Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Apr 22, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Ford Heights loses police dept. * State questions Welch’s use of campaign funds * State’s attorney: Officer targeted Stanford mayor in traffic stop * Firm owner accused of scamming $1 million * Inverness Man and His Engineering Firm Indicted in IDOT Fraud * We can’t turn our backs on the violence ravaging our city * Daley rips CTA over Blue Line response * Cook County health chief gone * The Call for a Constitution Convention * Governor’s plan to add inmates at Thomson prison has skeptics
* Suburbs are key to Democratic victory * Rauschenberger vs. Obama: Rounds 3&4 * Quote of the Day: Irony, thy name is Rauschy * Fat cats of politics scratch for an edge
* Rezko cohort details fee scam * Rezko trial: Loren chokes up on stand * Ex-pension fund attorney tells jurors of ‘mistake’ * Witness calls insiders ’stupid’ * Attorney on stand at Rezko trial recalls corruption on pension board * Testimony: Rezko attended fundraiser for President Bush
- Ghost - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 8:53 am:
Thomson, brand new prison is sitting empty, and the Union is worried that the criminals should be left at more outdated and deteriorating faiclities, for the comfort of their families?
Most of IDOC has or can have added video capaibilities. Easy solution, use the modern prison and let families visit via video if they are unable to travel. After all, deciding to break the law incurs certain unfrotunate realities, like being unable to control where one lives.
- Rob_N - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 8:53 am:
Sorry for the self-promo, but here’s a response to
“Rauschenberger vs. Obama: Rounds 3&4″….
Rauschy ought to look in a mirror.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:23 am:
Too bad Rauschy was such a weal candidate that he couldn’t overtake the support for Alan Keyes and get nominated…or run in a race that he coul dbe competetive the treasurer.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:34 am:
There are millionaire self-funders, then there are millionaire self-funders. Jon Corzine spent $63 million of his own money in the PRIMARY for his Senate seat. Mike Bloomberg spent $73 million of his own money for his first mayoral election.
Gotta sell a lot of ice cream to get in that company.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 9:39 am:
When we are discussing an individual’s qualifications to become a President, it is just fine if we hear everyone’s opinion. I am just as interested in hearing what those who oppose a candidate say, as supporters.
Rauchenberger isn’t a nobody and he knows Obama better than the bloggers who so far just want to name-call. We are perfectly aware of Mr. Rauchenberger’s political history and can differentiate the opinion he provides.
Listen to what people who have worked with Mr. Obama, Mr. McCain and Ms. Clinton have to say with as much an open mind as possible.
If a presidential candidate voted ‘present’ 140 times during his few years in public office - I want to know that. If a presidential candidate has a pattern of voting one way and then another - I want to know that. If a presidential candidate has a scandalous past - I want to know that.
You do not add credibility to your arguments when you do not show deliberate consideration of every political position.
Let this Senator tell his story. Then let others tell theirs. Stop the ‘pot-shots’ and the juvenile heckling. You are not as smart as you think you are, and we are not as dumb as you think we are.
- Rob_N - Tuesday, Apr 22, 08 @ 12:16 pm:
Have you actually been reading and listening to what Sen. Rauschenberger is saying?
For one thing, he’s contradicting the flattering comments he made of Sen. Obama in 2004 — when they were both running for the same “higher office”. (Apparently now wanting to run for higher office is a ‘bad thing’ according to 2008 Rauschenberger.)
For another, the 2008 version has been fibbing, plain and simple. Call it spin, call it heated rhetoric, call it what you will. But a fib is a fib is fib. Rich has more in his later post on the topic.