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Question of the day

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My dad sent me a link to this eBay item

Up for bid we have an original 1975 Foremanual Foreman high school vol. 36 year book–located at 3235 north leclaire–chicago, Illinois—and graduating that year the Illinois state governor–Rod Blagojevich.

And the photo…

I kid you not.

* Question: “Voted most likely to…”?


Stirring the pot

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Daily Herald interviewed Secretary of State Jesse White and he provided this little insight into his legislative strategy

“Last year, all of the constitutional officers critical of the governor’s budget approach … each one of them received a 3 percent decrease in their budget,” White said in an interview with the Daily Herald. “I didn’t say a word and I got a 3 percent increase. I think you know the rest of the story.”

But after the DH called the governor’s office for comment, a White spokesman got back to the paper with a clarification…

“His intent was not to single out any one person. He was trying to convey that everyone needs to work together,” said White spokesman Henry Haupt.

Part of the idea behind staying mum is not talking about staying mum, especially with somebody as vindictive as Blagojevich. More Q&A with White is here.

* Meanwhile

Illinois’ entire congressional delegation joined the pleas Monday urging the governor and state lawmakers to end months of acrimony and pass a capital spending bill. […]

“With each passing month, it becomes more apparent that our constituents want — and deserve — a new capital bill that addresses our state’s extensive infrastructure needs,” the letter reads. “Whether driving over multiple potholes or waiting for a late train or bus, Illinois residents are voicing their dissatisfaction with the status quo.

That status quo is gonna be the status quo for a while longer, I think.

* And the governor is apparently starving some tax-eaters in order to put pressure on the General Assembly to pass a budget sooner rather than later…

llinois government’s ongoing political showdown has held up millions of dollars that were supposed to go to local soil and water conservation districts this year, threatening a crucial resource for farmers and rural communities across the state. […]

[The Blagojevich administration claims] the Legislature overestimated the state’s likely income when it approved the current budget last year, leaving a $750 million gap between expenses outlined in the budget and money the state actually has on hand to spend.

The administration maintains it has no choice but to suspend payments for nonessential services, while it presses the Legislature to approve Blagojevich’s call for cracking down on business tax breaks or finding some other revenue source.

The more pain, the more pressure.

* And stuff like this will stir up the pot but good

Six weeks after first hinting that some park fees could rise to fill a growing budget hole, the administration Monday released a tentative list of the fees they want to see go up.

Among them:

Campers would pay $5 more per day for electric hookups.

Campers would pay $10 more per day for sites on holiday weekends.

Out-of-state hunters would pay more for archery and firearm licenses.

In all, the proposed series of fee hikes could help generate millions of dollars to help close a budget gap of more than $750 million.

* More budget stuff, compiled by Kevin…

* Towns fear they won’t be able to keep up with pensions

* Capital Development Board delays release of look at state fairgrounds buildings

* Kane opposes state tax payment proposal

* Poe, Brauer seek input for potential capital bill

* Editorial: Paying the bills


Sauerberg pumps a mil into campaign

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is heartening news for Republicans

Republican Senate candidate Steve Sauerberg has loaned his campaign $1 million to help take on Democratic incumbent Dick Durbin. Sauerberg calls it “a down-payment on my commitment to voters.” Money is likely to be a problem for Sauerberg, a doctor from Willowbrook. He got only about $250,000 worth of donations for the primary election and might have trouble raising money to face a popular Democrat in a Democrat-leaning state.

Nobody believes that Sauerberg can win. The idea is to avoid being completely blown out of the water. If Obama wins the presidential nomination, the Republicans will need to slow - or at least not increase - the Democrats’ momentum as voters move down the ticket. If Durbin beats Sauerberg by a lot more than Obama wins the state, down-ballot Republicans are in even more trouble.

* Sauerberg still has a long ways to go, however

Sauerberg easily won the GOP primary in February. But he came under criticism from some fellow Republicans for not running a more aggressive media campaign to introduce himself to Illinois voters. Sauerberg acknowledged his uphill battle against incumbent Durbin and vowed to step up his fundraising and marketing efforts. Sauerberg called the million-dollar loan “a down-payment on my commitment” to beat Durbin.

Federal campaign finance reports show that Durbin has raised more than $6.6 million. A Durbin spokeswoman said Durbin’s fundraising activity has not been as aggressive in recent weeks, but the Democrat still has about $7 million on hand.

Durbin will undoubtedly have more than $10 million to spend this fall.

* And this is an interesting development. The Illinois Review types are up in arms about Sauerberg, who had been positioning himself as a hardline conservative…

IL GOP candidate for U.S. Senate Steve Sauerberg stunned social conservatives last week when he announced the addition of a homosexual rights activist as his campaign’s new press secretary. Christopher Barron, 36, was point man for the Log Cabin Republicans in their 2004 campaign against President George W. Bush’s effort to add a federal marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution. […]

“It is inconceivable that Steve Sauerberg would so needlessly alienate the pro-family conservative base in Illinois by hiring a veteran homosexual activist for his campaign,” said Peter LaBarbera, founder of Republicans For Family Values.

LaBarbera is not exactly what you would call a mainstream conservative, or even a mainstream ultraconservative. It won’t hurt Sauerberg much to get on LaBarbera’s bad side, and it might even help a tad.


Rezko roundup

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You should probably take everything Stu Levine says with a large grain of salt, but here’s a snippet from his testimony yesterday…

Political power broker Stuart Levine said he once worried about new ethics laws — but was assured by Antoin “Tony” Rezko, a former Gov. Rod Blagojevich insider and fundraiser, the laws were “there just for show.”

Levine, the government’s star witness in Rezko’s corruption trial, testified Monday that he had concerns he would be blatantly breaking Blagojevich’s new ethics law by talking to others about business on his state board overseeing billions of dollars in teacher pensions.

“Mr. Rezko told me that no one of consequence was going to pay attention to the ethics ordinance — that it was there just for show,” Levin recounted at Rezko’s corruption trial.

The ethics ordinance, meant to clamp down on influence peddling and conflicts of interest in the wake of former Gov. George Ryan — now imprisoned on corruption charges — was highly touted by Blagojevich.

Maybe nobody in the administration was paying attention, but the feds sure were.

* A little architectural snobbery made it into the Tribune’s story on the case yesterday…

Levine estimated he spent $1 million between 2000 and 2004 on drug parties. Sometimes, he said, he would fly to Springfield to snort away with friends at all-night hotel parties. More often, he said, he would meet with a regular group at the garishly painted “Purple Hotel.”

* Besides Levine’s personal, um, choices, this is one of the bigger holes in the government’s case against Rezko…

Some of the deals [between Levine and Rezko] involving hospital construction and teacher pensions had already been completed, and jurors heard numerous taped phone conversations Monday detailing ins-and-outs of the alleged conspiracy.

Still, the true depths of Levine’s plan was never reached. Just a month after Levine’s pinnacle meeting with Rezko, FBI agents were knocking on his door.

* But this may show how much power Rezko wielded in order to pull off the alleged scheme…

Earlier, Levine testified that a small group of insiders wielded power over the teachers pension fund but that in May 2004 they were in danger of losing their majority on the board.

He said he urged Rezko to get two more members willing to play ball onto the board quickly before their control was lost.

Soon afterward, Blagojevich named attorney Anthony Abboud to the board. Levine said he asked Rezko if the second member to be named to board would be “another team member.” He said that Rezko responded: “Absolutely.”

Blagojevich then named attorney Jack Carriglio to the board. Both Abboud and Carriglio phoned Levine before the first meeting and said that Rezko had told them to do so to get acquainted, Levine testified. Neither is charged with any wrongdoing in the case.

* More Rezko roundup, compiled by Kevin…

* Governor’s office sought favorable vote for hire

* Rezko Trial Witness Tells Of All-Night Drug Binges

* Fast times at Purple Hotel

* Rezko jury told of all-day drug parties

* A grand old partyer shatters stereotype


Giannoulias cleared

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Usually, when a politician is accused of something, they get hit with big headlines. If they’re cleared, they often just get a tiny story

A Cook County judge ruled Monday that state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias did nothing wrong when, in 2002, he approved a $1 million bank loan to an 86-year-old woman described by her family as “feeble-minded.”

That woman, Loren Billings, initially applied for the loan with co-borrowers who have a history of fraud allegations against them, her family said. After Giannoulias raised concerns, they were taken off as co-borrowers and he approved the loan.

Billings, who once ran the city’s Museum of Holography, then gave nearly all the funds to those same people, representing a firm called GnXpert Neural Technologies.

The Billings family said they expected Giannoulias and his family’s Broadway Bank to protect a woman who was in no frame of mind to apply for such a loan, but Judge Sophia Hall ruled Giannoulias and other bank officials did everything they were supposed to do before approving the loan.

There will be an appeal, so this isn’t going away. But the judge’s decision is still very good news for Giannoulias’ future.


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning

* Ozinga, Bond eye congressional seat

* LaHood Says Schafer Is A Long Shot

* No April fools here: It’s Cheap Trick Day

* Cousin: Stroger ready to tax again

But in a speech to the City Club of Chicago, Donna Dunnings said while the sales tax hike will help “protect our bond rating” and “protect taxpayers from future economic downturns,” the county has bigger problems that need even more taxes to tackle.

* Cook County financial chief sees need for more money despite sales tax increase

* The extra taxes are real

* WBBM-TV dismisses 18, including leading anchor

* Admitted city job-rigger resigns 15 months after Daley declined to fire him

The city’s inspector general recommended in December 2006 that Kozicki be fired for his role in the 2004 hiring of Andrew Ryan, the 19-year-old son of a carpenters union leader. At the hiring-fraud trial of Daley’s patronage chief and other city officials, Kozicki testified that he inflated the teenager’s score on an interview to guarantee that Ryan would be hired.

* State settles museum overruns

* Prosecutor alleges $40 million telemarketing fraud

* Mayor, lawmakers promote tough anti-meth legislation

Parents who repeatedly put their children in danger by manufacturing methamphetamines could lose their custody rights under tough new legislation announced Monday.

That bill is part of a package drafted by Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner with the Aurora Police Department, and filed in February by three state legislators — Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia, D-Aurora, and House Minority Leader Tom Cross, R-Oswego.

* Films bring state cash

* Illinois plans statewide meetings on underage drinking

he state of Illinois plans a series of nearly 60 town hall meetings to discuss underage alcohol con-sumption.

* Park plug: $1M for theater leak

* Inside The Vice Presidential Guessing Game


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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