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Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 21, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias let loose on Gov. Blagojevich yesterday…

“Last year, there was a compete lack of leadership,” Giannoulias said outside the House chamber after the speech. “We see (U.S. Sen.) BARACK OBAMA, who’s traveling the country and he’s uniting people regardless of background and party. And here, we have a guy who is dividing his own party. … He’s the anti-Obama.” […]

“He caused conflicts, even within his own party. He didn’t get along with people. Nothing got done. There’s a poisonous atmosphere here in Illinois, and I’m hoping that that changes this year, but I haven’t seen anything yet to show that that’s going to happen.” […]

“You’re the leader, the buck stops here,” the treasurer said. “He’s not fully to blame for all this, but at the end of the day, you have to be an example-setter. Being governor is not easy.”

* Asked if he was running for something, Giannoulias replied…

“Nah … It’s just frustrating to see our own Illinois senator out there making people feel so good about themselves, and here in Illinois, we have someone who has shown no leadership.

* Question: What do you think are the odds that Giannoulias might run for governor in 2010? Could he win? Explain.


  1. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:01 am:

    Yes, it sounds like he’s running. Could he win? I’ve learned to say, “Never say never” when it comes to statewide elections here.

  2. - Moderate REpub - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:03 am:

    SoS first (when Jesse retires in 2010). Then maybe Gov after that.

  3. - In the Land of Silos and Cows... - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:05 am:

    On one hand, “why not”, he ran against Madigan’s wishes once and …and on the other hand, He will be actually running against Madigan and MJM by proxy. He should hope Obama wins, push for Hynes to get the appointment to DC and then be the “champion of unification” of the comptroller and treasurer offices, and run all the cash for Illinois until Lisa is done living in the Mansion.

  4. - Ilrino - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:05 am:

    With Lisa sounding more and more like she’s not going to run, you’ve got to include Alexi, Dan Hynes and maybe Paul Vallas as leading candidates.

  5. - Las Vegas Kid - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:05 am:

    Lets not get carried away with Alexi-mania. I agree, SOS then maybe after Lisa moves on. I will say this he is voicing the frustration that allot of Dems have but are afraid to come out and say publicly.

  6. - Levois - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    That would mean he would run after 1 term as state treasurer. I don’t know whether or not he should just wait his turn or he should just go for it. So I can’t give you any odds.

  7. - Cal Skinner - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    At his age, what does he have to lose?

  8. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:12 am:

    I say the odds are pretty damn good that he runs. He’s not beholden to anyone so he can pretty much do what he likes and self-fund. Plus he’s been a pro-active Treasurer who has done a lot in that office - so he has a good record to stand on. Although the Speaker will undoubtedly try to bring him down (and any other candidate that isn’t his fav).

    The 2010 race could be as exciting as the 2008 presidential race. I’ll go out on a limb now and say Alexi runs and wins.

  9. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    Honestly, why would anyone want to be SoS? I think that’s a lateral move that Alexi wouldn’t want to take. He should either stay put or run for gov.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:19 am:

    Ilrino - I think Lisa’s aggressive and successful fundraising is a clear indication that she will run. Also, note her active and heavy involvement in the Obama campaign.

  11. - Crimefighter - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:19 am:

    I don’t think he’s gonna run for governor. Especially if Lisa Madigan is being groomed for a primary challenge.

  12. - 2014 - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    Schock vs. Giannoulias in a battle for the ages

  13. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    > He’s not beholden to anyone

    I’d say he owes a lot to Barack.

  14. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    Impossible to set odds at this point. All predicated on Obama. One thing I would bet on: Blago won’t be able to raise the money to run again because of his expected indictment.

    Does Obama move up? If so, do Lisa/Hynes/Quinn or even Blago himself want a Senate appointment? Does Alex? If Obama wins, I could see Lisa and Alex in a gubernatorial primary, with Hynes getting the Senate seat. Quinn, the odd man out, unless Jesse White retires and he goes for Secretary of State.

    If Obama loses, I think its even money he runs for governor to get his Executive Experience card stamped for another presidential run. Everybody else tries to put.

  15. - N'ville - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:21 am:

    Why would anyone want to be Secretary of State? How about having control over thousands of employees instead of a handful, and having your name on a door in virtually every corner of the state?

  16. - Tom S. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    Let’s see: he’s young, good-looking, has a TON more charisma than anyone else out there, he’s unbelievably rich (his family’s business netted $45 million last year), an Obama protege, and has had as great a first year in office that I’ve ever seen here in Springfield. He’s the real deal and is extremely popular everywhere he goes…

  17. - Cassandra - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    I agree with Bill S. SOS–boring.

    If Obama wins, I say Alexi goes for guv and Lisa
    goes for something national. She has, after all,
    put in more work in the state government trenches than Alexi, DOJ?

    I’m ready to contribute to either’s gubernatorial campaign if the candidate promises to fix the
    awful messes Blago has made of so many state agencies that are supposed to help and protect real people (not under our Blago), including DCFS, Public Health, and DHS. They all need a thorough management housecleaning and a new mission emphasizing quality not jobs-for-Dem-porkers.

  18. - anon - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    Obama is running after being a less than a one term Senator. I wouldn’t rule out Alexi.

  19. - Enemy of the State - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    Blago’s election proved that you don’t need a pronouncable or spellable name to get elected. So Alexi’s only problem is raising enough money. Self funding only isolates a person, remember Senator Fitzgerald? Lisa will bypass Springfield and go to Washington with Obama. She will become the first female POTUS.

  20. - Jon Shibley Fan - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    You know, when he first ran for office, people on this board derided him as too young, too inexperienced…one person even saw fit to use the nickname “he knows Barack” which suggests that person logged on to this blog specifically to back Giannoulias.

    Now the guy is, by all accounts, doing a good job. And he’s showing the kind of leadership, and financial acumen that people called for, and everyone assumes an ulterior motive.

    Anything is possible, but maybe he’s just trying to do his job well.

  21. - Jon Shibley Fan - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    Typo: “to back Giannoulias” should read: “to BASH Giannoulias.”

    Small typo. Huge difference.

  22. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:30 am:

    I find it interesting that after a speech that was generally accepted as non-combatative and olive branchish, and one which elicited policy centric feedback from most legislators interviewed, Alexi lets lose the personal jabs in the way he did. It seems a bit hypocritical on his part.

    Am I wrong here, or were these the right remarks at the wrong time?

  23. - Lets Get Serious - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:30 am:

    He should do it. I still haven’t heard one single idea from Lisa or Hynes as to how they would fix the state’s problems.

    From the time Alexi was a candidate, he was asking the right questions and actually coming up with real ideas. What he has gotten done in one year is unprecedented.

    The State needs someone who presents (a) fresh ideas; (b) has gotten results; (c) inspires the people of Illinois with confidence that he is doing the right thing.

    Right now, only Giannoulias has done this out of the group of alleged contenders. If the next couple of years are anything like the first one –watch out.

  24. - Bluefish - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    Alexi should be able to build upon the same factors that propelled Bobby Jindal to governor in Louisiana - youth, outside the established political structure, strong anti-corruption message in a state famous for corruption and voters clamoring for “change”. Plus the Obama connection. I’d give him fairly good odds (if Obama is not in the ract that is).

  25. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:33 am:

    Oh, so you mean SoS for sketchy, political reasons? You sit back and hope these state employees will function as a ground force for you? What a waste…

    Also, if Alexi is beholden to Obama, that’s not such a bad person to be beholden to. Plus, I don’t think Obama rolls like that. He’s no Madigan/Jones/Jackson/Mell.

  26. - Leroy - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    Wow…bashing Blago and sucking up to Obama.

    This guy is really going out on a political limb, isn’t he?

  27. - Centrino - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    The Honorable Richard Mell already has the Treasurer waiting in the wings for a run against his son-in-law.

  28. - Tom B. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    Can he win, sure. He’s shown himself to be very savvy and he’s built up a ton of goodwill all over the state. Not sure if he’s going to run, but he can and in this day and age of “new leadership and fresh faces,” he has a unique opening.

  29. - RMW Stanford - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    It sounds like he angling for it, it way to early to tell if he if will win of not. A lot can happen before 2010 and it depends on who runs in the primary and in the general election.

  30. - Moving to a Red State - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    I bet that

    (1) He SHOULD run; because
    (2) He WOULD win (and, as I have said before, that’s why I want to move to a red state).

    Let’s see — he ran a tough statewide campaign (both in the primary and general) and won handily both times; he can’t be painted with the schlerosis that Blago and the other democratic family dynasties (yes, that means you Lisa and Dan) are responsible for; his mentor and close political ally will then be the President of the United States; and HE’S DOING HIS JOB.

    Just like McCain would rather run against Hillary, Republicans would rather run against any of these other guys than Giannoulias. We took our best shot at him (with help from Madigan) and whiffed.

  31. - Truthful James - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    SOS is the best springboard for moving to Gov. Name recognition is top notch, The question to be asked is to where is Jesse White going. He has reduced much of the customer faced bureaucratic inefficiebcy at State. He is the best bet for whatever position he wants.

    The Guv slot is to be avoided. Blago is leaving Illinois in worse shape tahn GWB is leaving the White House. The economy will suck through 2010, and the mess will be there to clean up.. Lisa and Alex and Dan and Jesse unless their pants get full of ants would be well adviused — unless running for Federal office — to stay in place.

  32. - dem's - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    i’d vote for him if barack’s not around, lisa should try washington, pat quinn’s definitly out, hynes is comptroller for life, senate seat ? blago appoints jessie jr., he can’t help it.

  33. - Odyssey 2010 - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    Secretary of State? Come on people…

    2010 in Illinois is going to be like 1992 nationally - “It’s the Economy Stupid” - and Giannoulias is best positioned to capitalize of that.

  34. - There He Goes Again - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    No way … too young, too light on experience.
    My money is on Hynes to make the move and to make it successfully.

  35. - Lets Get Serious - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    Hynes –

    That would be a fitting bookend for him. Get beat by Obama I, then get beat by Obama, the Next Generation. . .

  36. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    ===No way … too young, too light on experience.===

    Thanks, Hillary. lol (just kidding)

  37. - Nick - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    It depends on what Lisa wants. I think she wants the Senate seat, but the only way that’s going to happen is if Blago appoints her because he sees her as his main threat in 2010. Alexi, I just can’t see him running for Gov. If Lisa doesn’t want it, Hynes will step up. He’s clearly posturing himself.

  38. - luca brazzi - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Unfortunately, two qualified, capable, individually independent and honest candidates (and Stars of the Dem. Party) could be competing for the same spot. Alexi and Dan Hynes both could lead Illinois out of the gutter - it will be both tragic and interesting to watch.

  39. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    I’d think the odds against Alexi running have to be about 4 to 1.

    Hynes certainly sounds like a candidate, and I don’t think that Alexi can out-financial-wizard Dan Hynes.

    Lisa Madigan has to be considered the top contender if she wants the job.

    But for all of the ambition all three have, I think they despise Blagojevich equally. I don’t think that they want to split the anti-Rod vote, and I think they will broker a deal.

    Not only will Blagojevich not be able to appoint all three to the U.S. Senate, I don’t believe that ultimately that decision will rest with him.

    A President Obama will almost certainly make his preferences known as to who he thinks would best succeed him. Going against a President Obama would be the worst possible political decision that Blagojevich could make, and would set up a speedy and fatal primary for both Blagojevich and his appointee.

    Besides, while Blagojevich may wish that he could send one of his potential foes to Washington, the truth is that they don’t have to accept the appointment. And frankly, he’s better off keeping all three of them here rather than helping to clear the field for the other two.

  40. - Tom S. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    Giannulis would beat Hynes hands-down. Hynes is a nice guy, but everyone saw the absolutely disastrous campaign he ran against Obama. He has ZERO inspirational ability. Giannulis is the real deal and has a very, very bright future. Sorry, Dan- don’t embarass yourself again.

  41. - Lee - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    Outside of his friend Obama, no one is as popular as Giannoulias in Illinois- that says a lot. This is without being part of a political dynasty and lacking the political groundtroops that a position like SoS provides.

    Let’s Get Serious - your bookend comment made me laugh out loud.

  42. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:32 am:

    I’m a little taken aback by some of the Alex-mania on the board. I follow politics in the state more than the average bear, or voter — and to be honest, I know very little about him except that he’s young, a banker and had a beef with Madigan. I suspect he has the lowest name recognition of any statewide officeholder. Not that a well-funded campaign couldn’t put him in the mix, but I think there might be some irrational exuberance about his popularity.

  43. - anon - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:34 am:

    Just asking……I read the Sun-Times “Alexi the Amnesiac” story about the lawsuit against Alexi’s band involving the million dollar loan Alexi gave to a feeble minded 83 year old who gave the money away and defaulted. In a time of concerns about predatory lending, could this become a problem for him in a campaign for Governor?

  44. - Steve - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:43 am:

    Alexi may run.It’s not like Mafia ties hurt candidates in Illinois.

  45. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    anon - That will be his one problem. He’s going to be forever-plagued by things that happen or happened at his family’s bank. Which is unfortunate, because I haven’t heard one negative thing about his performance as Treasurer. I hope it stays that way.

    And kudos to you for including the source and full title of the article so people will be sure to read it. I take it you’re not an Alexi fan?

  46. - scoot - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:47 am:

    50/50 he runs. Cannot beat Hynes-Lisa-or Vallas but…maybe Lt Guv?

  47. - Lee - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    Steve - that story is soooooo 2 years ago. Get with the program

  48. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:59 am:

    As I prognosticated the other day, I think Alexi will be appointed to fill Obama’s seat if Obama wins the presidency. Lisa has kid #2 on the way - or at least that’s how she looked when I saw her at a press conference last week - and Dan Hynes might not want to run for governor. Alexi, in my mind, poses a much bigger threat to Blago as he can self-fund any campaign he runs and has a national network of money and pull. Plus, he and Obama are pals, and would Blago really want to make a potential President Obama angry?

  49. - Anonymous45 - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:59 am:

    please enumerate the ways Alexi is good gubernatorial material, other than his bank account, connections, and youth…or is that enough?

  50. - Rawlings - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    The ‘Broken Heart’ of Rogers Park, running for Governor and having President Obama come in to help sure won’t hurt!

  51. - Niles Township - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    In the 2010….
    1. Lisa will become Guv…she’s a Madigan, she wouldn’t take a Senate seat for anything.
    2. If Obama wins the presidency (which I do not believe he will do), Jesse Jr. is the Senator.
    3. Dan Hynes is stuck at Comptroller.
    4. If Jesse White retires, Pat Quinn gets one term as S.O.S. If White doesn’t retire, will PQ become the first 3 term Lt. Guv. in IL history?
    5. Alexei dreams big, but holds off and runs again for Treasurer. The road of IL political history is littered with “new” one term politicians who thought they were the flavor of the month, and could not possibly lose for higher office. Alexei, if he is smart, will not fall for that allure.
    6. Rod finally gets alot more heat from the Feds and by 2011 will be indcited.

  52. - paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:07 pm:

    Anonymous45 - whether he is qualified or not to be Governor is notthe issue. The question was, “does he run and can he win?” He’s a pretty savy and sharp guy - I thinks he waits.

  53. - Anonymoose - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:07 pm:

    If there is a more of a lightweight in Illinois politics than Rod, its Alexi.

  54. - FACT IS... - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:10 pm:

    ALmost anyone with any minimal credentials could run, and honestly say they will do better than Bozo….

  55. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    It makes no difference to me who runs for governor in 2010, except Blago. We have a huge crop of dems worthy of the job; Jesse (he may not want the hassle), LMadigan (may not want to devote the time with a young family), Alexi, Hynes, Quinn, and Obama (should he not make Prez). When in the history of this state can anyone remember such a feeding frenzy over who will run for governor in 2010? And I don’t hear anyone mention Rod’s name either. Plus, the good thing is that the GOP still hasn’t gotten their act together to run a decent candidate who stands a ghost of a chance of taking the highest office. It’s the dems in control of Illinois for the foreseeable future and it looks like they will do a fine job of running this state without Blago.

  56. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    Success begets success.

    Obamamania is in the air and whenever there is a political success story, politicians and pundits get weak-kneed and start seeing, in this case, mini-Obamas repeating the political success. Everyone is extrapolating what they have been seeing over the past eight weeks and believing that we are witnessing a new world.

    This always happens!

    So if Obama wins the nomination and the White House, others will start to tout similar winning attributes. As long as Obama looks like a winner, you will see talking heads blathering about anyone else that can be passed off in conversations as another Obama.

    Who among Illinois office holders seems to be another Obama? Alexi, of course. If there wasn’t an Alexi, folks enamoured over Obama would see someone else as the new Obama.

    This happens all the time!

    It is so exciting to The System to watch someone like Obama or William Jennings Bryan walk on air, mystify opponents with their political success, and have throngs of swooning crowds admiring their baritone oratorical skills.

    You do remember President Bryan, right? Nominated three times by the Democrats, youngest guy ever nominated, beloved by working class, farmers and unions, changed campaigning forever with his phenominal oratory and voice, drew the largest crowds ever to parade and wail?

    Oh that’s right! He was the biggest thing ever in our political world until two weeks before the General Election when everyone woke up and realized they were experiencing mass hysteria!

    Well whatever - have fun dreaming!

  57. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    Anon45- In the same way that any of the floated names are good guv material. He’s been doing his job and doing it well.

  58. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:25 pm:

    alexi’s comments represent an unofficial announcement that he’s running for something other than treasurer in 2010.

  59. - Niles Township - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:37 pm:

    paddyrollignstone: If Obama wins, Rod would face tremendous pressure to name an African American to the seat. If Rod didn’t name an African American to the seat, then Blago couldn’t even be a candidate for Guv or anything else in 2010. Why would he give up his strongest bastion of support so easily? If Baby Jackson gets appointed, he will be the incumbent come election time. Thus, my thought. Rod may offer it to Lisa to get her out of the way, but she won’t take it. I just don’t see him making an offer to the white male constituional officers that have crticized him (Hynes, Quinn).

  60. - paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:41 pm:

    I hear you- I just think JJJ would be a bad choice among potential African Americans because of his statewide electability problems. Maybe somebody from left field, like Kwame Raoul.

  61. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    I personally see no possibility that Gov. Blagojevich appoints a political rival to the Senate seat, given the chance. That’s just not how he operates. He’ll also be under pressure from the black and Latino communities to appoint a minority to the seat (my personal bet is Rep. Jackson, as others have speculated). Which means Atty. Gen. Madigan and Comptroller Hynes will both be right here in Illinois with a shot at running for Governor.

    Yes, Treasurer Giannoulias beat Speaker Madigan’s candidate the last time out, but Paul Mangieri was unknown and underfunded. Neither Atty. Gen. Madigan nor Hynes would fit that mold. Giannoulias could still win, but he may also decide he doesn’t want to take on that fight. If Gov. Blagojevich is in the race, the anti-Blagojevich establishment will have some sort of grand bargain about who runs for what, and put up one serious candidate for governor. If he doesn’t, then you could see Giannoulias against either Hynes or Madigan, and it would be a heck of a race.

  62. - Truthful James - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    The way I see it, if Blago has to appoint an African American it might just be Jesse White.

    That would open SOS for Alexei. I think also, if the Party is deadlock, Blago would like nothing better than to face two of the good guys to split the vote against him if he could finagle it. Perhaps Quinn or Triple J versus Lisa or Danny, plus Blao himself.

    Now that would be interesting.

  63. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 12:59 pm:

    Besides the “he’s too young” reasoning, I haven’t read anything that suggests Giannoulias couldn’t win in 2010.

    I agree with Odyssey 2010, that election is going to be about pocket-book issues, and Giannoulias is the only one who will be able to point to stuff he has done (Bright Start, etc.) and say — I have gotten actual results on economic and fiscal matters.

    Just look at the press he’s getting statewide ( He keeps stringing together such achievements, not only will he offer the excitement and change that his mentor Obama does, but he will have produced the “results” that Hillary and McCain think they have.

    Alexi is going to be the great X factor in 2010.

  64. - RBD - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    Lisa will be the recipient of donations for the gubernatorial race. Alexi will have to wait.

    No one appointed by Rod R. Blagojevich will be treated well by the electorate in the 2010 Senate race. Appointees are rarely then elected to their seat and Blago’s appointment will be the kiss of death for anyone, which is why he has to appoint a retiree.

    I think Blago appoints Jesse White to the Senate. Or maybe Danny Davis. Meanwhile, in 2010, either Mr. or Mrs. Jesse Jr. runs for the Senate seat and Lisa goes for Governor.

    But does Quinn run for Lt. again?? Is there a point at which the electorate realizes he’s been there too long?

    Alexi’s resume would be enhanced by a move to SOS but I think his big chance may be to replace Daley whenever that time comes. The SOS job offers a great opportunity to demonstrate hands-on skills with a huge bureaucracy, something Chicago desperately needs help with.

  65. - SpfldDemocrat - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 1:22 pm:

    I don’t think that Alexi will run for Governor in 2010. He’s still too “new”. If he did run, I think he could win, but I think him being the next US Senator from Illinois is far more likely, because Obama would want to pick his successor and who else would he want than his former basketball buddy from Chicago. Obama helped Alexi get elected to Treasurer, and I think he will help in whatever he wants to do next.

    If the Senator job doesn’t open up in 2010, or if someone else gets it, Alexi would either stay Treasurer, or move to something like Comptroller or maybe even Lt.Governor and make the office into a very visible one, like he did for the Treasurer office. However, it’s unlikely that he would go for the SOS job, just because it’s seen as corrupt. Look at the history of the office. Alexi is making his name as a “clean” guy, like Obama is. SOS wouldn’t help Alexi keep that image.

    That’s just my two cents.

  66. - Leroy - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 1:44 pm:

    Ha…William Jennings Bryan…Good one, VM.

    Can’t wait for Obama’s ‘Cross of Gold’ speech…

  67. - Wilmette Willie - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 1:45 pm:

    I think Blago will appoint Alexi to the U.S. Senate if Barack goes all the way. It’s a great way of getting him out of Springfield. Given the President’s support and strong fundraising capabilities, Alexi should be in DC for a long time.

  68. - archpundit - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 1:50 pm:

    It’s hard for me to imagine he runs against Lisa, but I can see a run against Hynes. Hynes is a good guy, but as we all saw, his Senate campaign was mediocre. I’m not sure who wins, though Alexi has a very good shot because he does have much more of a presence than Dan. The issue is does a three way split advantage Blagojevich who has some sort of base still in the party.

    The bigger question to me would be what Vallas does. They both have common donors and I don’t know enough to figure out how that shakes out.

    Blagojevich could appoint Alexi to the Senate if it becomes vacant if he thinks Lisa won’t run and Dany is beatable since he’s not as dynamic. I don’t think it’s true at all in a one-on-one situation, but I’d rather take a run against Hynes than Alexi. Where that scenario gets messy is Vallas, Hynes and Blagojevich in the race for Governor.

    Or Blagojevich could just appoint Blair Hull. (Regular readers know this is my favorite rumor I’m trying to start just for fun)

  69. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:05 pm:

    Rod should appoint Alexi to the Senate seat, because he’s the only one he can’t “out-retail” in a campaign.

    Giannoulias is fast becomming the next ‘golden boy’ in Illinois politics. He seems to be rasing money just fine (even without big family contributions) in his first year, his successes in the office are getting a good amount of attention, and who else can carry the Obama mantle in the gubernatorial?

  70. - Capitol View - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    I just don’t want two or three candidates running against Blago in the next primary, so that he slips back in with a 35-40% of the vote.

    Everybody get behind somebody.

  71. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    You people have Obama already on Mt. Rushmore, don’t you? Playing name games about who will take his place, as though he is already elected…

    These are halcyon days for Obama. He might even win the nomination. But take a closer look and see the huge target that just got painted on his back by a media now interested in target practicing at his expense. He’s doing down and the question is when and how far down.

    There is going to be a lot of air escaping that glamorous gas-bag when he finally takes a hit. Get ready!

  72. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:16 pm:

    Newness should have nothing to do with politics. Some of the worst and most tainted legislators are the ones with the most experience and years served. Fresh, “inexperienced” policymakers might be what we need to dig ourselves out of the quicksand our national and state politics are currently mired in.

  73. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    === You people have Obama already on Mt. Rushmore, don’t you? ===

    Take a breath.

  74. - Anonymous45 - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:28 pm:

    if he’s sharp, indeed he will wait…if OBama wins, Alexi should get outta town and learn the ropes in DC, and then come back and run for Gov…after the dust settles…

  75. - Odyssey 2010 - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:29 pm:

    This conversation is about 9 months too early, but Alexi is trending up like no one else is.

    Here’s a question for everybody, if he has a second year that matches his first, why SHOULDN’T he run? He would be far more exciting and equally accomplished as anyone in their office (Hynes - a financial whiz? Why? Because of a rainy day fund? Didn’t that schtick fail him 2004?

  76. - Tony's tighty whiteys - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:31 pm:

    Take a breath? Rich, you were one of the first to anoint him the second coming.

  77. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:38 pm:

    Careful, Tony, you’ll get banned…

  78. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:38 pm:

    TTW, please point to a single post where I anointed Obama as the Second Coming.

    If you’re gonna make these charges, back them up.

  79. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 2:40 pm:

    Anon, I don’t ban people for that stuff. It has to get far, far worse. lol

  80. - Reading on Walden - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 3:00 pm:

    Obama would look good on Mt. Rushmore. I digress. Anyway, I just assume Alexi will take on our sitting governor. I don’t know about the Vallas thing though. They have many common allies and I believe whatever happens, they will work it out. Governor-what’s-his-name is toast, even if Lar Daly ran against him.

  81. - anon - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 3:39 pm:

    Why can’t Lisa Madigan be a US Senator with a young family. Obama is running for president with a young family. Come on now boys, this isn’t 1950!

  82. - sideline watcher - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    I find all of the speculation about Jesse Jackson, Jr. being Obama’s replacement simply because he’s African American kind of funny. Especially since the beautiful thing about Obama is that he seems to be transcending race. When are we gonna get to the point of appointing someone or not appointing someone for a real reason. Besides clean water in Ford Heights, what has JJJ done that makes him stand meritoriously out of the pack after over a decade in Congress? Someone name something real…not headline press release rhyming speech something. Last time I checked, still no airport. Not to mention, Illinois is made up of more than just Black and White people. How about a Latino or Asian? Whoever replaces Obama will need to be able to be a statesmen with the ability to unify.

  83. - Way Northsider - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 5:23 pm:

    I hope he runs and yes, he could win. Obama has demonstrated how frustrated people are with all the nonsense that goes on. Giannoulias has been outstanding in his short time in office. He is well spoken and seems to be pretty forthright and no nonsense. We could do a lot worse. A LOT worse.

  84. - Ramsin - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 6:33 pm:

    I know this: Greek is close enough to Assyrian that if Alexi became governor, we Assyrians would feel like we were whiff away.

    What can I say, it’s a swarthy thing.

  85. - Worf - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 7:05 pm:

    No way no how. The young, slick Alexi (very strange signature he has) peaked at the “It’s OUR money” cry in his anti-Judy campaign commercial. At best, he’s in the middle of the line behind Lisa and Dan.

  86. - Boone Logan Square - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 7:53 pm:

    It depends on what the landscape looks like (including — if Obama becomes president — who takes that seat come January), but I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he won.

  87. - Athena - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 8:38 pm:

    Greeks always support other Greeks for political office, regardless of their own political and/or societal values.
    This is a fact.

    Ethnicity weighs more than anything.

    Governor Giannouilas, your table is waiting.

  88. - Clout List - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 8:55 pm:

    Perhaps someone should read the Rezko Clout List and notice the initial TR next to Lexi’s brother — a typo or a huge weight around the neck?
    Pick um

  89. - lucy - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 10:00 pm:

    Alexi will not run against the Gov but he’d easily beat Lisa. No one wants that family to abuse anymore power. She’s not as likeable and with president Obama, his mentor, by his side..both will enjoy ridding the state of Madigans!

  90. - Central State Dem - Thursday, Feb 21, 08 @ 11:06 pm:

    Giannoulias is on the rise. Re-election as Treasurer may be best bet, but if he became Governor we’d have some integrity in that office for the first time in quite a while.

  91. - Little Egypt Native - Friday, Feb 22, 08 @ 12:43 am:

    If you think Governor Blagojevich would appoint Comptroller Hynes or AG Madigan to a U.S. Senate seat, you are invited to my next poker game. Jesse White? I’ll let you choose the game and deal the cards.

    Seriously, no way does the Gov give anything as plum as an appointment to the U.S. Senate to these other electeds. And it won’t be someone from the Chicago-area Congressional delegation.

    A wild card selection? Congressman Jerry Costello of the Metro East. Costello is from the 51st Ward and is a pro on the political side. He’s also a veteran inside the beltway and steps into the role effortlessly. With Durbin in the “Simon” role Costello takes the “Dixon” role as the more moderate, nuts and bolts, take care of the folks back home senator.

  92. - Quizzical - Friday, Feb 22, 08 @ 12:48 am:

    I’m thinking that the similarities between Rod and Alexi will make it hard for Alexi to run for gov., especially if Rod doesn’t bow out gracefully (which he won’t). For starters, they’d split the same base voters important in a multi-candidate primary. But to the broader electric Rod was kind of a risk when we voted him in, and I think it would be easy for a well crafted political campaign to paint Alexi as another attractive, ethnic, charmer as unproven as Blago. I’m sure the Madigans are already on top of it.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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