Comments closed for a while *** Updated x2 ***
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Subscribers know that I’m shutting everything down for a few days to attend a family funeral. Someone passing in a no-passing zone slammed head-on into my niece’s car. My niece is out of the hospital, but her husband and two-year-old daughter were both killed… ![]() Please keep my niece in your thoughts. * While I’m gone, you can head to Illinoize… I’ll crank the blog back up on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Not sure yet. No video. I’m too depressed. *** UPDATE *** Thanks for all the kind e-mails, text messages, faxes and phone calls about my family’s tragedy. The funeral ordeal was one of the saddest experiences of my life. But your lovely sentiments helped lift my spirits, so many thanks. *** UPDATE 2 *** We’re all gonna miss her…
You can read more here.
This just in…
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 12:55 pm - Bad news, budgeteers. The state’s investment income is gonna be way down…
It emerged yesterday that Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million last month, so it’s probably only a matter of time before some reporters question whether this little deal is somehow connected to that action.
Question of the day
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller What, in your opinion, was the most overlooked story of Tuesday’s Illinois primary? Explain.
Daley blows top at six who refuse to play ball *** UPDATED X1 ***
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * As expected the Chicago city council approved the real estate transfer tax yesterday with some minor adjustments…
* The vote was overwhelming, but Mayor Daley was angry at the half-dozen aldermen who voted against it…
* And…
* When you serve in a legislative body run by an absolute control freak, any dissension is deemed traitorous. And, while I hate to say it, Ald. Stone made a pretty good point…
The showpiece comment was on the money. There aren’t many houses in Stone’s ward selling for less than $250,000. *** UPDATE *** WGN has posted Mayor Daley’s entire snarky rant on YouTube. It’s a must-see… ![]()
On second thought…
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This came in from the Illinois Republican Party yesterday. It’s the number of Republican primary ballots cast statewide since 1988…
Except for 2002 (when there was a super-hot Republican primary for governor), Tuesday was the biggest primary for the GOP since 1988. So, perhaps drawing too many conclusions from Tuesday’s huge Democratic turnout is premature. * And this was forwarded to me by our blog friend JakeCP…
Those aren’t huge numbers, but it’s a lot of growth - almost 50 percent. * Still, this meme will not die soon. From the AP…
Things are definitely bad. No doubt about it. And - besides the primary turnout stuff - most other signs point to them heading for a lousy year. But the big Dem vote should be taken in some context, and so there you have it.
Illegal immigrant issue brought up by Sauerberg
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Sauerberg attacks Durbin right out of the gate…
I know a lot of people like to bloviate about illegal immigration on blogs and on talk radio, but this is from Tuesday’s Illinois GOP exit poll… Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?
And… Should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be:
* So, when it doesn’t even seem to be a dominant issue for Republicans, can it be used in a general election here? Also, remember, there are a whole lot of Latino and other immigrant voters in this state. Tons, even. Irish, Polish, Lithuanian, etc. And many of them know or are related to illegal immigrants.
Quote of the day
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Um, is this what is known as talking out of both sides of your mouth?
* Runner up goes to Bernie Schoenburg, who, after noting that the Green Party ballot total was less than two-tenths of a percent in Sangamon county, wrote…
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Alvarez revels in upset, more here * Peraica comes out fighting vs. Alvarez * Decoding Rezko: Breaking down his pending trial; the prosecution’s evidentiary proffer * Stroger claims foes ‘smacked in the face‘ by election results * Stroger’s new plan: Cut budget, hike tax; more here * DOE official apologizes for mocking FutureGen site, Illinois
* Illinois awards grant for sculpture to mark race riot * Crowded ballots, economy spell disaster for proposals
* Wrap-up Wednesday
* Jim Oberweis already campaigning, though opponent in doubt; more here * Democrat won’t concede yet in race for Hastert seat * Congressman Mark Kirk’s father dies of pulmonary fibrosis * Handley leaving state job to join cable TV group * Blagojevich Announces State’s First Court Victory For Equal Pay * Can Obama, like Harold, get Latino lift? * Obama’s Rezkopportunity knocks * Little-known ballot name Illinois son
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Still no final tally in House race
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Will Burns’ win
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - The Latino vote
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller