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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

What one state law would you like to see passed or repealed? Explain.


  1. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    NOTE: I didn’t ask about a constitutional amendment. This question is about laws.

  2. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    Legalization of medical marijuana

  3. - Siyotanka - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    Concealed carry…

  4. - Squideshi - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    I would like to see a state law passed which equalizes all of the requirements to run for public office for all candidates, regardless of political party affiliation.

  5. - Name Withheld - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    I know there are better laws out there, but I would like to see Sam Cahnman’s (now Ray Poe’s) law requiring Open Primary to be passed.

  6. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    ALSO NOTE: I asked you to explain why.

  7. - Mike - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    The law that never made since to me is the window tint law. Why is it half the states have a 33% rule and don’t seem to have an increase in police being shot. By the way if that is the reason for this law then why can I tint my back 3 windows black. Less of a chance of getting hurt by the back seat rider as opposed to the people in the front seat I guess.

  8. - Pat Collins - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    Restore “takings” to pre-KELO days. That is, make eminent domain ONLY for public purposes, and “more sales taxes” ISN’T one of them!

  9. - Pat Collins - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    Simple, sitting on a zoning board not long after KELO I heard a developer say (with reference to a piece of property that limited his devleopment)

    “well, you can take that with eminent domain now, so there is no reason not to grant the variance”.

    I am seeing that more and more. Stake that vampire before he gets out of the coffin.

  10. - Dan S, a Voter & Cubs Fan - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    I agree with Squideshi, cap fund raising and campaign spending so there is a level playing field.

  11. - Squideshi - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    Squideshi wrote, “I would like to see a state law passed which equalizes all of the requirements to run for public office for all candidates, regardless of political party affiliation.”

    Why? Because I think it’s undemocratic to maintain unreasonable barriers to entry into our marketplace of ideas, while artificially making it easier for established parties to compete. More competition in our political marketplace means a better product and/or service for the voters.

  12. - Shelbyville - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:28 am:

    We need to outlaw the ability for anyone to ride in the back of an open truck bed. I think that the reasons for this are obvious.

    Also, it is not illegal at this time, for someone to carry someone elses driver’s license. I know that you might need your elderly parent’s ID for a legitimate reason. But, I am talking about persons under the age of 21 that are carrying a fake ID. Sometimes they acquire these licenses from where they work. They check your ID and then distract you and don’t hand it back.

  13. - Kill the roots - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:30 am:

    Require Tv and radio stations to provide the airtime for campaign commercials at no cost, but all the commercials for all eligible candidates get run the same number of times, in the same block of airtime, in a rotating order each day.

    By taking away the need to raise and spend millions on the political advertising, and removing the ability to bury or smear opposition by sheer force of numbers of spots, campaigns and candidates and elected officials will be less tempted to be corrupted by special interests and could spend less time fundraising and more time working.

    I would call it “Rod’s law”. Because I’m feeling ironic.

  14. - Anon Sequitor - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:34 am:

    Pat, you have a good point. We should find a way to hold elected officials and possibly staff accountable for actually following state law. Muni lawyers are making a mint finding ways to avoid the requirements of state statutes. Why pass a state law if local officials can thumb their noses at it with impunity? Hold them personally responsible somehow so they can’t hide behind the lawyers.

    Defeating them at next election is not enough. The next group will just find their own reasons to do the same. A good lawsuit with a nice judgement, however, will send a much stronger message.

  15. - Greg - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    Concealed carry. A law that’s worked well (albeit in many variations) in 48 other states, allowing it here would represent a move toward a classical liberal interpretation of individual rights, as opposed to reliance on a burdensome and incompetent government.

    We’d probably have to figure out a way to automatically deny aldermen’s pemits, though.

  16. - clj - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:35 am:

    Every piece of ethics legislation. Seriously, it’s Illinois. What’s the point!

  17. - You Go Boy - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:37 am:

    Governors must have an IQ in triple digits, and ethical standards that surpass Tony Soprano.

  18. - Chanson - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    I would like to see open primaries and all pimaries held on the same date nation wide. This would even the playing field and curtail some of the outrageous spending by candidates thus allowing qualified but less financially well-off candidates. My granddaughter told me that most of the eighteen year old seniors in her high school did not vote because that either did not have party affiliation or chose not to disclose.

  19. - Levois - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    Elimination of the FOID card and allowing for people to apply for a conceal carry permit instead. I believe we shouldn’t restrict the tools people can use to defend themselves.

  20. - bored now - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:43 am:

    i’d like to see a “resign to run” law requiring that public officials resign their current office by the beginning of the term that they’d be sworn into the new office they are seeking.

    the reason i’d like to see such a law (which will never get passed) is because i’d prefer power be dispersed among a larger variety of people instead of concentrated in the hands of the few. this is just one of the many efforts i’d prefer we make towards reducing the numbers of conflicts of interest that we have in our public office holders…

  21. - Wild Bill - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    Pass a law the requires the media to pay rent on their free private offices in Springfield.

  22. - Wild Bill - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:45 am:

    opps …I forgot the why
    ’cause the state needs the cash

  23. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:47 am:

    WB, I’m for that.

  24. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:53 am:

    Repeal the mandatory seat belt law. Gives the police a pretext for many unneeded traffic stops and if people want to increase their chances of dying in a car accident, fine by me. Reduces popluation growth.

  25. - Speaking at Will - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    Right to Carry.

    The statistics bear out the benefits, and the current gun laws in Chicago and across the state do not seem to have much effect.

  26. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:57 am:

    Medical marijuana….to alleviate the suffering of SO MANY hard-working Illinois families. All those people in pain can be helped with a plant from God.
    ==ouch, my glaucoma is acting up again

  27. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    I agree with Shelbyville….if riding in the back of a pickup is not illegal by now it should be. It’s probably not much of an issue in suburbia, but at least in rural Illinois there are some people who don’t know the danger.

  28. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    I would like to see Conceal Carry, Open Primary and TERM LIMITS For ALL elected Officials.

    Conceal Carry for protection. Open Primary, I have seen too many “voting list” on people’s desk.

    Term Limits would stop some of the garbage that goes on at all levels of government. (ALA Madigan, Emil, Durban, Shimkas, Daley etc.)

  29. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    for those in favor of RIGHT TO CARRY…check out the Daily Herald links to the right about a firearms safety instructor

  30. - kvf - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    No fund sweeps. I always thought it was unconstitutional the way the guv takes money that the legislature allocated for a special purpose.

  31. - montrose - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:05 am:

    Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)-Right now the Illinois’ EITC is set at 5% of the federal, meaning if you are a family of four earing $10,000 a year, the federal EITC is worth about $4,000, while Illinois’ is worth about $200. We have the lowest state EITC of any state that has it.

    Just shifting it from 5% to 10% would have a nominal impact on the state budget, but a huge impact on working families’ ability to pay bills, get food on the table, buy a winter coat for their kid, etc.

    A bill to do this (SB12) has passed unanimously out of the Senate and has over 100 sponsors in the house, but has been sitting in rules for a year. Nice, eh?

  32. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    Primary stop for seatbelt violation.

    Puts police in a position to field charges for profiling etc.

  33. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:11 am:

    I don’t normally go for term limits, but if I could pass one law for Illinois today, it would be for term limits.

    We have too many elected officials in office for life. They do not have political competition. They sit and stagnate without any motivation to improve. We have two legislative leaders that have been around so long they don’t know how Illinoians live anymore.

    Term limits. I was opposed to them because I believe in voters choosing and keeping elected officials. But without real political opposition their votes are no longer choosing the politicians; the politicians are choosing the voters.

    It has to stop.

  34. - South of I-80 - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Amend the Mobile Home Privage tax so that the tax per squre foot ($0.15/sf for new down to $0.075 for those 15yrs or older), which was last set in early 70s, be adjusted to reflect today’s dollars. As an example, gasoline at that time was approximatley $0.65/gal……………

  35. - Kevin Highland - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    I am also with the people who say Repeal the FOID Card and Pass Shall Issue Concealed Carry Permits. The FOID Card is only there to make an otherwise law abiding citizen a felon if he fails to renew on time.

    Shall Issue Concealed Carry Permits have worked fine in 38 other states with out the prognosticated wild west effect.

    Every human being on the planet has the right to self defense.

  36. - Chicago Law Grad - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:24 am:

    While not a marijuana smoker myself, I think pot should be legalized… medical or recreational. If people can get as drunk as they want, I see little harm in letting them get as stoned as they want.

    Free up some prison space and save some tax dollars too.

  37. - PhilCollins - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    Because of the 2nd Amendment, we don’t need a concealed carry law. We should know that all Americans have the right to carry guns. Our legislature should repeal all gun control laws.

  38. - winco - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    Mine is regarding when elected officials retire from their office. They retire a few months before the next election, and then a replacement is appointed who gets to run as an “incumbent.” So my law would say that whoever is appointed mid-term to replace a resigning/retiring elected official, is ineligible to run for election to that office in the next election.

  39. - Ken in Aurora - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:40 am:

    “Shall issue” right to carry legislation. 48 other states have some form of CCW, and 39 of those are shall issue or unlicensed. Last time I checked, rivers of blood weren’t flowing in these states.

    We have a natural right to self defense, and it’s about time the state recognizes that access to defensive firearms is crucial.

  40. - The Federalist - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:42 am:

    Limit the Illinois Combined Statutes to 2 volumes of 200 pages each. If you can’t govern with that then we need new members of the General Assembly.

  41. - EnergyByThePeople - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:43 am:

    No explanation needed.
    Explain to me why not.

  42. - BandCamp - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    The GA should submit an amendment to the IL CON to repeal the amendment of 1994 which amended Art 4, Sec 10.

    Move the date back to June 30 for adjournment. The bickering is silly. Nothing hardly ever gets done by May 31. And things are more difficult to get passed after May 31.


    There’d be more time for after session “get-togethers”…or whatever you want to call them.

    (please note: the last comment is just my selfish want)

  43. - BandCamp - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    Sorry Rich, but the legislature enacts the amendments, and it pertains to lawmaking.

    Flawed argument, for sure.

  44. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:53 am:

    I would like to see organ donation in Illinois changed to an opt-out. It would increase the number of organs and save lives but it would still provide the option of taking everything with you into the cold, cold grave if you really want think it’s necessary.

    The Sec of State could provide a simple, uniform “don’t make me a donor” form for those who don’t wanna, but otherwise everybody would go on the donor list.

    – SCAM
    so-called “Austin Mayor”

  45. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:03 pm:

    No more dropping out of school at 16. All kids in Illinois have to stay enrolled in school through what would be their senior years of high school.

    The stats on high school dropouts are staggering. It’s a one-way ticket to palookaville, a lifetime of poverty, crime and dysfunction. Prisons are full of dropouts. Half of the kids in the Chicago Public Schools drop out — and that’s an improvement over recent years.

    It’s no magic bullet, but it’s an important step. It opens up the whole can of worms of funding, unions, parenting, environment, personal responsibility, etc. Fine. Let’s have the debate. Let’s debate it everyday. Let’s require sacrifices and commitments from all parties. Let’s commit to what FDR called “bold, persistent experimentation” to find what works and toss out what does not.

    If the kids still won’t go to school, let’s put them to work — pulling weeds, digging ditches, sweeping sidewalks, I don’t care, they’re doing something and they’re off the street. I favor a CCC, a magnificent New Deal program that built great public projects (check out Ludington State Park in Michigan) and gave mostly young, unemployed men the opportunity to gain the dignity, self-respect and life skills that come from a hard day’s work.

    Let’s spend the money, spend the time and demonstrate to these kids that they have value by being in their faces 24/7/365. We can get tough and pay now, or we can continue to get tougher and pay a great deal more as they get older.

  46. - BandCamp - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:09 pm:


    that is some old school thought right there. To me, it’s also fantasy. You’re correct-you can’t keep the kids in school. And they don’t want to work, especially “dirty hands” work. (and don’t bash me for this) If they wanted to do that work, there wouldn’t be so many men and women of Mexican origin washing dishes, digging dirt, etc.

    Any hard looks and discussions should start right where these kids come from: their mommas and their daddies.

    Sad but true. Sorry.

  47. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:14 pm:

    BandCamp - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    The GA should submit an amendment to the IL CON to repeal the amendment of 1994 which amended Art 4, Sec 10.

    Move the date back to June 30 for adjournment. The bickering is silly. Nothing hardly ever gets done by May 31. And things are more difficult to get passed after May 31.


    There’d be more time for after session “get-togethers”…or whatever you want to call them.

    (please note: the last comment is just my selfish want)

    Then what would motivate the GA to get things done? The 3/5th vote creates motivation. Also, if you push it to the end of June, the new fiscal year starts July 1. YOu really want to put state employees in that position? Or the state with no budget in a new fiscal year? Might want to rethink that.

  48. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===YOu really want to put state employees in that position? ===

    That was the adjournment date for many a year and through many an overtime session.

  49. - Ghost - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    We need a law banning anyone who does business with the State from contributing more then 1,000 total to tate political capaigns, and bans outright contributions to the elcted official or officials who oversee that persons business dealings or contract awards with the State.

    Its time to end pay to play in a meaningful way.

  50. - Wonder Boy - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    Pass that Civil Unions bill currently held up in the GA.

    Why? It’s basic fairness, justice, and dignity.

    The Daily Herald made an excellent case yesterday:

  51. - Legal Eagle - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    Medical marijuana has been legal in Illinois since 1973. See 720 ILCS Section 550/11. I don’t understand why so many people and media don’t understand this!

  52. - BandCamp - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:28 pm:


    === Might want to rethink that ===

    My point was, the 1994 amendment was an empty one. All the 3/5 does is create leverage (to some degree) for the minority side of the aisle.

    And FYI, no lawmaker or elected official in his right mind would let state employees not get their paychecks. (maybe not on time, but never not at all) They always pass a supplemental to pay the important bills and salaries.

  53. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:36 pm:

    Thanks legal eagle…you appear to be right! And to think I was gonna move to Arizona

  54. - Skeptic Cal - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:40 pm:

    Repeal the State immunity from lawsuits. Let the state agencies and officials appear in real jury trials for wrongs. I do not mean to expand liability, but there is accountability in our courts especially when 12 common people get to decide the outcome.

  55. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:48 pm:

    Band Camp,

    My fantasies usually involve Heidi Klum and Scarlet Johansen. Regarding public policy, I’m a stone-cold realist.

    Requiring kids to stay in school through their senior years certainly can be done. Just modify the current law.

    A CCC can be established. It was done before and was successful.

    Momma and poppa need to step up. But it’s a fantasy to believe that all ever will. It’s a fantasy to believe that, for many kids, requiring them to stay in school or work wouldn’t help keep them on the right track.

    By the way, many, many low-income kids of all colors with less-then Ward-and-June Cleaver home lives stay in school and succeed in life. It’s in society’s interest to help those in similar situations who need more discipline. It’s in society’s interest to keep kids in school.

    It’s a fantasy to believe in heaven on earth — but it’s realistic to believe that by requiring more from kids that a great many of them can build better lives and contribute to society.

    Now, back to Heidi and Scarlet.

  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:51 pm:

    Three strikes law pertaining to DUi’s. Anyone convicted three times with drunken driving should get 20 years in prison, plus have their car confiscated by the state. This would do-away with these clowns driving multiple times with revoked licenses.

  57. - Elliot Ness - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:52 pm:

    Repeal the 21 year old drinking age law. Spend a weekend on a college campus and let me know how effective that law is.

  58. - Anon - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:54 pm:

    The return of cumulative voting. The demise of that measure may have reduced the size and cost of the General Assembly, but it also put too much power into the hands of the Leaders. Another Pat Quinn idea that sounded good…but didn’t quite work out.

  59. - Lucy - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:58 pm:

    Recreational marijuana…just think, people would be so much less uptight…

  60. - cardsmama - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:09 pm:

    No driving with cell phones - EVER! I am tired of dodging drivers trying to turn while on the phone and driving in the wrong lane. Apparently talking on the cell phone and using turn signals are too much to do while trying to manuever a ton of metal. No one is ever that important - more important than killing or disabling someone for a phonecall that could wait! It is just as dangereous as driving under the influence, if not more!

  61. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    I must be high….I thought I saw Ron Stephens try to overrule the chair on the gas tax bill…

  62. - Anonymous Unum - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:17 pm:

    While I am strongly opposed to term limits (I think the voters have that say every election cycle), I would support a limit on how long a person could serve in a leadership position. Voters really don’t have a say how long leaders remain in their positions and unfortunately, this leads to a dearth of new ideas and stifles creativity in the legislative process. No offense to Speaker Madigan (or President Jones), buy c’mon, 25 years as Speaker! How does one get around that, if he opposes your issue? Oh, I get it, that’s how he wants it!

  63. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:24 pm:

    Hey Lucy….I can picture the governor’s staff out on the balcony sharing a Mr. J….”Gross receipts tax? What were we thinking, dude!?”

  64. - BandCamp - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:32 pm:


    I understand your thinking. And I agree that there are good stories among all the horrible ones we read.

    Here’s a thought, and not my own (because I haven’t put any thought into it yet)- this morning I saw a segment, or maybe yesterday, about PAYING kids to do their homework. Proponents claim success. Maybe the start of some discussion, for some kids in troubled environments.

  65. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:36 pm:

    Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===YOu really want to put state employees in that position? ===

    That was the adjournment date for many a year and through many an overtime session.

    I know, and look at how many we had (overtimes). Don’t you think that having the extra month has kept us from overtime? (naturally you count Blago years) but before that? Throughout the 90s?

  66. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:37 pm:

    ===Don’t you think that having the extra month has kept us from overtime? ===

    It has had nothing whatsoever to do with it. If they have the will to adjourn, they will. If they don’t, they won’t. Time is not the problem. Will is.

  67. - Moderate Repub - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:38 pm:

    And FYI, no lawmaker or elected official in his right mind would let state employees not get their paychecks. (maybe not on time, but never not at all) They always pass a supplemental to pay the important bills and salaries.

    Not on time is what I was refering to. Not that they wouldnt get paid. Its happened before (delayed checks) and it was pretty ugly. I believe thatw waht sparked the moving back of the adjounment date. Rich will remember.

  68. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:40 pm:

    ===I believe thatw waht sparked the moving back of the adjounment date. ===

    Pate Philip’s love of fishing and hunting sparked the early adjournment date.

  69. - Smitty Irving - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:44 pm:

    Local government consolidation. Start with abolishing townships, make school district boundaries coincide with county boundaries, county consolidations outside the Chicago Metro area. IL has 6,000 units of local government. 2nd place in PA with 4,000. With that many units of local government, they can break the law in plain sight (such as county jails and FOIA laws) and the press and the citizens can’t stay on top of it. That is WAAAY to many elected officials.

  70. - BIG R.PH. - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 1:57 pm:

    Here are two crazy ones:

    A law that it is MANDATORY that the State pay their bills in 60 days. And if they don’t pay a vendor in 60 days they have to pay interest automatically. No minimums, no monkey shines no games. 60 days period automatic.

    The State to change to an accroual(sp?) method of accounting that every other business must use. Adopting this would make the State recognize that when a bill is incurred it is owed for not some mythical date of when it is paid. This would allow for a much better picture of the State’s “true” financial condition. And yes the picture would be much worse but at least we would have a better idea.

  71. - puzzler - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    repeal the prevailing wage law. It puts Illinois border communities at a serious disadvantage when competing for projects with states like Iowa. It is not the “prevailing wage” in many rural counties where contractors are forced to pay wages far higher than the norm. It has become a vehicle for Unions to harass non-union employers on jobs that have even the hint of “public” funding. The reporting requirements are burdensome for employers, even those who pay union scale. The Illinois Department of Labor refuses to answer questions about whether a certain project requires the payment of prevailing wages and sends letters demanding time-consuming responses from governmental entities based on verbal complaints.

  72. - Slick Willy - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    === “I agree with Squideshi, cap fund raising and campaign spending so there is a level playing field.” ===

    It is well documented that donation and spending limits found in legislation such as the McCain-Feingold bill insulate incumbents from meaningful challenges. In short, the incumbent already has significant name recognition and would not need to spend as much money in a campaign to achieve a certain level of voter recognition. The relatively unknown challenger does not enjoy such a luxury and would need more money to establish his name among the voters. Many economists and the Supreme Court have recognized this impact of spending/donation limits.

  73. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:28 pm:

    Big rph, I think the accrual method of accounting would have to be done by a constitutional amendment, not just a statute. IRS wouldn’t allow the state to use cash basis accounting—citizens should demand accurate numbers!

  74. - Slick Willy - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:30 pm:

    I would like to see the FOID repealed and replaced with a “Shall Issue” concealed carry program. Getting Dick Mell on the hook for a FOID violation might be a good start…

  75. - Anon - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:36 pm:

    Any law that some legislator came up with based on a newspaper headline. Why? Because they’re almost always half-baked excuses for photo ops, the unintended consequences of which we’re stuck with indefinitely. Same goes for laws named after people.

  76. - GofGlenview - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:40 pm:

    I like Skeptic Cal’s idea: “repeal the State’s immunity from lawsuits.”

    The Rezko case is a classic example where a class action lawsuit should be filed against: Cellini, Kjellander, Beck, Rezko, Blago, Bear Stearns (Hurtgen), Knight E/A, Levine, Keiferbaum etc.

    The use of state money (taxpayer money) to enrich people whose only contribution to the State is that they are politically connected is wrong. in this case these guys were getting contracts to fix roads, underwriting hospitals/building hospitals (all with tax exempt bonds/Munis, get money from the TRS as well as skim “finder’s fees”. Talk about multiple revenue streams all coming off the back of taxpayers. Certainly there should be a class action suit here on behalf of the taxpayers against these guys. They should have to repay the taxpayers for all the “fees” and other payments and gains from these nefarious activities.

  77. - Jimmy87 - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:45 pm:

    I would repeal the primary offense seat belt law. It defies logic that we allow “choice” on an issue like abortion yet need the government to step in and compel us to wear a seat belt. I wear my seat belt most if not all of the time - I just believe that it should be up to others if they want to do so as well.

    A law that I would like to see passed one where we all sit down and decide who, once and for all, qualifies as an adult in this state. Sixteen year olds can drive a car, but they have to be eighteen or older to get a tattoo - local prosecutors may prosecute a fourteen year old as an adult, but two counties away a sixteen year old may be charged as a minor for the same offense. It makes no sense at all.

    Finally, I think we need a law that allows persons under 21 to slide my six-pack across the UPC scanner at the grocery store. There is nothing more frustrating than having to stand there, waiting in line, for someone over the age of 21 to simply scan your booze. It’s insane!

  78. - rachel - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:46 pm:

    I would like to see the Smoke Free Illinois law repealed, if only just for bars and private clubs. I hate drinking without having a cigarette! For all the uproar 5 months ago, I can’t believe no one brought it up yet today.

  79. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 2:55 pm:

    I would be for relaxing the “15 foot rule” for smokers outside an entrance, but I am enjoying the smoke-free atmosphere too much in my favorite bars and nightclubs to want a repeal on the smoking ban for these type of establishments.

  80. - Former Stateworker - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 3:01 pm:

    A law requiring all bills in the Legislature to be titled according to the content of the bill or do away with shell bills.

  81. - anon - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 3:15 pm:

    Open voting in primaries, the same as in general elections. I have hardly ever wanted only the choices offered by one party, plus I believe in the sanctity of voter privacy in both candidate and party. I would have no straight party tickets available. If you want to declare your allegiance to a party, join the club with a donation or an application form, not a ballot.

  82. - Squideshi - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    Wild Bill wrote, “Pass a law the requires the media to pay rent on their free private offices in Springfield.”

    The media gets free private offices in Springfield?

  83. - Squideshi - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 3:31 pm:

    Note to those seeking a so-called “open” primary law: You have no right to interfere in the internal candidate selection process of political parties, which are private voluntary membership associations, unless those parties invite you to do so. Freedom of association is a basic constitutional right, and no where is it more important than in a political association.

  84. - Avy Meyers - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 4:49 pm:

    No campaign contributions over $100. Second choice would be to eliminate paid lobbyists.

  85. - Mountain Man - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 4:57 pm:

    A law to allow gay marriage. In the event that is not workable, then this century’s version of “seperate-but-equal”, domestic partnerships for gays and lesbians.

  86. - Heartless Libertarian - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 5:20 pm:

    Repeal the Smoke Free Illinois Act. I am tired of a nanny-state government telling me what I can and can’t do. Am I an adult? If I own a bar, shouldn’t I make the decisions on what is allowed in it within reason? Oh, the children, the children. We are doing this for the children. Well, as a former child myself, shove it!

  87. - A Citizen - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 5:43 pm:

    For every law that is passed, for the next five years, 5 must be repealed/eliminated. After five years, for each new law one must be repealed eliminated. This would help weed out the nonsensical legislation/statutes these folks enact for self serving purposes and unworthy feel good reasons. Further it would sharpen and clarify Illinois Laws!

  88. - There he goes again - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 5:44 pm:

    I don’t know if this is law or legislative process, but we need term limits on legislative leaders to keep the process moving more effectively and to allow new blood to periodically infuse the system with energy.

  89. - Herself - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 5:52 pm:

    No more “no bid” contracts. All state of Illinois contracts are put out for bid. All contracts are awarded to Illinois vendors. Our tax dollars should be staying in Illinois.

  90. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 6:44 pm:


    The law was changed in regards to dropouts to age 17. That has helped some students to stay in school instead of dropping out after they get their driver’s license.

    What is needed is the reality that some students are not well served by traditional high schools. Perhaps more of a cooperative education program where students go to school and also work towards skills for an occupation not requiring a four-year degree might be the ticket.

    Sadly, too many schools brag about their college bound numbers and neglect the others who are not college material. Funds for career/vocational education have been cut these past years.

  91. - NRA Endowment Life Member - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 6:55 pm:

    No question - Concealed carry. It’s time for Illinois to join the rest of the nation in passing a law that is clearly something that people want. I’ve been a law-abiding gun owner for nearly 30 years and would love to have the opportunity to decide for myself if I want to carry a firearm.

  92. - anon - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 7:06 pm:

    == You have no right to interfere in the internal candidate selection process of political parties, which are private voluntary membership associations,==

    My tax dollars pay for the election expenses. Let the political parties pay for the primary election if it is a members-only affair. Why foist that expense on the public at large?

  93. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, May 20, 08 @ 8:49 pm:

    Repeal..the amended version of mandatory seatbelt law which allows seatbelt stops as a “primary offense,” in other words, you can be stopped and ticketed solely for failure to buckle up. Why? Making seatbelt stops a primary turned seatbelt enforcement from a safety into a revenue issue in more than a handful of PDs, taking resources from more important, but less lucrative matters.

    New law: Term Limits. Why? Exhibit A: Emil Jones.

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