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Question of the day

Wednesday, Apr 23, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* During an interview with the Daily Herald, Rep. Suzie Bassi described the Statehouse atmosphere as “toxic,” said she’d rather have “Humpty Dumpty” as governor than Rod Blagojevich, and said…

The nine-year veteran of the legislature in Springfield added that she thinks Lt. Gov. Patrick Quinn could “bring people together” [if he were governor]

* Question: Do you think Pat Quinn would be a more stable, unifying force than Rod Blagojevich? Explain.


  1. - Dan S, a Voter & Cubs Fan - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    I would hope that he could lead the process dur ing the 2 years until a new Governor takes office. Anyone who could help make the process work and stop the gridlock will be better thatn what we have now.

  2. - Just Because - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 10:57 am:

    Yes, Quinn has his problems but it could help put some faith back into the system. Maybe even some redirection into the agencys.

  3. - MTP - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    Without a doubt.

    Quinn has some crazy ideas, but when he was State Treasurer, he ran a good solid office, and surrounded himself with a fairly competent and professional team af managers.

    I think Quinn understands the dire condition of things right now and would focus primarily on getting the state train back on the rails.

    My guess is he would be open to a wide variety of revenue enhancements and spending. In return, he’d probably want some serious ethics reform. In the wake of Blago indictment, he’d probably get it.

  4. - Bruno - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    Given that anyone, (Quinn, etc.) is contrasted against Rod, how could the answer be anything but “Yes.”

  5. - You GO Boy - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    Quinn would only be 100% better, but sadly, that isn’t saying much considering the lowly station of the so-called governor.

  6. - Anon - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    i think he is so different from what we have now that he might be able to pull people together and actually get stuff done…now would he be the best governor our state has had, probably not. But i’ll bet he will bring people together.

  7. - Capitol View - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    the old Pat Quinn or the new Pat Quinn?

    The new Pat Quinn could get us through until the next election, and might be more willing to address the State’s revenues crisis now.

    But Rich, Blago isn’t going anywhere. Even if he is indicted, he will stay in office until that prosecution is resolved. Even if he “cuts the best possible deal”, that would be for him to not run for office ever again.

    How about a diffent question of the day — such as, shall we bring in Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton to negotiate peace at the Capitol?

  8. - MTP - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:01 am:

    To clarify — not saying he’s a big government guy, but won’t obstruct the revenue enhancements needed to balance the budget, nor would he dismiss out of hand new spending priorities like education or health care if the leaders were pushing it.

    My point is he will be flexible on those things if it stabilizes the budget overall, in return for ethics/good government reforms

  9. - Tom D. - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:01 am:

    An “Empty Chair” would do better, heck it would cost the taxpayers alot less money. Let’s not forget Quinn has stood by and done nothing to this point.

  10. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:01 am:

    Of course he would, compared to Blago, but I’d be interested to see how he treats wasteful spending, esp. going up against Emil Jones and his pet project, Chicago State University.

  11. - Speaking At Will - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:02 am:

    No question about it. Quinn would be more stable. However I would, and I mean this, subsitute George Ryan for Blago in an instant.

  12. - Mr. Ethics - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    Mr. Quinn has history of being a good man supporting the consumer and people of this State. Yet, where was he in 2006? He stood behind Rod.
    He may, however, be able to end the games between Madigan and Jones once Rod is removed from the equation.

  13. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    to Tom d.
    Let’s not forget Quinn has stood by and done nothing to this point.

    Quinn has been extremely vocal about whats been going. Now granted he didnt say much during the 2006 election but in his defense we didnt know as much as we do now. It’s not that he has done nothing, because he has, its that the office of Lt. governor is an extremely weak office. what do you expect him to do, start hearings on corruption on the governor’s rural affairs council???

  14. - ChiCountryGuy - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Pat Quinn is a dud. Let’s remember this is the man who told people to put tea bags in their electric bills to protest the rate increases and then had to take it back because the tea bags were damaging the sorting machines at the post office.


  15. - OneMan - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    Doubt if he could do worse.

  16. - Captain America - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    Qunin would do an excellent job as a transitional Governor.Given the extreme dysfunction of Illinois government, things could only improve.

    But since the jcokeying would begin immediately for the 2010 gubernatorial nomination, if Quinn were to unexpectedly become Governor, I don’t foresee any stability until the next Governor is elected.

    I think Blago will finish his term, although he might be indicted before his term ends, Realistically, I can’t imagine that Governor A would resign, even if he is indicted.

  17. - Blue Girl - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:13 am:


  18. - RMW Stanford - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:18 am:

    I am no great fan of Pat Quinn, but in what world could he possible be worse than what have right now or make the atmosphere in Springfield any more toxic?

  19. - archpundit - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    Hell just froze over, Pat Quinn has become the voice of reason.

  20. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    Yes, but that’s not saying much.

    In a way, I think yesterday’s news might bring people together. I predict you’ll now see Emil Jones drop Blago like a bad habit and come to some sort of uneasy working arrangement with Madigan so they can all go home at a reasonable date.

  21. - Levois - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:30 am:

    He couldn’t be much worse than the one we allowed to get re-elected almost two years ago. Since our governor insists on being in deep denial I doubt he would just resign. He seems intent on doing things the hard way.

  22. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    ===I predict you’ll now see Emil Jones drop Blago like a bad habit ===

    Yeah, that’ll happen.

  23. - Rochelle, IL - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    It’s all about Rod’s massive ego vs. reason. Unfortunately the massive ego will out for now.

  24. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:42 am:

    Do you think Pat Quinn would be a more stable, unifying force than Rod Blagojevich?

    What would be our current situation if we were stable and unified? Would we be discovering ways to balance our budget without hurting citizens or businesses? Would we be paying our bills on time? Would we still be forcing our health care facilities to subsidize our give-away programs?

    Emil Jones would still be in charge, right? Isn’t he the guy who publically stated that he believes that we have a revenue problem, not a spending problem? He and his Senate Majority Leader, Debbie Halvorson would still be sitting on ethics reform and recall amendments, right? We might be stable and unified, but how could we address our messes with these two sitting on needed reforms?

    Michael Madigan would still be in charge, right? Would he still be ruling his fiefdom? Would he be interested in bringing the 21st Century into Illinois, or clinging to his political power base, circa 1978?

    We can survive Blagojevich, just like we survived Walker and Ryan. It would be laughable however, to believe that Blagojevich magically disappearing and Quinn taking over and somehow creating an environment of stability and unity will resolve the fiascos we face together.

    The Illinois Democratic Party would still be in charge. Their myopic obsolete ‘lets build a bureaucracy!’ approach to government is no solution. Their myopic obsolete ‘lets raise taxes!’ approach to government is no solution. So the bottom line for Illinoians is the fact that even with stability and unity, we have the wrong people in charge.

  25. - Belle - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    so could a pet rock

  26. - NoRedHerring - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 11:58 am:

    PQ would make an excellent governor!

    1) Who goes to all of the fallen soldiers funerals? He does! Does he complain or gloat about this? Never. Not only that, his office acts as a buffer between the media and the familes during that difficult times. Is that his job? Nope, but he does it with class and dignity.
    2) His “tax based” background. Have you ever appealed your property taxes? Chances are, the book they give you has Quinn as a author or contributor. How about his plight to increase the threshold underwhich EITC lies. His office sponsors several clinics across the state FOR FREE for those who qualify. Why does he? Because he understand the effect taxes have on impoverised families. He can fix our funding crisis.
    3) He’s dedicated to teaching others how to treat our earth better.

    Most people base their opinon of Quinn on his many sound bites. check out the website :

    I’m not sure what the Governor’s future will hold but I certainly hope we can call Quinn our Governor someday soon!

  27. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    This is a trick question right? I have to agree that an empty chair or a pet rock would be better than what we have. However, we do need something living and breathing sitting in the chair. Pat Quinn may not be the best, but what’s our choice. Atta boy Pat, you may become governor without having to solicit campaign funds and sell jobs. That would be a first for Illinois.

  28. - Belle - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 12:31 pm:

    he could be called ‘The Man Who Would be Clean’….

  29. - Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 12:38 pm:

    Get rid of Blago and you lance the wound. I think Quinn now, with the spot light focused on him to be the opposite of the current toxifier, would be able to get things done.

    With the Gov out of the way Madigan can cut a budget deal withou fear of having jones team up with the Gov to backstab it. Jones will deal as well. With the Govs veto behind him he has less ability to undo promises. In short, impeach the Gov and yah get the work done.

  30. - Gregor - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 12:50 pm:

    I have been championing Quinn all along. I think as a caretaker and bridge-builder on the end of a shortened Blago term, he could do a heck of a lot of good. If he decides not to run himself for the following term, he could really do all the good-government things a “regular” governor could never dare to do… he could go down in Illinois civil service history as another Stevenson or Simon or Ogilvie. From there I think he could go to Washington.

    If he decides to run against Dan and Lisa and whomever else, well, he’s going to get tarred with the Blago team brush and he’s going to have trouble getting the same amount of campaign funding as those two. No, I think the the greatest thing he could do, if given the opportunity, is to say: the heck with re-election, I’;m just going to do what’s really right and fix and heal this state as much as I can in the time I’ve got”.

    He’d have a grateful citizenry nominate him for sainthood.

  31. - Governor Quinn - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    Governor Quinn would…

    demand and receive true ethics reform
    get a capital bill passed
    motivate state workers behind his platform
    moderate between emil and madigan
    increase education funding
    give more financial support to our state universities
    make government more green

    and most importantly get stomped by Lisa Madigan in the 2010 election…

  32. - Good Luck Pat - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:18 pm:

    No one knows how Pat Quinn would be as governor…in fact i dont even think ole Pat even knows what he would be like as our chief executive. But we do know he would be better than our current Governor. The people are so starved for someone who at least looks like he is working on the job. We will get that with Quinn but i do think there is still a big question mark over his governorship. The man has spent his entire life throwing stones at the political establishment. And in the process he has made a lot of enemies but there are people out there who love the guy and think he is better than sliced bread.

    But how would he mediate the gridlock? Everyone saw last week how much Emil detests him. Madigan thinks he is crazy but has been hedging his bets by working with him (on recall and some other intiatives) on the off chance that Fitzgerald knocks on the door before 2010. But what incentive does Madigan have to really work with him? We all know that Illinois will not get a capitol bill passed a day before Lisa Madigan is elected as Governor.

    My point is Pat Quinn has come to power in an unlikely way. He rose up the ranks not by courting inside democratic big wigs but by throwing public stones at them. So in a sense he has no allegiances to these guys. Either he’ll be an amazing Governor or a lame duck that is slightly better than our current chief. I’m pulling for the former but would bet on the latter.

    Good luck Pat. You will need it.

  33. - HoBoSkillet - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    I’m with Rep. Bassi and lets put in Humpty Dumpty as gov.

  34. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    Of course PQ would be better than Blago. I would be better than Blago - BSP for Governor! But PQ isn’t really a leader. He would make things less toxic because he wouldn’t fight as hard for idiotic purposes. More would get done, but only because there’d be one less fighter in the ring, not because PQ is a healer…

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:45 pm:

    Quinn has never had real power before. Lt. Governor, Treasurer, and cook county assessor all three of those posts could be thrown out or assumed by other offices and no one would no the difference. He would probably use the Governor’s office to work hard for the people. The guy works like 17 hour days in a job that most people dont know what he is responsible for. So what would he do as Governor? Who knows. He’s never had that much authority. He’d probably work himself into a heart attack and then Jesse White would take over. When the tumblers hit the Governor’s office its all over !!!!!

  36. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:46 pm:

    The question is: Who WOULDN’T be a more stable, unifying force?

  37. - anon - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:51 pm:

    “Do you think Pat Quinn would be a more stable, unifying force than Rod Blagojevich?”

    Only until he is actually in office. Why? Mr. Quinn is a focused and very intelligent person, but he can also be erratic and as stubborn as the current Gov., and as politically volatile. He may not be more able or willing to compromise and reach bigger picture solutions than the current Gov. I will say his grasp of details and his ability to pay attention to the crux of an issue is pretty amazing.

  38. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 1:55 pm:

    “Do you think Pat Quinn would be a more stable, unifying force than Rod Blagojevich?”


    And a raging, toxic tire-fire would be a more stable and unifying force than Rod.

    – SCAM
    so-called “Austin Mayor”

  39. - anon sequitor - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 2:03 pm:

    Quinn has had a self-inflicted/imposed clamp on his tongue for many years now as Rod’s bench warmer. Frankly, it has made him look much better in everyone’s eyes. Perhaps that comes from maturity, perhaps it is just survival instincts, but either way, he has largely avoided getting caught in the Springfield crossfire.

    So if Quinn continues to think before he speaks, he would make a tremendous transition Governor. I’d love to see him get the chance to be a levelheaded Governor who can calm the stormy waters of Springfield. But if he reverts to his old crazy ways…be careful what you wish for.

  40. - Trapped In The Metro East - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 2:05 pm:

    ==and most importantly get stomped by Lisa Madigan in the 2010 election…== Not so fast there… are voters ready for more of the ‘family politics’ that has oozed south from Chicago? I doubt if Quinn has much of a campaign warchest, but the Madigan name may be to Demos what Ryan was just two years ago…

  41. - Dirt Guy - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    Isn’t the Guv’s office pretty much an empty chair now? Anyone would be better than Rod “I’m not POA, its the other Rod Blagojevich who is POA.”

  42. - Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 2:27 pm:

    Trapped, Lisa madigan has some nose bleed high approval rating, 70′ish somthing. So far she has done well communicating her strenghts and creating her own political identity.

  43. - Keyser Soze - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    Pat would be a lot more fun. Did I say fun? Strike that. Zany is a better fit.

  44. - Garp - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 3:21 pm:

    I predicted a long time ago that we would have a Governor Quinn in 08 and I am still sticking with that. Who knows, Illinois might get the Governor it needs, all thanks to Blogo.

    As far as stabilizing government. He is a man of his word and that means a lot when deals are being done. He is not afraid to make waves but at least you know where he is coming from and where he wants to end up. I can only hope.

  45. - Dale Allen - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 4:23 pm:

    Sometimes in baseball when a player is traded it may be for a player to be named later. In Illinois if we traded the governor for no one to be named later; that would be an improvement! Pat Quinn is saying what many in Illinois believe. Hail to Pat Quinn, future governor of Illinois!

  46. - some former legislative intern - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 5:25 pm:

    Anon 1:45pm you think the office of Cook County Assessor has “no real power”? You must not be from around these parts.

    By the way, Quinn was never Assessor. He was on the Board of Tax Appeals before its current three member configuration.

    The machine likes to control the assessor’s office. In Cook County, it can be a fountain of campaign contributions. Look up Houlihan’s contributions and you will find out for yourself. The fact that he was able to bankroll that weird guy running (forgot his name already) this past February and still have plenty left over should tell you this position does have some real power.

  47. - Don't wanna get fired - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 5:50 pm:

    Have you posters all forgotten history? When you get past Blago’s antics, his biggest “fault” is the dishonest budgeting. Who’s in charge of that? John Filan. Who has ties with Pat Quinn going back to the Walker era, when Millorad was in high school? Filan. If Quinn replaces Blago, the comments about drunken sailors will be gone. But we will still have fund sweeps, consolidations to “save” $ that Holland says cost $, consultants paid from bond funds (Ronald Picur), unfilled vacancies (making it possible for more fund sweeps), selling assets for 1 years $. Wake up! Quinn is running a coup in plain sight, and all you can see is Blago’s antics and speculate about what Fitzgerald can prove. Do you REALLY want Filan in charge of the budget till Jan 2015? Whatever gets this whole crew, every last one of ‘em, gone in Jan 2011 is what I’m for.

  48. - Enemy of the State - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 6:21 pm:

    I like Pat Quinn. However, if he could not get the big prize after going through four election cycles, he is not really governor material.

    If he were to gain the office, would he still champion the recall?

  49. - Been Around - Wednesday, Apr 23, 08 @ 7:24 pm:

    I am a republican who has been around state government for over 25 years. I’ve periodically worked with both Rod Blagojevich and Pat Quinn throughout their careers. Pat Quinn is as much of a political opportunist and shameless self promoter as the Governor but there are three distinct differences between the two; Pat Quinn’s word is good, agree with him or not he usually knows what he’s talking about and the guy is a workaholic. If the IL GOP doesn’t recruit some new blood and start displaying a little more vision and leadership I would even consider pulling a Dem primary ballot for the first time in my life supporting him if he ran for Governor.

  50. - Rage Against the Machine - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 12:24 am:

    I went to Dem Day at the State Fair a few years back just so I could hold my Quinn for Governor sign in the front row in Hairdo’s face. As usual, he just kept grinning. I have been a supporter of Pat Quinn’s since the early 1980s when he organized the Coalition for Political Honesty. He has sponsored some great initiatives, including CUB, although CUB is way too politicized and full of itself these days. He has proven himself to be a true statesman. He is sincere, even though some people consider him to be misguided at times. He could do for Illinois what Barack Obama could do for this country. I hope he becomes Governor soon.

  51. - WayDumberThanYouThink - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 6:43 am:

    Hey HoBO:
    The GOPS tried Humpty & Dumpty Already…JRYAN lost and AccordianGal went down in flames…Bassi must have snnozin’

  52. - Beowulf - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 7:27 am:

    As a Republican, I could easily go along with the Mighty Quinn versus what we currntly have. Pat is an honest guy. At this point in the game, integrity is what I am willing to settle for in Blagojevich’s replacement. Emil Jones should dance off of the stage before Patrick Fitzgerald gets around to yanking him off with Rod. “The Bobsy Twins” are slow in figuring out that they are no longer wanted nor needed.

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