* 11:30 am - I was told yesterday - and then promptly forgot - that the Senate would take up a “trailer bill” for the mass transit bailout today. What I got yesterday is that there would be no attempt to reduce or expand the governor’s amendatory veto to give all seniors free rides on public transit systems statewide.
The Senate is in session now. You can listen or watch here.
***UPDATE *** My bad. The bill, SB 1920, passed out of committee this morning. Here’s the synopsis…
Provides that the County Boards of DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties must report annually to the General Assembly and the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability certain information regarding moneys received from a retailers’ occupation tax and a service occupation tax imposed by the Regional Transportation Authority.
*** 11:46 am *** Chicago Reporter has a very interesting take on the Cook County State’s Attorney race. First, some bullet points from the press release announcing the story…
* [Anita] Alvarez was the top vote getter in 23 of Cook County’s 80 wards and townships, slightly more than Chicago 38th Ward Alderman Tom Allen and 21st Ward Alderman Howard B. Brookins Jr., who each captured 21 county wards and townships.
* In addition to winning the city’s 11 majority-Latino wards and the heavily Latino townships of Berwyn and Cicero, Alvarez also won two majority-white wards and six majority-white townships, including Schaumburg and Barrington, where Latinos make up less than 10 percent of the population.
* Even where she didn’t finish first, Alvarez finished strong in most places. She received at least 20 percent of the vote in 62 of the county’s 80 wards and townships. By contrast, Allen, Alvarez’s closest competitor, received more than 20 percent of the vote in 51 wards and townships.
* The publication also looked at the African-American vote and came up with this…
[Congressman] Jackson’s backing of third-place finisher, Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin, who is white, and the presence of defense lawyer Tommy H. Brewer, an African American, may have diverted votes that might have otherwise gone to Brookins, the leading African American candidate in the race. […]
Suffredin and Brewer received a combined total of more than 62,000 votes in Chicago’s 20 black wards and an additional 33,145 in the six suburban townships with a significant black presence. Brookins received a total of 171,263 votes, or about 71,500 less than Alvarez.
Brookins’ campaign had no traction outside of black wards and townships with a large black presence; he received 90 percent of his votes from those areas. But he garnered less than 5 percent of the votes in more than half of the 80 wards and townships in the county.
Suffredin also captured the 2nd and 27th wards, two predominantly black wards.
Go read the whole thing.
* 12:30 pm - The House is in session. Listen or watch here.
*** 12:45 pm *** No resolution yet on moment of silence law…
An Illinois House committee deadlocked today on whether to remove the word “prayer” from the title of a law requiring schools to observe a moment of silence each morning.
The law’s formal name is “The Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act,” but supporters say that name has triggered a lawsuit. They say the moment of silence is about a brief period of peace and quiet — not prayer.
The proposal to rename the law failed on a 10 to 10 tie in a House education committee.
Other legislators want the law changed more dramatically, so that schools could choose whether or not to observe a moment of silence.
*** 1:19 pm *** Chicago schools chief says his system needs $180 million from the state…
Chicago Public Schools officials said Thursday they need an additional $180 million in state aid to balance the fiscal 2009 budget. But they stopped short of threatening to shut schools, lay off teachers or take other severe steps if the money doesn’t arrive.
In a news conference that provided the first peek at finances for fiscal 2009, which starts in September, schools CEO Arne Duncan said the system faces a hole of $340 million in its $5-billion budget — mostly due to rising costs, but also because of a few new spending initiatives. […]
Chicago schools got an additional $130 million in state aid last year. The city system generally gets about 20% of the state’s school dollar, so boosting Chicago aid by $180 million would imply a $900-million increase statewide, an unlikely figure without some major new state revenue source.
*** 1:35 pm *** What about talking truthfully to legislators, voters, contributors, etc.? [/snark]
Illinois Director of Public Health Dr. Damon Arnold read a proclamation on behalf of Gov. Blagojevich. He implored parents to “talk truthfully” to their children. “Make sure they know that in every sexual encounter there’s a possibility that you can die. When you decide to have unprotected sex, you are putting a loaded gun to your head,” he said.
*** 2:23 pm *** Subscribers read about this in detail this morning, and now the AP has a brief online…
House Speaker Michael Madigan is stepping up his fight with Governor Rod Blagojevich by trying to strip some of the governor’s executive power.
Legislators bickered at length on the House floor today over a new requirement for legislation pushed by Madigan.
He is requiring most bills to include language that bars the governor or his agencies from using administrative rules to implement state programs and services.
Instead, House Democrats want those kinds of instructions to be included in bills lawmakers vote on.
*** 2:36 pm *** Chris Lauzen will apparently not be extending an olive branch to Jim Oberweis, unless it’s to thrash him. Ouch.
- Law & Order - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 12:37 pm:
Given the statements by many ( but Suffredin, and Allen especially) in the after-math of the election, it sheds great light on their hypocrisy durng the election, as they demonized her throughout the contest, and expecially at the end. Jackson’s is guilty by association as well by his silence.
Allen went right back to raising taxes in the Cty Council after the election, and I am sure Suffredin will likely do the same here when the “compromise” Cook County budget is voted upon. That is assuming that he doesn’t duck the vote again due to a real or imagined conflict with one of his lobbying clients.
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 12:43 pm:
Never underestimate the “Clean Sheehan Machine” especially in the 13th and 11th.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 12:47 pm:
So, was Skinny pushing Hillary too?
- GoBearsss - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 12:49 pm:
“Other legislators want the law changed more dramatically, so that schools could choose whether or not to observe a moment of silence.”
You mean - put it back how it was?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 12:49 pm:
lol. Good point.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:01 pm:
Go Bearss — You stole my line.
This is what comes of legislative micromanagement.
- fedup dem - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:11 pm:
it should be noted that since the 200 Census was taken nearly eight years ago, there has been massive population shifts in Chicago’s 2nd Ward (and to a lesser extent in the adjacent 27th Ward). Thousands of African-american residents have been moved out of the 2nd Ward, as the public housing projects in the ward were larely torn down, while thousands of upper-income housing units (predominatly white) were built there. The Second Ward is no longer an African-American ward, and the 27th is tipping in that direction as well.
- Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:14 pm:
Is there any research that supports a moment of silence furthering a legitimate public policy objective?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:15 pm:
I think the 2nd is about 50-50 or so. Not a super-majority, but still lots of African-American voters. So, your point about the Chicago Reporter article is well-taken, but it’s not a solidly white ward yet.
- chiatty - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:20 pm:
- Law & Order - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 12:37 pm:
Given the statements by many ( but Suffredin, and Allen especially) in the after-math of the election, it sheds great light on their hypocrisy durng the election, as they demonized her throughout the contest, and expecially at the end.
Are you suggesting that these politicians were/are being less than honest? I’m shocked and offended! On a related note, isn’t it just hilarious to see how shocked the congressmen were at yesterday’s Clemens/McNamee hearings? For people who could practically patent pettifoggery, it was quite a sight.
Now, back on the Alvarez issue. I’ve said repeatedly that I’m happy a prosecutor won. I just wish it was the other prosecutor, but I don’t want to whine over spilled milk. The truth is that Allen and Suffredin were absolutely bs’ing the voters when they claimed that the office was either “on life support” (Allen) or badly in need of “reform” (Suffredin). This was simply classic misleading negative advertising by two pols who belong in their current offices.
- Rep. John Fritchey - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:23 pm:
Carl et al,
Take a look at HB4180. I’ll try to move it, health permitting. It makes the law permissive again, takes the prayer references out, and cleans up some other aspects of it. In a perfect world, we don’t need the legislation at all, but I want to try to at least undo some of the damage that was done last session (over my objections).
- chiatty - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:23 pm:
One other thing: the Chicago Reporter’s analysis on the dividing up of the black vote doesn’t surprise me. If Jr. didn’t endorse Suffredin, Tom Allen would be the nominee. Same is true of Milan, if he didn’t run, Allen would have won. AA was in the right place at the right time. Many political stories begin with that line in the opening paragraph.
- Rep. John Fritchey - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:24 pm:
Meant to say I’ll try to move it next week …
- hal - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:25 pm:
If the “sheehan machine” (sic) was behind Alvarez, why did she finish 4th in the 19th Ward?
By the way, unless I’m mistaken, 19 was the only “machine” wards where both the endorsed State’s Attorney (Allen) and presidential (Obama)candidates won.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:27 pm:
hal, there was no slated candidate for SA.
- Amy - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:36 pm:
i keep hearing this Skinny story. what is the substance behind the story? or are the boys
just trying to claim some credit? Alvarez did
hire Sally Daly, so did she do a good job of hiring
related help? doesn’t that mean Anita knows what she is doing and she gets the credit?
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:42 pm:
Maybe each time the Gov. or one of his people speak, they should start with a moment of silence. That would be the one moment were nothing false or misleading was said.
- RMW Stanford - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 1:56 pm:
“Make sure they know that in every sexual encounter there’s a possibility that you can die. When you decide to have unprotected sex, you are putting a loaded gun to your head,”
That is so silly regardless of whether or not it is technically true most kids are gong to find it silly if they are talked to in anything similar to that and will just ignore it. Parents need to talk truthfully to their kids about sex, but that also means being honest and taking things to the point that them seem silly and are going to lead to kids ignoring them. Be honest tell the kid that the odds of them getting something serious might be relatively small, but the cost of if it happen is high, death, serve illness, ect, and that why they should be careful. Not this stupid load gun crap or if you have unprotected sex your going to die.
- Garp - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 2:00 pm:
I can’t wait for Allen to announce he is running for the job of Assessor. It is, after all, the 38th wards job. Hooligan made a big mistake. Besides, the Assessor job is a better fit for Allen than SA.
Every time I type Houlihan my insightful spell checker changes it to Hooligan.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 2:53 pm:
“Illinois Director of Public Health Dr. Damon Arnold read a proclamation on behalf of Gov. Blagojevich. He implored parents to “talk truthfully” to their children. “Make sure they know that in every sexual encounter there’s a possibility that you can die. When you decide to have unprotected sex, you are putting a loaded gun to your head,” he said.”
- OneManBlog - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 3:20 pm:
In a further announcement Dr. Arnold implored parents to “talk honestly” about what can happen when they talk to someone in the administration
“Make sure they know that in every conversation someone may be wearing a wire, that just one single conversation may make you subject to a supena that we will not admit exists because of super secret double probation evidence”
- dumb ol' country boy - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 3:23 pm:
I don’t think I need the government to tell me how to talk with my children…Gosh I cannot take anymore of this micro-governing, like we the people of this great state are stupid…….. well maybe we do have our moments… we did relect and re-elect this toad.
- Levois - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 3:26 pm:
Please don’t tell me that the CPS is going to follow the CTA doomsday meme!
- dumb ol' country boy - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 3:31 pm:
Japan’s Kyodo news agency first reported the meeting Thursday, with a story headlined, “Chicago seen to violate ethics code on Olympics bids.”
The rest of the world needs to understand this is how we do it in Chi-Town…. Deal with it!
- GoBearsss - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 3:46 pm:
School shooting at NIU. Breaking story. Multiple students shot.
- Bill - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 3:56 pm:
The 19th ward regular dems endorsed Allen. That trumps anything the Comgressman or Sheehan could do. In the 11th the Daleys have always been in Clintons camp. Maybe they still really are. And we all know about the 13th.
Amy, chill with the defensive sexism. Anita deserves all the credit for her win. That doesn’t mean that she didn’t have help.
- hal - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 4:24 pm:
Rich, point of clarification.
Notice I didn’t say “slated.” I said “endorsed”, meaning endorsed by the individual ward committeeman. In other words, I think Matt O’Shea was the only “machine” committeeman to carry the candidate he endorsed in both the SA and Prez race.
- Whatever ROD! - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 4:31 pm:
Illinois Director of Public Health Dr. Damon Arnold read a proclamation on behalf of Gov. Blagojevich. He implored parents to “talk truthfully” to their children.
Now that’s a hoot, First Blago needs to learn how to talk truthfully to the adults and all the legislatures, media and Patrick Fitzgerald.
- ice phisher - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 4:47 pm:
Senator Lauzen and the extreme right GOPers will drive the party further into insignificance with this constant rhetoric against anyone and anything that doesn’t agree with their extreme views. Chris maybe you should spend some time in Springield attempting to accomplish something that helps your district.
- GOPer - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 5:19 pm:
If Oberweis expected Lauzen’s “unification” in the general, he shouldn’t have run such a dishonorable, sleazy campaign.
How one wins does matter. Geo-Karis could have testified on this subject.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 5:44 pm:
Madigan’s maneuver is the equivalent of a kid saying I’m gonna hold my breath until you do what I want you to. Virtually every law the legislature passes requires some rules to implement. If the House doesn’t want any of there bills actually implemented, then put in a “no rules” clause.
- Acutally - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 5:49 pm:
Your statement shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation that has been created by the GOVERNOR. For decades, the GA and the Governor had been able to work together like adults to implement rules for laws and programs.
The only child in this scenario is the Governor who has repeatedly shown an inability to work within the process.
JCAR, Amendatory Vetos, etc., he just doesn’t get it.
Maybe a little time in the bottom bunk will let him see the light.
- IncrediblyDumberThanYouThink - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 6:15 pm:
Actully Madigan wants us to be more powerful, but the Blaggodiot Machine will need to work harder — ouch.
We may need to learn about state government, come to work, tell the directors to stay in SPI.
Yikes, we are sweating already. Let’s just ignore everything. Bills, rules, courts, police, FBI, DOJ.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 6:15 pm:
I think it’s just an Aurora chutzpah thing. Mayor Weisner had a political fundraiser at his and the Mrs.’ wedding anniversary. Why can’t Lauzen have a fundraiser at his losing the election party?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 6:17 pm:
Hey, acutally. I didn’t say the Governor was right! (although I do think the change in 2004 or 2005 that gave JCAR the power to block, as opposed to delay, rules is unconstitutional) I just said that Madigan’s response will be ineffective, like a kid holding his breath. Think about it - legislators pass laws to accomplish something (usually). If the law can’t really be implemented without rules, and the legislators pass the law with a provision that says - no rules - then they’ve only shot themselves in the foot. Unless it’s a bill that the Governor himself wants, what does he care if the no rules provision is included?
- gone too far - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 7:21 pm:
Madigan has gone too far. There are times when executive state agencies must spell out how a statute will be implemented. I believe in separation of power. If the legislature wants to limit executive discretion, then put more details into the legislation. Get it right the first time.
- NoGiftsPlease - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 8:53 pm:
That’s what I call giving our youngsters a healthy attitude about sex! No wonder our children are suffering from high rates of depression.
- Loop Lady - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 10:47 pm:
Gosh Amy, could a woman actually be politically savvy on her own? Who would have thunk it?
I am hesitant to think it would take much to out maneuever the Boys Club, what say you?
- Ivote - Thursday, Feb 14, 08 @ 11:53 pm:
There’s so much that can be said about Senator Chris Lauzen–ALL of it bad, as far as I can tell. At least now that he’s in the “can’t get over losing to Oberweis” he will FINALLY be over losing to Dan Hynes in the Comptroller race. (It took him forever to get over that!) Lauzen is just a very poor loser–can’t begin to fathom why anyone would disagree with HIM! Unfortunately, now he’ll be staying in Springfield and being ineffective here, rather than going to Washington and being ineffective there.
- Undercover - Friday, Feb 15, 08 @ 7:20 am:
Why in the world would Lauzen endorse Oberweis? Oberweis is NOT a popular politician out that way and Lauzen has never really gone with the program.
The fact is, Hastert did his party a disservice when he refused to get behind the more credible candidate because of personal differences. Democrats hate Lauzen, but they’re smaller in number by far in that district. Pretty much everyone knows that Oberweis is a nutty perennial candidate who will just spend loads of cash. The again, maybe that’s why Hastert got behind him. The NRCC isn’t exactly flush with cash these days.
Anyway, Democrats couldn’t possibly be happier to be running a guy like Bill Foster against a guy like Oberweis.
- Amy - Friday, Feb 15, 08 @ 7:57 am:
Loop Lady:
Bill: oh, right, cause there is so little sexism in politics. and, one hires the help.
- Lance Stevens - Friday, Feb 15, 08 @ 8:08 am:
I guess bad loser Lauzen forgot about all those negative pieces he sent out on Oberweis? Why would Hastert, (who by the way, was the Speaker of the US House) endorse Lauzen when Lauzen did nothing but badmouth him around his district for years?
- T.J. - Saturday, Feb 16, 08 @ 3:14 am:
Lauzen will be missed, but maybe only by himself.
Pingback WurfWhile » Blog Archive » GOP’s Chris Lauzen Still Fundraising In IL-14th For…Chris Lauzen - Monday, Feb 18, 08 @ 11:53 pm:
[…] [Hat tip Rich on the fundraising letter, and brownsox on the Beacon News story.] […]