Morning shorts
Friday, Apr 18, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Another $10 billion needed for projects, transit leaders warn * You may, or may not, address the board now * County Board Is Where the Pay Is * Ex-alderman, ex-con, ex-Dem, Jones seeks political comeback * New chief for city airports * What Happened to the Washington Coalition? * News: Scientific study seems to support use of medicinal marijuana * Central Illinois resorts in the news
* Poverty is rising, but so is momentum to end it. * 2008 Illinois Poverty Report * Northfield officials stunned by state’s Willow Road widening plan * Schoenberg Shows His Dem Clout in Northfield Dispute
* Northfield mayor says state’s decision to widen Willow Road violates design rules * Poll Results: Who Wants a New Constitution (and Why)? * Illinois Senate advances ban on flavored cigarettes * Making Legislators’ Votes Available Online * Hearing reveals little on ag funds * State Senate looking to guard young health * Illinois set to offer $1.2 B of notes * State officials say Asian longhorned beetle has been eradicated from Illinois * Illinois tries taking bite out of housing crunch
* Mr. Atheist needs to apologize now * Boehner Urges Probe Of Hurckes * Mayor Daley defends Obama, vouching for William Ayers
- Garp - Friday, Apr 18, 08 @ 10:31 am:
Daley keeps changing Commissioners of Aviation because he doesn’t want anyone who knows what they are doing to know what they (the Daley administration) are doing, if you know what I mean.
He has appointed the lamest Commissioner he could find since he had to throw Loney out because she didn’t go along with the boys. He learned his lesson and won’t jeopardize this cash cow again with any possible good government types-ignorance is bliss for an Aviation Commissioner.
- JonShibleyFan - Friday, Apr 18, 08 @ 11:30 am:
Great Kass piece on Rap Mogul Rudolph “King Rudy” Acosta’s castle on a northwest side bungalow street.
For a guy who seems to operate outside the mainstream, he seems to have clout.,1,2110283.column
- Captain America - Friday, Apr 18, 08 @ 12:58 pm:
I’m familiar with the botteneck created by Northfield intransigence on the widening of Willow Road. Northfield politicans and residents deserve to be beat into submission for the greater good/public benefit. Frankly, this widening project should have been completed long ago when the Gleview Naval Air station was redeveloped. Schoenberg did the right thing from a public policy standpoint.
- Beowulf - Friday, Apr 18, 08 @ 10:14 pm:
Mayor Daley defends William Ayers ? What more does one need to figure out where Daley’s heart lies?