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Idle boasting?

Thursday, Apr 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The more I think about this Kjellander-Rove-Fitzgerald allegation, the more it sounds like a bunch of guys who think they have power boasting about how they’re gonna take Patrick Fitzgerald out of the game

“What I anticipate Mr. Ata would testify to would be that he did actually have direct conversations with Mr. Rezko about the fact that . . . Mr. Kjellander was working with Karl Rove to have [US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald] removed,” Hamilton told U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve. Hamilton said Rezko told Ata: “Mr. Kjellander is working with Mr. Rove to have Mr. Fitzgerald removed so that someone else can come in to the U.S. attorney’s office.”

* Read between the lines of Karl Rove’s response…

“Karl has known Kjellander for many years but does not recall him or anyone else arguing for Fitzgerald’s removal,” Robert Luskin, Rove’s attorney, said Wednesday.

“And [Rove] is very certain that he didn’t take any steps to do that, or have any conversations with anyone in the White House—or in the Justice Department—about doing anything like that.”

That statement was referred to as “unequivocal” by two reporters, but it’s hardly that. Rove “does not recall” the case being made, but he is positive that he didn’t take any steps to have Fitz removed.

* This point about the alleged move against Fitzgerald is also worth noting

If they occurred, the alleged conversations would predate the Bush administration’s more systematic effort in 2005 to remove U.S. attorneys it perceived as disloyal.

* I think former US Sen. Peter Fitzgerald may have it right

“It wouldn’t surprise me either if Kjellander actually did talk to Rove,” the former senator said.

But knowing Rove, Peter Fitzgerald said, he doesn’t believe the adviser to President Bush would have gotten involved in trying to replace the U.S. attorney under those circumstances. […]

Perhaps Rezko was just bragging to Ata, or maybe it was wishful thinking on somebody’s part, he theorized.

It’s interesting, though, that Patrick Fitzgerald is trying to inject this development into Rezko’s trial, even though the judge didn’t appear to be enthralled with the idea yesterday.

* More stuff…

* Quinn Demands Ata Answers from Governor

* Plot to dump Fitzgerald?

* Rezko trial: Kjellander tried to oust Fitzgerald

* Feds: Illinois insiders tried to have U.S. attorney ousted

* Allegation puts governor in middle

* Feds: Witness says Rezko tried to oust Fitzgerald

* Talk of firing the U.S. attorney told at Rezko trial

* Gavel-to-Gavel: Plot to dump U.S. attorney?

* Rezko Pal, Rove Named In Plan To Fire Fitzgerald

* Talk of firing the U.S. attorney told at Rezko trial


  1. - jake - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    I think we finally can figure out who the Governor would like to appoint to the Senate seat if Obama vacates it—Pat Fitzgerald. Of all the people he would like to get out of town, that would be number 1.

  2. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    If this is true, why is there not Obstruction of Justice charges against Bob K, Bill C, and the rest of the gang? I would think Fitzy would be all over that.

  3. - True Observer - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:08 am:

    Must choke most posters to have to give Bush credit for not removing Fitzgerald.

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  5. - MOON - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    11:07 AM.

    Fitzgerald is all over Cellini and Kjellander. Thats why they are not going to testify at Rezko’s trial. In due time they will also be indicted!

  6. - Anonymous45 - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:36 am:

    remember when Bush visited Chicago on da Mares birthday this year? What do you think they were talking about? Hmmmm….

  7. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    The whole thing is a bunch of nothing. It shouldn’t have even been entered into the trial.

  8. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    What do you think they were talking about?

    Deep dish and the Go-Go Sox.

  9. - Ghost - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    A failed coup must therefore be viewed as just name dropping? I think the point is Ill influential who were selling their ability to protect wrong doers in the State by using their juice, no matter how little of it they actually had.

  10. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    I suspect Peter Fitzgerald’s take is closest to the truth.

    Why would Rove go out on a limb for these guys? During the Plame investigation, Fitzgerald was untouchable. Even entertaining the thought of a move against him would have been incredibly reckless. The damage to Rove and the president would have been catastrophic if it ever came out.

  11. - DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 12:41 pm:

    What are the odds that if Obama gets it he saves his buddy Blago by firing Fitzy or even pardon Blago if there is a conviction by then.

  12. - GofGlenview - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 2:02 pm:

    well this all should make for a very good movie- I’m glad they have a producer on the stand…

    What were Rove and $hellander going to do admit the conversation? There is no way of course they deny…weakly as you mention.

  13. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    VanMan, I usually agree with you and highly respect your opinions but I do believe that Kjellander actually did talk to Rove about Patrick Fitzgerald, and probably a whole lot of other baloney as well. Rove has selective memory and doesn’t seem to remember it. PETER Fitzgerald is a visionary when it comes to Illinois politics. We can thank him for giving us PATRICK Fitzgerald, or not. Depending on if you think GRyan should be at ClubFed.

  14. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    They know that Rove knows what’s-what in Chicago and will act to remove Fitz if he is inclined or able to do so. So, if any such talk actually did occur, I would agree that it was just bragadacio on the part of those involved. Why would the prosecution want to bring that in? Well, just another seed to plant negativity against the defendant in the minds of the jury. By the time they’re done, those little tads of hearsay will make Rezko look like Osama bin Laden in the minds of the jurors.

  15. - Leave a light on George - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 2:25 pm:


    Give me the lottery numbers ( and the mega ball)please! I think your predictions are spot on, including yesterday’s about Patti B.

  16. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 2:26 pm:

    If this is just a little “political puffery” it’s hard to see why it comes up as a subject at a trial…but I do admit it would plant a seed in the jury’s mind, if nothing else. There are a lot of idle conversations that take place privately that are dead notions as soon as the conversation is over. Pete Fitz’ take seems plausible.

  17. - Napoleon has left the building - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 2:39 pm:

    Carlos Hernandez Gomez was the “guest news person” on WBEZ’s 848 this morning. He had a great line about the Rezko trial. Said that the reason why Blago’s scandals are different than George Ryans is that the GOP stood by Ryan but all the other Dems (minus Emil) have “thrown Blago under the bus. But the Governor keeps getting back up and putting Seniors on the bus for free.” Not known for his wit, I enjoyed that one.

    Clearly they were reading you Rich because him and the host both made the point about how Blago’s people keep denying he’s Official A. They also made a great point how it was easy for the Blagos to dismiss Stuart Levine but Ali Ata is a very big deal indeed.

  18. - reasonable 1 - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 3:14 pm:

    I can’t wait to see what Duffy does with this!!!

  19. - Steve - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 3:30 pm:

    Of course Peter thinks KJ talked, he’s got an ax to grind here.

  20. - Captain America - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 3:45 pm:

    I think Rove would have been happy to accomodate K by removing Fitz given the political firings of other US attorneys. However, as ArchPundit pointed out the other day, Fitz was untouchable because of his role as the Plame special prosecutor.

  21. - Truthful James - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 3:56 pm:

    The introduction of Ata here is to my mind an indication that Fitz was worried about the effect of the weak Levine on a Rezco conviction, He was to be saved — again IMHO — for the next level to tag team with a convicted Rezco forthe next trial. Either Public Official A or a quick switch to the Shill-lander with “A” next on the docket.

    PatFitz does work carefully when he builds an edifice. The netted Libby in D.C.would have been great bait for the next higher up up there. Bush’s pardon was sort of a catch and release deal, but I am sure that our man has a file cabinet or two which provide him with job security here.

  22. - oooppppsss - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 4:06 pm:

    Tom Rosenberg recalled hearing of pressures the governor’s people were putting on a state board to reward political donors.

    He once told GOP power broker Bill Cellini predicted that the way a state board operated, people could end up in court.

    “One day, Jon Bauman is going to be raising his hand under oath and he’s going to tell what happened and that day is going to be very bad for Mr. (Chris) Kelly and Mr. Rezko.”

    Looks like the bad day has finally arrived!

  23. - archpundit - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 4:08 pm:

    I have little doubt they went to Rove. Rove isn’t that stupid, however. Thus telling us something about how dumb Kjellander and Rezko are.

  24. - Google Girl - Thursday, Apr 24, 08 @ 6:59 pm:

    Oh, hell. I’ve been hearing about Kjellander going to Rove to get Fitz ousted for at least three years. Old news. The press is just s. . .l . . o . . .w.

  25. - Packerfan - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 7:13 am:

    Even if these conversations occured the Bush administration wouldn’t remove Fitzgerald. The 2005 removals were (allegedly) because the attorneys let go wouldn’t go after democrats. Not the case here in Illinois.

  26. - GofGelnview - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 2:17 pm:


    I think your right that Cellini and Kjellander will be indicted. Is there a reason that Rosenburg is testifying with immunity?

    I think he has the goods on Cellini. If Cellini goes so does Kjellander and Hurtgen (whose trial starts next week).

    The fact is that the hold outs are: Rezko, Hurtgen and the yet unindicted Cellini and Kjellander.

    With immunity of guilty pleas are:

    (some other Rezko flunkies)

    Did I leave anyone out…

  27. - GofGelnview - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 2:24 pm:

    Does any one remember this:

    – For a real judicial lesson, call these guys - John Kass,1,2287941.column
    (FROM THE EDITORIAL: …Perhaps Heaton could explain to the Senate about his chummy dinner, and what Kjellander and Cellini had for dessert.)

    Heaton was the hand picked White House down state Us Attorney. What the hell was he doing having dinner with two “individuals” who were part of these investigations?

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