Illinois exit polls
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Congressional and Cook County results *** Lipinski wins big *** Sauerberg, Seals declared winners *** Tribune loses *** Schock wins huge *** Alvarez wins ***
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 8:41 pm - With 36% of the vote counted, Congressman Dan Lipinski has 53 percent, to 24 percent for his closest challenger Mark Pera. * 8:45 pm - The Republicans were more than a bit worried by the spectacular number of undecideds in their poll of the US Senate primary, but with 13 percent of the vote counted, their anointed candidate Steve Sauerberg has 56 percent of the vote. *** 9:30 pm *** The AP has called the race for Congressman Dan Lipinski. He’s got 53 percent of the vote with 77 percent counted. Also, Dan Seals has a gigantic lead over Jay Footllik in the 10th. And with just 31 percent counted, Rep. Aaron Schock is trouncing his opponents. He has 74 percent. That should more than hold up. *** 9:34 pm *** With 80 percent of the vote in, Anita Alvarez has a slim one-point lead over Tom Allen in the Cook County State’s Attorney race. Larry Suffredin is further back and Howard Brookins is 9 points behind Alvarez. Also, slated candidate Gene Moore is whomping on Daley-backed Ed Smith 61-39 with 81 percent counted. And Justice Alan Greiman lost big. *** 9:47 pm *** The AP declares Sauerberg the winner. Dan Seals was given the nod by the AP in the 10th Congressional. *** 10:22 pm *** It appears that incumbent Board of Review member and county party chairman Joe Berrios has stomped “reform” candidate Jay Paul Deratany in the city and even carried the county. I guess this means that Cook County wants a tax hike? Well, wasn’t that the Tribune’s take?
Moore won, too. Big. *** 10:25 pm *** The Associated Press has declared Rep. Aaron Schock the winner. No surprise there, but he has 72 percent of the vote in a three-way primary. Wow. *** 11:17 pm *** Zorn reports that Tom Allen has conceded the Cook County State’s Attorney race to Anita Alvarez.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Results trickling in… Picking up steam… Dunkin losing big… Delgado almost home… Burns up… Collins with big lead… Gordon up… Hendon wins big… Prochno ahead… Delgado wins… Johnson concedes… Jacobs in tight race… Kevin’s update… Stout wins… AP winner’s list… Jehan Gordon wins…
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another Peoria update from Kevin
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:19 pm - Clinton may have egg on her face. Obama appears to have won Missouri. * 10:41 pm - AP calls Missouri for Clinton. That’s a big win for her. Big. Here’s her spin…
* 9:58 pm - I almost forgot about this thread. From Drudge…
* 8:27 pm - Hillary Clinton claims win in New Jersey…
* 8:19 pm - Hillary Clinton is crowing about her win in Massachusetts. From a press release…
* 7:08 pm - The Trib has a story about the dumbest election judges in the state. * 7:05 pm - No surprise here, but the Tribune has already called Illinois for Obama and McCain. * ArchPundit has some raw, unweighted exit poll rumors. * Preliminary national exit poll results are summarized: Fox; MSNBC, TIME, ABC, CBS, CNN. * I’ve taken some of the suggestions from this post, added a few others and put them into a specialized news feed… * And here’s a national news feed…
Watch CBS 2’s coverage right here
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Don’t live in the Chicago area? Planning on sitting at your computer instead of your TV while returns come in? Well, you’re in luck. Starting at 10 o’clock tonight, just click on the banner below and watch CBS-2’s coverage live, right here… ![]()
This just in…
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:42 pm - The beginning of a comeback? From an e-mail just blasted out by the City Club…
Register for the event by clicking here. * 3:48 pm - The Illinois Green Party is alleging foul play. From a press release…
* 4:00 pm - A couple of 42nd Ward election judges got into a brawl today…
* 4:02 pm - Aaron Chambers is at the Hyatt waiting for the Obama party to begin…
* 4:29 pm - Just a reminder from Emily’s List…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Reports from the field - South Suburbs; Martinez
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update from Peoria - Voting troubles? Plus, Kevin files a story from the scene
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Predictions open thread *** Updated x1 ***
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Try to keep your Super Tuesday predictions as Illinois-centric as possible. Thanks. *** UPDATE 1 *** This story might help with your predictions…
Election day experiences *** UPDATED X2 ***
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up for greater visibility.] Post your election day observations below. How many were at your polling place? How many have voted so far? What was the weather? How many poll-watchers, flier-mongers were present? Any problems? Any goons? Etc. Give us as much detail as possible, please. *** UPDATE 1 *** There have been a lot of comments here about demands from Chicago election judges that voters produce an ID. I just called the Chicago Board of Elections and they said they didn’t know why this has been the case. You don’t have to show an ID to vote in Illinois on election day (early voting is different). I’ve been in contact with the attorney general’s office about this and I’ll update in a bit. *** UPDATE 2 *** The attorney general’s office just called back to say they’ve dispatched some teams around the city to check out complaints of voters being indiscriminately asked for ID’s. There are some instance where election judges can ask for an ID, but if voters believe that the law is not being followed they should contact the AG’s hotline numbers. Chicago area voters call 1.866.536.3496 and downstaters can call 1.866.559.6812
Message to readers
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller There’s been an intermittent problem all morning with the news feeds, which has resulted in the site not being accessible at times. It’s being worked on, but part of the problem, I think, is national Internet traffic is way up today. Hopefully, this problem can be - and will be - fixed soon. I’ve pulled the feeds down during particularly slow periods, and I’ll do so again if there’s more trouble. If you run into trouble with slowness, just keep hitting the “refresh” button, or click the banner at the top of the page. Thanks for your patience.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Martinez; Jefferies; Hendon; ComEd; Cable TV (Use all caps in password)
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up to give the post more exposure] If you’re going to be blogging more than just a little about today’s Illinois primary, please make sure to put a link in comments here. We’d like to track your work as much as possible. Also, if you know of any good campaign parties tonight, slip those into the comment section below. I’ll be home, blogging away, but some readers might be in the mood for a little fun. * Illinoize is already cranking up pretty hard, by the way. [News feeds are now on this post.]
Question of the day
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Mark Brown writes today about the 150,000 Cook County residents who took advantage of early voting and may have cast their ballots for candidates who are now out of the race…
* And, now, to the question: Should early voting be abolished at least for presidential campaigns? Or, should things stay the way they are? Explain.
Reluctant mushrooms want sweeteners
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The city council mushrooms are grumbling about the real estate transfer tax increse that they have to approve as part of the mass transit bailout bill. The General Assembly made the tax hike “permissive” - meaning the onus on passing the thing fell to the council. That seems fair to me, but aldermen, like any politician, are upset that the ball is now in their court…
* And then there was this…
* Added Ald. Ed Burke…
* However, as always, they’ll probably just do what they’re told…
* The most interesting thing about yesterday’s Finance Committee debate was that it was held the day before primary day. So, some voters who saw the stories last night on TV or today in the papers may take out their anger over another tax hike on any incumbents today. It may not amount to many people, but if there are close races it could make things interesting. * This idea, from CTA Tattler, is pretty silly, however…
Neither Madigan nor Jones has a primary opponent today. It’s pretty easy to check that out. * Related…
Reed out at Sun-Times
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I wondered how my new editor at the Sun-Times was gonna react when candidate endorsement season arrived. Cheryl Reed thought she had been given total control over the editorial page. I suspected that her independence would not extend to endorsements. And now she’s gone…
* From Ms. Reed’s memo…
* I used to joke with Steve Huntley, the former editorial page editor, that his alcohol intake must’ve increased drastically during endorsement season. The big boys would make him write some difficult pieces, to say the least. Rod Blagojevich, Todd Stroger, and on and on and on. It couldn’t have been easy. Reed was a relative newcomer to Illinois, so she wasn’t around to see the endorsements from the 2002 primary, which caused a furor when every hack in town got the paper’s nod. * In Reed’s case however, it doesn’t appear that the endorsements themselves were directed from on-high, as was done before. Reed quit because the editorials were ordered rewritten by the top echelon. More from Reed’s memo…
* Reed was very big on bringing diversity to the editorial page. For instance, my twice-monthly (three times in months with five Friday’s) column was cut back to once a month to, I was informed, make room for an African-American woman and a Latina. I never felt so white or so male, even though I try more than many to write about black and Latino politics as much as I can. But, I got over it. Them’s the breaks. It’s their paper, they can do what they want with it, I figured. They don’t tell me what to put in the Capitol Fax, I don’t tell them how to run their shop. Even, Steven. * Mike Miner writes that Reed hasn’t been happy for a while. I knew she was upset, but didn’t know she had threatened to quit…
She was talked into staying, and then the endorsements were rewritten and she quit. There was more going on there - shifting sands of internal politics left over from the previous rulers, but that’s for someone else to write about. I try to stay out of that. * The irony is, Reed left just as the paper appears to be going on the auction block…
Anybody wanna go in with me?
Morning shorts
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * School scheme: ‘How do they know it’s isolated?’
* Illinois Commerce Commission considers natural-gas rate hike
* Collective action - As unions continue to gain power in Illinois’ public sector, they face their toughest battle yet for health care * Cue The Groans
* Polling hours in Illinois * Semi-Final Fundraising Totals * SUN-TIMES: Our choices in today’s vote * TRIBUNE: endorsements * DAILY HERALD: nods * SOUTHTOWNSTAR: backs Milan, Smith * SOUTHTOWNSTAR: Baldermann gets our nod for 11th District Congressional seat * SOUTHTOWNSTAR: Bennett the best bet for Third Congressional District seat * PJ STAR: Illinois House 92nd District: Allen Mayer * PJ STAR: Illinois House 91st District: Mike Smith * HIRAM WURF: Why I’m endorsing Bill Foster * Campaigns make last push for votes * Illinois voters to pick nominees, and not just for president * Voters have the chance to make history by voting on Super Tuesday * Voters Head To The Polls For Super Tuesday * Our Opinion: An end to fear of primary vote * Illinois’ early primary brings mixed reactions * East tax hike will appear on November ballot
* Obama team sets the bar low * Candidates with Illinois ties headline primary * Highlights from Illinois primary * Polls open early; snow falls late * More voters than usual expected today * IL -14th Dem debate * 14th District race is twice as nice * Drum roll, please: My vote for Congress * The governor will renew his push for health care only to be rechallenged
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Tuesday, Feb 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller