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Governor Press Release

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the SJ-R

Gov. Rod Blagojevich is to deliver the keynote address at Illinois’ 27th annual Holocaust Memorial Observance, to be held at 11 a.m. today at the Old Capitol State Historic Site.

From what I was told last night, the governor is planning to skip this event. Apparently, he had other plans. I’m not sure what those plans are, and I wasn’t told, but I’m sure there will be some disappointed reporters this morning.

* The governor was in Chicago yesterday for a big press conference with African-American ministers designed to unveil a $150 million “anti-violence” plan. The proposal relies on funding from the capital plan, which is nowhere near an agreement. So, the guv’s splashy rally got mixed reviews, to say the least

DALEY: You need the money. You need the beef. That’s the whole story.

* Hizzoner probably didn’t appreciate the tone of the event….

Flanking Blagojevich at the rally, state Sen. Rickey Hendon (D-Chicago) said enough research has been done. “We don’t need no damn research,” Hendon shouted, drawing thunderous applause. “We know what our children need: They need jobs and opportunity.”

Playing to the crowd, Blagojevich said, “We don’t need studies from the University of Chicago or Ivy League schools like Harvard telling us that between certain hours there’s more violence with kids.”

Daley wants some research by the University of Chicago on why the city’s violence has so drastically increased.

* And then there was this

At Tuesday’s rally, a boisterous Democratic state Sen. Rickey Hendon urged people to rally legislative support for Blagojevich’s plan by calling House Speaker Michael Madigan, Blagojevich’s nemesis.

“Tell Mike Madigan, tell Mike Madigan we need this money,” Hendon roared.

* The governor was interviewed by CBS 2 and demonstrated, again, why his rhetoric doesn’t match reality…

Blagojevich pointed out that State Senate President Emil Jones (D-Chicago) is already backing the capital plan that would fund the anti-violence initiative, and said he believes he can get House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) behind it also

Except that Jones now wants to fund the capital bill with an income tax hike, something that Blagojevich flat-out rejects. So, the two men are not together on the capital bill yet.

* And this was pretty telling

[Blagojevich] disagreed with a frequent characterization that he and Madigan do not get along.

“We’d like him, and others in the General Assembly, to look at the epidemic that’s occurring today in Chicago. Twenty-four school kids, since the beginning of the year, have been gunned down. A 3-year-old boy in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood was playing in front of his home and was caught in front of the crossfire. Now he’s fighting for his life; he was shot in the neck. How can you possibly – those of us who make the rules – simply not do anything?” Blagojevich said.

“I will prevail upon Speaker Madigan and the House Democrats and others, to recognize that this is a crisis”

“Sure, we get along, but if Madigan does nothing to support my specific program then he’s ignoring the problem.”

* And, finally

But the governor also was criticized after Tuesday’s announcement for cutting money last year to CeaseFire, a popular anti-violence program. The state auditor general had knocked how CeaseFire handled some of the state funding it received.

“He always likes it if it’s about a new program he’s created. But if there’s a program that’s been working and it shows results, he cuts it. It’s a narcissistic, egomaniacal way of governing, which just doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work at all,'’ said Rep. Jack Franks, D-Woodstock.

If the shoe fits…

…Adding… I forgot to include Bethany’s piece on the countdown to another overtime session

History could be telling. David Dring, spokesperson for House Minority Leader Tom Cross, says the budget process mirrors last year’s, when each chamber passed a competing budget and a stalemate ensued. Lawmakers were called to Springfield at least once in all 12 months last year. This session, there haven’t been leaders’ meetings on the budget, yet. Leaders have met three times to discuss a statewide capital plan, although there’s little progress to report.

Dring added that he still thinks a May turnaround is possible if the political will is there. “A lot can happen in three weeks around here if people work together.”

A lot can not happen, too.

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  1. - Cassandra - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 9:41 am:

    We always hear about the African American community when discussions of Chicago inner-city violence take place, but what about the Hispanic community. Hispanic gangs are a major problem in Chicago. Would Hispanic agencies be getting the handouts, uh, prevention money at the same rate as African Americans? Or is this all about more handouts to the African American community to reward them for their unwavering support of our Blago? Wonder how much of that money would demonstrably benefit the kids, regardless of ethnicity. We don’t have to worry about the politicians….they’ll get their cut some way, some how.

  2. - GoBearsss - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 9:42 am:

    I think Daley is just a bit rankled because the State is stepping in to do something in HIS city.

    I personally think this is something Daley should be doing on his own already.

    The question for him should be - Why isn’t HE trying to find money for this? At least for the Chicago part of this.

    Studies, and task forces, and commissions are the refuge of the political cowardice.

    Maybe I am just upset because this has gotten a little personal with me.

  3. - Garp - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 9:42 am:

    Thank goodness the Governor decided to step in and resolve crime in Chicago by funding imaginary programs with imaginary funding. The plan is to get gangs to shoot each other with imaginary bullets. He should be governor of Toontown.

  4. - Levois - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 9:45 am:

    It’s seems the governor has taken an all or nothing position. If you’re not with him on the proposal to solve the problem then you’re part of the problem.

  5. - Truth - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    Typical government answer. Got a problem? Throw some taxpayer money at it. In Blag’s case, throw some imaginary money at it.

  6. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    Blagojevich and Hendon, birds of a feather.

    No class, no need to be bound by facts, and out only to benefit themselves and their peeps.

  7. - Interesting - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    Why should a “anti-violence” plan be funded by a capital plan ? Sounds like the capital plan is just an excuse to fund new social programs instead of focusing solely on infrastructure.

  8. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    The Blagojevich administration has been very anti-business, and these proposed cuts in higher education are just another example of that anti-business bias.

    Companies want a strong, educated workforce, and colleges and universities provide it. However, higher education has never been a priority with Gov. Blagojevich, as his flat funding of community colleges shows.

    If Illinois is to grow in population and finances, investing in the state’s workforce is a good place to start. However, I don’t see growth as part of the governor’s strategic plan for the state.

  9. - Ghost - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    The Gov seems to be trying by decree to ensure that no one notices he has no clothes. Lets see, he funded a feel good intiative for 1 million for a burned down school, and lost the million invovled there. Now he wants 150Mil for a feel good intiative, when the State is broke.

    How about this, Foster parents have not had an increase in the amount used to provide for the health and care of foster children in close to a decade. perhaps instead of this 150 mil he should look at better fundiing for the families the State relies upon to protect and care for the thousands of children in need of homes. heck they could even provide money for tutors and summer camps and after school programs for these foster kids.

    But then again, Jones needs the multiple raises he has recieved, but no money the families who take care of displcaed children. Now we are looking at pouring huge funds into unknow persons hands for afterschool programs to combat violence that appeared after Blago cut funding for various groups that deal with violence…

  10. - annoyed all the time - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 10:50 am:

    Research can say whatever it is geared toward wanting to say but if you jsut ask a few foks what they see: 1) too many kids becomming parents and not knowing how to parent 2) too many kids playing disturbing video games and becomming numb to violence (watching my 8 year old nephew say kill kill kill to a very realistic scene on the video game) and 3) the infiltration of gangs and troubled families seeking any means of money to support themselved

  11. - Carlos - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    Blago is and will continue to pour huge imaginary funds into huge splashy imaginary programs.
    It’s all in an effort to keep eveyone’s eye off the real corruption ball.

  12. - Southern Right - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    The problem is the Chicago school district and their constant failure to produce an educated child. Spending more money on this is to buy votes and change the current Rezko trial news cycle. Hendon can beat his chest all he wants about studies that don’t matter. It’s about education Rickey. There is opportunity and jobs for educated minorities. Quit whining about the result and fix the real problem.

  13. - Leave a light on George - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    Somebody tell Governorsupeonvich that a capitol plan by definition is for bricks and mortor projects - not new social programs.

    Avoid an overtime session of the legislature and you’ll save enough $ to fund anti- violence programs. Think of all the press release oportunities that would generate!

  14. - Inquiring Mind - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:40 am:

    Check the Illinoize blog….just look left. People waiting for drug treatment is up by 17%. Gangs, guns, and drugs…that says it all. How about some funding for treatment to 1) reduce the demand, 2) eliminate some of the goodies that may be prompting all the violence.

  15. - SIU Prof - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:44 am:

    Fan of the Game has it right. When this governor took office he inherited a higher education system that was rated in the top five nationally. After all of the hits higher ed has taken under Blogo, we are now getting Fs on Access and there is an exodus of many of the best professors to other states and private schools. We need to reverse the trend quickly. Five years of damage from neglect can take twenty years to repair. To tell you the truth, we in higher ed are tired of being the pawns in our leaders game of chess. Pass this transfer bill or I will hurt higher ed. Legal extortion.

  16. - frustrated GOP - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    Yes we need jobs, of course that would require a climate for business to want to come to Illinois. How about good long term none government jobs. Haven’t seen that in awhile.

  17. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    Sadly, but I’m waiting (not anxiously) for the usual and predictable Friday afternoon massacre delivered via press release.

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 12:31 pm:

    It’s May 7. To have any impact on violence in the coming summer, the governor’s plan would already have had to be fully funded and ready to go administratively weeks ago, right? If it passed today, we’re still talking about next summer, aren’t we?

  19. - S. Illinois - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 12:52 pm:

    According to a commenter on the SJ-R website the Governor did not show for the Holocaust service. Can anyone confirm?

  20. - Huh? - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 12:53 pm:

    Levois - When has blago ever taken a position that isn’t all or nothing?

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    S. Illinois, I already told you he wasn’t gonna be there. He had “other plans.”

  22. - S. Illinois - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    Sorry Rich. Just looking for confirmation that he did indeed blow it off. If the SJ-R reporting is correct, it appears the group was indeed counting on his presence. It seems like a poor choice of events to commit to and then abandon as the keynote at the last minute.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    No offense taken. I was just making a wisecrack.

  24. - S. Illinois - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 1:25 pm:

    I shall never again question the wisdom of the all-knowing, all-powerful Wizard of CapFax! :)

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 1:32 pm:


  26. - Cooper - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 4:00 pm:

    “We don’t need no damn research”……Nice. lol
    Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges.

  27. - 618er - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 4:07 pm:

    “We don’t need no damn research,” Hendon shouted
    Isn’t this a double negative?
    Wouldn’t this statement then be in support of more research?

  28. - Captain America - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 4:30 pm:

    Governor’s anti-violence initiative is more political grandtanding with no bucks or political consensus to back up a splashy new program proposed solely to generate some positive press despite a 3/4 billion budget shortfall. I think summer jobs funding is a pretty good idea in principle -don’t know where there going to find the money since we can’t even pay our current bills becasue of last year’s budget shenanigans.

  29. - Garp - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 4:49 pm:

    How do you know you are political road kill?

    When your left with Rickey Hendon to defend your programs. Nuff said.

  30. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 5:46 pm:

    I am so tired of Rod and his PROD (press release of the day) Act - I just wish he could and would shut up until the Feds call. I wonder, on that note, who he can roll on to cut a deal? God knows he’s going to need it.

  31. - Instant Rod press release generator - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 7:18 pm:

    Blagojevich story generator. (Bee eSS Generator for short)

    Just pick one item from each section to generate a typical Rod Blagojevich story.
    For brevity, you can just write your story as a string of the resulting numbers.

    Today Governor Blagojevich’s office announced a

    1 new program
    2 variation on a previously proposed program
    3 impotent condemnation of the Federal government over policy
    4 sympathetic “me-too” press statement riding the tail of a national issue
    5 new lawsuit
    6 no-bid contract for a friend
    7 re-named version of a previous governor’s program

    that met with

    1 skepticism from the General Assembly over implementation
    2 howls of derision from members of his own party
    3 non-committal responses from state leadership
    4 a call for his impeachment by Jack Franks
    5 complaints of unfunded mandates and frivolous expense by civic/business groups
    6 unanswered questions about accountability from experts in the field

    His new idea is to provide:

    1 free healthcare for pets
    2 singing lessons to Miley Cyrus
    3 free trips out of the country for anyone who is of Syrian extraction or named Madigan
    4 generous retirement plans for prosecuting attorneys and judges

    Blagojevich said there would be enough money for all the programs he proposes and to pay off the state deficit by way of:

    1 GRT tax
    2 a value-added tax on general revenue
    3 a previously rejected funding plan
    4 just not looking too closely at the books
    5 a truckload of new gambling expansion
    6 auctioning off everything not nailed down
    7 a TRG tax
    8 removing “corporate loopholes”… in campaign funding restrictions


    The governor, thru a spokesperson, dodged questions about

    1 a current racketeering investigation in which his name is prominent
    2 a lack of detail on the implementation of the new initiative
    3 the absence of funding mechanism for the proposal
    4 the fact that insiders and campaign contributors would be involved
    5 a new law suit / counter-suit
    6 a previous, related suit of his being dismissed as frivolous or without merit
    7 his taxes

    Later, on his way

    1 to a fundraiser
    2 from a fundraiser
    3 to his home
    4 to a Hannah Montana concert
    5 to a Cubs game
    6 to a Hawks game
    7 to an intramural Jai ali contest
    8 to Winston & Strawn
    9 from something that most definitely was NOT a fundraiser

    the governor was accosted by reporters demanding an explanation. The governor

    1 ducked into his state airplane
    2 ducked into a black Suburban
    3 gathered a protective ring of schoolchildren from a passing field trip
    4 began quoting 1970’s Cubs batting averages
    5 demonstrated his recall of state area codes
    6 blamed George Ryan for everything
    7 said whatever it was, he didn’t do it, unless it was for “the people”
    8 reminded everyone he got bad grades in school
    9 blamed Mike Madigan for not doing enough
    10 asked Emil Jones to run block for him and ran for the sidelines
    11 told the elephant struck by lightning/ boy digging in horse stall story

    and reiterated that he was:

    1 the son of immigrants
    2 the son-in-law of a powerful Chicago alderman
    3 a man of the people
    4 not a big reader or mathematician
    5 not a “process” guy
    6 not wearing lifts
    7 not yet indicted
    8 not using “just for men”

    and that details would be

    1 forthcoming from a press aide
    2 forthcoming from private lawyers on state payroll
    3 open to negotiation, if he felt like it
    4 something Lon and those guys would take care of
    5 George Ryan’s fault


    A spokesperson for the governor clarified his comments by saying:

    1 we don’t do business that way
    2 we never knew this was going on
    3 we were always in the forefront of preventing/promoting this exact kind of thing
    4 we have never heard of this person (or organization)
    5 this was something that was done by low level-underlings
    6 accused is not indicted
    7 indicted is not convicted
    8 convicted means nothing until after an appeal
    9 this is all a plot by Madigan
    10 we will study the issue and appoint a task force headed by a relative or friend
    11 it was an “up” day


  32. - Gregor - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 7:35 pm:

    1,3,3,6,1,9,9,3,3,11, BINGO!

    Seems to work any way you combine it.

  33. - Disgusted - Wednesday, May 7, 08 @ 8:23 pm:

    Does anyone know of a listing being kept of the Virility King’s “initiatives?” It seems like there is one a day, just like his press releases.
    To quote Shakespeare, loosely, “When will someone rid me of this loathsome “governor.”

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