* Tony Rezko’s defense attorney Joe Duffy has been able to show time and time again today that Stu Levine’s memory is shot to heck…
Later, Levine would admit that it was “possible” years of drug use may have affected his memory.
When Duffy asked if Levine had yet told the jury he was a felon, Levine said the jury had been told that, but didn’t remember whether he had testified to it or if it had been read from his plea agreement.
Had Levine been shown his plea agreement on the stand, Duffy asked.
Yes, said Levine. It had been marked as an exhibit and shown to him.
Duffy asked the government to produce it.
“Your honor, we’ll stipulate that there is no such exhibit,” said assistant U.S. attorney Chris Niewoehner, rising to his feet.
* And then there was Levine’s truthfulness…
“Would you like to change your answer?”
“Yes sir.”
Those phrases became the exchange of the day Thursday between attorney Joseph Duffy and the government’s star witness in the Antoin Rezko trial, Stuart Levine.
* The memory and honesty points are extremely important because of stuff like this…
Levine had testified earlier that [he and Rezko] were introduced at a dinner party on Nov. 2, 2002, just days before the election that brought Gov. Rod Blagojevich to power. It was at that dinner that Levine testified he learned that Rezko had been blocking a real estate deal on which Levine had been seeking a sizeable kickback.
But Duffy produced a Levine credit card receipt showing a $761.87 transaction dated that day at a Lincolnwood hotel where Levine often went for all-day drug binges.
“I do not have a memory of being there on that date,” Levine insisted.
Duffy then asked Levine, “Can you honestly tell this jury you didn’t do drugs on Nov. 2, 2002?”
LEVINE: “Yes, sir.”
DUFFY: “Your memory is so clear you remember not using drugs on that day?”
LEVINE: “I do not remember using drugs on that day.”
The feds do have some tapes, of course, but most of those tapes include Levine talking about what Rezko said. Terrible memory, lack of truthfulness goes right to the heart of Levine’s crediblity as the feds’ star witness.
*** UPDATE *** More trouble for Levine’s credibility…
Levine confessed he had used bogus fees to swindle the estate of millionaire businessman Ted Tannenbaum, his mother’s first cousin who had been close to Levine and taken him under his wing. […]
“And yet the man who had been so good to you for 20 years - you stole from his children, didn’t you?” Duffy said.
“Yes, sir,” Levine said meekly. […]
“If I describe you as a liar, is that a correct statement?” [Duffy] asked.
“Yes, Sir,” Levine said.
“So I would be correct if I called you a thief?” Duffy asked.
“Yes, Sir,” Levine said.
“Can you argue with me - you are a con man, are you not?” Duffy asked.
“Yes, Sir,” Levine said.
- Just Because - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 2:47 pm:
I agree it looks bad, however he is not the only witness and there is more to come. The prosecution knew this going in. They interviewed Levine and knew he would be good on the stand. Plus lets not forget, attorneys are great at tripping people up in stressful situations. The jury knows that as well.
- Napoleon has left the building - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 2:50 pm:
Just a reminder that nobody should count on any sort of criminal action against the Governor.
He’s going to have to be taken out by the voters ultimately.
- Moderate Repub - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 3:11 pm:
reguardless of this, Rezco will be convicted. The feds don’t take on stuff like this unless they know they are going to win. They have all the power. REguardless of this, I believe everything that has been said, and so will the jury. The Governor will be indicted (at least his campaign fund will). Will it happen during Blagos stint in office? I dont think Fitzgerald will indict a sitting governor, but he will be indicted.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 3:19 pm:
Disaster for the prosecution today. No smoking gun on Rezko or Blago yet. Why should anyone believe Levine? They better have a lot of corroboration. My guess is the jury would just as soon convict Levine as Rezko.
This guy is a wreck. It’s amazing anyone would trust him to spearhead their corrupt capers. He was a walking, talking, snorting, prime target to flip.
- chiatty - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 3:30 pm:
When you sleep with dogs…
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 3:40 pm:
Levine looks worse than bad and so do the Feds for putting so much emphasis on a guy who has fried his brain on drugs. Go to the pink box on this blog “Eye on Rezko.” It’s worse than you can believe and Levine is the best thing to happen to Rezko and this trial. I hope this isn’t an indication of how the Feds are doing in climbing up the rungs of the ladder to POA. If it is folks, we’re in trouble with a capital “T”.
- Weezer knew... - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 3:47 pm:
From the lyrics of “We Are All On Drugs”
And you twitch in your seat cause
“You wanna hit the street when you’re
On drugs
And you cause such a fuss cause
There’s no one you can trust when you’re
On drugs
And the best of your days
Will all vanish into haze when you’re
On drugs
And you wish you could quit cause
You’re really sick of it but you’re
On drugs”
- So. Il citizen - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 4:20 pm:
If they didn’t have recorded phone calls that back up part of what this loser says, they would be in troble. Blago will go down, I can’t say when but, I’d guess in the next year or so.
- Jaded - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 4:23 pm:
He should have answered no to the last two questions, and then all he would be is a liar!
- paddyrollingstone - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 4:58 pm:
I was there this afternoon for some of it - Duffy beat him like the family mule - but in a nice quiet way. This helps Rezko but the G never lets cases like this depend on the credibility of the rat. Time will tell.
- DuPage Dave - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 5:41 pm:
Today’s testimony may result in this follow-up from the prosecution:
Q. Mr. Levine, do you definitely remember not bribing the Governor on March 18, 2004??
A. No, sir, I do not.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 5:43 pm:
Levine - Eeeeeyyyoooo! One sick slimer. Hope the Feds have more than this burned out druggy. His credibility is woefully damaged and questionable - beyond a reasonable doubt.
- Shelbyville - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 5:54 pm:
George Ryan needed Duffy as his attorney. Scott F. needed cross examined like this.
- Toni H - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 5:57 pm:
It doesn’t matter how “bad” the defense portrays Stuwey - the “central apparatus” and the “kitchen cabinet” CHOSE him to be a part of “their” team. They liked the guy because HE could help them - plain and simple. It doesn’t matter how much crap he put up his nose or shoveled. He was a member of their team, period.
- Bob - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 6:05 pm:
Wait until Joe calls one of the glitter guys from the Purple to the stand. Oh my……..
- Wild Bill - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 6:31 pm:
I agree this makes TR and Blaggo shoo-ins for BGA Men of The Year Awards and there is near certainty Blaggo will get a 3rd Term
- A Citizen - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 7:21 pm:
- Wild Bill -
But do you think the terms will run concurrently or consecutively ???
- Bud Man - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 8:04 pm:
Is Levine the star witness, or is it Thomas, who will testify about witnessing Blago COME TO TONY’S OFFICE. Also, the handfull of cash to a Blago aid (who could it be?) will be the blockbuster of the trial. I for one can’t wait to find out this guy’s testimony, especially since we haven’t heard near as much about his role compared to Levine. My bet is Thomas will be remebered as the key to the trial, not Levine.
- Big Mama T - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 9:26 pm:
This guy (Levine) just illustrates the type of people Big Rod surrounded himself with. The list of wrong doers is long. I’m sure the Fed’s will have many more witnesses, credible ones, that will be able to bolster their case and back up what ever Stoowie said that is verifiable. Just think of all the people close to the Guv that have jumped ship, abruptly, in the last 5 years.
- Disgusted - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 9:39 pm:
So Stewie is fried. So what. They have Cellini on tape and Kelly, too. And I bet there are plenty more in the woodwork who will be more than happy to squeal like pigs to avoid 15 - 20 years on racketeering, mail fraud, etc. And I wouldn’t bet on Cellini smoozing his way out of this one. You are judged by the company you keep and the Guv sure has bad taste in friends, fundraisers and acquaintences.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 9:55 pm:
Perhaps Cellini is smarter than some may think. He just may have been the only one capable of operating in that sphere and taking guv and all his co-schemers down. He is more careful and calculated than most know.
- so-called "Austin Mayor" - Thursday, Apr 3, 08 @ 10:07 pm:
Note to self: Stop snorting meth.
so-called “Austin Mayor”