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No GOP opponent for Hare

Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Not surprising, but this has to be disheartening for many Republicans…

Freshman U.S. Rep. Phil Hare will not get a challenge this year from the Republican Party. The GOP failed by the Monday deadline to nominate anyone to run against the Rock Island Democrat in the fall election.

That leaves Hare only one competitor: Troy Dennis, a Green Party candidate from the central Illinois community of Mount Zion.

While Republican Party chairs in the 17th Congressional District had considered a group of three to four potential challengers, but none stepped forward to take the job, said Marc Young, chairman of the Knox County GOP.

“For various reasons, they all decided not to,” he said.

Those “various reasons” included the fact that Hare will win big again this year. The Republicans have been taking runs at this seat for years and have always come up way short. The national GOP simply doesn’t have the resources to compete in these sorts of districts in a year like this.

* Meanwhile

The combined tab for a 10-month term in Congress topped $9 million in the 14th Congressional District, according to just-released campaign finance estimates. […]

Since kicking off his run in May 2007, Foster spent about $3.1 million, a campaign official estimated. The Oberweis campaign reported the dairy and investment businessman expended almost $3.8 million on the campaign he began last August. […]

The National Republican Congressional Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee combined to spend $2.3 million in support of their respective candidates, primarily through TV commercials and mailers. […]

Foster hit his intended mark, Bowen said, with about $2 million in loans to the campaign. Oberweis’ surpassed that amount, reporting $2.8 in loans, based on a copy of his filing provided by the campaign.

* In another race, these remarks by GOP congressional hopeful Steve Greenberg (Melissa Bean’s opponent) were interesting…

One student asked what Greenberg would do about the U.S. occupation of Iraq; another questioned if it was right to force western culture on the Iraqi people.

“The Islamic people, the Iraqi people, are just like us,” Greenberg said. “And it’s our job to lift them up.”

…Adding… As some commenters have pointed out, Greenburg also had this to say…

Domestic issues were a concern for students, too. One asked whether the government should help small businesses compete against super-sized retail chains such as Wal-Mart.

Small business owners need to “suck it up,” Greenberg said, and create niches for themselves in the market.

American small business owners: You’re on your own because “it’s our job” to “lift up” Iraq. Ouch.


  1. - Aaron - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 9:22 am:

    You leave off the rest of the quote that really puts Greenberg into perspective.

    Small business owners need to “suck it up,” Greenberg said, and create niches for themselves in the market.

    So we need to lift up Iraqis but then Americans need to just suck it up? Hmmm.

  2. - Some Guy - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 9:28 am:

    Small business owners need to “suck it up,” Greenberg said, and create niches for themselves in the market.

    Well . . . . he coulda phrased that one better.

  3. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    Why didn’t the GOP just run someone from Out of district with money? WOrked for Bean and may work for Seals. Where is John Cox when you need him?

  4. - ILIndy08 - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    Independents and “new” parties have yet to file, so more opponents is possible, even though Illinois has some of the most anti-democratic ballot access laws in the world. I doubt Hare will get another opponent since an independent candidate would need something like 16,000 valid signatures in 90 days to challenge him.

    It will be interesting to see if any independents take advantage of the new, slightly lower ballot access requirements for the General Assembly this year and the later filing date. Instead of having the highest signature requirement in the world and earliest deadline in the US, Illinois is now only tied for the worst.

    There hasn’t been an independent candidate on the ballot for the General Assembly since like 80 or 82. That’s exactly how the anti-Democratic and Republican parties want it.

  5. - anon - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    I’ve been following the articles quoting U.S. Rep Phil Hare. Rep. Hare sounds like a great guy to represent Illinois in Washington. Seems to have a good head on his shoulders. He listens and works FOR his constituents. Can’t be said about a lot of pols. Great job, Rep. Hare!

  6. - RMW Stanford - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 9:55 am:

    He phrased his comments about small-business poorly, but he is right small business owners should not expect or have any right to expect the government to help them compete against other businesses nor for that matter should large companies.

  7. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    Greenburg might be the only person who has actually READ a Sean Hannity book. He could be good for laughs if he sticks it out through November.

  8. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    I do not understand the link between lifting the Iraqi people up and having small businesses establishing a niche for themselves, Rich. Where is the congruence?

  9. - jerry 101 - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    I wonder if Greenburg’s local Walmart is planning to install a medical clinic in it’s store. I wonder if Greenburg is even aware that Walmart is expanding its medical clinic services all over the place.
    I wonder if Greenburg would be so gung ho about giving small business the shaft if it was his small business that couldn’t compete against Walmart.

    “Doctor Greenburg, please report to the manager’s office.” Would Dr. Greenburg look good in a blue smock?

  10. - Truth - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:12 am:

    Hare is nothing but an embarrassment to the 17th district. He’s uneducated, uncouth, undisciplined. Anyone would have been better.

  11. - Truth - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:13 am:

    Jerry, I forgot to add that they no longer wear blue smocks at Walmart. It’s kakhis and golf shirts.

  12. - Greg - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    Sounds like Greenberg is just stating the obvious, albeit with non-PC word choice. I suppose that instead of Iraq spending, the govt could put in a $10T order for Made in America T-shirts and other small business goodies that compete with Walmart’s offerings, but the connection is quite a stretch.

  13. - PhilCollins - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    Republican leaders of Hare’s district should have recruited St. Sen. Dale Risinger, of Peoria, since part of his senate district is in that congressional district. Both districts include southern Knox Co. and western Henry Co. Risinger is in the middle of a four-year term, so he could run for Congress without leaving his state senate seat.

    About a year ago, the state senate passed a bill which states that the petition signature requirements would be the same for all parties. Since then, the bill has been stuck in a house committee.

  14. - Ken in Aurora - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:30 am:

    I’ve been wondering…

    In the unlikely even Foster doesn’t win the full term, does his ten month stint earn him a partial congressional pension?

  15. - GOP'er - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    Seriously, is someone paying the Illinois GOP to turn this state over to the Dems to an even greater degree? Oh that’s right, Rezko and Levine were.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    ===Republican leaders of Hare’s district should have recruited St. Sen. Dale Risinger===

    Why would he want to go on an unfunded suicide mission?

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:32 am:

    ===Seriously, is someone paying the Illinois GOP to turn this state over to the Dems ===

    Leave the state party out of that one. That’s the locals’ fault. It’s not a priority either nationally or in Illinois, so it was up to the locals to recruit a willing body.

  18. - Crimefighter - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    >Those “various reasons” included the fact that Hare will win big again this year. The Republicans have been taking runs at this seat for years and have always come up way short. The national GOP simply doesn’t have the resources to compete in these sorts of districts in a year like this.

    Of course the Democrat will win big in this district, it’s an illegally drawn gerrymandered district that runs like a snake from the Quad Cities to Decatur that is no more than a block wide in places.

  19. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 2:00 pm:

    Phil Hare is awful. It’s a real shame Jim Gowen didn’t win his primary against Zinga two years ago because he might have actually given Hare a race in 2006. Instead, now the GOP is going to tuck its tail.

    Rich, the state party is actively involved in finding Congressional candidates. While the leadership may not be too interested in areas like the 17th, they will still meet with people interested. McKenna probably wanted another “self-funder”, which would have been tough in an area like the 17th.

    I’m still surprised someone from Quincy didn’t step up. I would like Jil Tracy to run sometime down the road; she’s a likeable person and she has money to spend (if she wants).

  20. - Pat Collins - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 2:07 pm:

    so it was up to the locals to recruit a willing body.

    How? “You wont’t get any help from national of state. Hope you can raise a boat load of money, please run against an incumbent in a district that is against you.”

    Frankly, I am willing to bet some state races (Specifically SOS - life Jesse White) have no opponent.

  21. - Ela Observer - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 2:33 pm:

    Greenberg may be in for more than he bargained for. His campaign HQ on US 12 is a stone’s throw from the Lake Zurich Walmart.

  22. - QC - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    I live in the Quad Cities. I am sick that they are not running anyone against “Do Nothing Hare”. I know a lot of people who are disappointed in him as our congressman. He is all about photo ops (though he must be unaware that the camera adds 10 pounds).

  23. Pingback Steve “Toadstool” Greenberg to mom & pop shops: “Suck it… up” « Illinois Reason - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    […] Rich Miller noted over at CapFax this morning that Steve ‘the Toadstool‘ Greenberg toes the ever-shrinking-minority Republican line on Iraq: “The Islamic people, the Iraqi people, are just like us,” Greenberg said. “And it’s our job to lift them up.” […]

  24. - Alan McNish - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 3:06 pm:

    8th CD - Yet another gaffe from Steve Greenberg. Since his Serbian comments weren’t getting anymore play, he’s had to drum something else up. BTW, his HQ is in the same office as McSweeney HQ in 2006. We’ll see who margin of loss is larger.

    17th CD - Wasn’t blogger Charlie Johnston supposed to run for that seat? People had been talking about it since last summer.

    The only real chance to have taken that district was before the re-map when Mark Baker was running.

  25. - The Horse - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    The truth is that the dems should have recruited someone who can read. Just think how effective John Sullivan would have been in DC. Phil is a joke and anyone who has met him or heard him speak knows it,

  26. - Ela Observer - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 5:26 pm:

    I live about a mile from Greenberg’s office.

    Yes it is the same office McSweeney had in 2006. That office sat vacant for about a year, between the 2006 Nov election and the time Greenberg moved in. Did I mention the office is a stone’s throw from a Walmart?

  27. - 17th - Tuesday, Apr 8, 08 @ 10:58 pm:

    Denny Hastert and Bill Lipinski drew the crooked (double meaning) Congressional Districts to help each other and the other incumbents. The 17th is an awful monstrosity that draws many viable Republicans out of it

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