Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… JCAR votes to block guv’s health plan *** Foster claims lead *** House members will propose bill to codify guv’s JCAR proposal ***
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This just in… JCAR votes to block guv’s health plan *** Foster claims lead *** House members will propose bill to codify guv’s JCAR proposal ***

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** 1:20 pm *** The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules voted 8-2 this morning to block the governor’s health care expansion plan.

JCAR and the administration have been deadlocked over the issue since the governor ordered his agencies to ignore JCAR’s ruling that they couldn’t expand health care with vetoed budget money last year. Some additional background on today’s specific vote is here.

* The AP notes

Administration officials hurriedly left the committee hearing room after the vote without taking questions.

* But the governor’s office just released this statement…

JCAR has provided its input. We will move forward and continue to, within the parameters of the law, assist the uninsured in getting access to affordable coverage as well as helping to protect coverage for working parents within the FamilyCare program.

Your guess is as good as mine on what that means.

* My intern Kevin Fanning was at the meeting and filed this report…

After a few introductory questions were asked, Representative Lou Lang fired the first shot:

“Where do you have the money?”

To which the administration officials replied, “In our budget.”

“But if there wasn’t a surplus, and you added a program that wasn’t already there, where is the money coming from?” Lang asked.

The panel had no answer to the question, and more grilling ensued. Finally, Lang asked “Why did you even come to JCAR in the first place?” to which the increasingly angry panel replied: “Because we wanted to go through the process.”

Representative Fritchey added to the fray when he stated, “All we’re being told is ‘Don’t worry we can pay for it.’ How? ‘Don’t worry we can pay for it.’ Help us help yourselves.”

A member of the administration responded: “It shouldn’t be like Mother may I.”

With that Representative Lang made the motion to block the expansion. The motion was seconded, and subsequently passed 8 to 2. The director of DHFS stormed out of the meeting before it formally adjourned.

I asked Representative Lang if he considered the hearing a proxy war with the administration. “The Governor’s office will consider this a battle over process,” Lang said. “They will say that nothing is more important than healthcare. I will say that nothing is more important than the Constitution of the State of Illinois. If the Governor wants to provide healthcare, then I will sit down and join him in that effort, but he needs to come to the General Assembly.”

“We’re going to see if the administration proceeds to continue a program that we’ve now denied twice. We have something on the third floor of the Capitol called the Illinois General Assembly, and if they’re interested in changing the laws of the state of Illinois they can come there with a bill like everybody else. They can propose a law in bill form, and we will vote for it up or down. I might even vote for it. They consider JCAR to be advisory.”

*** 1:51 pm *** Congressional Democratic candidate Bill Foster just released a new poll which shows him leading Republican Jim Oberweis…

This is a special election, held on a Saturday, so polling may not be all that much help. The ground game is gonna be very important and Foster claims superiority there.

The poll itself had just 402 respondents and was taken over a four-day period (Feb. 21-24). It has a rather high margin of error of 4.9 percent.

* More from Foster’s poll

Foster continues to hold a significant lead (47%-25%) among the critical segment of voters who identify themselves as Independents. Foster has also succeeded in consolidating his party behind him following the primary, as 89% of self-identified Democrats now say they will vote for the businessman and scientist. On the flip side, Oberweis’ biggest problem is his failure to consolidate his party following the negative and divisive Republican primary. Just 76% of self-identified Republicans say they will vote for Oberweis, a number which is less surprising when we see an astonishing 11% of Republicans who are STRONGLY unfavorable to him, a number which has not changed at all since the first survey we conducted (an additional 2% hold somewhat unfavorable views).

The party results have a much larger MoE, of course, so take those numbers with a grain of salt.

* 2:01 pm -
From Taegan Goddard

LegiStorm launched a database of personal financial disclosures for thousands of the most powerful congressional aides.

By law, members of Congress and their highest paid staff are required annually to disclose information about their personal finances, including details about their debts, investments, outside earned income, spousal employment, major gifts received and even their gambling winnings.

*** 2:43 pm *** Reps. David Miller and John Fritchey just held a Statehouse press conference to announce they would sponsor legislation to codify the governor’s health care proposals which were once again rejected by JCAR this morning.

Miller and Fritchey said that their disagreement with the governor wasn’t necessarily over policy, but process. So, the governor’s proposals ought to be subjected to the will of the entire General Assembly, not just JCAR. More in a bit.

UPDATE: From the Miller-Fritchey press release…

“From the beginning, we have maintained that we fully support the principle of providing access to quality, affordable health care,” Fritchey, a co-sponsor of the bill, said. “Our concern has been rooted in the means by which the Governor has sought to do it. An initiative of this scope and importance should go through the Legislature, and that is what we are attempting to do with this bill.”

And here’s the bill: HB 6297


  1. - kane county doc - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    Hey Rich,
    Which 2 members voted NO ? Thanks

  2. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    This from Rep. Lang who at the last JCAR meeting on this in November thought this had to do with kid coverage.

    He knows Madigan put him on JCAR, replacing Holbrook, to block these expansions. And he is just doing what he is told.

    Don’t get too hard on him, you might hurt his feelings.

  3. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 1:41 pm:

    In the end, isn’t it good to know that Re. Lang, Rep. Fritchey, Sen. Crotty and others think that providing healthcare to parents is a threat to the health and safety of the people of Illinois?

  4. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 1:41 pm:

    Reps. Hassert and Mulligan (both Repubs) voted “No.”

  5. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 1:49 pm:

    This isn’t good news for the Democrats because they depend on good behavior from Blagojevich, and he thinks he can fight and win on this.

    I recommend the GA nips this in the bud immediately and shut Blagojevich down. If this festers, they run the risk of allowing him to call the shots on their re-election. Blagojevich isn’t running, but has shown a willingness to screw with others. Legislatively, he has few friends, so watching a bunch of legislators lose re-election won’t make his situation worse. Blagojevich will be more than happy to make other suffer electorally if he benefits.

    This is the year that the GA needs to lock their crazy uncle up in the basement. So with this JCAR announcement, crazy Rod can be expected to behave in a bizarre manner. Last week’s SOS address was a fluke. He didn’t get the messiah treatment after it and he is feeling lonely. I wouldn’t bet on him remaining silent and out of the news after today.

    Blagojevich is determined to force his health care solutions down our throats in order to have a legacy he can point to as he stands next to George Ryan in the chow line at Oxford. Ryan has his death penalty stand to show for his efforts, and Blagojevich doesn’t want to just stand there empty-handed when the two of them chat over their legacies in the group shower.

    Desperate governors can do desperate things. It is in the best interest of all the legislators facing re-election this year to cut Wacky Rod off at the pass before he threatens their candidacies over this.

  6. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:00 pm:


    Do you want a government that adheres to the restrictions placed upon it, or do you want a government that does whatever it wants just because no one will stand up to it?

    Regardless of their reasons, the members of JCAR did the right thing in blocking this expansion.

  7. - Downstater - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:00 pm:

    To GoBearss: This isn’t about providing healthcare to parents. JCAR has it right. It is about following the law of Illinois of which this governor does not seem to understand. Every proposal such as this must go through the legislative process and voted on by our elected officials who are in charge of scutinizing how our tax dollars are spent.

  8. - Captain America - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:03 pm:

    Only a minortiy of people think its a bad idea to make health insurance coverage available to the uninsured. It’s a great idea in principle. However the legislature has to authorize and fund the program. In fact, there isn’t enough money in the existing budget to pay for the program since the State can’t pay its other Medicaid bills in a reasonably timely fashion. If Governor is willing to submit a specific proposal to the legislature and support an income tax increase to fund the initiative, then I support the initative. No matter what he thinks the governor can not govern by fiat!

  9. - dc - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:03 pm:

    Go Bearss - - are you serious? The hypocrisy of this administration is amplified on this ongoing issue with JCAR. If, as the Governor’s people believe, JCAR is advisory and provides just “input”, then why even attend the meeting? Why did Blagojevich sign a law that strengthened JCAR if he doesn’t intend on following the laws and upholding his constitutional oath? Based on my read of the votes, it would seem that Hassert and Mulligan have been consistent in their votes, along with those who have consistently voted no.

    JCAR is convenient to the Governor - both for policies he wants adopted and for political gamesmanship when he needs an evil doer to blame for his lack of leadership. Face it - he never accepts blame for failure and craves the spotlight on any positive news (whether he was involved directly or not). It’s a sickness disguised as a Governor.

  10. - Truth - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:05 pm:

    Maybe they are not opposed to healthcare. Maybe they are opposed to expanded programs when you and the Gov are telling us there is a $1 billion deficit in the budget. Maybe they want to pay our bills on time before we put more people on the dole. Maybe they think a program of this size should be considered by the full legislature, not just a handful of them.

  11. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:19 pm:

    I think it is pretty obvious when you look at JCAR’s statutory authority that they exceeded their statutory authority by blocking the rule.

    That’s where the constitutionality question comes in. A 12 member body is trying to overrule both the General Assembly and the Executive Branch.

    Also, here’s the background for those who say they needed legislation in order to expand FamilyCare:

    This administration and the Ryan administration expanded FamilyCare 5 times. Each and every single time by rule.

    It went from 38% FPL to 200% FPL. All by rule. All using the statutory authority the legislature had already given them.

    They were trying to expand FamilyCare again using the same authority they used before to expand the program.

  12. - Southern Right - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    Captain A, Most people are against another government handout. We all feel the poorest need a hand up. This plan by POA is for mid to upper middle class who CHOOSE not to insure their families. They may currently be insured, but would take a handout, while cancelling their current coverage. It’s vote buying on a huge scale. Put people back to work. Money pays for healthcare and payrolls are better than the states free cheese program.

  13. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:27 pm:

    Go Bearss:

    They are trying to overrule the Exec, but not the GA. The GA did not approve the funds for this; in fact, they approved funds for other items and the Gov. vetoed those with the argument that the money was not available.

    I am for expanded health care, BUT the state clearly does not currently have the funds available nor have the funds been appropriated. If money was shuffled around in the past, without GA approval, it was wrong, and the practice should not be continued.

    Bottom line is, the Gov. should go through the GA and, for an expansion the size he wants, he should be honest and request the tax increase he knows it will require.

  14. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:28 pm:

    Southern wrong -

    - Families would pay premiums, so they would be CHOOSING to insure their families.

    - They can’t be currently insured. They have to be uninsured for at least a year.

    Facts, please.

  15. - BannedForLife - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:29 pm:

    great report from the meeting, well done, great quotes that seemed to capture some of the tone, thanks for being there

  16. - DumberThanYouThink - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:30 pm:

    Capt. Fax forgot to mention And Hassert and Mulligan will be getting oddles of Member Initiative Pork Project in their districts which should make reelects a cinch!
    Right. TTFN Rep. Rosemary

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:31 pm:

    GoBearsss makes a decent point earlier. There is a provision in the statute that appears to give the guv authority to set the FPL rates.

  18. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:36 pm:

    And just so people understand the gravity of what I said kind of snidely up top.

    JCAR can only “prohibit” a rule, which they did today, if the rule meets one of the following conditions:

    1) Does the proposed rulemaking constitute a serious threat to the public interest?

    2) Does the proposed rulemaking constitute a serious threat to the public safety?

    3) Does the proposed rulemaking constitute a serious threat to the public welfare?

    Those are the only reasons they can “prohibit” a rule. So, the remaining penumbra of excuses about why they are doing it are kinda BS. They did it because they were asked to do it by Madigan. Yet, they overstepped their bounds in doing so.

  19. - Mr. Wizard - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:36 pm:

    Time after time, IL courts have found that appropriations bills trump substantive bills if there is a conflict. Lack of approp. authority is enough to kill an program.

  20. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:40 pm:

    Gobearsss, if JCAR believes that the guv has overstepped his boundaries and proposed spending not in an appropriation, that could easily be interpreted as a serious threat to the public interest. I agree with some of what you’re saying, but not all. A governor who refuses to act within legal and/or constitutional boundaries, as this governor has done time and again, is a serious threat to the public interest. Period.

  21. - Southern Right - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:42 pm:

    The facts are… Allkids has the same rules, no prior insurance rule. That hasn’t stopped any parent from saying that their child is “uninsured” The state doesn’t go beyond asking the question. The real emergency for JCAR should not be for a family of four making over 80k a year to get insurance, but their true need for a calculator to do a family budget.

  22. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:43 pm:

    The guv should go ahead and expand if he can make a reasonable case for it.

    Meanwhile, both Hillary and Barack have been all over the debates promising universal health care
    as one of their main initiatives upon taking office. It seems very likely that either would
    pass some form of universal health care early on, especially if the Congress turns even more Democratic, which seems likely.

    So Blago has nothing to lose, as the federal
    program would likely eclipse his own and nobody
    is going to waste their time trying to undo something which has been superseded by the feds.

    Universal health care is coming, folks, some way, some how. And as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, we can afford it.

  23. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:47 pm:

    Refresh my memory, but wasn’t this the same JCAR that the Governor referenced when he first came into office as a reason to fire the originally 35, because they Broke the rules???? But now HE and HIS STAFF are breaking the JCAR Rules?

  24. - Authority? - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:48 pm:

    The FamilyCare program has been expanded in the past, by rule. This is true. Under the authority of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Act. 215 ILCS 106/20 provides for eligibility for children (with incomes up to 200% FPL) and the caregivers of these children. Coverage is not extended to caregivers of children eligible under the All Kids Act (those over 200% FPL). So where is the statutory authority to allow eligibility for caregivers of children over 200% FPL?

  25. - Keep in mind - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:49 pm:

    that the previous expansions were going to be offset by a federal match, which is why they were okayed. The present one far outstrips the federal level, putting the state on the hook for the tab - with money it doesn’t have.

  26. - dc - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    I would also agree that Go Bearsss made some interesting arguments, but as a former JCAR staff member, the overriding issue is not health care, formulas or rulemaking precedent. The issue is whether or not the rulemaking, by its very nature, is fundamentally contrary to the laws or public interest of the state. I remember a previous rulemaking by DNR that restricted commercial fisherman to only keeping a certain size of a species of fish in Lake Michigan. Clearly, the statute allowed for rulemaking but the EFFECT of the rulemaking would have had a significant threat to the public interest - namely the economic welfare of small business owners. JCAR prohibited the rule and guess what - the world didn’t end and DNR didn’t go screaming to the media. Agencies under Edgar and Ryan didn’t do that. They respected and followed the law (at least when it came to the rulemaking process).

    Critics of JCAR will say they are blocking health care, but what they are doing is preserving the sanctity of the constitution and separation of powers. We shouldn’t automatically dismiss that as overstepping their bounds. As I read the Administrative Procedures Act, it would appear the members of JCAR have followed the law and upheld their constitutional oath.

  27. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    Rich - that is a debate that I think is worth having.

    I think there is nothing in the FamilyCare rule that is out of order with past history.

    And the administration will always say the money has been appropriated and is in the budget. As you said they said today.

    And, I will note, if you look at the budget released last week, the FamilyCare expansion has been budgeted for in the FY09 budget.

  28. - Southern Right - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:53 pm:

    Sorry, but there will not be a Universal healthcare plan in the next four years. It doesn’t work. It is a total failure in practise. The only thing it does is guarantee inferior treatment for everyone. It sounds just like ‘91 and ‘95 campaigns run by Billary.

  29. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:57 pm:

    “Reps. David Miller and John Fritchey just held a Statehouse press conference to announce they would sponsor legislation to codify the governor’s health care proposals”

    It’s called SB5. It passed the Senate. You two failed to pass it last year.

    Godspeed in trying to get Madigan to let it come for a vote this year.

  30. - dc - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:57 pm:

    What a great political move by Miller and Fritchey to codify the rule as a bill. I can’t help but wonder, however, if the Governor will say he doesn’t support the bill because he has the power to implement the policy without additional legislation.

  31. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 2:59 pm:


    Just because it seems inevitable doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be fought, especially at the federal level.

    Glad to see Reps. Fritchey and Miller putting together a proposal for the GA. Let the elected representatives vote on it, and let the chips fall where they may.

  32. - John - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    My daughter’s has a baby on Allkids and it’s a joke to find a doctor who will take the state insurance. No one wants to take patients on it. Is it really true about how bad the state is about paying the medical people for their time with these patients?

  33. - Just My Opinion - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    I agree with Cassandra that universal healthcare is coming soon and that as a nation, we can afford it. The war in Iraq has cost this country billions and just imagine what we could have done with that money. I believe universal health care should ORIGINATE at the Federal level. The only way to trump the Federal government in wasteful spending on universal healthcare would be to allow this to be implemented on a state-by-state basis.

  34. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:09 pm:

    GoBearsss, that’s just the sort of attitude that will keep them in session until Doomsday.

  35. - one of the 35 - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:11 pm:

    He makes Ryan look like a saint, makes a great point. The gov has just been hit by his own JCAR boomerang! It’s the usual MO for this gov. I’ll observe and enforce what I want and I’ll ignore what stands in my way. (or declare it to be invalid as he did in Jan. 03) It is a curious way to observe law and order.

  36. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    Sorry - maybe I should face reality.

    Congratulations to them for introducing a bill that will never see the light of day, and would have done exactly what they could have done today if Madigan had let them.

    No need to hold up adjournment for this ol’ thing.

  37. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    LOL. October, anyone?

  38. - DumberThanYouThink - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    Check the record SB5 got 29on 5-31-07….just an itsy bitsy short…Perhaps you meant that Miller and Fritcheeeey should have rushed to the Senate and demanded to be allowed to vote…It is a little like Blaggo…pretending he can create laws after failing to convince folks to join folly…Don’t ya hate it when facts get in the way? Geez

  39. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:29 pm:

    Honestly, if they get it passed, great! They should do it right away.

    Maybe I am just too cynical and see it more as a “saving face so Blago can’t accuse us of being against healthcare” kind of announcement.

    Maybe someone should ask Madigan to see if he will let it move.

  40. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    Hey Dumber, maybe I should just ask you out of convenience -

    Will Madigan bring it to a vote or no?

  41. - DumberThanYouThink - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:38 pm:

    Great Question.
    What would yo do?
    — state is broke….deficit $2 billion
    — bush economy has nation in the tank
    — gamblers want Blaggo to ante up for capital
    — Rezko/Kelly taking Center Stage
    Might be hard for Blaggo to get enough media attention this year.
    Perhaps he should lobby members.
    Sounds like w-o-r-k.
    A new concept for this crew

  42. - downhereforyears - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:42 pm:

    Sometimes I think it’s just not worth commening on what this governor does. Consider…
    1.What about the constitutional requirement for a balanced budget.
    2. Sure does take the focus off of Blago’s legal problems for a couple of hours

  43. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:43 pm:

    Oh that’s right! Nobody in Springfield works except the exalted chessmaster and his thousands of loyal minions. Why bother lobbying members when only one member counts and that member is too busy pushing his own personal agenda?

  44. - GA Watcher - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    Rich: Dost I hear the hint of the call for impeachment in your 2:40 p.m. comments?

  45. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:46 pm:

    GA Watcher, the answer is: No.

    I love this governor. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me and my bank account. Why would I want him removed from office? I’m gonna endorse him for reelection, man. Governor for life!!!

  46. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:47 pm:

    Good point!The Madigan budget that was rammed through the legislature last year was the most out of balance budget in history even after the governor’s AV. Now, we are paying the price. Just another example of one-up-man-ship being more important than good government.

  47. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:49 pm:

    ~~- Just My Opinion - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    I agree with Cassandra that universal healthcare is coming soon and that as a nation, we can afford it. The war in Iraq has cost this country billions and just imagine what we could have done with that money. I believe universal health care should ORIGINATE at the Federal level.~~
    Can you show where the US Constitution allows the federal government to provide for universal health care?

  48. - GoBearsss - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:49 pm:

    When the Governor wants to spend more money -
    “How are you going to pay for that!??!?!?!!?!?”

    When the Legislature wants to spend more money - “Hey, let’s just assume revenues that will be $1.2 billion higher. That gives us $1.2 billion more to spend!”

  49. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:51 pm:

    How about HB 6297, introduced by Miller,Fritchey and Lang this afternoon?

  50. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 3:59 pm:

    Rich….Good one. Governor for Life!!! We need that on a bumper sticker.

  51. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 4:03 pm:

    It’s better than “Governor gets life”

  52. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 4:17 pm:

    Ouch !

  53. - downhereforyears - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 4:20 pm:

    Bill….I agree I’m not defending Madigan’s budget by any stretch of the imagination but by AVing 500 million out and then spending it on another program just doesn’t compute. Maybe Filan can snswer how that works. 2 wrongs still make 2 wrongs in my mind.

  54. - Just My Opinion - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 4:22 pm:

    Fan of the Game, WHAT? Look in the U.S. Constitution under the article that allows for Medicare, Social Security to be used for a zillion other things other than retirement pension, and all other benefits to illegals. Since when does the U.S. government rely on an article in the constitution to support entitlements?

  55. - Napoleon has left the building - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 4:27 pm:

    LOL - good one Rich.

    How does Rich Miller make money on Blago’s governorship? let’s take a look:

    concerned citizen, businessman or lobbyist says
    1) “Holy crap what the hell is happening in Springfield today?”
    2) “let’s go on the blog and check it out”
    3) Blago does something
    4) Madigan responds
    5) Return to step one and repeat daily

    This cycle never happens if a boring guy like Hynes or Jim Ryan were governor.

  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 4:37 pm:

    Napoleon, you forgot the subscribe step…

  57. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 5:02 pm:

    Yes! A well-trained subscriber has spoken. Thanks. :)

  58. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 5:36 pm:

    GoBearsss said…

    “And, I will note, if you look at the budget released last week, the FamilyCare expansion has been budgeted for in the FY09 budget.”

    If the JCAR fiasco didn’t turn on the red light, that whopper certainly will.

    Rich, have you considered taking the Fax public? This might be one of the IPO’s that would sell in the money even in the current market. Folks might buy one share (like the Packers) just to say they own a piece of CapFax Worldwide. If you are interested, contact Art & Bill’s Investment Banking & Light Hauling for a no-obligation proposal.

  59. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 6:31 pm:

    GoBearsss: What part of “The State is broke” don’t you understand????? Ask any state employee and you’ll hear a long list of things they don’t have to do their jobs properly, an even longer list of needed staff and a giant list of the things that the governor is spending millions on that get hidden in other agencies’ budgets. You have no idea the amount of money that is sucked out of the system and frittered away on whims, like demanding huge banners for fly-arounds the day before and telling the printer that it doesn’t matter what it costs and could they call Fed-ex and have them “hold the truck” to deliver them the next day. Absolute nerve.

    And so Barry Maram walked out of the meeting? He’s the official State yes-man for the governor, whose own agency, HFS, is out of money. Birds of a feather.

  60. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 6:36 pm:

    An IPO is a great idea. AA are you the banking part or the hauling part? Oh heck, it doesn’t make any difference. Put me down for 100 shares.

  61. - Budget Watcher - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 6:56 pm:

    I don’t want to get into a protracted debate over whether the Governor has authority to implement new programs unilaterally or whether JCAR has exceeded it’s Constitutional reach. What’s clear is that neither chamber of the Democratic controlled General Assembly wanted to pass SB5 last year and no Democratic JCAR member, neither from the Senate or House, voted to accept the healthcare expansion rules. The legislative message is abundantly clear.

    It’s also unfortunate that HFS couldn’t have mustered a better showing today, but then again, I’ve often been underwhelmed with the intellectual gifts in that agency’s senior staff.

    In the end, HFS will probably continue to enroll additional families and continue to create access problems by not paying their bills. Just more of the same.

  62. - archpundit - Tuesday, Feb 26, 08 @ 11:48 pm:

    ===It went from 38% FPL to 200% FPL. All by rule. All using the statutory authority the legislature had already given them.

    —They were trying to expand FamilyCare again using the same authority they used before to expand the program.

    Of course, the difference was when this happened, the money was appropriated for the rule change to fit within or close to within the budget. In this case the money has not been appropriated.

    It’s an impeachable offense to try and spend money that was not appropriated. While I’d hate to kill Rich’s Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs, if the Lege had any guts, they’d go further.

  63. - DumberThanYouThink - Wednesday, Feb 27, 08 @ 9:27 am:

    Capt Fax will be able to sell more subscriptions and Blog Ads during the Festival of Impeachment. He might even have a 2nd edition.
    Oodles of change will roll in
    Did GoBearsss ever answer how the House can pass a bill that FAILED in the Senate?
    I think he skipped the little questions and rolled on to the FY08 budget
    Hate to have lose ends before we start the new day

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