed Sullivan

  26. - Dude Love - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 7:56 pm:

    Kudos to Madigan…
    He starts seeing Giannoulias for Governor sentiment gets some traction, he recruits a very obvious plant… Try to divide Giannoulias’ Greek base, hurt the Governor on education, and maybe divide independents with a candidate that maybe gets 5% of the vote.

    The surprising thing is why a smart guy like Vallas would fall for this and effectively end his future influence in politics (a la the aforementioned Mike Bakalis) rather than make a play for Secretary of Education or make some money…

  27. - michaelk - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 8:03 pm:

    Let’s see:
    1.Alexi: rich, loved throughout the state, Obama protege, future is super-super bright. Everyone is talking about him.
    2. Paul: old, doesn’t even live here, afraid to fly, and has the personality of my wall. I agree- this is an OBVIOUS Madigan plant: take Greek money away from the rising star even though the guy probably has no intention to even run. (His brother wants it so bad, why doesn’t HE run?

  28. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 8:44 pm:

    The TSA at Obama’s rally? Chambers, better have those nailclippers properly stowed or you’ll be off to the slammer!

  29. - Husky - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 9:05 pm:

    Vallas was speaking at a seminar at NIU in DeKalb last week also. He was well received and warmly welcomed. We should not count him out.

  30. - California - Tuesday, Feb 5, 08 @ 10:28 pm:

    Alexi has some time to grow and mature in both politics and life before assuming a position that manages thousands of workers, a $55 billion budget and the lives of 12 million people.

  31. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Feb 6, 08 @ 1:18 am:

    I’m very pleased to see that Representative Sullivan supports an investigation into alleged incidents of fraud. I think that there are several very clear examples of intentional suppression. Some of those accounts are documented here with many more to come in the near future.

  32. - Let's get serious - Wednesday, Feb 6, 08 @ 2:04 am:

    Forget about the Vallas vs Giannoulias banter. What Vallas backers have to start considering is whether he could beat either Blagojevich or Madigan.

    After watching Blago just smash Topinka with unbelievable commercials, can you imagine what he could do with Vallas — “He also leaves Philadelphia with a $73 million budget shortfall and thousands of students still struggling to read and do math proficiently; his chief of staff in New Orleans quit. Now he wants to run your schools. What’s he thinking?”

    Maybe they can get the guys who did the Deratany commercials to get a cute one on the air about how Vallas would take off his shoes and socks off in meetings and pick things out from between his toes.

    And can he match up against Madigan? If he ran against her would he get the endorsement of the party? NO. The endorsement of organized labor? NO. The female vote? NO. African-Americans? There is no reason to believe he could beat Lisa, the Governor, Alexi or anybody else on that front.

    Besides his brother and the 19th ward, I’m not sure what he believes his base is. And the last I checked, the 19th Ward backed Bob Milan for State’s Attorney and his brother co-chaired Jerry Bennet’s campaign for Congress.

    Let’s not entertain flights of fancy because he’s doing a speech at the City Club. Arne Duncan did one a couple of months ago, and if Obama wins, Duncan is positioned to be a bigger player in politics than Vallas could ever be.

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