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Must-see video

Friday, Apr 25, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Things got pretty rough on Chicago Tonight last night as two current and one former state legislator went back and forth about impeaching the governor. Click on the pic for the video…

“There is an unfair standard being applied here… They’re applying a standard to the governor that they’re not applying to others.” - Former Sen. Carol Ronen, now an administration official.

“The governor created the standard for himself.” - CLTV reporter Carlos Hernandez Gomez

It gets kinda nasty, with Ronen claiming that Rep. John Fritchey was lobbying for the payday loan industry and dredging up allegations about Rep. Jack Franks and his father.

If last night’s show is any indication of the future, they’re not going down easy, campers.

…Adding… Larry has some commentary of his own.


  1. - The Doc - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 2:43 pm:

    It was like watching preschoolers bicker - interruptions, one person trying to talk over the other, etc. Rep. Fritchey typically does a nice job of stating his position and supporting it with relevant facts, but appeared to take the bait from Ms. Loren, on live television no less.

    As for Ms. Loren’s commentary, I question why she even made an appearance. As for her comments that legislators applying an alleged unfair standard to the governor…it’s because he’s THE GOVERNOR.

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 2:44 pm:

    Ronen, not Loren.

  3. - The Doc - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 2:51 pm:

    My mistake - thanks.

  4. - phocion - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 2:58 pm:

    Blago needs a more sympathetic surrogate than Ronen - she was a train wreck on that interview. Then again, maybe she’s the best he’s got these days.

  5. - heet101 - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:02 pm:

    Sen. Ronen came across as petty, immature, and rude. In other words, she meets the job requirements for employment in the administration perfectly.

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    Let’s try to avoid personal attacks. That program was bad enough.

  7. - Cassandra - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:09 pm:

    Ronen is such a partisan of Blago, for whatever reason, that anything she says is not credible. She didn’t just become a believer.She’s been an extreme fan from the early days.

    My suspicion….she is one of those extreme liberals who believe that the end justifies the
    means. It doesn’t matter how corrupt the pols are or how much they steal as long as they implement the (in this case) extreme lib agenda. And, to be fair, most political zealots from all
    parties take a similar approach.

  8. - Ghost - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:10 pm:

    The problem with the Gov’s counter attack is as details emerge he is looking even worse then Ryan. its not that his coat tails have grown short, they are now overflowing with electricity and the number of folks willing to climb onboard is rapidly detiorating. As the details emerge incumbants have to worry that just turning a blind eye may itself cause them major damage.

  9. - Gerald Petko - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:14 pm:


    Rep. Fritchey did in fact lobby Chicago for the payday loan industry and listed Cash America as a client as recently as July 2007. Coincidentally enough they’re also a campaign contributor… Here’s the full list of clients from that reporting period and a link to the report. He also lobbies for (and takes a boatload of money from) developers in zoning matters in front of his uncle through marriage Ald. Banks (John Kass wrote about this last week). Rich you might also want to take a look at the ethics legislation he was touting last night, I doubt it would do much to curb his obvious conflicts of interest. Fritchey’s hypocrisy is really astounding. If he really wants to put his money (literally) where his mouth is he should resign from his lobbying practice or resign from the General Assembly.

    Abbey Development, Inc
    Airoom Inc
    Belle Plaine Garden Condo Assoc.
    Cash America International
    Collins, Thomas
    Jackson, Kevin
    Masary Construction, LLC
    McCarthy, Fintan (DBA 2508-12 W. Diversey)
    Metro Asset Management
    Mihulet, Liviu
    Murnin, Seamus
    National Distribution Systems
    Prairie Group
    Rodriguez, David
    Schubert Properties
    Stillpoint Development Corporation
    TGC Development Corp.
    Toulabi, Reza
    Zissv, Pavel

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:16 pm:

    I was assuming she meant he lobbied the state. My bad. Thanks.

  11. - So sad - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    It was very sad to see these long-time legislators act in such a childish and petty behavior. If we all cringe while watching this circus can you imagine what a regular voter might think about the folks whose sole responsibility is to ensure the future of his/her state?

    I think Rep. Fritchey acted correct by while not falling for former Sen. Ronen’s assertions. I found laughable, though Rep. Molaro’s point of view, he has been around long enough to know and understand how Springfield works.

    Very, very sad….

  12. - Dirt Guy - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    Ms. Ronen please explain these double standards. Are many of the legislators doling out jobs for money, but we are only attacking Blago? She sounds like a loop of tape 10 seconds long. Same thing over and over and over.

  13. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:18 pm:

    However, I would add, for the umpteenth time, that Illinois has a citizen legislature.

  14. - archpundit - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:22 pm:

    Ronen did exactly what Blagojevich wanted her to do by distracting from the Governor’s troubles by saying everyone does it like Jack Franks. It’s cynical and disingenuous, but so is this administration. It was a far better outing for the administration than most of the commentors realize because Ronen set it up a food fight and everyone was guilty.

    Fritchey did a good job, but when the other side makes up its own reality, there’s only so much you can do.

  15. - GoBearsss - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    I think Sen. Ronen was just making the point that those in glass houses should be careful with their stones.

    I agree with Rep. Molaro - all the good policy debates are being left on the side of the road with all this nonsense.

  16. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:26 pm:

    Perhaps we should ban lawmakers from having outside employment or income or at least lobbying other units of government.

    But let’s not muddy the waters here.

    Fritchey’s lobbying AT THE CITY LEVEL is legal, and it was reported in accordance with applicable laws.

    In Blagojevich’s case, an affidavit has been filed in Federal Court by the U.S. Attorney General alleging that BLAGOJEVICH COMMITTED A FELONY, and one involving abuse of his public office no less.

    Is impeachment called for? Yes. Unlike Monica Lewinsky, the allegations here involve using one’s elected office to commit a felony.

    Keep in mind that an impeachment only alleges the reasons why an official should be removed. Like Congress, the Illinois Senate would be the trier of fact, and it would be up to them to determine whether, in fact, Blagojevich would be removed.

    Is Impeachment the best thing for Illinois? It can be argued both ways. I’m sure Pat Quinn thinks so, but if he’s smart he’ll keep his mouth shut.

    Impeachment would certainly turn Springfield on its head, and make it difficult to get much else done.

    On the otherhand, if we’re not even going to investigate a credible charge that a sitting Governor accepted $125,000 in bribes in exchange for a state job, what the heck do we have impeachment powers for? Are we waiting for a Governor to walk into the middle of the Thompson Center with an automatic weapon and open fire?

  17. - Rep. John Fritchey - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    In the interest of fairness and full disclosure (two concepts which are apparently foreign to the Governor and his surrogates), let me clarify something.

    Last year, I represented Cash America in an application for a special use in order to establish a pawn shop in the Little Village neighborhood in Chicago. The application was before the Zoning Board of Appeals, which is comprised of private citizens, not Alderman, and had the support of the community.

    Pursuant to my representation, as required by City ordinance, I filed a lobbyist registration form with the Chicago Board of Ethics, which not only set forth who my client was, but also included the actual retainer letter for the engagement. My representation could not have been more transparent.

    My intention last night was to present an objective argument, not to impeach the Governor, but why the subject must at least be reviewed in light of recent facts. I regret being baited into a childish exchange, especially one in which my opponent felt no need to be bound by facts or the issue at hand.

    Carol Ronen’s statements were not only intentionally misleading, but as did the rest of her comments last night, they amounted to nothing more than a desperate attempt to keep from discussing the actions of her boss, the Governor.

    She refused to deal in any aspect of reality:

    She suggested that we impeach Rep. Franks and/or his dad (neither remotely warranted nor constitutionally permitted);

    She denied that the Governor has been keeping HB1, the pay-to-play ban, bottled up for a year;

    She had the audacity to blame ME for not working to advance HER b.s. ethics bill that she filed at the end of session two years ago and then did nothing with;

    and in the ultimate show of loyalty-based denial, she somehow managed with a straight face to claim that Carlos’ statement that Sen. Jones reneged on his agreement to override the Governor’s veto of last year’s budget was untrue.

    And while I consider Carol’s entire performance last night to be beyond the pale, part of me somehow sympathizes for her, the same way that I kind of feel bad for Abby.

    There is absolutely no way that they can defend a man who refuses to even acknowledge that he is Public Official A, but I assure you that ranting attacks are not going to help their cause.

  18. - Cousin Ralph - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    As someone from outside Cook and the Collars, I found this segment very interesting. We are going to see more of this, not less. This is going to drag on to a bitter end. Downstaters are not getting this sort of thing on their local and regional media yet. But they will, and when they do, Chicago Dems’ lock on power in this state will crumble. Ronen was accurately described as a train wreck. Think of the Clinton empeachment. Clinton had some of the best spinmiesters in the Western World talking for him. Blago is not fielding a varsity team. With Ronen in the North and Jay Hoffman in the South as his point people, the economy in the tank, as opposed to where it was in 1999, this is going to be devistating for the DEMs.
    For all those who laughed and jeered as George Ryan sunk the USS ILGop, you are about to learn what a painful experience it is to be aboard a ship that was supposed to be unsinkable. The descent is long and tortious and the water very, very cold. Blago’s character is your fate. I take no pleasure in pointing out that the USS ILDem just hit an iceberg. Oh, and there are not enough lifeboats.

  19. - Levois - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:29 pm:

    The sparks were flying in that video that’s for certain. It almost sounds like Emil Jones has a lock on that chamber. Even if there was to be an impeachment trial would the Senate be serious about making a conviction of the governor and remove him from office.

  20. - GoBearsss - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:32 pm:

    I think you are being misleading here Rep. Fritchey -

    After viewing the video, Sen. Ronen wasn’t saying that Rep. Franks or his Dad should be impeached, but that the standard applied to some is not being applied to others.

    It sounds like she touched a nerve with you to make you insult her so much.

    But she was my Senator for many years, and frankly sir, you don’t hold a candle to her integrity.

    That’s my soapbox for the moment.

  21. - GoBearsss - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:33 pm:

    Now, Rep. Fritchey -

    Was that Tom Collins the drink that you were representing?

    Was it having trouble getting on the menu in the bars on Rush St.?

  22. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:37 pm:

    Again, watch the personal insults.

  23. - GoBearsss - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:41 pm:

    Sorry - was just trying to defend my former Senator from the distinguished member’s screed.

  24. - Rep. John Fritchey - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:42 pm:

    And in response to “Mr. Petko’s” misleading statement that I ‘lobbied for the payday loan industry’, let me reiterate that my representation was limited solely to a technical land use issue.

    Anybody that knows anything about my tenure in the House is aware that I have been at the forefront of regulating the payday loan industry, and in fact, met just this morning with representatives of Citizen Action in my office to discuss our ongoing efforts to further protect consumers in this arena.

    In fact, his post bolsters my point that my legal work in Chicago has a greater level of transparency than most any other legislator who has a job outside the General Assembly.

    I work 70+ hour weeks and am not going to apologize for that fact. And while I am not happy to say it, I will tell you that my overall income for the last 12 years has been a fraction of what it would have been had I remained in the private sector full-time.

    People can throw all of the mud that they want,(it’s an unfortunate part of the business), but I will readily put my professional conduct, dedication to my constituents, and record, up against this Administration’s at any point in time.

    So I would suggest that, rather than attack anybody and everybody that may criticize the Governor, these individuals attempt to address the numerous allegations against him. It’s going to have to be done at some point anyway.

  25. - gosoxx - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    And, Rep. Fritchey, how many of those hours are spent reading/commenting on cap fax?

  26. - Rep. John Fritchey - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    And GoBearss, if you watch the video again, I think that it is very clear that is was your former Senator who set the tone, not me.

  27. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:45 pm:

    Everybody, calm down.

  28. - Rep. John Fritchey - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:47 pm:


    I was told that this post was up, and figured that I would want to weigh in. I have no problem putting in as much time as I need to in order to accomplish whatever I may need to. I am more than comfortable with my work product as a legislator.

    And just as is the case with the time that I put into writing and maintaining my blog, I would imagine that you would think that having legislators engaged in public discourse is a good thing.

  29. - problem - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:51 pm:

    I think I see the problem -
    “putting yourself up against this administration” is not the bar you have to reach.

    Everyone should be abiding by broader ethical principles.

    Just because your lobbying is legal doesn’t mean everything is on the up-and-up.

    People have been talking about your conflicts in your zoning work for years ( just google Fritchey Zoning).

    I am not saying you are guilty or evil, but just that it makes it easier if you explain these things in the open (like you are doing now).

    My question - You lobby for Stillpoint it says up there, butthey also give you campaign donations?

    Is there a conflict there?

  30. - GoBearsss - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:52 pm:

    gosoxx - don’t drive Rep. Fritchey away.

    I am glad he posts here.

  31. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    Nobody could drive John away. lol.

  32. - So sad - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 3:59 pm:

    Even though I not longer am directly involved with the General Assembly in the past I have personally and professionally worked closely with many current and past legislators from both chambers and both parties as well. Having said that, I have never seen a GA in such a sad state of disarray with this blatant type of dysfunctional behavior full of hollow accusations and a consistent lack of personal and professional respect.

    I sincerely don’t know what it will take to get back to the time when personal friendship and the simple word of a legislator meant more than anything else. Besides having the regular partisan show in the chambers, many legislators hammered out their differences while having dinner or drinks…nothing more nothing less. I guess those were the days.

  33. - Dirt Guy - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:07 pm:

    Why are there a couple of commenter’s here trying to impugn Rep. Fritchey? I have yet to hear or read his name in any of they legal proceedings that are targeting public officials in Springfield. Don’t attack him because he has differences with the Guv.

  34. - problem - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:08 pm:

    Plus - I think that we have a slight problem in this state if the person who has been “at the forefront in regulating the payday loan industry” happens to be a lobbyist for the payday loan industry.

  35. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:08 pm:

    It is quite clear what we are seeing. We have two Blagojevich minions attacking Franks and Fritchey for leading on this discussion. Instead of discussing Blagojevich, they play childish games and make accusations. It is utter nonsense!

    The case is not Franks and Fritchey. The case is Rod Blagojevich. The four individuals in this video have ended up before these cameras because of actions taken by Blagojevich, not Franks or Fritchey.

    Why the anger, the unprofessionalism and the behavior? Because Rod Blagojevich has set the narrative standard as every governor does. If Ronen’s comments are correct, then why have a governor? A governor is to be held to a higher standard - that is why the office exists. Instead she focuses on attacking Franks and Fritchey.

    Disgusting behavior. For the past five years we have been witnessing this low-ball politics and letting it interfer with the work needed to be done.

    Anyone refusing to discuss the options of impeachment or recall at this time are not doing their jobs. Any legislator worthy of their title, pay and time should be looking ahead at the options we face regarding Blagojevich. He has to go!


  36. - Jaded - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    I think former Senator Ronen needs to follow some of her own advice. Senator transcripts, January 6, 2003 in Executive Session speaking against last minute appointments of the Ryan administration:

    “I would urge all of my collegues on both sides of the isle to stand up for change, to disassociate themselves with the poltics of the past, with the corruption of the past.”

    Talk about hypocrisy.

  37. - Samson - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:14 pm:

    Its a shame what Fritchey is trying to do. This is all personal for him. To say that he does not have political motivations is laughable. This is an attempt by Madigan/Franks/Fritchey to try the Governor publicly and muddy the waters for the next gubernatorial election.

    Molaro made the most sense. Let the Feds do their job. However, Ronen made a good point about the Franks family and their connection to the Health Facility Planning Board. Fritchey and Franks need to concentrate on passing a budget instead of wasting our time on these petty games.

  38. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:15 pm:

    I don’t catch all the statewide news. But there seems to be something missing from all the sturm and drang over impeachment and corruption in the Blagojevich administration:


    Where are they? There’s a Democratic administration on the ropes. The GOP has no statewide officeholders, is in the minority in both chambers, has shaky congressional seats and… nothing.

    Aren’t there ambitious Republicans who want to get on TV railing about corrupt Chicago politics? How about the guy running for Senate, Sauerberg? He’s so low-profile, I wouldn’t know him if sat next to me on the bus.

    I know there are Republicans mixed up in the Rezko case, but the ultimate poster boy for all this is the Democratic governor. What gives?

  39. - Garp - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:16 pm:

    I watched that show and I am glad you posted this, Rich. I thought her point was, other people are breaking the law so why can’t we? If she is Blogo’s best defense he in big big trouble.

  40. - AwesomeQuoteJaded - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:17 pm:

    I wish more folks would examine those transcripts from the past. The Demcrats were so willing to attack the Ryan administration for their obvious faults. Now, look who is on the receiving end…you guys!! Time to own up Democrats you all stood with him last election and even pressured Madigan to get up there on the stage with him at the state fair.

  41. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:18 pm:

    ===This is an attempt by Madigan/Franks/Fritchey to try the Governor publicly and muddy the waters for the next gubernatorial election.===

    Wrong. I talked to Franks about impeachment three weeks ago. He said it wasn’t an option and didn’t want to consider it. Fritchey has also been reluctant.

    This is about Ali Ata and Joe Cari. Period. Deal with it.

  42. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:22 pm:

    rich, but three weeks was a lifetime ago…before ata… even fritchey said that he wasnt considering impeachment earlier but after the new revelations he has changed his mind…isnt it safe to assume that the same logic went through Franks’ head?

  43. - Rich Miller - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:24 pm:

    Exactly, but this isn’t purely some political thing. Ata changed the world.

  44. - Dirt Guy - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:25 pm:


    From all I have seen and read it is BLAGOJEVICH who is the problem when it comes to getting the budget passed. Why send him something he will just ignore and mutilate? When he done “fixing” a budget he has cut critical programs and illegally funded his own programs. Since when does our governor have the unilateral power to funds things willy nilly as he chooses? I always thought we had three arms of the government to prevent dictatorial maneuvers such as the ones Rod pulls.

  45. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:27 pm:

    I’m tired of reading and seeing people accuse one another of having ulterior motives when things like this happen.

    We have political roadkill here people. Someone has to start cleaning up the mess. Stop arguing that Blagojevich isn’t dead in the water, that Ata is just making stuff up, that the ‘facts’ are not all in yet, that he’s innocent until proven guilty, and yell at the people who recognize this.

    Blagojevich is stinking up the place. The courts are shutting him down. Now stop acting up and get us out of this jam!

  46. - GoBearsss - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:45 pm:

    Rich -

    I think John did get scared away after all. That’s a shame.

  47. - Rep. John Fritchey - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 4:48 pm:


    While I’m willing to spend time here, I’m not spending all of my time here :)

    That being said, it’s been a long week, and I think I’m calling it a day as far as this issue is concerned. Have a good weekend all.

  48. - IDOT Guy - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 5:31 pm:

    I am not represented by Fritchey, but have a lot of respect for the work he does. He follows the rules about his other job(s), and I believe anyone throwing dirt at him is trying to ease the pressure that is building on the governor.

  49. - some former legislative intern - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 6:52 pm:

    Ronen has chosen to go down with the ship. I thought she was smarter than that. Molaro just sounded like he always does: goofy. Fritchey made good points, but perhaps he is not the best one to be leading on this, given all his city lobbying? I don’t buy Ronen’s b.s. that there is some double standard, or that because Franks was involved in the Health Facilities deal that his integrity is in question, but perhaps it would be better for all concerned if a someone pristine clean moved this forward, preferably people who have been around for a long time.

    How about: Barbara Currie and Mark Beaubien?

  50. - come on carol - Friday, Apr 25, 08 @ 11:47 pm:

    Ronan is exactly what is wrong in this state. She served in the senate, landed a huge appointment, upped her pension, defends Blago. Obscene at best!

  51. - Louis Howe - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 7:36 am:

    Rep. Fritchey opened the TV segment with a reasoned argument. However, the point at which an impeachment resolution is appropriate is when/if Gov. Blagojevich is indicted. Gov. Edgar was involved in a similar pay-to-play scandal (MSI) and never was threatened with impeachment. Gov. Thompson’s infamous Rutan case was similar pay-to-play and he wasn’t impeached. Ronen and Molaro are right…The legislature should focus on the budget and let the criminal justice system proceed with a full investigation of state government practices.

  52. - Speaking at Will - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 8:39 am:

    As a citizen of Southern Illinois. Thank God for Capitol Fax. I get no media coverage of these issues in Carbondale. I’m gonna go get some Mary Lou’s Biscuits and Gravy.

  53. - southern illinoisan - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 9:14 am:

    Rep. Fritchey, thanks for standing up and bringing this issue to the forefront. There is a large majority that have lost faith in the governor’s leadership ability and leadership from his office is what is needed to move things along in Sfield. He has lost all credibility. And not only from the Rezko issue but many others. Ask any legislator about “MOU’s” and what does that say? The argument should not be about Rod Blagojevich, but about his performance as governor. And any level-headed impartial observer would say he has done a terrible job.

  54. - Bruno - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    Stick a fork in Blago, he’s done, well done!

  55. - 22skidoo - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    I wonder why Molaro’s comments are getting a free pass. “Let the feds do their job” comes down to waiting out the Rezko trial, waiting for a verdict, waiting to see if the feds decide to take on Governor B/Citizen A. No guarantees that any of this will take place soon. “Not our job” boggles the mind–if the state constitution has an impeachment process, then it IS the GA’s job. And corruption costs. It makes for inefficient, unjust government; funds diverted; budgets undermined; projects promised but not finished. Real people bear the economic impact of corrupt government.

  56. - GofGelnview - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 3:41 pm:

    Hat’s off to Rep. Fritchey for taking on that moron from Blago’s office and having the guts to post here.

    shame on you anonymous wimps and others…

    Go Fitzy - clean up this State. let’s rid ourselves of Cellini, kjellander, Hurtgen, rezko and Blago. the only ones holding out….the rest have pled guilty:

    Glennon, Levine, Loren, Cari, Keiferbaum, Ata and more to come have pled guilty in this deal…Clean house.

    Cellini, Kjellander and Hurtgen all were close to Ryan. Hurtgen was even named in the Ryan indictment and STILL didn’t learn a lesson. He came right back to Blago’s crew with the same deals.

  57. - Cousin Ralph - Saturday, Apr 26, 08 @ 9:50 pm:

    “Broadcast the SOS and fire the flares, the SS ILDem is taking on water and starting to list! The passengers in First Class are starting to panic!” “Will you be going down with the Ship Captain Rod?” “I –I –I cant believe she’s sinking!”

  58. - anon - Sunday, Apr 27, 08 @ 8:30 am:

    I live in Molaro’s District in the 23rd Ward. Although Senator Molaro and the Alderman and Commiteeman Mike Zalewski are strong supporters of Governor Blagojevich it would have been nice to witness some “testicular virility” on Senator Molaro’s part. Sure, the Feds need to complete their investigation, but give me a break. There is enough out there already and Ata has just taken it to another level. I want my State Senator looking out for his constituents and not a sitting Governor that I believe is on the take. When’s the next election Bob?

  59. - Captain America - Sunday, Apr 27, 08 @ 6:58 pm:

    I just noticed someon appropraited my nom de plume to refer to John Fritchey as a buffoon late Friday night. Just for the record, the real CA Likes and respects John Firtchey and thinks he is an outstanding legislator!

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