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To recall or not recall

Wednesday, Apr 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* In the wake of yesterday’s House passage of a constitutional amendment providing for recall of state officials, Statehouse reporters went over some various obstacles today to getting the amendment on the November ballot.

* SJ-R

Both Senate President Emil Jones, who could block the idea or ensure its defeat, and Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson said they needed to review the measure before deciding its fate.

Halvorson is running for Congress and the Rules Committee that she chairs is already bottling up a major ethics bill. If Rules blocks the recall amendment, this would definitely be an issue in her race, so I think it’s a big reason why it might actually make it to a standing committee, where it may die.

* The Senate only has until May 4th to approve the amendment, and the Sun-Times looks at the history of constitutional amendments in Illinois…

The last time a constitutional amendment passed either chamber was eight years ago.

The last time a proposed amendment was acted on by both the House and Senate and went before voters was 1998.

And the last time all of that happened and the state Constitution actually was amended was 1994.

* Despite all this, the Tribune editorial page continued its drumbeat…

That said, Jones and his Democrats have so many ways to game this: They can bury recall legislation in a dead-end committee, they can change it in ways the House won’t accept, they can ignore it.

Or Jones and his fellow Democratic senators can give Illinois citizens a voice. If the senators, or the citizens, don’t want this amendment, they’re free to vote against it.

What Jones and Co. aren’t free to do is ignore the overwhelming majority of Illinois voters who expect to see a recall amendment on the ballot when they go to the polls Nov. 4.

* And the Sun-Times editorializes against it…

This is not a defense of Blagojevich. We’re as disgusted by the stalemate in Springfield as everyone else. But recall powers, which first require approval by the General Assembly and then Illinois voters on Nov. 4, would stick around well after Blagojevich leaves office, undermining effective government.

* Read the proposal here.

* Meanwhile, the bad blood over Blagojevich is bringing more possible gubernatorial contenders to the fore

State Sen. Dan Rutherford said Tuesday he is considering the possibility of running for governor in 2010.

The Chenoa Republican has previously said he wants to run for a statewide office, and Tuesday said he hasn’t ruled out a bid for the top spot.

‘’That’s not an announcement for governor,'’ Rutherford said. ‘’But it’s also a statement saying that we’re not excluding that as an option.'’ […]

Republican state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington has said he’s planning to run again for governor in 2010.


  1. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 9:52 am:

    I am looking at this from a different perspective, a recall will enable downstate to matter again. Right now it is all about Chicago, the Majority leadership, the elected officials (Treasurer and UP), are ALL from north of I-80. Downstate has little or no representation. I see it as giving us a LITTLE bit of a say so, if we are ignored.

  2. - Truthful James - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 9:59 am:


    I happen to agree with you that there Recall is properly placed in the Con-Con.

    It would be nice to have it get through the Senate, in case there is no Con-Con and we have to rely on the the existing Constitution.

  3. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:10 am:

    Recall already exists. It happens every two, four, or six years. Use it.

  4. - Truth - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:17 am:

    I don’t think recall is a good idea. If the Governor has done something illegal, then impeach him. Recalling him because we don’t like him is not a good idea.

    He’s not screwing things up all on his own, folks. He’s had help from Emil’s caucus. Are we going to recall them, too? And don’t forget, it wasn’t too long ago when Madigan fell in line for the last two years of Rod’s first term and helped him pass his budget ideas.

    The wise people of this state chose him as their Governor 17 short months ago. I think they should get some more time to enjoy their pick.

  5. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:21 am:

    Rutherford for Governor? Hmmmm. Seems like Danny Boy can’t make up his mind what he wants to be when he grows up.

  6. - Plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:24 am:

    No one pin private industry gas a guarantee that they will be able to retain their job.

    I believe that the voters deserve a chance to ‘fire’ any elected official if they do a miserable job.

    I have yet to see a case anywhere which as the Sun-Times argues ‘undermines effective government”

    I would like this recall to be available at all levels of the government. Governor to school board member.

  7. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    Oh, and Fan of the Game, your line is one used by those who don’t want the voters to have the right to recall inept politicans like Blago. When you have someone with an endless supply of cash (or used to have), who goes on the offensive even before the other candidate has declared, who smears the candidate from one end of the state to the other, who wouldn’t know the truth if it his him in the face, and we have a whole state full of Stepford voters, then IMHO recall does not exist. We need this and we need it badly. Perhaps it would be used once every 100 years but now is the time we really need it. This state can’t afford to wait for two years for your version of recall to kick in.

  8. - PhilCollins - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    Within the past 18 months, Gov. Blago., Cook Co. President Stroger, and Mayor Daley proposed tax rate increases. All of them were elected in 2006 or ‘07, and they knew that, the next time they run, many voters will forget what they did in 2007 or ‘08. If we had recall elections and elected officials would know that they could be voted out anytime, they might be more likely to do what the voters want them to do.

  9. - chiatty - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    I’m sure that the overwhelming majority of elected officials in Springfield are sick of Rod Blagojevich. I’m sure that they are relishing the opportunity to humiliate and embarrass him publicly, but pushing the recall initiative as their weapon is childish and myopic. Impeach him if you have the courage to use the process, but don’t change our constitution because you don’t like him.

  10. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    Oh, and Fan of the Game, your line is one used by those who don’t want the voters to have the right to recall inept politicans like Blago… we have a whole state full of Stepford voters, then IMHO recall does not exist.

    I would like Gov. Blagojevich out of office as much as the next person–likely more so. But if we have a state full of “Stepford voters,” who is to blame? Everyone knew what Blagojevich was like after the first term, yet the Stepford voters put him back in office. A recall option doesn’t make the Stepford voters any smarter.

  11. - Crimefighter - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:50 am:

    Everyone single person coming on here against recall, not a single one of them can come up with an effective arguement as to why it was such a horrible disaster in California. Not one person has even tried. And I don’t expect to see anyone try now, because they CAN’T.

  12. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    The one nice provision about a recall is that it should bring a stop to the post election tax increase orgies.

  13. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    I’m all for a recall provision. Let’s keep our elected representatives honest between elections!

  14. - Anonymous45 - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    as I said before-Blago is in until 2010…his alliance with Jones is saving his political hide….Rutherford is an attention hound…I saw him at a bash when he was running against Jesse White and he told me in a most blustery fashion that he would prevail…I wondered how big an ego could fit in a regular sized man’s suit…

  15. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 11:42 am:

    Fan of the Game - point taken.

  16. - Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 12:40 pm:

    I am for the recall, but from a temporal perspective I do not see this coming into play in a meaningful way agianst the Gov. We are too close to the next election. I disagree with Fan’s idea that winning an election means you get protected tenure in the job to do whatever you choose. I beleive if we put them in, we should have the authority to pull em out :)

  17. - So. Il citizen - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    Fan and Eqypt - My hope is that our “Stepford Voters” are learning a hard lesson and won’t give their vote away to an interest group in the future. We do need a recall, not just for Rod but to hold our leaders more accountable for their actions.

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    The political seasons are already too long. This could make them never-ending. There’s a time for politics and a time for governance. Lot to do on the latter. The impeachment option is already there.

  19. - Princeville - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 2:06 pm:

    who hit Madigan’s ‘yes’ button last week while he was not in the chamber? Was just reading this over on the side links.

    Is another member allowed to cast your vote if for some reason one can’t be present on a certian day? Question might be silly to some, but I’m curious and who best to ask then you 24/7 political die hards.

    I did vote for Blago twice. It was not that I wanted him a 2nd time or that I was fooled into it by his smooth campaign style nor so ignorant of his tatics and games nor forgetful that I can’t retain ‘news’ for more than a few weeks, it was merely because I didn’t want Republican Judy and I felt Madigan could keep Blago contained. Partly because of this, I would not favor a recall just because I think Blago is a poor leader.

  20. - Downstater - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 2:36 pm:

    Wordslinger, “There’s a time for politics and a time for governance.”
    Blago wouldn’t know governance if it hit him in the face. He doesn’t govern, he dictates and hides from anyone that dares ask him questions. He has done a completely inept job while in office. It was mostly the mindless robots from the Chicago area who got him elected and reelected. Recall in this case is exactly what is needed to get rid of this poor excuse for a governor.

  21. - Another Rich - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 5:08 pm:

    I think the last amendment to the Constitution was in 1998, not 1994.

  22. - Stu - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 5:28 pm:

    Dan Rutherord started under Jim Thompson.

  23. - Princeville - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 5:58 pm:

    Sen. M Jacobs calling for Blago to resign? Right, like that would ever happen. I would assume just getting his opinion out there, even if it means little.

  24. - Kevin Highland - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 6:04 pm:

    A Recall option would be good to keep all of the politicians on their toes. The thing many people forget is that the majority of the voters did not re-elect Gov. Blagojevich.

  25. - To Princeville...... - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 6:44 pm:

    Just a suggestion, but next time instead of casting a vote for that spot on the ballot simply pass over that race voting and continue voting. Just a thought.

  26. - southern illinoisan - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 7:24 pm:

    The recall idea has merit, but I agree that this is all about slamming Rod. Instead of a recall provision why don’t we get really radical and propose term limits for ALL elected officials. That way we can be sure that the Blagojevich’s, Jones’s, Madigan’s, and Ryan’s won’t make a career out of 1 seat. At least they would have to change office’s to stay in government and this would eliminate the seniority issue. Think about it. Career politicians are bad, citizen statesman are good.

  27. - Princeville - Wednesday, Apr 9, 08 @ 8:20 pm:

    and just another thought, if the republicans would have ran someone I thought was worthy of the title, I could have and would have voted republican on that slot. For me it was a simple matter of chancing Madigan to control Blago and have my one vote cancel out a vote for Judy. I’ve skipped slots before, this one I chose not to and I’m not ‘afraid’ to switch partyline from election to election.

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