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This just in… *** IDOT to ignore law ***

Friday, May 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

[This is getting really long and we have some new information. Comments are now closed on this post. Click on this link for the new updates and comment there instead.]

* 11:00 am - IDOT is planning to move 148 jobs out of Springfield to the southern Illinois town of Benton. IDOT is blaming the price of the lease at its “Annex” building on Dirksen Parkway. It’s a $1.7 million annual lease, but city officials have already pointed out to the administration that there are tons of empty office buildings in town that could be leased for far less.

The building is managed by Bill Cellini’s company, and there are already accusations that the governor - who is taking big hits lately in the Tony Rezko trial - may be looking to distance himself from someone else who has played a role in the trial.

The governor is also being accused privately today of trying to curry favor with Sen. Gary Forby, a Benton Democrat. Forby, a likely “Yes” vote on recall, was not in town yesterday for the Senate’s recall debate.

This could be a stretch. Forby’s wife had surgery yesterday, so he had a very good reason to be home, but this issue is being raised since the governor also promised to release millions of dollars in agricultural program funding shortly before the recall vote.

More in a bit.

* 11:10 am - The SJ-R now has a story online about the move

“Governor Blagojevich is committed to growing the economy of southern Illinois,” the news release quotes [IDOT Secretary Milton Sees] as saying. “This move will bring new families and jobs to an area that needs them the most.” […]

The [Springfield] building costs about the same per square foot as IDOTs office at 300 W. Adams in Chicago, the news release said.

One legislator’s reaction was swift and strong…

But state Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, said he believes Gov. Rod Blagojevich is being vindictive in the move and is reacting to low voter approval from central Illinois.

“I’m calling for the House to start impeachment proceedings,” Bomke said today. “This is absurd. I mean, this guy has destroyed the state. He’s destroying communities. He’s destroyed families. Enough is enough.”

* 11:27 am - Mayor Tim Davlin’s response…

“It’s hard to constrain the feelings I have following this announcement. Clearly, this is a devastating blow to our community and as Mayor, I cannot sit idly by without criticizing the decision.

“Any argument that the lease held by IDOT is too expensive will simply not pass a test of credibility. Everyone in government understands that leases are renegotiable and landlords understand that leases can and should be re-negotiated when times so dictate. Moreover, Springfield, the capital city, has hundreds of thousands of square feet available to house these positions, so economics does not even play into the debate.”

“I call on the governor to reconsider what I believe to be a shortsighted decision. There is more at stake than the state budget here. This decision runs the risk of devastating Springfield families.”

“Our economic viability as a city is at stake, and there is no political alliance that will stand in my way of fighting for the people of the Springfield community.”

*** 11:37 am *** I’m wondering whether this office closure is even legal. Check out the State Facilities Closure Act.

*** 11:58 am *** Oh, man, check out the local Benton Chamber of Commerce membership under retail businesses. Not much there.

And then there’s entertainment.

No doubt that they need some more jobs.

*** 1:04 pm *** Dan Long, the director of the Legislative Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability, just told me that this office closure does fall under the State Facilities Closure Act. There will be an opportunity for public input…

Within 10 days after it receives notice of the proposed closure, the Commission, in its discretion, may require the State executive branch officer with jurisdiction over the facility to file a recommendation for the closure of the facility with the Commission. […]

If a recommendation is required by the Commission, a 30‑day public comment period must follow the filing of the recommendation. The Commission, in its discretion, may conduct one or more public hearings on the recommendation.

But all the Commission can do is issue an advisory opinion.

****** 2:19 pm ****** Not surprisingly, IDOT says the Facilities Closure Act doesn’t apply

“This is a relocation. It is not a closure per se,” said IDOT spokesman Brian Williamsen.

“That’s absurd. That’s absolutely absurd,” said Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield. “The act applies to leased facilities and if they aren’t going to lease it, that’s closing it. The law means nothing to (Gov. Rod Blagojevich).”

Sen. Jeff Schoenberg, D-Evanston, agreed.

“The law explicitly states that the act would indeed apply,” Schoenberg said. “There really isn’t any wiggle room in the law despite the administration’s interpretation.”

Director Long said the same thing when I asked him about this earlier. This falls under the law’s jurisdiction. Period.

[This is getting really long and we have some new information. Comments are now closed on this post. Click on this link for the new updates and comment there instead.]


  1. - cermak_rd - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    This, on the face of it, sounds like a great idea. Southern IL (and western IL for that matter) is frequently treated as an ugly step-child by the state. If government offices can be in Chicago and in Springfield, why can’t they be in other parts of the state as well? Especially if there is a cost reduction as well.

  2. - scoot - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:18 am:

    Please move full steam ahead with the Impeachment!

  3. - phocion - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Bomke should have a slightly better reason for impeachment than Springfield losing 148 state jobs.

  4. - Vote Quimby - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    I would hate to be one of the ones transferred… has anyone been to Benton lately? EVER? It has a federal court house and….and….and….um, a super Wal-Mart!

  5. - He makes Ryan look like a Saint - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    This does not make sense. I agree something needs to be done to stop this guy. It is time for the Teamsters Union to step in and try to show that they have some power. I guess Dianna Demuzio will support the move as she is following the governor.

  6. - Jaded - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:31 am:

    Looks like Milton Sees can be expecting to visit Jack Frank’s State Government Committee in the near future.

  7. - 618er - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:33 am:

    Weren’t they talking about moving 200+ into the main DOT building for Shared services…. There was room for that many before it was killed, but not for the ~150 from the annex?

  8. - Joe Schmoe - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:33 am:

    Gee Senators Demuzio and Sullivan….sure you made the right vote yesterday?

  9. - anon - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    Benton legislators are Sen. Forby and Rep. J. Bradley

  10. - problem - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    Springfield: “You’ll have to pry these jobs from my cold, dead hands!”

  11. - onfire - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:41 am:

    What will the cost be to move the offices? That won’t be cheap. Also, who will get the lease in Southern IL? A contributor??

  12. - Innocent Bystander - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:43 am:

    Does AFSCME have a position on this? I’m assuming some of the 148 positions would be union members. I can’t imagine those workers being interested in moving to Benton? Also, would the state be required to provide some sort of relocation package?

  13. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:52 am:

    When Blagojevich gets angry, people suffer. He doesn’t care who he hurts. He wants retaliation against his enemies and he will abuse whomever stands in his way.

    Bomke is right. Start impeachment now. Blagojevich is out of his mind and on a search and destroy mission against this state.

  14. - See Ya - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    Legal? When did the Baloneyvich cohort ever care about whether or not their hairbrained schemes were legal?

    Let’s get Holland to write a report.

  15. - get a grip - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    Come on? Impeachment? This is an agency making a management decision and let’s be frank - a region of the state that needs the help will benefit.

  16. - anon - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    Re: State Facilities Closure Act. How can the procedures mandated in law be circumvented? There are a lot of hoops to get through, impact statements, etc. This proposal is a feint to get you moving one way while a jab supposedly comes from another.

  17. - Anonymous - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    You folks in Springfield really take the cake. You’ve been living high on the hog from state government sweetheart deals for years and when someone proposes that others benefit - whether it’s Chicago or southern Illinois - you squeal like pigs. There is very little - from a constitutional perspective - that HAS to be in Springfield. I say - the more moved out, the better.

  18. - SIUPROF - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:07 pm:

    Those workers can look forward to beautiful Southern Illinois, where spring comes early, winter comes late (if at all), the cost of living is low, and the pace is slower. And if they don’t like Benton, live in Carbondale, Marion or Lake of Egypt. Since there is no traffic-A 30 mile commute takes 30 minutes. Frankly, i would take southern Illinois over Springfield every day.

  19. - Deep South - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:07 pm:

    Hey Rich, can you post the news release?

  20. - Peter - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:08 pm:

    Hardly the end of the world. A few jobs to an area that has been hard hit economically and ignored by the governor’s office for years isn’t a bad thing, and Springfield will survive - and as far as businesses and culture go, Benton’s not even a half-hour away from Carbondale.

    But as far as impeachment goes - um, yes please!

  21. - Joe Schmoe - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:08 pm:

    Unfortunately, most of those jobs are for processing accident reports, etc. Many of the jobs are being filled by handicapped individuals with limited ability to work elsewhere. So if they’re out to get revenge, then they had better look at who the people are doing those jobs.

  22. - Dr. DumberThanYouThink - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    Capt Fax:
    Kinda late o start working on the “distancing from Cellini” stuff don’t ya think.
    Let’s hear from paper pushers around the 217 area code about how much empty space exists in state building …last I was at EPA there was enough empty space to set up a boawling avenue.
    anyone else got a extra desk to keep these workers in SPI?

  23. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    It might be a good move, but who knows?

    The Gov. does these things in such an ad hoc way, they always generate controversy. How long would it take to do a little cost-benefit analysis. Of course, that would be “governing” and that’s not what this is about…

  24. - Beancounter - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    The people affected by this proposed move are real, working people with families and other ties to this community. Walk a mile in their shoes. These are not cushy, high-paying patronage positions. But working people (so long as they work for the state) have never been a priority of this administration. Impeach now.

  25. - Lawman - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    Are we really missing an important part of the story???
    Up until now, Bill Cellini’s company has been able to lease Springfield property to the state at the same rate as a IDOT lease in downtown Chicago. If it were not for the Rezko trial, the state would probably have entered into a new lease at the same or an increased lease cost for this building while there are lots of empty buildings available at lower cost.

    Looks like the Rezko trial is already starting to save the taxpayers some money.

  26. - PPHS - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:26 pm:

    There has been a mess in that specific department, due to patronage, for at least 5 years.

    Why are we moving jobs AWAY from the capitol?

  27. - No Nickname - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    I can’t believe the Secretary of Transportation will not tell the truth behind this move. A deal with cut with the legislators from Southern Illinois to not vote for the recall in exchange for Traffic Safety jobs. The legislatures had enough votes for the recall to push through and then all of a sudden, fell three votes short. Many employees in Traffic Safety are not into politics and don’t appreciate being a part of this political game. What other deals were made to destroy families?

  28. - charles birger - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:30 pm:

    Benton…Home of the last public hanging in IL. opps, I mint hangin

  29. - Joe Schmoe - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:33 pm:

    Poor Milt is just the whipping boy. I guarantee you it was not his decision.

  30. - Steve McGlynn - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:39 pm:

    I am a life long resident of the Metro East but served Benton while I was on the bench. Benton is a very nice town and so are the people. A majority did’nt vote for me or any other Republicans for that matter in 2006, but that did not sour my fondness for the community. I have no opinion on the issue of the jobs in Springfield vs Benton, as I am not sure what the jobs are and if it makes more sense for them to be in Springfield as opposed to some other area of the state. I dont doubt the State will be able to find many qualified people in Franklin and surrounding counties to staff these positions. (now whether the State hires them or not is another question). My only reason for posting is to encourage posters to refrain from blasting a nice town with good people because you take offense to something Blago has done, especially if you have’nt spent any time in Benton. The fact that Blago engages in craven exercises of power to advance his personal interests at the expense of Illinois citizens, families, towns and taxpayers is, unfortunately, nothing new. It is the essence of his governing style, but Benton should not be slammed because it just happens to be a designated winner in this date’s Blago lottery. One last thing, I caution people in Springfield and in Benton not to invest too much emotion in today’s announcements as the mercurial Ron breaks almost as many promises as he extends. Believe it when, and only when, it happens.

  31. - Crimefighter - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:39 pm:

    Benton is also been the home of Beatle George Harrison.

    I lived in that town at one time, yeah downtown is not much to look at, the area by the interstate has gotten a lot of new stores and stuff built in the last ten years.

  32. - Springfield Alum - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:42 pm:

    I loved the quote from Secretary Sees which Rich cited in his piece. Doesn’t this administration realize that bringing so-called economic development to Southern Illinois at the expense of central Illinois means no net gain for our State? Plus, since when is moving the offices of a State agency “economic development”? If we want to help Benton, get Target or Lowes to move in alongside the Super Wal-Mart. Better yet, how about convincing a manufacturing plant of some sort to locate there.

  33. - Huh? - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    Who is going to commute 165 miles from Springfield to Benton?

    My commute is bad enough at 45 miles.

  34. - Vote Quimby - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:45 pm:

    to: steve mcglyn…. Benton is home to the Rend Lake Conservancy District, which just went through a number of lawsuits due to mismanagement, improper termination, etc. I was a finalist for the director of FREDCO and was told it paid $50K…when the hiring was made it was for $32K. People in charge still think they can attract the type of jobs which served them well for many years…Not Going To Happen! The major employers have to go through a temp service because so few applicants can pass a drug test. While it could sorely use the jobs, the network is probably already making calls congratulating each other and making plans on who to appoint.

  35. - No Nickname - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:46 pm:

    To Joe Schmoe - then Milt needs to fight for his agency - like get some testcular virility.

  36. - SuperDave - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:47 pm:

    It makes sense to have state offices in southern Illinois — but traffic safety? Those folks have to travel across the state to do their jobs. At least Springfield is centrally located. This is nothing more than an attempt to take media focus away from the damning Ata testimony. Pure and simple.

    I’m not confident either that Forby would have been the brains behind a quid pro quo on moving IDOT jobs to Benton. Actually, this move could cost more than any potential savings, particularly if the existing employees don’t move.

    I love southern Illinois, but this is not the right move, nor the right motive. Rod is doing nothing but raising false hope for nothing in return other than to get Ottenhoff et. al talking about something other than the $125K Ata paid to get his job, avoid a lien on Rod’s house and God knows what else…

  37. - Far South of I 80 - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:48 pm:

    If Rod believes that he’s going to win the respect of folks down here by adding one state office, he’s mistaken. We know what he thinks of us and central IL for that matter. Moving the governors residence to Chicago spoke volumnes.

    Springfield Alum, how is Lowes or Target going to help when people don’t have good paying jobs? We all know they won’t make enough to spare at Lowes or Target

  38. - Vote Quimby - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:53 pm:

    Two best things in southern Illinois: Interstates 57 and 70 to get out of there! Anyone who could have left, has left already.

  39. - anon - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:53 pm:

    Crimefighter - I do not believe Benton is the home of Beatle George Harrison. It is my understanding that his sister lived there for a short time.

  40. - scoot - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:53 pm:

    If the Governor would have kept his word while running as a “reformer” in 2002, Southern Illinois would have 300,000 new jobs, thus the economy wouldn’t be so bad there…and has the economy ever been good there?

    If Blago had been a decent Governor the Illinois economy wouldn’t be in the dumps. I have nothing against Benton, IL I have no clue where it is at…but this move is all politics. When this office is moved to Benton, the new employees will just have to travel back to Springfield for meetings,work, etc…

  41. - Research further - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    Someone needs to look into the specifics of the “lease” agreement. Most likely, Cellini owns the building in a way that is untraceable (very easily anyway). The big money is really what they pay New Frontier for “management”. There is most likely some sort of penalty for ending the lease early. Most of his leases are for at least 20 years. It might even be a “lease to own” and any attempt to get out of the lease will require legislative approval. I think this is going to get much more complicated as more is known.

  42. - Fan of the Game - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:05 pm:

    I would reiterate Steve McGlynn’s position: Benton is a nice little town, and the people there have nothing to do with this announcement. If this move takes you there, check out Pheasant Hollow Winery and try some of the Black & Blue, a sweet, fruity wine. Play Rend Lake Golf Course, a beautiful and fun course.

    And it should be noted that Benton was the home of George Harrison’s sister. Harrison visited her just before the Beatles hit it big, and the West Frankfort radio station was likely the first station in the States to play a Beatles’ song.

    Benton alums include former NBA player and current NBA analyst Doug Collins, award-winning actor John Malkovich, and game-show host Gene Rayburn.

  43. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    Well isn’t this development interesting. Blago couldn’t win a dog catcher’s race in southern Illinois. And if Forby doesn’t stop suffering from foot in mouth, he won’t be around for another term either.

    As for the move itself of IDOT jobs to Benton, here’s what Benton has to offer: the town square has been revitalized with antique shops. There are many major inexpensive food chains and there is now an Applebees at I-57 along with a new Super Wal-Mart (which has forced Big John’s grocery store to close) and a small shopping area full of Payday loan places. There’s a very nice lake that is transitioning from seasonal cabins to year round residences. The high school has been renovated and added on to the point where it is practically brand new. They have a nice community building for receptions, etc. Lots of churches. Rend Lake a couple of miles up the road with lots of water activities, a great summer theater at the lake, a marina with nice lodging. At the lake is an American Baptist summer camp attended by kids from all over southern Illinois.

    As for the rest of southern Illinois: furniture capitol of SI is West Frankfort (Coleman’s has a Thomasville Gallery); Walt’s Pizza, 17th Street Bar-b-que, and a new ball team in Marion; Mt. Vernon 20 miles up the road from Benton.

    Housing sucks. Not much new unless you go to Marion. Housing is definitely cheaper but that’s all. Utilities are sky high, same for taxes, gasoline, insurance, etc.

    Jobs would be most welcome in SI but I have to agree that this is nothing but 1) vindication from Blago for who knows what; 2) over-reaction in trying to distance himself from Cellini (won’t Fitz find this interesting?); 3) thanking Forby for WHAT (not voting yes for recall just because he was absent to be with his wife during her surgery)? Blago is meaner than a striped snake and often shows it in this manner. Talk about not playing well with others. I do agree with any of the above posters who think impeachment shold begin NOW.

  44. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    Fan of the Game - West Frankfort (WFRX) was definitely the first radio station in the US to play a Beatles song. Marcia (Schaffer) Raubach (a classmate) was the teen DJ to interview George Harrison. It’s all documented in the book by George’s sister, Louise.

  45. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:13 pm:

    Anon 12:53 - Louise Harrison Caldwell lived in Benton and George visited many times. The State wanted to buy the house and tear it down (it’s directly behind a new DNR facility) but the people in the town rallied and saved the house. It’s on East Main Street, going east, the first turn to the left after crossing the RR tracks. It’s now a museum.

  46. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:13 pm:

    Benton was the home of Louise Harrison, George’s sister, who married a Canadian who was in the mining business and got transferred to So IL. George stayed there for a week or so on vacation in the early 60’s prior to the Beatles’ international fame. He even sat in one night at the Eldorado VFW with a band called the “Four Vests”. The first North American appearance by a Beatle. Louise’s former Benton home is now a B&B called “A Hard Day’s Night”.

  47. - Sango Dem - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    Springfield already suffered a small recession a year after Blagojevich took office because he eliminated so many positions and moved others to Chicago. There are entire floors of state office buildings once filled with workers that are now sitting empty. Springfield has been hit hard by the Governor and now he’s back for another swing. There are some very good reasons he only got 20% of the vote in Sangamon County.

  48. - Savings Idea - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:16 pm:

    Those people aren’t going anywhere. It’s one thing to move jobs one at a time to Chicago so “managers” can go home at night. It’s quite another thing to move a whole division. This is just a cage rattler.

    BTW - the “managers” come to Springfield a couple of days a week to visit their staffs. Only costs the taxpayer nearly $500/week, per person:

    Drive to/fro Springfield $200 Train? pshaw
    2 nights hotel w/tax, etc $190
    Crown Plaza preferably, Hilton will do
    11 quarters per diem $ 77
    Add several hours of overtime they will use in the future to get out of their offices.

    Moving managers to the same city as their staffs would save a ton of money. But then, with Rod and his gang, it’s never about saving money, is it?

  49. - Dan S, a Voter & Cubs Fan - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:16 pm:

    Mayor Davlin must only be drinking the Bud Lite at the Barrelhead and not the “Blago Kool-Aide”. Maybe Davlin can send the “Bird Whisperer” up to Ravenswood.

  50. - Anon - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:16 pm:

    Aren’t there a few higher ups that are from Southern Illinois at IDOT. See’s, Phelps, Sheriff???? Makes them look good. Just wondering!

  51. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:17 pm:

  52. - A Citizen - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:19 pm:

    Rod is definitely campaigning hard for Impeachment. What is the For/Against tally re: Impeachment now?

  53. - King Pin - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    You caught us Dr. DumberThanYouThink. We do have a bowling alley at the IEPA. Sadly (for you), one can not bowl in it because it’s actually a conference room and is usually reserved for meetings with the public.

    I hear there’s a vacant house on 5th Street near downtown Springfield. Maybe you can hold your next kegger there.

  54. - wordslinger - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    This Cellini guy cracks me up. He gets a taste of everything. He’s truly the Willie Sutton of Illinois government:

    “What’s your interest in state government, Mr. Cellini”?

    “That’s where the money is.”

    Maybe there should just be a Bill Cellini checkoff on the state tax form. If he got out of the business of state government, it might be cheaper in the long run.

  55. - Old Shepherd - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    A few months back, Rich posted a question of the day relating to animosity among various regions of the state. Some of these posts represent why there is animostiy between many in Southern Illinois and upstate. You may disagree with Senator Forby and the Governor, but that is no reason to disparage Southern Illinois and the people who live here.

  56. - Loop Lady - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:41 pm:

    Benton is coal country…is this being done cuz Future Gen went bust? Is the Rodder spreading the wealth to reward someone or make way for a new appointee? I’ll bet yes…

  57. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:41 pm:

    Old Shepherd, if you think these are bad, you should see the ones I’ve deleted.

    But I agree. Stop the regional bashing.

    Final warning.

  58. - cermak_rd - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:46 pm:

    Does the average resident of Springfield actually believe that all or the bulk of state jobs are supposed to be located in Springfield? There really is no requirement of that. In fact, I would argue it’s somewhat unjust to other regions to take that stance. If units are cohesive enough to function without constant input from other groups that are located in Springfield, I see no reason why they can’t be located elsewhere. After all, everyone in the state pays taxes, so fair is fair.

    I believe the IL Const simply requires that the GA meet in Springfield, not that every office of state gov’t be located there.

  59. - Codd1 - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    I hope the jobs do go to Benton. Downstate can use the help and the squealing pigs in Springfield should stop their sense of entitlement to state jobs and goodies. It’s about time someone looked out for downstaters.

  60. - Shelbyville - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    Shelbyville is a very nice town too and you can commute between there and Springfield. I am sure we would appreciate the jobs.

    But, I don’t think they will seriously move DTS either. Funny thing is, I used to work there - under Frank Cellini.

  61. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    You’re missing the point. It’s not locating something new elsewhere, it’s relocating a current office. A big one. With a lot of employees.

  62. - Deep South - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 1:57 pm:

    To Loop Lady, Benton used to be coal country…that all pretty much ended with the Clean Air act. Just a mine or two now, nothing like it was 20-30 years ago. But its a good thing, since mining is dangerous, unpredictable work. The local economy no longer hinges on the coal mines, which is also a very good thing. Still, some local politicians, including some who should know better - like Sen. Forby - still see the miners as a voting block and tout all sorts of “bring back coal” programs. Its never gonna happen, and it shouldn’t happen. They should give up on the past and start looking toward the future. That’s just another reason why the only thing Forby will be running for in the next election is the county line.

  63. - Like it or not ... - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:00 pm:

    Like it or not, people, Springfield is the CAPITOL. Maybe everyone has forgotten, since CHICAGO has gotten so many jobs. Look at other states - especially ones with like NY (where the capitol isn’t NYC) and CA (where the capitol isn’t LA). Other states keep the majority of their jobs in the capitols, minus exceptions such as regional offices and agencies that have offices in every county. That’s the way government is set up, that is why we HAVE capitols. Why is this so hard to comprehend? This will just make travel expenses go even higher! The mgmt in Benton will have to travel to SPI and CHI for meetings and vice versa. This isn’t going to save any money. It’s just another example of Blagojevich’s disdain toward Springfield. And I’m a Dem who was dumb enough to vote for him the first time around - who actually believed that he was going to make a difference. Well, on second thought, … I guess he HAS!!

  64. - Like it or not ... - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    And one more thing - Springfield citizens aren’t “squealing pigs” over State jobs - and without them our economy is pretty much NOTHING! We have NO INDUSTRY. We have almost no private sector, minus Horace Mann and the Hospitals. And even the hospitals are hurting - our future Medical District had its funding completely slashed. Does anyone also realize that many people moved TO Springfield for State jobs in the first place? In most states THAT is what you do if you want to work for State Governmeent.

  65. - South of I-80 - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    I lived in the area about 30 years ago and fell in love with the area and the people. Sailed on Lake Carlyle and camped as well as played golf at Rend Lake. I also learned about politics in the area and Chicago has nothing on them! Why do you think I-57 and I-64 merge for about 5 miles or so around Mt Vernon! Just be careful when you say “poor ol county boy”!

  66. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    ===Many of the jobs are being filled by handicapped individuals with limited ability to work elsewhere. ===

    Joe Schmoe, you’re wrong. I checked with the union. Only a couple of people over there are handicapped. But thanks for taking time out of my day.

    I should’ve figured. More IDOT employee rumors.

  67. - Justice - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:29 pm:

    The gov has simply lost it. He is vindictive and unfortunately for us has lost his ability to act in a reasonably manner. I see a man falling from grace and tearing everything down around him as he falls. He can no longer govern. It is truly sad.

  68. - Innocent Bystander - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:31 pm:

    Is this the same IDOT that laid off 17 workers from DTS in 2004 claiming a cost savings?


  69. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:34 pm:

    If the Governor really cares about getting jobs to Central and Southern Illinois, and really cares about saving money with a move then I have a great idea for him to pursue:

    Close the State of Illinois building and the Thompson Center and return those state jobs to the state capital of Illinois. It would save millions and get those jobs where they are needed. It would also fulfill the purpose of having a state capital.

    Unfortunately, we haven’t seen this governor doing what he is claiming he wants to see with this move. He doesn’t even bother showing up for work where his job is located, does he?

    This is just political retaliation and it should not be allowed.

    Certainly nothing against Marion, but why are we arguing over the decisions made by some guy who doesn’t leave Chicago, but wants to move state jobs around. No one should be listening to Blagojevich anymore, anyway, should we?

  70. Pingback The Capitol Fax Blog » Just how much did that recall vote cost? - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:35 pm:

    […] THE BLOG TODAY… * Just how much did that recall vote cost? * Rezko lawyer plans brief defense * This just in… *** IDOT to ignore law *** * Question of theday * Not a banner day in the Senate * Capital plan funding options * McQueary examines Ozinga’s Machine ties * Morning shorts ** Yesterday’s blog posts […]

  71. - central illinois - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:36 pm:

    The State of Illinois was in the process of buying the Benton home to tear down for parking for the DNR’s Benton Mines & Minerals office. (That’s how long ago it was) I was the state employee who rec’d the call notifying the state of its historic relationship to George Harrison. The call came from Bob Bartel a big Beatle fan who then got in touch with Geo’s sister Lou for add’ls support. HPA verified the information and the state traded the home for an adjacent home to tear down. A group of private buyers purchased it and currently it is a The Beatle House Bed & Breakfast.

    As far as moving IDOT staff - this admin does what it wants - even abolishing commission’s via Executive Order all to say they are saving money when in fact the cost to constitutents is not lowered and beneficial services are lost.

  72. - South of I-80 - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:37 pm:

    “The law means nothing to (Gov. Rod Blagojevich).”
    Well, you have to give it him…………he is consistent!

  73. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 2, 08 @ 2:38 pm:

    This is getting really long and we have some new information. Comments are now closed on this post. Click on this link for the new updates and comment there instead.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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