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Stirring the pot

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Daily Herald interviewed Secretary of State Jesse White and he provided this little insight into his legislative strategy

“Last year, all of the constitutional officers critical of the governor’s budget approach … each one of them received a 3 percent decrease in their budget,” White said in an interview with the Daily Herald. “I didn’t say a word and I got a 3 percent increase. I think you know the rest of the story.”

But after the DH called the governor’s office for comment, a White spokesman got back to the paper with a clarification…

“His intent was not to single out any one person. He was trying to convey that everyone needs to work together,” said White spokesman Henry Haupt.

Part of the idea behind staying mum is not talking about staying mum, especially with somebody as vindictive as Blagojevich. More Q&A with White is here.

* Meanwhile

Illinois’ entire congressional delegation joined the pleas Monday urging the governor and state lawmakers to end months of acrimony and pass a capital spending bill. […]

“With each passing month, it becomes more apparent that our constituents want — and deserve — a new capital bill that addresses our state’s extensive infrastructure needs,” the letter reads. “Whether driving over multiple potholes or waiting for a late train or bus, Illinois residents are voicing their dissatisfaction with the status quo.

That status quo is gonna be the status quo for a while longer, I think.

* And the governor is apparently starving some tax-eaters in order to put pressure on the General Assembly to pass a budget sooner rather than later…

llinois government’s ongoing political showdown has held up millions of dollars that were supposed to go to local soil and water conservation districts this year, threatening a crucial resource for farmers and rural communities across the state. […]

[The Blagojevich administration claims] the Legislature overestimated the state’s likely income when it approved the current budget last year, leaving a $750 million gap between expenses outlined in the budget and money the state actually has on hand to spend.

The administration maintains it has no choice but to suspend payments for nonessential services, while it presses the Legislature to approve Blagojevich’s call for cracking down on business tax breaks or finding some other revenue source.

The more pain, the more pressure.

* And stuff like this will stir up the pot but good

Six weeks after first hinting that some park fees could rise to fill a growing budget hole, the administration Monday released a tentative list of the fees they want to see go up.

Among them:

Campers would pay $5 more per day for electric hookups.

Campers would pay $10 more per day for sites on holiday weekends.

Out-of-state hunters would pay more for archery and firearm licenses.

In all, the proposed series of fee hikes could help generate millions of dollars to help close a budget gap of more than $750 million.

* More budget stuff, compiled by Kevin…

* Towns fear they won’t be able to keep up with pensions

* Capital Development Board delays release of look at state fairgrounds buildings

* Kane opposes state tax payment proposal

* Poe, Brauer seek input for potential capital bill

* Editorial: Paying the bills


  1. - remy - Tuesday, Apr 1, 08 @ 11:05 am:

    The proposed increase in park fees seems like the type of tactic that will really, really set Rep. Black off. Should be entertaining.

  2. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 1, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    This is probably off the specific topic, but I can’t get my eyes off the 800 pound gorilla in the room: this administration is contemptuous of governance. I was born, raised and will die in Illinois — I won’t faint at a little corruption to grease the wheels. But I won’t tolerate this administration’s outright neglect and indifference to their basic duties.

  3. - What planet is he from again? - Tuesday, Apr 1, 08 @ 11:30 am:

    “That status quo is gonna be the status quo for a while longer, I think.”

    Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful oxymoron? Because if the status quo changed, it wouldn’t be status quo.

  4. - joe schmoe - Tuesday, Apr 1, 08 @ 11:43 am:

    Par more for less. For example, New Salem staffing has been cut from 15 to 5…just in time for all the school kids and summer tourists. Of course, no one in this administration knows where New Salem is…/

  5. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Apr 1, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    “[The Blagojevich administration claims] the Legislature overestimated the state’s likely income…”

    Gasoline sales tax revenue is up, what’s down?

    I had heard that while frontline DNR positions were being cut, Gov B’s campaign staff was being backfilled in Chicago and Springfield DNR admin. Maybe some of those appointees can work New Salem and staff the interpretive centers at other parks.

  6. - Just Because - Tuesday, Apr 1, 08 @ 12:04 pm:

    I agree with wordslinger 100 % at least before we had people and staff that cared about doing thier jobs in each of the agencys. there was some pride. No that is all gone. Its like giving a 16 year old a credit card and no guide lines.

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