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Wrigley update, and Sox fans drown out Blagojevich

Monday, Apr 14, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Michael Sneed had this tidbit a few weeks ago…

The Wrigley wrangle: Sneed hears Gov. Blagojevich was spotted in deep huddle with Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella and Cubs general manager Jim Hendry at a Scottsdale, Ariz., eatery Tuesday — hatching plans for the state to buy Wrigley Field.

• Dinner talk: Sneed is told Blago, the state’s No. 1 Cubs fan, is not only planning to move full steam ahead on getting the spring Legislature to authorize the sale of Wrigley Field to the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority, but also was entreating help from two politicos who were dining at the restaurant.

• Table talk: Word is Blago, who was dining with Piniella and Hendry at Don and Charlie’s restaurant following a Cubs spring training win over the San Francisco Giants on Tuesday, entreated Sen. Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) and Chicago Ald. Brian Doherty (41st) to “help me on this,” when they stopped by the Gov’s table while exiting the restaurant. (Dillard and Doherty and their families were dining at separate tables)

• The big squeeze: A Sneed spotter claimed Gov. Blago kept telling Dillard and Doherty: “You gotta help me on this. You gotta help me.” The source added, “It was definitely apparent the governor wants to do the deal.”

* The governor got his response from Dillard, sort of, in a Daily Herald op-ed on Saturday

Such an expenditure of state dollars cannot come before a school construction program and infrastructure (roads and bridges) improvements in Illinois. We need a multibillion-dollar capital program in Illinois to repair potholes, crumbling roads, dangerous bridges and improve schools before we need to purchase Wrigley Field. Building and maintaining schools and improving our transportation network statewide are higher priorities right now than purchasing a baseball field - even if the beloved Cubs play in the civic treasure Wrigley Field. […]

I will put politics aside and play ball with Gov. Blagojevich on this issue.

Wrigley Field is a landmark and the third most popular tourist destination in Illinois. I agree with the governor that keeping the name Wrigley Field is also a priority. And I don’t believe taxpayer money should be used to renovate Wrigley.

With due respect to new Cub owner Sam Zell and the Chicago Tribune, the bottom line is this proposal must be good for the taxpayer. And put money into the state treasury.

Not exactly crystal clear.

* If you want crystal clear, listen to the boos the governor got when he attended a ceremony at White Sox Park last week. Ouch.

* The Daily Herald wondered why he did “so much talking”…

What was supposed to be a joyous occasion featuring a stunning bronze and granite salute to the 2005 champs instead turned into a boo-fest the minute the governor was introduced.


“I’d love to thank you for the wonderful, warm welcome.”


“My side of town would like to replicate what you did (in 2005).”


“Sure am glad this isn’t an election year.”



  1. - chiatty - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:37 am:

    Here’s another one for the “good” column on Rod: He does have a sense of humor.

  2. - OneMan - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:37 am:

    Yet another reason I am proud to be a Sox fan

  3. - Levois - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    I consider myself a Cubs fan and I’d have booed him too! Oh and I don’t know how much help he might get from anyone on Wrigley. Dillard is right there are more pressing issues although his statement seems somewhat flaky.

  4. - Garp - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    The sad part is Blogo thinks they were booing because he is a Cub fan. Denial ain’t just a river, as they say.

  5. - Leigh - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    The Sox have been amazing so far this year, much better than last year. Oh, is that off topic?

  6. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    Sox positivity is never off-topic on any post. :)

    Go Sox

  7. - Trapped In The Metro East - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:03 am:

    If only gov. would put this much energy into things that are important to people in this state…. I bet he is REAL happy it’s not an election year!

  8. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:07 am:

    The Governors Priorities are all Screw Up…The state does NOT need to spend the money to buy Wrigley. They cannot maintain the buildings they own now.

  9. - Capitol View - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:14 am:

    if the Sports Authority buys Wrigley Field and follows the model used for the White Sox owners, it won’t cost the State a penny — the Sports Authority will use its bonding authority to purchase the stadium, and the bonds will be paid off through a combination of local area additional sales tax revenues, and a small amount of income from the Cubs based on attendance - which is always high for the Cubs (don’t ask me why).

    But one revenue base for the Sox park is income from parking lots. The Cell is surrounded on three sides with parking, most at $20 car.

    Will the Sports Authority destroy Wrigleyville through emanent domain in order to afford building a new Wrigley Field?

    Be careful what you wish for, Cubs fans. Zell just wants his money: what do you want?

  10. - Capitol View - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:17 am:

    One additonal thought: the Sox lease at The Cell expires in a few years.
    If the Sox leave town before the Wrigley Field issue is resolved, will the Sports Authority only give Zell one option — move the Cubs to the south side,into the vacated Sox ballpark?

  11. - The Rookie - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    Ha!? @ Daily Herald piece

    Go Cubs!

  12. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:19 am:

    Dillard’s column seems to say, Capital Plan first, Wrigley second.

  13. - Dirt Guy - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:23 am:

    It’s not even worth ripping on the Guv anymore considering how far out of touch with reality he is.

    It would be nice if we could spend some money on infrastructure considering I bent two rims yesterday hitting unavoidable potholes.

    We need to put money into fixing potholes (infrastructure) not buying a sinkhole like Wrigley.

    BTW. Where do I send the bill for my tires?

  14. - Rob_N - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:23 am:

    I understand why politicians feel compelled to speak at such events but, really, they oughtta take a back seat and let the fans and team have their spotlight.


  15. - Irish - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    I wonder who paid for the trip to Arizona, or would it be a State expense since Blago went there to confab with his constituents?

  16. - Leigh - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 10:45 am:

    The Sox leave Chicago? Are you nuts? The Cubs play in the Cell? What is all this blasphemy on a Monday? No Spin Doctor can make a dime of state money going into Wrigley sound right with everything else falling apart.

  17. - Irish - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    BTW - Go Cards !!!!!!

  18. - VivaLFuego - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 12:03 pm:

    “if the Sports Authority buys Wrigley Field and follows the model used for the White Sox owners, it won’t cost the State a penny — the Sports Authority will use its bonding authority to purchase the stadium, and the bonds will be paid off through a combination of local area additional sales tax revenues, and a small amount of income from the Cubs based on attendance - which is always high for the Cubs (don’t ask me why).”

    Yep, won’t cost us a penny!

    Go Sox (fans)

  19. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    Dirt Guy, from what AA has been reading, Stu Levine might be able to get you a good deal on some tires…

  20. - Levois - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    If the Sox chooses to leave The Cell perhaps they can choose a site on the west side. The last time the Cubs won a world series they were on the west side. Or who know if the Cubs insist on having a new stadium as opposed the one they already have they could always move back to the west side as well. Turn that into a new wrigleyville.

  21. - Macbeth - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:44 pm:

    Why in the world is Blago at spring training in Arizona?

    I realize it’s a not entirely fair question — governors travel — but what the heck. The state seems to be a mess — and the last thing I’d expect would be the head of the state watching a baseball game in *another* state.

    What is that all about?

  22. - Bill - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 1:51 pm:

    Macbeth, a Cubs game is the first place I would expect our head of state to be regardless of what is happening with the state. Plus, Arizona is warm and that is easier on the knees and ankles when jogging.

  23. - noneck - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    Whatever the reason they were booing him, I am just so happy he is a Cub fan-how perfect.

  24. - What planet is he from again? - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:10 pm:

    How about this for a plan? The State buys Wrigley, then fixes it up. And then the State has another asset they can sell off to patch a big hole in the budget! Brilliant!

    And by the way, Go Springfield Jr. Blues!

  25. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:39 pm:

    Let me get this straight, Mayor Daley is planning on privatising Midway Airport, a profitable entity built with taxpayer dollars, but our dearly beloved Governor wants to take a private asset into the realm of public ownership.

    Either the business model is to privatise all operating entities and lease them back for public use or not. Is seems insane to go both ways down street at the same time.

  26. - The Mad Hatter - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:42 pm:

    What I missed in all the media accounts was what Gov. Grandstander did after the statue was unveiled? Since his moment in the media spotlight was over, did he get in his limo and head home to catch the latest Hannah Montana episode? Or did he go into the Cell and actually watch the game? If he did the latter, were Sox fans throwing things at him? If they weren’t, they should have been.

  27. - Truthful James - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 2:53 pm:

    Senator Dillard is wetting his whistle for a run at Governor or even for Senator, should Senator Obama win the White House.

    BTW, I heard that the state is in such lousy condition that MM does not want his daughter to run for Governor. Speculation, I know, but it is never too early.

  28. - Excessively rabid - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 3:06 pm:

    I booed him when Obama announced his presidential candidacy. Couldn’t believe he had the nerve to show his face in public. Isn’t that indictment EVER coming?

  29. - Bill - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 3:41 pm:


  30. - Dan S, a Voter & Cubs Fan - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 4:03 pm:

    Do not want the state to have anything to do with Wrigley. Do not want Blago to have anything to do with the Cubs in general, don’t need any more hexes. Maybe they could take Blago to Harry Carey’s and repeat with him what they did to the “Bartman Ball”. Ronnie Woo Woo for Governor!!!

  31. - Chicagograssroots - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 4:25 pm:

    If the state buys Wrigley, will the Toll Authority start minting new signs that read, “Wrigley Field… brought to you by Governor Rod Blagojevich”

  32. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 4:28 pm:

    Bill, is the message now, “lazy, indifferent, but not a crook?” AA tries so hard to keep up but just can’t stay with the pace.

  33. - tomhail of macoupin - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 7:43 pm:

    I find it extremely hard to believe that Wrigley Field is the third most popular destination in Illinois. Just where do those statistics come from?

  34. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:07 pm:

    Let me add that the reference to “White Sox Park” is awesome.

  35. - A Citizen - Monday, Apr 14, 08 @ 9:53 pm:

    Maybe guv will try to trade the Lottery to Zell for Wrigley? Nawww - they aren’t worth it.

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