Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told subscribers this today…
Be nice to Kevin, please. * Head to Illinoize while I’m gone. I’m not going to put an Illinoize feed in this post because the javascript feeds are having problems loading lately and I don’t want it to mess up the blog while I’m gone, so just go over the and check it out yourself. * The Sun-Times ran an excellent editorial about Chess Records today. Howlin’ Wolf was one of the top artists at that studio, and here he is singing “Shake It For Me” with Sunnyland Slim, Willie Dixon, Hubert Sumlin and Clifton James… * My dad asked that I post this one. Professor Longhair & The Meters do “Tipitina”… ![]() Have a good one.
This just in… Obama does extensive Rezko interviews with Tribune and Sun-Times
Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 5:46 pm - The Tribune and Sun-Times have interviewed Sen. Barack Obama today about his ties to Tony Rezko.
* Also, Obama has penned a piece addressing the “controversy” over his pastor. Read it here. * 6:05 pm - I’m listening to the Tribune audio, and here is what I have so far… [The post got so long that I’ve put the transcripts on another page. So, click here to see the full post.] * Obama video on his pastor…
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Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Members of the House Drivers Education and Safety Committee were split Wednesday over a proposal by Rep. Bob Pritchard to curb distracted driving. The problem? How does one define distracted driving?
The legislators really wrangled with the proposal. Rep. Pritchard’s s solution was to define distracted driving as text messaging, reading a newspaper, book, magazine, or map, applying make-up, or changing clothes or tying a tie. * Question: How would you define distracted driving?
Congressional stuff *** Updated x1 - Oberweis won’t get NRCC help ***
Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Former Gov. Jim Edgar admits the obvious: The Republicans are in big trouble in Jerry Weller’s district…
As I told subscribers this week, Halvorson continues to raise money at an impressive pace while the Republicans can’t find a candidate and probably won’t settle on one for several weeks. * That story also has some interesting demographic numbers for Congressman Bill Foster’s district, which was previously held by Republican Denny Hastert…
* Edgar said he didn’t think these Dem trends meant that another GOP congressman was endangered: “I don’t think anybody should say this means Mark Kirk is in big trouble.” But the national Dems have now put Kirk’s opponent Dan Seals on their “Red to Blue” list. That means Seals is one of just 13 Dem candidates who will be targeted with cash and other resources…
This is a 2008 Illinois congressional campaign open thread. *** UPDATE *** We missed this one earlier today. The NRCC spent well over a million dollars on Oberweis in the special election but is not expected to help Oberweis this fall…
Under the bus.
Blagojevich vs. Obama; Plus: Obama’s AP problem
Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * My Sun-Times column this week is about race. One always has to tread carefully on this topic, but whoever did the art for the Sun-Times did me no favors by using a photo of the late Rep. Lou Jones instead of Louanner Peters. Oy. My phone started ringing about the screwup at 7:30 this morning. For the record, I have no control over the Sun-Times page layout. * Anyway, on to the column, which compares Gov. Blagojevich’s reaction to the stories about how he gave two African-American women pardons/expungements to Barack Obama’s reaction to Geraldine Ferraro’s goofy comments. First up, Blagojevich…
* Now, Obama…
* Conclusion…
* Meanwhile, “Where there’s smoke there’s fire” is the assumption that most political reporters go on these days. That’s not always the case. For instance, check out this AP story posted yesterday afternoon about Barack Obama’s Illinois “pork” projects and whether he was hiding something…
* The Obama campaign was stupid for not responding. When they did, it blew a huge hole in the AP’s conspiracy theory. Here’s the updated AP story…
* Obama’s campaign seems to have a real problem communicating with the Illinois AP. Here’s a completely screwed up story posted by the IL AP earlier this week…
Um, no. That’s not what the memo says at all. The memo just says that Obama was a co-sponsor of the bill which rewrote the law that was set to expire at the end of June, 2003. There is no way you can read that memo and conclude what the AP reported. Zero.
On the media
Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Word from inside WLS Radio is that their advertising is tanking and that the people who run the station have no clue that Chicago is a news junkie town. One of the most experienced city hall reporters is Bill Cameron. WLS let him go a couple of weeks ago and the Chicagoist has an interview…
* Cameron makes a good point in this bit…
He’s absolutely right about that. * Another top-notch city hall reporter is Fran Spielman with the Sun-Times. If you want to hear how she gets under Mayor Daley’s skin, just take a listen to this raw audio of hizzoner’s press conference yesterday. Daley goes out of his way to try to ignore Fran’s questions, but she comes right back at him time and time again. Daley eventually leaves the podium under a hail of questions from Fran, but she continued to pepper staff. Classic. Here’s her story. * Baseball blogs are all the rage these days, but the brainiacs who think they own the game are making life more difficult for bloggers. Stupid…
* Speaking of blogs, Harris Interactive has a new poll…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Friday, Mar 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller