Quote of the week
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * House Speaker Michael Madigan on Gov. Rod Blagojevich…
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Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I wrote in my syndicated newspaper column this week…
* Burt Constable’s column today had these quotes from Dawn Clark Netsch…
* Question: Regardless of what you think about a con-con, what are the strongest arguments to use with voters to convince them to vote in favor of calling a convention this November?
More cuts threatened
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor continues his quest to “persuade” Downstaters to support his half-billion fund sweep plan (over Speaker Madigan’s objections) by slashing their pet programs…
Extension is a lifeline to Illinois farmers, so this threatened cut will not go unnoticed.
No GOP opponent for Hare
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Not surprising, but this has to be disheartening for many Republicans…
Those “various reasons” included the fact that Hare will win big again this year. The Republicans have been taking runs at this seat for years and have always come up way short. The national GOP simply doesn’t have the resources to compete in these sorts of districts in a year like this. * Meanwhile…
* In another race, these remarks by GOP congressional hopeful Steve Greenberg (Melissa Bean’s opponent) were interesting…
…Adding… As some commenters have pointed out, Greenburg also had this to say…
American small business owners: You’re on your own because “it’s our job” to “lift up” Iraq. Ouch.
Behind the cross examination***UPDATED X1***
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The feds have never whistled in Bill Cellini or Tony Rezko, instead relying on Stu Levine’s testimony and tapes of his phone recordings to put Rezko behind bars. Some might argue that the G didn’t want to undercut their case by asking Cellini for his side, and this might be more evidence to buttress that suspicion…
* Duffy apparently wants to show how Levine and the G selectively interpreted some of the surveillance tapes…
* More doubt cast on the tapes…
* This is odd…
* And this may be more important for what the defense plans to show about the “real” reason that certain votes went the way they did at the hospital board…
*** UPDATE *** 1:20 (Kevin): Chipping away at Levine’s credibility Joseph Duffy, is trying to punch more holes in Stuart Levine’s credibility as he walks him through efforts to cover his tracks after the FBI first visited him:
Levine admitted that he lied on the application about his past drug use. His net worth on the policy application was also greatly exaggerated. Levine said he wrote a $160,000 check for the first two years of policy premiums on the checking account of a non-profit, assisted-living center in Florida that he and Weinstein controlled. Duffy asked Levine “Again, I go back to the question I asked before, after May 20 of 2004, did you ever again engage in criminal activity.” * Then Duffy went after the discrepancy over his drug use. Levine previously said in an interview last September that he went “cold turkey” after the May 2004 visit from the FBI. But just a week before the Rezko trial began, Levine told investigators something different. In that interview, he said he stopped taking drugs within two or three months after the FBI visit. Levine’s explanation was:
Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * The remodeling of journalism
* CBS Said to Consider Use of CNN in Reporting * Governor signs bill to bypass Electoral College * Committee passes $1 increase for cab rides * Tax cuts, not increases, needed in Illinois: Brady * Citizens need this portal to accountability
* Scrap dealers to keep better records to help nab thieves * More stragglers than early birds in the Senate’s morning * Dislike of Gov. Blagojevich spurs recall bill * Par-A-Dice interested in 24-hour gambling * 20 candidates for county hospital panel unveiled * Firm says it has financing to buy St. Francis Hospital, keep it open
* Staffers excited about possible good news but still have worries * Pointing fingers on hospital closing * State panel to decide fate of East St. Louis’ only hospital * ‘Uncaring thugs‘
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Tuesday, Apr 8, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller