Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Blagojevich attacks Dems on health care, slashes funding for nutrition education
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Blagojevich attacks Dems on health care, slashes funding for nutrition education

Tuesday, Apr 22, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You’ve probably heard about this already…

Blagojevich was asked multiple times by reporters Monday whether the [Rezko] trial is making it difficult for him to do his job.

* Instead of answering the questions, the governor turned on the House Democrats

“When you consider the dynamics, I think we’ve made a lot of progress. It could be a heck of a lot more harmonious, though, if those Democrats in the House stand for what they say they’re for.”

* And…

“We wish the General Assembly and especially the House would be less obstructionist and be more willing to embrace health care for children, health care for working families,” Blagojevich said.

* But how concerned is he really about the health of children and working families? Only on the stuff he cares about, apparently

A state program that helps educate Illinois’ poor is one of many state programs on the chopping block, as Gov. Rod Blagojevich considers withholding promised dollars to fill a $750 million hole in the Illinois budget.

More than 1 million of Illinois’ food stamp-eligible residents take advantage of University of Illinois Extension’s Food Stamp Nutritional Education Program. […]

“There isn’t anyone else in the state that does what we do,” said program Director Robin Orr, who leads the University of Illinois Extension program that serves 535,000 people in 97 of Illinois’ 102 counties. “In a budget that’s already passed, I have no idea why you don’t release money.”

So, let’s see, offering health insurance to people knowing that many doctors won’t accept it because the state is so slow in paying (and pays so poorly) is priority number one, even though he can’t get his program through either chamber of the General Assembly. But funding an existing program that helps more than a million people learn better nutrition, and, therefore, live healthier lives to begin with, is just too expensive to keep around.


* Meanwhile, Fritchey has some choice words for the governor’s latest attack…

Suffice it to say that it doesn’t bode well for a productive, let alone timely, session if the Governor is already in demonizing mode, which he apparently is.

* And this was just posted at CDOBs

At 2pm today, Judge James Epstein is set to hear a motion requesting compliance with the Preliminary Injunction against Governor Blagojevich issued last week.

The Healthcare and Family Services Defendants have yet to take the
necessary steps to comply with the injunction previously issued. Judge Epstein will consider a contempt action to compel compliance with his previous order.

* Other stuff…

* EIU raises tuition almost 12 percent for students entering school next fall

* Blagojevich no friend to 4-H’ers across the state

* Lake County Extension Foundation begins drive to offset state reduction

* Stop the bullying; release extension, conservation funds


  1. - Ghost - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:29 am:

    So the Governor has come out seeking to create a divisive atmosphere before budget talks get strongly under way. Now for the pentultimate question, when the budget impasse hits september this year will somone actually play through a govt shut down? Or will it be like the CTA doomsday, constantly forcast but never appearing.

    I predict no budget by December. If we thought the Gov was more focused on killing deals for sound bites and propoganda last year, we ain’t seen nothin yet.

  2. - JohnR - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:33 am:


    This is a facetious argument.

    We all know the reason that nutritional education cut will happen because of the deficit. That, and about $750 million of other spending.

    The reason it will be cut is because there is no money. Like it or not, if the House would pass the fund transfers, it wouldn’t get cut.

    If they don’t like the fund transfers, then they need to find something else to fill the deficit. Or they need to propose other things to cut.

  3. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:42 am:

    Let me preface this by saying that I am strongly in favor of expanding access to food stamps well into, indeed, throughout the middle class, say up through the $200,000-$250,000 that both Hillary and Obama seem to be using as the bright line between middle and upper class incomes. Like expanding access to housing vouchers, affordable health insurance, and low-cost higher education, food stamps are another way of helping increasingly strapped middle class citizens weather recessions, housing meltdowns (which reduce net worth), food and gas price increases, and so on. Instead of raising their taxes.

    But in defense of Blago (sigh) I wonder how much good nutrition education actually does. It seems to me that what you eat has much more to do with access to good food sources, what your mom used to cook, how much time you have to cook, whether you engage in emotional eating, and so on Learning the food pyramid and a few cooking tips can’t help much there. It’s nice they do it, but is it really essential. I don’t think so. Plus, the internet has thousands of nutrition sites.

    Of course, taking payoffs, uh, campaign contributions in exchange for lucrative state contracts isn’t essential for the citizenry either and probably takes a lot more from the taxpayer, but that’s another topic.

  4. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:46 am:

    The Governors Priorities are screwed up. The state CANNOT affort Universal Health Care. He is willing to sacrafice ALL other programs for UHC.

  5. - JohnR - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    I think nutritional education for food stamps is good. I don’t know what this U of I program does, but I am sure it is worthwhile.

    But the problem is saying that the funding is getting cut because the Gov doesn’t support it. That’s just ridiculous.

    This is exactly what Madigan wanted to happen when he said they he had wiped his hands clean of the budget (their own budget, mind you). He wanted the Gov to have to face all the negative press from making all these cuts.

    And it seems to be working because nobody is holding Madigan’s feet to the fire.

  6. - Princeville - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:49 am:

    other things to cut? Okay, ground Air Blago. If times are so tight that programs for the poor have to be slashed then the governor should feel in their pain also. Maybe cut free a couple spokepeople and start answering to the public himself? Simple items like this matter to the public. Blaming the DHD isn’t really cutting it for us, remember we’re simple folk all we remember our governor taking his pen and adjusting the FY08 budget last year and then our Senate President announcing ‘case closed’. Our governor got the budget he adjusted and signed and the Senate backed it up. So tell us again wht it’s the House Dems fault.

  7. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    Perhaps the governor should lead by example during this “crisis.” Spread the pain around a little bit. Say, a grounding the state air fleet except for emergencies; take the Brown line to the Thompson Center, rather than a SUV caravan (Edgar used to take the El from O’Hare to Clark and Lake); a moratorium on out-of-state travel for Executive staff for conferences; lot of ideas.

  8. - JohnR - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    You’re right Princeville - maybe all that pork should be reinstated.

    THEN we have a $1.2 billion budget deficit.

    Brilliant, I say. Brilliant.

  9. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:55 am:

    Blagojevich is trying to rock the boat during this election year. This is not a surprise. He has nothing to lose.

    It is the General Assembly’s job this year to ignor and lock Blagojevich up in a closet during this election year to do no harm to them. Blagojevich is political poison. Not only should state representatives and senators avoid being seen with him - they must do all they can to keep Blagojevich out of the news entirely. When he shows up on TV, their election chances are harmed because it only reminds voters how much they hate the current state of affairs in Illinois. Blagojevich represents failure to voters and it is in the best interest of the GA to put a sack over his face and rush him away from cameras during this election year.

    I have been issuing fair warning about this situation since January.

    Here are some quick ideas to help:

    1) When Blagojevich approaches a press conference surrounded by cameras and microphones - pull the nearest fire alarm.

    2) If there is no fire alarm within reach, loudly yell out - “HEY! It’s RON SANTO!” and run away from the crowd. Rod will abandon the group and follow you.

    3) Another idea is to have the State of Illinois’ building manager on speed dial. Arrange it with him to cut electricity to the governor’s office when he hears his cell phone ringtone of “Jailhouse Rock”.

    4) Hire the ‘Sweet Adelines’ to watch Blagojevich’s office and home. When they see him outside and near reporters, have them sing, ‘Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little’ from the ‘Music Man’. With megaphones.

    5) Steal the man’s hairbrushes and hairspray. Rumors are being confirmed that he cannot speak unless his hair has been done.

    Listen people! You want to be re-elected this year? Put that ‘crazy uncle’ governor of yours in the nearest cellar!

  10. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:01 am:

    Internet nutrition sites aren’t going to be of much use to someone who can’t afford to have internet service at home and does not have the time or technological savvy to figure out how to get it cheaply.
    I suppose they could use their public library (I used to do that) but they may not be able to get to the library when it’s open, particularly in small towns with limited library hours.

  11. - Levois - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    More chaos and the governor only cares about his legacy. When are people going to say “What’s a Blago legacy?”

  12. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    Another one:

    Free trip to Sebian Blagojevich homeland. One-way.

  13. - Flounder - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    Blagojevich’s refusal to answer specific questions is just the writing on the wall. He’s in very deep denial, he’s already the laughing stock of the our state, but soon to the laughing stock of the nation and possibly the world.

  14. - Bill - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:05 am:

    There is no way to “cut” their way out of the fiscal mess that the state is in. The crisis is in this fiscal year, not ‘09. Instead of worrying about the next year budget in December, legislators should be trying to come up with a way to balance this year with only a few months left. There is no money! If they don’t come up with some soon UofI extension services will be among the least of everyone’s worries even though it seems to get most of the attention. Grounding a few planes and making Rod take the el might make everyone feel good but does nothing to alleviate a $3/4 Billion shortfall. But that’s ok. Just keep fooling around with recall and income tax amendments and taking days and weeks off. Don’t worry, Be happy! You can always deflect the blame to the other chamber, governor, etc.

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    Bill, just one question (okay, actually three): WHY is there no money? Where did all that money go? Is it purely due to revenues being lower than anticipated or were there other factors?

  16. - Princeville - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:11 am:

    John R–that’s not what I said. Blago adjusted the budget himself. He cut what he deemed pork. He also left in what he didn’t deem pork though it was left in as favors and tidbits for those he chose to ‘award’. What I said was he could have made cuts in all kinds of areas other than just ‘house pork’. If there was a problem why did Blago stop short on what he did cut? I didn’t suggest putting the ‘pork’ back in. What’s brilliant about a governor that chose to adjust a budget he openly announced was short and then only ‘fix’ it a bit. Once it hit his desk it was in his hands. He accepted this budget except for the ’selective pork cuts’ and he has no one to blame now but himself that it fell short.

  17. - Ghost - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:13 am:

    Cassandra your argument presupposes that all people have the same knowledge about nutrition, and that none are capable of learning and alterting their habits after gaining knowledge. I am not so pessimistic about the human condition :)

    But the bigger picture, the General Assembly budgeted and approved this course of spending. The Govt’s finacial hole is in part due to spending by the Gov that was not authorized by the General Assembly. So should the Gov have the power to alter law (Budget and Bimps are law after all) by refusing to release money authorized by the general assembly in order to gain cash for hiring attorneys, blocking FOIA, funding unauthorized healthcare expansions etc. The Gov spent over 20 million on outside attorneys alone. That money would fund both this education program and the 4h. Perhaps he needs to cut his own spending and stop increasing debt for unaothorized programs before he cuts those who have been approved.

    His actions violate the seperation of powers in our State constitution, he is usruping the general assembly by directing spending not as set by law, but by his desire.

  18. - anon - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:14 am:

    To John R.
    What is your position with the administration?

  19. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:15 am:

    anon, try to attack the argument, not the arguer. Thanks.

  20. - Bill - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    The main problem,IMO, is that they “estimated” revenue growth at over $1 billion when even a liberal estimate should have been about half as much. Any budget from now on that does not include significant revenue enhancement along with significant cuts in spending will just be another lie. The money didn’t go anywhere because it was never there.

  21. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    Today e-dition was the funniest yet…
    First Blaggoof is spending more time listending for Pat Quinn’ name to come at TR’s trial than what is happening the legislature.
    No real surprise
    House has voted on numerous plans to fund capital. House has said “not yet” on the huge, unfunded health care expansion.
    Wake up Blagoof!
    He may want to ask if there is anything TC & the Sock Puppets can support to pay for capital. So far they are 0-5.

    But the biggest laughs were in the Edgar Q&A with the broadcasters. Here are the real answers to a few questions….
    —G probes distracting? “Yup, I dropped out of sight and quit politics. It got real sticky when we had to explain how my new home computer was delivered for free by MSI vendors….
    — On temptations? Just let you brother ship foster kids to substandard out of state homes. After that everything is nickle-dime.
    —On the Senate President? Pate always embraced public opinion and progressive messages from the media.
    On Introducing Stu Levine to State Govt? Opps those sharp media types apparently forgot to ask that one. If they had I would have dumped on jRYAN.
    Great job Capt!

  22. - Princeville - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    But, Bill, then if the money was never there why did we have a governor that expanded healthcare and not only enrolled people but added additional expences due to the addition? Was the idea to expand and enroll and bring the bills in and then expect the GA to bail him out and agree to the extra money? I agree, the money was never there, but Blago didn’t seem to have a problem pushing his priority of expansion through anyway–how as he going to pay for it.

  23. - Bill - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    If the judge in Cook County has anything to say about it, apparently he won’t. So I expect you to be the first to contribute to the fund if any of the new enrollees get sick.

  24. - JohnR - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    This is what happened -

    Last Fall, Madigan’s budget group came up with the budget. They had their revenue estimates. Then they added up all their pork and new spending.

    When their spending was higher than their revenue estimates, they just simply and conveniently raised their revenue estimates.

    They overspent by $1.2 billion, by lying and not having to come up with new revenues. The Governor cut, what, $450 million? That leaves $750 million.

    I agree - the Governor should have cut more from the start. Or the general assembly should have come up with new revenues to pay for all its new spending.

  25. - JohnR - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    To anon - I don’t have a position within the administration.

    What is your position in life, may I ask?

  26. - Capitol View - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:40 am:

    Question: whyis health care such a priority with this governor?

    I have to conclude the answer is: more fawning of his one remaining political base, the unions.

    More and more jobs, even union jobs, are without significant fringe benefits. So Blago has to get health care coverage for his political base, union workers.

    Translating this “social priority” into political terms makes it more subject to rational budgetary prioritization. (Sorry, guv)

  27. - Just a Citizen - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    What is the purpose of providing nutritional education when recepients often sell their LINK cards to buy cigarettes or other nonfood items? I can’t believe that in this digital age, LINK cards don’t contain the recepient’s picture to cut down on fraud and abuse.

  28. - JohnR - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:42 am:

    My position here is moreso a critique of the ridiculous General Assembly than a support of the Governor.

    Every week, they pass spending increase after spending increase. Yet they never come up with new revenues.

    And people let them off the hook for that.

    To his credit, the Governor at least proposes a revenue source for each and every spending he proposes. Every should be held to that same standard.

  29. - Crystal - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    Hey, Van Man, some of your best work in your 9:55 post….lol.

  30. - Budget Watcher - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    It’s kind of crazy to blame only the Governor or the Speaker or the Senate President for the budget problems because it actually took a lack of leadership from all three Democrats to navigate the General Assembly into last year’s overtime and ultimately resulted in an unbalnced budget. There was no incentive to make the Republicans relavent and yet, that’s what happened…and absent a viable budget resolution, the Republicans were willing to sign onto a budget that they knew they’d have very little responsibility for. All three Democratic leaders own this budget problem. However, there’s only one leader who is appearing daily in embarrassing news stories regarding a high-profile corruption trial, so he’s the one who’s going to take the most criticism.

  31. - dem in IL - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:08 am:

    The EIU link doesn’t seem to be working…

  32. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    I don’t see the benefit of this nutrition education either. There are websites galore that cover such including our very own USDA pyramid website. Most libraries have hours on weekends and at least one evening a week. Most school children are educated on nutritional matters and could bring information home to their parents. Most food at the grocers has all the information you need to know to make good decisions printed on it, includings its macro-nutrient profile and its ingredients. Nutrition information is even delivered in news stories on the radio and TV including such information as eat 5 servings of fruits & vegetables a day and choose lean meats and low-fat dairy.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    Except that over a million people appear to disagree with you.

  34. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Something else that’s being overlooked with regard to the nutrition program… reading something in a book or pamphlet or seeing it on TV or the internet does not make nearly the same impression as hands-on observation and experience with a real person.
    If everything could be learned simply from reading books or seeing it on TV or the internet, then who needs teachers? Why not close all the schools and just send everyone home with a reading list … now look at the money THAT would save :)
    Snark aside, if this program were new or merely proposed I could see cutting it or not implementing it; but it appears that real people are actually signing up for it and getting some real benefit out of it.

  35. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Over a million people would probably like it if the state sponsored education on How to Take Good Care of Your New Kitten. It’s not a bad thing. But in the overall priority list, it’s pretty far down, even though I’m sure the nutrition program gives many the impression that they are getting something from their state government. And that’s important, since so many of us think we are getting exactly nothing from that 50 billion plus we send to the guv and our feckless legislators
    every year so they can see how much they can screw it up.

  36. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    Cassandra, that was your most dilatory comment yet. Congratulations.

  37. - Princeville - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    Nutrition education to some seems like a real easy thing to do, but when it is put into practice by many of the state’s poor, it falls apart. When we have children going to school with no breakfast for some except the school’s breakfast program who feeds them during summer break? The parents. Believe it or not, some parents give children just rice, or pancakes or hot dods over and over. These educational programs not only teach parents what to properly feed these children and themselves but also include help with funding assistance, recipes and ideas on how to make the budget stretch and at the same time make it a healhly well rounded meal. What seems easy to most of us, is a daily struggle for some.

  38. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 11:38 am:

    Another thought proposed by others… if there’s a serious budget shortfall why not simply make across-the-board percentage cuts to all state agencies instead of just targeting a few for complete abolition? Or would that not work as a pressure tactic?

  39. - The Doc - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 12:01 pm:

    It almost has to be tax increases at this point, no? Politically unpopular, of course, but perhaps the only “reasonable” idea given the current state of the state. Blagojevich won’t cut enough programs to make a difference, and the GA won’t approve the slashing of over programs that affect the constituents of their respective district to make a difference. So what’s left? Some form of a tax increase - everyone shares the blame until the collective memory of the populace fades into oblivion.

    It’s going to take some sort of catastrophe for this to occur, IMHO, a la the Minneapolis bridge collapse, only with more casualties.

  40. - anon - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 12:22 pm:

    Let’s see, a million people who need nutrition info and receive food stamps, does that equate to a million voters? I don’t think so. So where is the harm in cutting them off?

  41. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    Compounding the problem in the inner-city is the lack of access to affordable fresh produce, dairy, bread and meat. Groceries are low-margin operations and the big chains stay away.

    That’s why I was all for the Wal-Marts on the South and West Sides. At least they’re bringing grocery operations to a desperate market.

  42. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 12:38 pm:

    Bill, welcome aboard.

  43. - Sick Of It! - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 12:42 pm:

    How much of the Senate Dem’s pork….errrr valuable program funding has been spent? Seems like that would be a good place to cut some spending.

  44. - Irish - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 4:11 pm:

    I have been thinking about comments made on the CFB a couple of days ago about Blago’s style of talking, apparently one sided, all over the place, and incessent. Got me wondering about other characteristics, disdain for authority, making statements and promises off the cuff with not much thought, and it’s always someone else’s fault. Not a professional opinion, but sounds like our Gov. might have ADD.

    On the subject, my fear is we have seen nothing yet. Last year when we went in to super overtime on the budget and we had all of the bickering going on I thought if we can just get through this, they will all learn. I hoped that the GA would at the least just work around Blago and avoid the situation we had last year. I now believe that Blago will stop at nothing to get his way, even if that means a complete shutdown of everything that he feels is unimportant. And Jones, et al. will continue to cover for him. I cannot even imagine what the FY-09 budget will look like because these people are not going to quit. They are right and the rest of the state is wrong. The divisions are so deep they will not get together to solve anything.
    We need to vote out the ones that are the problems, and keep the good ones. I am not in favor of voting all incumbants out. There are some good ones. The Senator from my District has been trying but cannot win against the group in power. When funding for our local VA hospital was cut and promises by Blago to fund the new wing fell through he donated $20,000.00 of his own money to the hospital. Thank you, Senator Gary Dahl.

  45. - Princeville - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 6:38 pm:

    Excuse me, Irish ! While there is likely a chance our Blago has ADD or ADHD your summary above of ADD symtoms/signs boarder on offensive. Being an adult ADD raising a child with ADHD , in Speaker Jones’ words “I resent that”. Don’t put us all in a handbasket and generalize on ADD/ADHD. I’ve always said and still stand by that one who is not ADD/ADHD can not understand one who is.

  46. - Emily Booth - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 8:28 pm:

    I work in a office where nutrition education use to be conducted. Nutrition is very important especially for people whose choices are extremely limited. Nutrition affects children’s productivity in school, adult’s performance on the job, the elderly’s health and functioning. Nutrition education is not just about what to buy and eat, it’s also about new ways to prepare foods, like using the microwave. It’s important. The Food Stamp program is federal; I thought nutrition education was also federally funded?

  47. - Gregor - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 8:33 pm:

    So, the governor that was all about better nutrition in our schools, with all those public press events about banning candy and soda machines, turn around and cuts money for nutrition education.


  48. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 8:17 am:

    Why don’t we just teach good nutrition in schools if it’s so important, rather than create a special program that only reaches a small fraction of the Illinois population? Prevention is cheaper than reacting to growing problems later.

    If nutrition education is part of the deal for getting foodstamps, it would be much cheaper to operate online, accessible via public libraries or perhaps at the local food pantry. It’s not like the State has extra tax dollars to waste if there’s a smarter way to do business.

  49. - Irish - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 8:20 am:

    Princeville, SOrry if I offended but I also have a child and maybe two with ADD. I have three brothers also with ADD and know whereof I speak. It is very hard to diadnose and is mis understood by many people. I spent 16 years on our local school board fighting misconsceptions and instituted many changes in our school system to help children with ADD function and succeed, I was not trying to be cute with my analysis but was offering a reason why Blago appears to be so irrational.

  50. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 9:05 am:

    Irish–much appreciated are your efforts in the schools on misconsceptions and working to make changes in schools. I do see much changes and an effort to understand better than there was years ago when my oldest son was in grade/school, still a long ways to go, but progress is there. It was the part on distain for authority and always blaming someone else that annoyed me into the handbasket n generalization statement. Now if you would have said chatter like a woodpecker and change subjects ona dime… :)

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