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Reform and Renewal *** UPDATED x2 ***

Friday, May 23, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There is a simple explanation for this revelation

Long under fire for installing political donors on state boards and commissions, Gov. Rod Blagojevich was criticized in a state audit released publicly Thursday for failing to make enough board appointments.

Auditor General William Holland found about one third of state panels do not have the legally required number of appointees.

They included boards overseeing elevator safety, ethanol research, lottery tickets for breast cancer research, student loans, and Downstate teacher pensions, among others. No appointments were made for nearly one of five boards and commissions out of scores the auditor general sampled between July 2005 and July 2007. Those included basic hospital services, HIV/AIDS, regional economic development and capital punishment reform.

A cynic might say that since the governor is no longer allegedly selling appointments, he no longer has any interest in filling the slots.

I’m not saying, I’m just saying.

* As I write this (9:57 am), the Senate is debating the ethics bill, which would bar Blagojevich from raising cash from contractors doing business with or submitting bids to agencies under his control.

*** 10:09 AM UPDATE *** The Senate just approved the ethics bill without a single dissenting vote. It now goes to the House, but the governor has threated to “improve” it with an amendatory veto.

*** 11:24 AM UPDATE *** News stories about the ethics bill’s passage are now online: Daily Herald, Post-Dispatch, Tribune, and Illinois Issues.

* Last-minute fundraising is therefore a top priority

Gov. Rod Blagojevich rarely appears in public these days, but he popped up Wednesday night at Tavern on Rush for an intimate political fundraiser that was a classic display of cash and clout.

Blagojevich was greeted outside by trusted adviser and longtime fundraiser John Wyma, whose deep ties to the governor have made him a highly sought lobbyist with companies seeking contracts from state agencies and the Illinois Tollway.

And waiting inside was Blagojevich’s tollway chairman and more than a dozen campaign contributors, including at least one businessman with tollway and state contracts.

* While the ethics bill is causing some urgency at Friends of Blagojevich, the Trib report focused on the timing of the funder in relation to the Tony Rezko trial…

“At the very time a jury’s considering whether Mr. Rezko engaged in criminal fundraising practices and major decisions are being made on spending and contracts at the Capitol, it sure doesn’t seem like there have been many lessons learned,” said state Sen. Jeff Schoenberg (D-Evanston). “This is much more than bad timing,” he Schoenberg said. “We have to shut these practices down for good.”

* Related…

* Auditor: Governor’s Office Way Behind in Appointments

* Cellini lawyer: Billing gifts to hotel permitted


  1. - Dirt Guy - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    Oh to be shameless, clueless and living in your own reality. I wonder if there is any stress or worries in Blagoland?

  2. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:14 am:

    How brave of all those legislators to create bans on campaign contributions on everyone except themselves.

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:16 am:

    GoBearsss, how many legislators are currently under multiple federal and state investigations for handing out state government contracts in return for campaign contributions? The problem is the governor. Admit it, move on.

  4. - Ghost - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:17 am:

    GoBearsss, better they create some needed bans now then ineefectively sit by waiting under an all or nothing approach. Some improvement is far better then no improvement.

    They made the right decision, if a little late.

  5. - Squideshi - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    The Auditor General needed to conduct an audit in order to discover these vacancies? All one needs to do is refer to the three volume “Detailed Organization Report” published by the Legislative Research Unit. The first volume is entitled “Boards and Commissions with Legislative Appointments”. The second (2a) and third (2b) volumes (2a) are entitled “Boards and Commissions with Executive and Judicial Appointments”.

    This publication is required to be listed on the Illinois Documents List. Unfortunately, LRU does not use the Illinois State Library’s electronic system to submit copies; so you can’t access a copy online, using the Secretary of State’s search engine. You will need to contact LRU directly.

  6. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:21 am:

    It is the legislators that need to move on - move on to real campaign finance reform.

    Here’s the issue: Campaign finance is like a bucket with many holes.

    If you plug one hole, it doesn’t stop the water from coming out - it just comes out faster through every other hole.

    The holes plugged here are named Blagojevich, Hynes and Giannoulias.

    The water will now just pour out ever faster from the Michael Madigan and Lisa Madigan holes.

  7. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:23 am:

    GoBearsss, that assumes those two are as corrupt as Blagojevich.

  8. - Truthful James - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:25 am:

    Unfortunately, and only because the rest of the State loan documents covered such a swetheart deal, Cellini’s lawyer may have a legal point. Averaging it over the years is no way, however, to justify a point transaction. Time will tell.

    BTW, Rich, is that a scalp doily Bill is wearing in recent pictures or did a small animal die there?

  9. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    There is no requirement that this only applies to corrupt people, Rich.

    It just says that contractors can’t give directly to the office with which they have a contract.

    All I am pointing out is that it puts restrictions only on a handful of offices that award contract - all of which are the potential political foes of Lisa.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    GoBearsss, if y’all spent even a tenth as much time worrying about ethics in your own office as you do about how to thwart those evil Madigan people, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

  11. - Squideshi - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    I agree with GoBearsss that it is time for the legislators to move on to real campaign finance reform. Specifically, we should have full public financing of public elections. Public funds already pay for the printing of ballots, hiring of election judges, and renting of polling places. Public funds also pay for the administration of primary elections, which are candidate selection processes INTERNAL to political parties. The voters’ right to be fully informed about all choices on the ballot creates a significant state interest in reducing elections to a competition of ideas on a level playing field, rather than a contest to determine who is the best fundraiser or who has the wealthiest friends.

  12. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:32 am:

    How unusual of you Rich to make blind accusations of corruption.

    Why pick a fight with me?

    You can’t possibly think that Madigan never imagined what I am talking about right now.

  13. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:34 am:

    I don’t deny he may have thought of it. He probably did.

    What I’m just sick to death of is the absolute refusal of your office to point blame at all others while claiming you’re oh so clean and wonderful.

  14. - p - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    Rich, lay off GoBearsss.

    He’s out of your league.

  15. - Dr. DumberThanYouThink - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    There are actually 3 reasons Blagoof is behind in appointments:
    1. Board & Commission Staff busy with FBI/DOJ interview
    2. No one wants to be named to anything by this crew( i.e. Carol Ronen bailout)
    3. The Admin Motto “we don’t know and we don’t care”

  16. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    p, it’s not GoBearsss, it’s the entire administration’s truly bizarre fixation and insane denial that have got me climbing the walls.

  17. - Jaded - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:41 am:

    He might be out of his mind, but I doubt he is out of anybody’s league.

  18. - Ghost - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:43 am:

    Both madigans have internal prohibitions far more strict then the ethics act requires both prohibitng gifts and contributions fro their own employees etc. The Madigas are able to dop the right thing on their onw without extra policing, unfrotunetly the Gov is the exact opposite.

  19. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:51 am:

    Thanks, “p”.

    Let’s ask Steve Brown what he thinks about the Speaker’s intentions. Dr. Dumber, can you get him on the line?

    Me? I am not pointing fingers. I am frustrated by the reality of the Speaker being the wall between Illinois and progressive development for the past couple of decades.

    Sorry if that makes me evil and mean.

  20. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 10:54 am:

    It doesn’t make you evil or mean. It just makes your administration obsessed. Do you think you’re the first governor to ever have problems with that guy? They all seemed to find a way around the problem without going batty.

  21. - Truthful James - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:00 am:

    Gobearass –

    please define “progrssive development” What agenda is that?

  22. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:04 am:

    “My office”? “My administration”? “Me the first Governor”?

    That’s really funny. I guess I just won an election. Time to move out of this cubicle. Moving on up!

    I don’t think they would want me, though.

    And I doubt anybody is really obsessed. Probably frustrated like me.

  23. - Wonder Boy - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    And the Capitol Fax comments section has officially become an endlessly repeating cycle of self-absorption and whining between its creator and a small band of pro/anti commentators.

    Come on, it’s not fun to read anymore.

  24. - steve schnorf - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    What practices is Schoenberg wanting to shut down? Fundraising? Fundraising during session? Fundraising from people who hire lobbyists?

  25. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Relax, it’s a generalization. Plus, you’re on the payroll, so no big deal.

  26. - Dirt Guy - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:07 am:

    The Speaker is the only wall between Illinois and total insanity in state government. Imagine Emil and Rod doing as they please. They would resemble 5 year old children who washed down their Sugar Smacks with a large coffee, but their judgment wouldn’t be as good.

  27. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    Wonder Boy, considering where you’re posting from, that dog won’t hunt.

  28. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:10 am:

    Wonder Boy - its fun to read, despite Rich’s delusions.

  29. - MOON - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:12 am:


    Based upon your thesis and position “progressive
    development” is the same as spend,spend,spend, regardless of the cost or consequences resulting from such actions.

    As far as ethics go you won’t see the Madigans trading jobs for political contributions. You
    won’t see the Madigans accepting gifts that benefit them personally from lobbyist or other parties related to Illinois government. You won’t see the Madigans being under a cloud of suspicion for illegal acts.

    The Speaker has dealt with both dem. and rep. governors for some 25 plus years, and always was able to reach some accord.

    The speaker has never gone agaist his word or broken a promise as has Jones.

    It is time to come to grips with reality. This gang which includes Blago, Jones, Hendon, etc.
    are a classless bunch of thugs.

  30. - Wonder Boy - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:13 am:

    Rich, I’m a fan, why does it matter where I’m from? Why make silly battles with your readers? You shouldn’t let us rile you so. Or if you do let it get to you, can you be more clever about it?

  31. - Dr. DumberThanYouThink - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    Too busy reading the Ronen exit interview transcript right now….good stuff….hard to believe so much love was shared in so little time.

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    It matters where you’re from, and you very well know why.

    This isn’t a “silly” battle. It’s a fight over whether to sign a decent bill or use your preferred bogeyman to grandstand with an AV. It’s about accountability. Sorry if you think that’s silly.

  33. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    My first comment - GoBearsss and Wonder Boy, if you don’t like what you’re reading/posting, then I’m sure Rich would not be offended should you decide to go somewhere else.

    Second, Rich, if Blago “improves” the ethics legislation, can it then come back to the House/Senate for an override to take the bill back to its original language?

  34. - Ken in Aurora - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    As a political outsider, I love Capitol Fax Blog. It’s like listening in on bathroom conversations at the Capitol, but without all the foot tapping and hand swipes under the dividers.

  35. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    That’s DC. lol

  36. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    Sorry, Rich, but I hope you can at least appreciate that I personally believe that this bill is fatally flawed. Go back to my analogy of the water to see the crux of it.

    Plus, I don’t think this will stop the flow of contractor donations. Couldn’t contractors just set up a “Contractor PAC” that they donate to, with the donation then being transfered to the constitutional officer of their choice.

    Or that a legislator could collect as many such contributions while they were gearing up for their campaign to be a constitutional officer.

    I can think of a dozen ways off the top of my head that someone can easily get around this law, dutiful contributors could probably think of a dozen more, and the corrupt ones could probably think of another dozen.

    Money is like water, it finds every hole, remember?

    Who knows what the Governor will do, but you need to at least call a spade a spade.

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:33 am:

    ===I can think of a dozen ways off the top of my head that someone can easily get around this law, ===

    Ah, now comes the “it’s not perfect” argument. An often-used tactic to justify killing just about anything at the Statehouse.

    FYI, according to Fritchey, PACs for contractors would be covered by the bill.

  38. - 7th District Stretch - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    Dear Dr. DumberThanYouThink: Is the transcript of Ronen’s exit interview available on line? Do share.

  39. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:41 am:

    I agree the it’s not perfect argument is often used to avoid making tough decisions.

    You employ that tactic a lot, Rich :) .

    But I would argue, from a policy perspective, that this isn’t a “it’s not perfect” scenario.

    It’s a “this is pretend” scenario. It won’t accomplish what it even tries to set out to accomplish.

    It would be great if it would. But it won’t. It is just a way for legislators to say, “See, I did something!”

    And it doesn’t prevent contractors from contributing to PACs. And those PACs from contributing to constitutionals.

  40. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:43 am:

    ===It’s a “this is pretend” scenario. It won’t accomplish what it even tries to set out to accomplish.===

    I fully agree that the governor will likely attempt to get around the letter and spirit of this law. But every possible scenario cannot be predicted.

  41. - Greg - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:45 am:

    It’s telling that the governor’s only defenders can be explained away by their IP addresses. In the real world–in which I fortunately reside–I hear nothing positive whatsoever. Their opinions of your boss could not be lower, and yet they (as I) have not the slightest axe to grind.

  42. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

    I would love to continue this debate, but you really need to start pointing out, you know, arguing for your side…


  43. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    I felt fine this morning. And if you think this is bad, wait until he AV’s it. We’re just getting warmed up.

    :) back at ya.

  44. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    At least pretend to care about reform and ethics!

    You people were elected to fix what Ryan left behind, not benefit from it!

  45. - wordslinger - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    What does a governor whose pay-to-play fundraising is under federal siege talk about at fundraisers with contributors who are paying in hopes of playing?

    Is the place swept beforehand (I don’t mean with a broom)? Does everyone do a Sopranos-like hug/patdown-for-wires before talking? Do they speak in some Frank Calabrese/Famiy Secrets-like code (”I got that thing for that guy — the little guy, not the big guy”).

    That is was held at Tavern on Rush just adds to the surreality. Original G.

    “Testicular Virility Man in the Viagra Triangle.” I think that’s on Svengoolie this Saturday.

  46. - GoBearsss - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    For those of you spectators -

    I should just break it to you now that this is an act Rich and I put on to entertain you on an otherwise dreary Friday.

    If you have read to this point, Congratulations, you have reached the end.


  47. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    GoBearsss, you’re not gonna win this one. You’re up against a bigger/smarter dog and he’s not going to go sit on the porch.

  48. - problem - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:01 pm:

    Little Egypt,

    It think you just proved GB’s point about Madigan being the wall between Illinois and progress.

  49. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:04 pm:

    Problem, I wasn’t referring at all to Madigan. You’ve missed my point entirely but GB and Rich both know what I meant.

  50. - problem - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    Little Egypt - you’re corrupt.

    Its true because I said so.

  51. - Just My Opinion - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:05 pm:

    GB, if this is your idea of Friday entertainment, I’d hate to see your idea of torture.

  52. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    I think wordslinger is asking a good question.

    How does Blagojevich raise funds? Who could he be milking? For what reason would contributors contribute? What is the story being told?

    The conversations taking place must be rather odd, wouldn’t they be?

    Honestly, and I’m not being overly smart-aleky about it, who and why would someone contribute to Rod Blagojevich?

    I’d really like to know.

    And nothing silly, please. I mean it.

  53. - Little Egypt - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:08 pm:

    Problem - I get the last laugh on this one. If you only knew…………..

  54. - Anon - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:08 pm:

    Gobearss said “Probably frustrated like me.”

    Try working under this administration.

  55. - problem - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:16 pm:

    I at least give GoBears credit - coming to such a virulently anti-blago environment and trying to stand up for the guy, or at least his policies. I am entertained, at least.

  56. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:18 pm:

    problem, I agree. This was good practice for the AV.

  57. - Marbley - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:44 pm:

    It appears that ethic’s only applies to everyone else. Not to Elvis. Maybe the State should save some money and dissolve the Ethics Commission (look at that case history and stats?)and the Executive IG who can pick and choose who to investigate? It’s a joke on the People again. Keep hurting the working man or women.

  58. - BehindTheScenes - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 12:53 pm:

    I hear that the boards and commissions are kept at the minimum number of members required for a quorum so that the Gov’s staff can pull off a member to control a vote when necessary.

    I’ve also recently heard that there are hundreds of (whatever they call them now - under previous administrations they were called “Exception Forms”) sitting in the Governor’s Office awaiting signature to hire staff in various agencies. Some have called this a stalling tactic.

  59. - Suzanne - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    Let’s hold on for one silent moment and recognize that unlike a lot of the busy work that passes for policymaking, this bill, however imperfect, is purposeful both in its specifics and its symbolism.

    The symbolic value, on the other hand, was created and served up by Senate leaders when, among other things, they allowed the bill to languish and when they changed the $25K limit to $50K (and called it an improvement).

    That legislative leaders witlessly transformed this modest bill, this reasonable proposition, into a crucible-like question—Are the leaders of this state irredeemably corrupt or incompetent?—is a bonus.

  60. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    showing my knowledge….whats an AV?

  61. - steve schnorf - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    so tell me about the corruption in George Ryan’s gubernatorial administration. I was there, and I guess I missed it.

  62. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    Amendatory Veto.

    Steve, gimme a call.

  63. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    Thanks. Very entertaining today!

  64. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:15 pm:

    ==“This is a beginning,’’ Rausch said. “It doesn’t go nearly far enough. And we urge the House to take this opportunity to make the bill more comprehensive and broader.”==

    Is the house planning on voting for this today?

  65. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:21 pm:

    The House is adjourned until Tuesday.

    Also, this is a House bill, so the governor’s office must surely know that once a House bill is amended in the Senate the House’s options are: Concur; Nonconcur.

    The House bill cannot be amended again in the House unless the House votes to Nonconcur and the Senate refuses to recede from the amendments, at which point the bill would be sent to a conference committee. I think there has been one conference committee appointed in the past five years.

  66. - Muskrat - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:46 pm:

    Foot-tapping and hand waving “in DC”? As an Illinois exile in DC, I resent that. Sen. Craig got in trouble in the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, thank you. The allegations about him doing the same in DC’s Union Station were never proven.

    besides, here it’s probably seen as a signal for a bribe… tap your foot and get a Pentagon earmark back…..

  67. - Bill - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 1:48 pm:

    Whew, that was close!
    Its back to business as usual. Let’s improve this bill for a few years so we can get it right for a change.

  68. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    so tell me about the corruption in George Ryan’s gubernatorial administration. I was there, and I guess I missed it. –

    If you missed it, you probably wouldn’t understand anyway.

  69. - interesting... - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 6:15 pm:

    i heard poshard on jim leach this morning touting the capital bill. leach asked him about blago and his alleged ethical problems since poshard made that a issue when he ran against george; poshard dodged the question. leach then asked if the gov had been in spfld working on the bill and would he be there next week also. poshard seem to hesitate and then said the gov had been in the capitol working hard pn the bill and was there until 9 last night. according to the trib the gov walked into tavern on rush at a quarter to 8 last night. interesting…

  70. - steve schnorf - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 7:57 pm:

    Great non-answer VM. Put your information where your mouth is.

  71. - PalosParkBob - Friday, May 23, 08 @ 9:15 pm:

    What hypocrisy!

    While the legislature is trying to restrict “pay to play” for the Guv, they’re institutionalizing it in the Senate and House.

    SB 2690, sponsored by Maloney (D-18) in the Senate and Joyce (D-35) in the House, would allow Commmunity College boards to ignore the lowest responsible bidder(s) and give the contract to a “local firm” at as much as 5% above the lowest bidders price.

    There is no limit on the amount of the contract, so a contractor could make an extra $5 million in profit on a $100 million construction project without providing a penny’s worth of additional value to the district.

    There is also no restriction on which “local business” the Board can choose to give this patronage gem to amongst bidders.

    This means it gives the board the ability to choose a local business of the board’s party affiliation instead iof the “other” party’s lower bidder.

    There is no restriction on campaign contributions from bidders to get this incredible boon.

    I’ve been told that if they can get this bill through quietly, they intend to pull this same deal with the $20 billion K-12 public education system.

    The Board said they’re pushing this because “local businesses”, and heavy campaign contributors to a certain “donkey” party, are complaining that they’re only getting 17% of the $90 million construction project in the district, and they don’t want to cut their profit margins to win bids.

    The bill passed the Senate unanamously in the Senate, and has had Rep McCarthy (D-37) already hold the hearing for the House.

    Apparently no one in the State legislature has gotten the memo that “pay to play” is dead…..

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