Before 10a scan the news (including CapFax), if I don’t read everything, I make notes to come back during downtime. Throughout the day check CapFax and Democratic Underground and post on selected topics during downtime. Also, check Facebook.
75% of the day is communicating with colleagues and friends via e-mail, IM and via Facebook.
First Stop: Politics1;
Second Stop: Politicalwire;
Third Stop: Coloradopols (check out what’s going on in my new home);
Fourth Stop: Hotwire (Great resource linked from Colorado pols to see what is going on in other states);
Fifth Stop: Here! (Linked form Hotwire to see what’s going on in my homestate!)
I use Google Reader to look up blog updates. I might look for items to blog especially if I haven’t already had a blog ready to go. Then I might look around on other sites I like to frequent especially online forums. I do this all day no barring exactly real-life activities.
8 - quick scan of ESPN, Drudge, personal e-mails, Lawrence Kansas newspaper (alma-mater), Illinois Review
Mid morning - Capitol Fax Blog, check personal e-mails
Lunch - Check back on Capitol Fax Blog, Something else that might peak my interest
Late afternoon - check back on Capitol Fax Blog & Illinois Review + Drudge
Bring up Capfax blog.
Bring up Rezko Watch.
Bring up Ebay.
Log onto IM.
Check on terminally ill daughter of friend on
Play a game, or 2, or a lot.
Chat on IM with a friend or two.
Go back to Capfax and try to make a logical, sensible post.
Fail miserably at post, get ridiculed, slammed, sometimes even deleted.
Come back with milder post that Rich will keep.
Check and see if Levine has been grilled enough on one side and has now been flipped over.
See if Bill has posted anywhere on anything that makes sense.
He has.
Nope he hasn’t.
Check e-mail, laugh at some and forward a few.
Go back to CapFax. Nothin’ new except for the REAL Capitol Fax that I can’t access because I don’t subscribe nor do I have a password.
Try several combos of words for a password to “sneak” into The Capitol Fax.
None work - yet.
Check sidebars on CapFax blog and click into a few.
Darn, Blago got me again. Opened up something on a sidebar that looked interesting only to find it takes me to the Guv’s website. It’s another press release. Shoulda known better.
Check Ebay again - lost bid on item.
That’s about it for one day.
I try not to get locked into any specific pattern.
- Fan of the Game - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:25 am:
Capitolfaxblog comes later because no new content is up until a bit later in the morning. Southern Illinoisan web site. Carmi Times web site The Chronicle of Higher Education
In the evenings I check the same and ebay, just to see if there is anything I want or need, like a 6,541 sq. ft. home on the Florida coast. I’ll look at the NFHS baseball officials forum to see if any new game situations can stump me.
However, if I can get a day like Little Egypt’s, that would be good, too.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:30 am:
Before 11am: browse headlines on Yahoo News, read CapFax, scan Drudge, read new articles on Politico, get annoyed with something Ben Smith has posted on his blog, and then read The Superficial to improve my mood.
11-12: Make comments, if any, on CapFax.
12-5: Check CapFax 100 times to see if anyone responded to my comment(s).
And, of course, throughout the day I respond to about 100 emails, check facebook, and refresh Drudge.
1)Read Diersen (little cooky, but I love the Diersen HEADLINES)
4)Illinois Review
5)The Hill
6)Michelle Malkin
8)Emails and IM’s
Early a.m. from home:
-work emails
-Sun-Times website (Trib is delivered)
-extremely local blogs
-CapFax 2-3 the day
-Zorn and Swamp 1-2 day
-extremely local blogs 1-2 days per day
-periodically look at other Illinois bloggers
- CNN, Southern Illinoisan, Cap Fax
- Facebook, Email
- Fantasy Baseball
- Team America, World Police - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:01 pm:
6 a.m. - scan e-mail for comments to my blog and Google Alerts for names of interest in CD IL-10(Mark Kirk, Dan Seals, Terry Link, Keith Gray, etc.)- bring up Fox,, scan online editions of Tribune, Daily Herald, News Sun and WSJ. Update blog posts or do a new post if appropriate. Check Sitemeter and see if Cap Fax linked to my Blog, or where other referrals are coming from.
9 a.m. bring up Cap Fax (if updated for the day by then), look for links to Team America. Rescan Fox and CNN. Every couple of days, troll on Ellen of the Tenth, Archpundit, and Illinois Reason to see what’s going on. Check Cap Fax Blogroll for items of interest.
Check in often to Cap Fax until about noon during the day, unless there is an e-mail alert. Check other major online news outlets every so often during the day.
What’s Keith Gray’s email address? I live in his district, and I want to ask his views about some issues. I checked the Lake Co. GOP site, but he isn’t listed.
- Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:16 pm:
tribune & cap fax are first thing and check frequently throughout the day
Next I check bill status on ILGA for bills I am following and sometimes look for updates on some agency websites
2x per week I read State Journal Register online to read Bernie and the Statehouse Insider, but not every week because the latest gossip on Springfield alderman is not compelling enough to make that site a priority
sometimes read news on the Daily Herald but their new format is too busy and crazy with ads, driving me nuts going to delete them from my bookmark list
Well, since you asked:
1. (top in last 24-hour highlights) for my random internet updates. WARNING: user driven content, therefore Not all is Safe For Workplace viewing.
2. to watch some TV while I get breakfast and ready for my day. (legal content)
3. Capitol Fax
4. Google reader for all other blogs: Illinoize, Various Gov’t Press Releases, SJ-R Statehouse, Clout Street, Fritchey’s Blog, and Huffington for Political Updates
5. Engadget, Lifehacker and Revision3 for my technophile side
Personal e-mail
Work e-mail
Activist e-mail
Blog e-mail
Check my blog; moderate comments; respond
Check Prairie State Blue; respond
Check local newspaper online (w/the Trib I read the dead tree version & can’t seem to change that habit)
Check DeKalb County Online
Typically this is 6-6:30 a.m.
If I’m out for the day, will check other blogs (plus do the e-mail & moderating things again) around the noon hour or mid-afternoon; if I’m in and working, will check a blog as a quick break every hour or two; if I’m in and planning to blog, check a few of my faves and then get to it. Blogs I try to hit several times per week include:
The Rude Pundit
The Inside Dope (Quad Cities)
Thereisaway (Springfield)
Juan Cole
There are probably a dozen others that I hit a couple times per month, like, Angry Black Bitch, Go Fug Yourself.
Between after-school stuff and meetings, I’m rarely on after 4 p.m. except maybe a couple quick on-offs before bedtime if there’s a good discussion going at one of the local “hangouts.”
p.s. I guess I do do Facebook now, but only if somebody writes on my wall. And I do when it seems time for another John Dean commentary. He’s started a series on airline passengers’ lack of rights. It’s pretty interesting.
- wndycty - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:32 am:
Before 10a scan the news (including CapFax), if I don’t read everything, I make notes to come back during downtime. Throughout the day check CapFax and Democratic Underground and post on selected topics during downtime. Also, check Facebook.
75% of the day is communicating with colleagues and friends via e-mail, IM and via Facebook.
- Mountain Man - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:42 am:
First Stop: Politics1;
Second Stop: Politicalwire;
Third Stop: Coloradopols (check out what’s going on in my new home);
Fourth Stop: Hotwire (Great resource linked from Colorado pols to see what is going on in other states);
Fifth Stop: Here! (Linked form Hotwire to see what’s going on in my homestate!)
- Levois - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:52 am:
I use Google Reader to look up blog updates. I might look for items to blog especially if I haven’t already had a blog ready to go. Then I might look around on other sites I like to frequent especially online forums. I do this all day no barring exactly real-life activities.
- Trafficmatt - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:57 am:
8 - quick scan of ESPN, Drudge, personal e-mails, Lawrence Kansas newspaper (alma-mater), Illinois Review
Mid morning - Capitol Fax Blog, check personal e-mails
Lunch - Check back on Capitol Fax Blog, Something else that might peak my interest
Late afternoon - check back on Capitol Fax Blog & Illinois Review + Drudge
- Little Egypt - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:08 am:
Bring up Capfax blog.
Bring up Rezko Watch.
Bring up Ebay.
Log onto IM.
Check on terminally ill daughter of friend on
Play a game, or 2, or a lot.
Chat on IM with a friend or two.
Go back to Capfax and try to make a logical, sensible post.
Fail miserably at post, get ridiculed, slammed, sometimes even deleted.
Come back with milder post that Rich will keep.
Check and see if Levine has been grilled enough on one side and has now been flipped over.
See if Bill has posted anywhere on anything that makes sense.
He has.
Nope he hasn’t.
Check e-mail, laugh at some and forward a few.
Go back to CapFax. Nothin’ new except for the REAL Capitol Fax that I can’t access because I don’t subscribe nor do I have a password.
Try several combos of words for a password to “sneak” into The Capitol Fax.
None work - yet.
Check sidebars on CapFax blog and click into a few.
Darn, Blago got me again. Opened up something on a sidebar that looked interesting only to find it takes me to the Guv’s website. It’s another press release. Shoulda known better.
Check Ebay again - lost bid on item.
That’s about it for one day.
- Squideshi - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:10 am:
I try not to get locked into any specific pattern.
- Fan of the Game - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:25 am:
Capitolfaxblog comes later because no new content is up until a bit later in the morning.
Southern Illinoisan web site.
Carmi Times web site
The Chronicle of Higher Education
In the evenings I check the same and ebay, just to see if there is anything I want or need, like a 6,541 sq. ft. home on the Florida coast. I’ll look at the NFHS baseball officials forum to see if any new game situations can stump me.
However, if I can get a day like Little Egypt’s, that would be good, too.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:30 am:
Before 11am: browse headlines on Yahoo News, read CapFax, scan Drudge, read new articles on Politico, get annoyed with something Ben Smith has posted on his blog, and then read The Superficial to improve my mood.
11-12: Make comments, if any, on CapFax.
12-5: Check CapFax 100 times to see if anyone responded to my comment(s).
And, of course, throughout the day I respond to about 100 emails, check facebook, and refresh Drudge.
- ChiCountryGuy - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:33 am:
1)Read Diersen (little cooky, but I love the Diersen HEADLINES)
4)Illinois Review
5)The Hill
6)Michelle Malkin
8)Emails and IM’s
- phocion - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 11:14 am:
Early a.m. from home:
-work emails
-Sun-Times website (Trib is delivered)
-extremely local blogs
-CapFax 2-3 the day
-Zorn and Swamp 1-2 day
-extremely local blogs 1-2 days per day
-periodically look at other Illinois bloggers
- Pat Collins - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 12:21 pm:
Work email, make sure no big disaster.
After meetings, then
often that happens over lunch, some days not at all.
- College Kid - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 12:33 pm:
- CNN, Southern Illinoisan, Cap Fax
- Facebook, Email
- Fantasy Baseball
- Team America, World Police - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:01 pm:
6 a.m. - scan e-mail for comments to my blog and Google Alerts for names of interest in CD IL-10(Mark Kirk, Dan Seals, Terry Link, Keith Gray, etc.)- bring up Fox,, scan online editions of Tribune, Daily Herald, News Sun and WSJ. Update blog posts or do a new post if appropriate. Check Sitemeter and see if Cap Fax linked to my Blog, or where other referrals are coming from.
9 a.m. bring up Cap Fax (if updated for the day by then), look for links to Team America. Rescan Fox and CNN. Every couple of days, troll on Ellen of the Tenth, Archpundit, and Illinois Reason to see what’s going on. Check Cap Fax Blogroll for items of interest.
Check in often to Cap Fax until about noon during the day, unless there is an e-mail alert. Check other major online news outlets every so often during the day.
Repeat as necessary.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:10 pm:
…and what happened to our previous postings?…
- PhilCollins - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:13 pm:
What’s Keith Gray’s email address? I live in his district, and I want to ask his views about some issues. I checked the Lake Co. GOP site, but he isn’t listed.
- Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:16 pm:
tribune & cap fax are first thing and check frequently throughout the day
Next I check bill status on ILGA for bills I am following and sometimes look for updates on some agency websites
2x per week I read State Journal Register online to read Bernie and the Statehouse Insider, but not every week because the latest gossip on Springfield alderman is not compelling enough to make that site a priority
sometimes read news on the Daily Herald but their new format is too busy and crazy with ads, driving me nuts going to delete them from my bookmark list
- Queen B - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:46 pm:
Office email first thing in the morning and throughout the day
Personal email throughout the day
Illinois news sites: Trib, Sun Times, Daily Herald, CapFax, follow any interesting or important links, read comments
National/World news sites: Google News, Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, UK Daily Mail, DrudgeReport
Frequently check ILGA for bill info, if they’re in session the audio or video stays on in the background at least five times a day
Pepper in Facebook or TelevisionWithoutPity during the downtime.
And at the end of the day on Fridays, I check the movie times at a few local theatres.
- Learning the Ropes - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:17 pm:
Well, since you asked:
1. (top in last 24-hour highlights) for my random internet updates. WARNING: user driven content, therefore Not all is Safe For Workplace viewing.
2. to watch some TV while I get breakfast and ready for my day. (legal content)
3. Capitol Fax
4. Google reader for all other blogs: Illinoize, Various Gov’t Press Releases, SJ-R Statehouse, Clout Street, Fritchey’s Blog, and Huffington for Political Updates
5. Engadget, Lifehacker and Revision3 for my technophile side
- yinn - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:38 pm:
Personal e-mail
Work e-mail
Activist e-mail
Blog e-mail
Check my blog; moderate comments; respond
Check Prairie State Blue; respond
Check local newspaper online (w/the Trib I read the dead tree version & can’t seem to change that habit)
Check DeKalb County Online
Typically this is 6-6:30 a.m.
If I’m out for the day, will check other blogs (plus do the e-mail & moderating things again) around the noon hour or mid-afternoon; if I’m in and working, will check a blog as a quick break every hour or two; if I’m in and planning to blog, check a few of my faves and then get to it. Blogs I try to hit several times per week include:
The Rude Pundit
The Inside Dope (Quad Cities)
Thereisaway (Springfield)
Juan Cole
There are probably a dozen others that I hit a couple times per month, like, Angry Black Bitch, Go Fug Yourself.
Between after-school stuff and meetings, I’m rarely on after 4 p.m. except maybe a couple quick on-offs before bedtime if there’s a good discussion going at one of the local “hangouts.”
- yinn - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:44 pm:
p.s. I guess I do do Facebook now, but only if somebody writes on my wall. And I do when it seems time for another John Dean commentary. He’s started a series on airline passengers’ lack of rights. It’s pretty interesting.
- PC - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:12 pm:
Can we get some Archpundit love?!