Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Trouble for Ozinga? Plus: Oberweis tries mending fences
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Trouble for Ozinga? Plus: Oberweis tries mending fences

Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Business owners are routinely involved in lawsuits, and that can sometimes make for tough times on the campaign trail. This one doesn’t look good for Martin Ozinga

Chicago-area businessman and 11th Congressional District candidate Martin Ozinga III lost his bid Friday to get out of a deposition in a Marshall County lawsuit. Ozinga’s concrete and construction company is suing an 83-year-old farmer in a real estate dispute. After hearing five people had directly contradicted statements Ozinga made in a sworn affidavit, Circuit Judge John Barra denied his lawyer’s request to block the deposition and ordered it to go forward later this month. […]

Orland Park-based Ozinga Bros. Inc. is suing to force Raymond Kunkel and his family farm corporation to sell 190 acres outside Henry, near the site where the company is developing a gravel pit and Illinois River port project with the city. […]

He claimed in the affidavit he “has had no contact or communication of any kind” with Kunkel.

But Barra heard Friday that Kunkel and four witnesses have signed their own affidavits stating Ozinga met with Kunkel in a rural Henry farmhouse in June 2004 to work out the terms of the deal that is now in dispute.

Not good at all. Allegedly lying under oath and a big man forcing a little guy to sell land to make the big man bigger? Nope. Not good whatsoever.

* Meanwhile, I’ve already told you several times that the Ozinga campaign has been in high attack mode recently, but this piece gives us an idea of some of the themes the Democrats plan to use…

Ryan Rudominer, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said the political environment in Illinois has led to the Republican Party choosing “inexperienced, unprepared, and controversial self-funders who are wildly out of touch with Illinois’ struggling middle-class families.”

* Halvorson tried to claim that she “improved” the recently agreed ethics bill by sitting on it for a year

“(The Republicans) claim I’ve been sitting on this for a year,” Halvorson said. “I’ve been working on this for five years. I wish it was only a year. We do not, in the Senate, have to pass a bill that we don’t think is right. I did not think the bill in its current form was good enough.”

I don’t see the logic there. The original bill would bar campaign contributions to constitutional officers from contractors under their control who had at least $25,000 in bids or contracts with the state. The “new” bill basically just raises that floor to $50,000. That was worth waiting a year so the governor could continue to raise campaign contributions?

Gov. Rod Blagojevich is relying heavily on state-tied donors to pay off massive legal bills in the face of a federal corruption investigation — a probe that focuses on the very link between state contracts and such fund-raising. […]

• State contractors chipped in at least 55 percent of the $1.5 million Blagojevich raised from individual donors in the last half of 2007.

• Those contractors reaped nearly $6 billion in state business since Blagojevich took office in 2003.

• Road builders and construction companies were the most lucrative source of the campaign cash — $455,750.

* In other congressional campaign news

Since losing the March special election to now-Rep. Bill Foster, Oberweis has been contacting people involved in the race, people who commented on the race, and people (like yours truly) who covered the race. He’s been meeting with as many of these people as he can, trying to pick their brains and find out where his campaign went off track.

I’m calling it the What Went Wrong World Tour, and I promise, that’s my last snarky comment about it because I honestly respect him for doing this.

According to Oberweis’ new campaign spokesman, David From of Burnham Strategies Group, the idea came from Oberweis. And From said they’ve learned a lot from the meetings so far. One of the most important lessons, he said, has been that voters haven’t gotten to know Jim Oberweis the man — father, grandfather, community member.

I still say that I doubt he can stick to that line. We’ll see.


  1. - Will Clark - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 9:31 am:

    I beg to differ. After four failed campaigns it’s clear voters HAVE gotten to know the man…and they just don’t like him.

  2. - Wumpus - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    What Obie is doing is not smart, it is desparate. After the first loss it would have been smart. He has a history of changing positions more than Jenna Jameson.

    I agree with Rich and Will Clark on this one.

  3. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    “inexperienced, unprepared, and controversial self-funders who are wildly out of touch with Illinois’ struggling middle-class families.”

    Voters can choose between a candidate that is self-funded because they are successful businesspeople or a candidate that thinks being a successful businessperson is a bad thing because they are not politicians.

    Rudominer doesn’t like businesspeople, or at least successful ones that want to serve the public as an elected official. Because he represents candidates that have no business experience, and are proud of it.

    Just why would anyone claim that a successful businessperson be ‘controversial’? It is because he finds businesspeople controversial. Why would anyone claim that a successful businessperson is ‘inexperienced’? It is because he finds businesspeople unwilling to experience political gridlock and trough-filling. To him, they are inexperienced in being a politician. His claim that successful businesspeople are unprepared is wrong.

    Rudominer arrogantly believes that the middle class needs government. He believes that government is as good a provider, as efficient, as thoughtful, experienced and as billiant as a successful business. He is wrong.

    Where has he been? Illinois is one of most poorly-ran states in the nation. This is due to a state government squandering millions of tax dollars and failing repeatedly to provide basic state services. This government can’t fix a pothole, let alone find the money to pay a company like Ozinga’s to provide the material to fill it.

    We’ve seen what governments can’t do. And we’ve been seeing his candidate, Debbie Halvorson, find excuses why nothing has gotten done under her, Jones, Madigan and Blagojevich.

    Rudominer believes in governments like Illinois, and politicians like Debbie Halvorson being able to do the work a successful business could, even though the fact disprove his ridiculous claim.

  4. - Been There - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 9:58 am:

    ===voters haven’t gotten to know Jim Oberweis the man — father, grandfather, community member.==== Unless Foster doesn’t fit the same definition of a man, just getting to “know him”, or both of them for that matter, won’t garner Oberweis anymore votes. It’s tough to change your mind about someone who has been in your face for so long.

  5. - Pants on Fire - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 10:00 am:

    “I’ve been working on this for five years.”

    Interesting, the bill was only introduced THREE years ago, and there was no previous version of it before that. It would be a stretch to even say that she was working on it for five weeks. Somebody should call her out on this one.

  6. - 14th kid - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 10:01 am:

    If you have met Obie -even once- and chatted with him for 2 minutes, you would know why he hasn’t won. He is not likeable-PERIOD. From and his group with all the “kings men” and $$ will not be able to change the outcome come november. if Obie truly loved the party, he give his spot to Tim Schmitz (not that Tim’s insane to accept) or even Rauschy to battle Foster…but there’s a better chance of Alan Keyes running as a 3rd party candidate, then Obie doing what’s best for the GOP

  7. - fed up - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 10:03 am:

    Halvorsons one and only job in the senate is to protect E. Jones and blago, she is a patsy for this corrupt administration she should be ashamed of her “work” on the ethics bill but she is proud to have held it up for years while adding nothing of substance, she is the dem senate majority leader of blagos dreams.

  8. - wordslinger - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    There’s so much going against Oberweis right now, from macro to micro. Bush and war fatigue; economy; changing district; Obamania; Illinois GOP meltdown; his losing track record; his lack of base; his television image. It goes on.

  9. - Ghost - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 10:10 am:

    Question: Why can’t Illinois pass a captial spending plan for construction and building road’s worth 40+ Billion Dollars under Gov. Blago?

    Answer: “State contractors chipped in at least 55 percent of the $1.5 million Blagojevich raised from individual donors in the last half of 2007.

    • Those contractors reaped nearly $6 billion in state business since Blagojevich took office in 2003.

    • Road builders and construction companies were the most lucrative source of the campaign cash — $455,750.”

  10. - RAI - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    Oberweis is doing the right thing, he won the primary. The turnout in the general election will be in the 60% range not 20% the district will go for McCain by 5% @ least.
    Has anyone ever talked to Foster? The man has the personality of a fish. He has no idea about what he’s doing he won’t be able to duck debates anymore and his former wife trouble WILL be in the mix this time (Erik Zorn is strangely silent on this one compared to his huge focus on divorce in 2002 in both primaries)
    Nobody has asked Oberweis to step down; he might as well make the best of it and try what has he got to lose.

  11. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    No. The reason Blagojevich cannot pass a capital construction plan is because he has proven to everyone that he is untrustworthy and shouldn’t be handed anything larger than a 20 dollar bill and expected to know what to do with it.

    You cannot give a man like Blagojevich any funds. You cannot even have available funding for other government programs around Blagojevich. You cannot even pass a budget with a guy like Blagojevich around.

    So don’t finger point at some conspiracy. It is much simpler. We have a really poor governor who has proven to be unable to handle something like a capital spending plan.

  12. - 14th kid - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    I’ve met Foster and lobbied him on behalf of my national association. You are correct RAI, he’s not warm and fuzzy…but he’s not arrogant and self-centered. Foster’s wife may come into play, but the DCCC will spend $$ on not to lose the 14th and Foster will spend more then Obie. Obie’s wife will eventually encourage him to stop spending ‘their’ money on a losing bet. Foster is brilliant –as long as he stays under the radar and goes into a 4 corner stall and doesn’t turn the ball over –he’ll win again.

  13. - Ghost - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    VM thats pretty much what I was saying :) the Gov overseeing a mere 6bil so far has lobbied it into 55% of his fundraising in the last part of 07 saya a lot about why he cant be trusted with more money.

  14. - RAI - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    Foster has already chosen Columbian labor union membership over Catapillar! Hows that going to go over in that district? Foster can’t (Shouldn’t be able to) play the four corner stall being the incumbant. Oberweis has to build back up his grassroots organization and allow THEM to attack and he has to stay above any attacks. The one thing the GOP used to have is a organized group of grassroots groups. When he ran for Governor he had the best organization he has to rebuild it! The sorry tour should include Lauzen, if Lauzen does not accept at least he did it and base voters will see that he tried.

  15. - Will Clark - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 12:42 pm:

    I’m not sure who is more out of touch…Oberweis or RAI. If turnout hits 60% in this district come November it’ll be for Obama, not McCain. Don’t get me started on a third Bush terms if McCain wins.

    Also, I’ll take Foster and his “fish” personality over the “creepy” personality of Oberweis, and that is an opinion clearly shared by voters in that district and in this state…people just don’t like him because he’s not genuine. No amount of apologizing will fix that. If you want to focus on Foster’s divorce, have at it, he’ll still win.

    Oh yea…if I’m Foster, I’m begging for Lauzen to get back in the mix, he’s so charming.

  16. - Chad - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    RAI: Don’t know where you have been. Everyone has been clamoring for your candidate to drop out, including Boehner.

  17. - Squideshi - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 1:35 pm:

    Gee, for all that rant Ozinga gave about serving God first, trying to take someone’s home purely for private profit doesn’t seem to me a very Christian thing to do. Not that I bought the rhetoric in the first place–Ozinga’s a businessman, just playing the God card in order to win the religious vote.

  18. - Anon - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 1:54 pm:

    This doesnt allege that Ozinga did anything just explains the situation. not the big deal youre trying to make it.

  19. - RAI - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    Right from the mouth of the candidate. “Nobody has approached to ask that him to leave the race”

  20. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 2:27 pm:

    –Gee, for all that rant Ozinga gave about serving God first, trying to take someone’s home purely for private profit doesn’t seem to me a very Christian thing to do.–

    Try reading the entire article…

    Ozinga paid Kunkel $100,000 for a two-year option on the property. Kunkel claims that contract expired in late July 2006. He then entered into a separate agreement to sell the property to Edwards, who later won a settlement from Marshall County allowing mining there and on neighboring property.

    Ozinga maintains the company tried to close on the deal when the contract was still in effect. The firm wants Kunkel to be ordered to sell the land and pay personal damages as well.

    To claim that Ozinga is forcing an elderly man off his property is melodramatically incorrect. Obviously Kunkel was playing games against Ozinga.

  21. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 2:32 pm:

    The idea that Halvorson is some sort of independent agent and has chosen to support Rod & Emil because she likes being their lackey may be true, but it is equally likely that she acts as she does because there are only three people with real power in Springfield: Gov, Speaker & Senate Pres. Anyone who does not play their game gets nothing. Either way, it works out the same.

    I’m sure if she played the outsider, this blog would be full of assertions that she is politically naive.

    If she can play her way to the top of the Illinois Senate in just a couple of terms, she’s a good bet as a Rep in DC. She certainly played her hand well last Fall when the DCCC recruited her.

  22. - GOP'er - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 4:21 pm:

    The 11th became a joke when the GOP slated a candidate who has given even more money to Blago than Halvorson has.

    And in the 14th, big shock that Hastert’s team has Obie trying to play nicey nice now - after the sliming of Chris Lauzen is complete. Sure, Obie’s only against a liberal Dem now. Time to play nice.

    People who said the IL GOP couldn’t get worse were wrong.

  23. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 4:39 pm:

    What support Halvorson gives Blagojevich is priceless. To claim she somehow supports Blagojevich less than Ozinga is nonsense. To even make this an issue is nonsense.

  24. - Elder - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 8:05 pm:

    Lots of things going against Oberweis, and one of them is the 29% of the district that is immigrants and their children. Hard to start with a block like that pretty solidly against you.

  25. - USA Patriot - Monday, May 12, 08 @ 9:37 pm:

    Oberweis still has that immigration hypocrisy thing hanging over his head (i.e., crying foul over undocumented immigrants while they were working in his stores). Between that and his sunny personality, I don’t see how he can assemble what it takes to win.

  26. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, May 14, 08 @ 3:13 pm:

    “To claim that Ozinga is forcing an elderly man off his property is melodramatically incorrect. Obviously Kunkel was playing games against Ozinga.”

    Uh huh. So, when the average, person who hasn’t appointed themselves to shill for Martin Ozinga hears that a dispute involves on one side, an octogenarian farmer and his five sworn witnesses and on the other side a multi-millionaire business magnate, who do you think the public support goes to?

    Let me spare you the suspense - it ain’t the millionaire.

    And FWIW, I doubt that Ozinga is a bad guy, I don’t begrudge him his money or success, and I take his religious overtures as sincere. But there’s being a private citizen and there’s being a candidate. And he’s chosen to be a candidate.

  27. - GOPFarmer - Friday, May 16, 08 @ 8:23 am:

    Dems are criticizing Ozinga for wanting to BUY the family farm. Meanwhile, Dems are “STEALING” hundreds of family farms across the country via the Estate Tax which Ozinga is against.

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