Broken promises, plus old news at Rezko trial *** UPDATED x1 ***
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller [Updated and bumped to the top] *** UPDATE *** The federal government’s recordings of Stu Levine’s phone calls are proving to be quite damaging already…
Rezko’s attorneys have argued in previous filings that there was no voting bloc. * Also…
Ouch. * My syndicated newspaper column takes a look at yet another unkept promise by Gov. Blagojevich…
* Meanwhile, the Tony Rezko trial basically went over a lot of old ground yesterday. Rep. Jack Franks’ name came up, but regardless of what you might have read this was not new news…
* The Blagojevich administration released some of those letters a couple of years ago in an attempt to deflect criticism onto Franks. At the time, they accused Franks of using his position as a state legislator to lobby the administration. Franks denied it, but he did send at least one letter on his official letterhead. Not a good move. However, this is quite misleading…
The mention of his title means nothing. Period. It’s his title. And the agency heads were following the governor’s lead by dumping on Franks. Nothing can be determined by what they said. Plus…
* More reform and renewal…
Watch Obama press conference right here
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** 12:28 PM - OK, it’s starting now. * Sen. Obama will hold a press conference later this morning in Chicago with some admirals and generals. CBS 2 is covering it live. The presser will start around 11 or 11:30. I’ll get back to you with a heads up. After it starts, you can click on the image below to watch the live coverage… ![]()
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Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Count the ways Illinois politics is different from New York politics. And, please, avoid overly risqué comments. I’m trying to sell ads here, and I’m sure you don’t want to get banned. Thanks.
Governor has misplaced priorities
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning [Note from Rich: This is Kevin’s daily post.] * Amidst the blitz of press regarding the Governor’s $1 million grant to a school of questionable existence and a vow to scrape up $40 million to demolish Cole Hall, something has been lost in the shuffle. The administration has dropped the ball on its promise to military veterans. A new addition to the LaSalle Veterans Home is set to open over the summer, but the state is planning to employ only enough staff to make half of its beds available. The state set aside $3.3 million to staff the 40-bed Alzheimer’s wing, and the Governor’s budget spokesman claims it would cost $3 million more to staff the other 40 beds. The administration then had the gall to make this claim:
State Sen. Gary Dahl, whose district includes the LaSalle home, said legislators from both political parties will try to obtain the money to open all 80 beds at LaSalle.
* Adding flame to the fire, the administration’s budget proposal is passing the buck on veteran’s tuition grants to universities. The Illinois Board of Higher Education reports that the program, the Illinois Veterans Tuition Grant, was budgeted at a little over $19 million this year. State schools have received $18 million so far. The grant has been budgeted at $19 million since 2004, but the number of veterans returning from service has continually increased since then. The Illinois Student Assistance Commission reports that the deficit has been a problem since at least 2004, when the state was $5 million short on payments for the grant. This will be the sixth consecutive budget cycle without an increase in funding to the program. One school official had this to say to the Governor in her testimony to the House committee:
* I understand that this is a tough year, and certain cuts need to be made to the budget, but sticking it to veterans is just wrong.
Bond for congress? Plus, more games from Laesch
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m told that the Republicans are looking very closely at Harry Bond to replace Tim Baldermann on the 11th Congressional District ballot. Baldermann dropped out after winning the February primary, saying he didn’t have time to campaign. Bond is the president of the Monical’s Pizza franchise. GOP Congressman Jerry Weller decided not to run again this year. The Democratic candidate is Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson. * More news from that district…
* Meanwhile, John Laesch just can’t get over himself…
Did Laesch help set the stage for Foster’s big win over Jim Oberweis by building a grassroots organization in 2006? Yes. But he was not a great candidate, no matter what his hardcore supporters have been saying for years. Right organization, wrong person for the district. * Also, I totally agree with Billy Dennis. This is a horribly misleading headline: “Schock’s dad linked to alleged scheme.” Dennis writes…
* More congressional stories, compiled by Kevin…
Morning shorts
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * IL CON-CON on way to November 2008 ballot * Senators say stoplight plan is ‘about revenue’ * 2 bars, 5 patrons cited under new Illinois smoking law in Will County * Former Ald. Davis faces DUI, blames medication * Desk duty cops to hit streets around schools * Stroger to address Palatine council, officials say * Students re-create Knox College debate * Park District must be sure Oak Street Beach is safe * Take aim at guns * How to honor a vet * State makes move again to acquire land for * Patrick Botterman, veteran Democratic political operative and Wheeling Township Democratic committeeman, dies at age 44 * Botterman recalled for galvanizing Democrats in suburbs * My day as a Cook County juror * Oak Lawn trustees say village needs D.C. lobbyist
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller