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The Sgt. Schultz defense

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I guess the default position is not to believe anything Rod Blagojevich says

Gov. Blagojevich had no idea one of his top allies, retired state Sen. Carol Ronen, stood to add $38,000 a year to her government pension when he gave her a job she held for eight weeks.

“I didn’t know about it until I read it in the paper,” Blagojevich said Tuesday, referring to a Chicago Sun-Times story about Ronen in Saturday’s editions.

There were rumors, flatly denied by Ronen, that she and the guv had a falling out and she quit. So, maybe Blagojevich is telling the truth.

* The governor even came up with his own reform idea

“Maybe we should talk to the members of the general assembly and the leaders to see this example and take it and fix that pension system because there’s something wrong with the fact that you can work for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden, your position in the pension changes so dramatically.”

* And then he neatly tossed the hot potato to Barack Obama

“I also understand that she apparently heard the siren call of the Obama campaign. And so she made a decision to leave because she wants to work in the Obama for President campaign. So I guess you can say she left me for another guy.”

She’s actually just volunteering. Ronen, an Obama superdelegate, told me she is going to organize for Obama in her old Senate disrict and her congressional district, which will go 95 percent for the Democrat this November no matter what she does. If Ronen had hoped for a paid campaign position, this pension revelation has undoubtedly nixed that. It will be interesting to see if this gets picked up by the national press.

* The last word goes to Rogers Park Rake

By the way, Carol Ronen’s vast pension boost is apparently in accord with state law. She’s also under no legal obligation to accept it! She is legally free to waive it, which a person who was truly in tune with how inappropriate this is would do. Think that’ll happen?

Me neither.

Actually, the last word goes to you…


  1. - DumberThanYouThink - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 7:48 am:

    Everyone and anyone associated with the GA pension system knows everyone spends hours figuring pension angles….Blagoof is no different (largely because he is scaming every element of his life)
    For him to say he did not know only confirms that he has lost all touch with any element of the real world. No one buys it Blagoof —Spinsisters and BoyToys save your breath.

  2. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 7:49 am:


    Actually, I was sure that the Governor would be indicted by now. Instead, we are once again heading into the budgetary sunset with an executive who’s word is meaningless.

    Locals used to crow that Daley kept Chicago from becoming Detroit — Blogo just might turn the entire damn state into Detroit.

    – SCAM
    so-called “Austin Mayor”

  3. - Cassandra - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 7:59 am:

    We taxpayers are the fools here, for electing whoever voted for this type of pension outrage, although I understand that the particular rule that allowed Ronen to hit the pension jackpot has been changed. Or maybe not, if Blago is supporting a change in golden pension parachutes as he stated. Is he misinformed, or are there a lot more of these pension “opportunities” out there waiting to be born when a favored politician or state government employee retires.

    Meanwhile, looks like our Blago is forging ahead
    with re-election plans, Rezko or no Rezko, with
    that June 26 River East fundraiser. $20,000 makes you a co-sponsor, but %5,000 apparently gets you in. Might be a good investment given today’s stock market uncertainties. A state job or contract is, after all, forever under the Democrats.

  4. - Ghost - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 8:05 am:

    More of the same, political insiders know, and sometimes participate, in the drafting of loopholes. These kinds of holes are usually not apparent when the legislation is drafted to an open glance, but appear later.

    Honestly while Ronen and the Gov’s actions are despicable, this problem has been sunsetted and she will be one of the last few exploiters. The current existing problem is these zero interest camapign loans like Jones has been expliting. That problem has not been shut off.

  5. - anon - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 8:39 am:

    It does no good to complain. Who is ethical(?) enough to thumb her/his nose at $38,000 you are allowed by law to receive. Anyone on this site? Dems and Repubs both have “retired” to other state jobs for this very reason. Of course, the citizenry would be looney NOT to be cynical of the cynicism of their elected officals. But cynicism is as cynicism does, my momma always said.

  6. - North of I-80 - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 8:45 am:

    Anyone involved with SERS knows which end is up; especially the legislators who wrote in all of the loopholes. But since when has claiming ignorance NOT been an acceptable excuse for our Leaders?

    “…Ronen, that she and the guv had a falling out and she quit…”

    Here’s the real story on that falling out:

    Ronen snuck into the Gov B shrine room, sat in the Room of Mirrors and touched the golden hairbrush - all prohibited activities.

    Ronen jokingly said his hair was starting to look like hers…

    They were playing My Little Ponies and she cut off the mane of “Poofie”, Gov B’s favorite…

  7. - BandCamp - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 8:57 am:

    I agree with the comment

    ==Who is ethical(?) enough to thumb her/his nose at $38,000 you are allowed by law to receive. Anyone on this site? ===

    I don’t know one person who is eligible/about to be eligible for a state pension who isn’t angling for their best position upon retirement. Ronan knew what she was doing. Now, the quick exit from the administration is troubling. If she would have put in, at the very least, a year…the inappropriate tag wouldn’t be so glaring. But for her to try and justify her deserving nature is ludicrious.

    She wasn’t even very good at defending her boss.

  8. - Leave a light on George - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 8:58 am:

    How about someone start a list of the things the Governor does know about?

  9. - Amuzing Myself - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:00 am:


    As opposed to Sgt. Schultz, I see the governor more as the Col Flagg (M.A.S.H.) of Illinois.

  10. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:02 am:

    Let’s take Blagojevich at his word that he did not know about the increased pension that Ronen will receive. (It’s possible, given the Governor’s lack of concern over details.)

    The real question, though, is whether Blagojevich would have objected to Ronen’s increased salary (and, hence, pension) if he had known about it. Given that he’s allowed a bunch of his cronies to make tons of money from his position, my guess is that he would not have objected.

    His only real problem is the bad publicity that resulted.

  11. - IrishPirate - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:08 am:

    Does this description of GW Bush sound familiar?

    Took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.

  12. - Kevin Fanning - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:11 am:

    I saw that article last night. It sounds like McClellan’s book is going to be a lot harsher than originally thought.

  13. - Undercover - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:18 am:

    So Carol Ronen has had a “come to Jesus” and officially donated her “I heart Blago” t-shirt to Goodwill? I’d say that’s a major benchmark on Blago’s race to the bottom. Blago: The Great Uniter

  14. - jj - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:37 am:

    Could they take her pension boost back somehow?

  15. - lifer - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:40 am:

    As for anyone in SERS angling for the best pension. We get the average of the highest 4 years of the last ten; that is those of us in the regular SERS pension system.

    As a middle manager that went 4 years without a raise that puts alot of us not as fortunate as Ms. Ronen.

    The system needs changing and term limits need to be put in place and anyone that votes for an incumbent deserves what they get.

  16. - BigDog - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 10:21 am:

    This is one issue that I’m guessing we won’t see Daley criticize Blago over. Aren’t these types of pension shenanigans exactly what Daley utilizes the CTA for?

  17. - Amy - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 10:43 am:

    the national press will pick up on Ronen and Obama? please,
    the national press missed what Roeser found, that Bob
    Creamer was doing a workshop for Obama after he got out
    of prison. if they did not pick up on that, how do
    you expect that they will pick up on a retiree pension issue.

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    To begin, I applaud the Sgt. Schultz headline. There are not nearly enough references to Hogan’s Heroes in our political discourse. I suggest a future Major Hoffschtedder header (”Who is this man?”).

    Lots of funny stuff here:

    – The self-righteous goo-goo North Sider scamming the state pension system, then touting her “lifetime” of public service.” Restores your faith in human nature.

    – Sen. Ronen volunteering to work her old district for Obama. I’m going to do the same thing in Oak Park and Austin — in my boxers, in front of the TV, with a bag of Cheese Puffs. When those communities come in 85% for Obama, I’ll accept a high-level federal appointment — preferably something in Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (I’ll focus on the first two).

    – The happily oblivious governor commenting that “maybe somebody oughtta do sumpin.” I think he was speaking at the movie production bill signing. He’s pictured in the Sun-Times with Frank Vincent (aka Phil Leotardo, Billy Batts).
    Perhaps Rod can revisit his first job and get Frank to put the some of GRF out on the street at 3 points a week to fund the capital bill.

  19. - What an idiot - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    “Maybe we should talk to the members of the general assembly and the leaders to see this example and take it and fix that pension system because there’s something wrong with the fact that you can work for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden, your position in the pension changes so dramatically.”


  20. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 11:03 am:

    Choose the scenario which played out with Blago/Ronen. Feel free to add to the list:

    1) He was paying her back with 8 weeks on his payroll and a hefty boost in her pension for who knows what support on whatever bill(s);

    2) She played him for a patsie knowing full well she was going to get this big boost and only intended to stay the minimum amount of time to qualify for it;

    3) She’s got some goods on him and said give me 8 weeks with you or else I go to the Feds and give them more ammo;

    4) HE was clueless about the pension boost;

    5) SHE was clueless about the pension boost and was amazed to find out she was getting an almost $40K bump per month FOR LIFE;

    6) HE thought SHE was HIS friend and vice-versa;

    7) None of the above.

  21. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 11:33 am:

    Oh Carol, one more point. Being a public servant is not the same as being a career politician. Public servants earn much less than you, don’t hae the perks like you have had, and certainly don’t make the money you did. You, my dear, have been feeding at the public trough for your entire career and if I were to state what that makes you, Rich would delete it.

  22. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 11:39 am:

    Blagojevich is no Sgt Schultz.
    Sgt. Schultz showed up for work everyday and was a kind-hearted man who understood the situation he was in.

    Blagojevich has failed to live up to the Sgt. Schultz standard.

  23. - DumberThanYouThink - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 11:42 am:

    Capt Fax:
    Track down Jack Franks on Don Wade and Roma (WLS-AM) today. He apparently sorches RetireRonen but good.
    It would be a good listen on AARP Day.

  24. - poor richard - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 11:49 am:

    Little Egypt — she was getting an almost $40K bump per month FOR LIFE;

    Lets not underrate the value of the Senator’s deal. That $38,000 base gets bumped by a 3% COLA each and every year for life. Cost to the state pension system (and us taxpayers), assuming she collets for for 20 years, is $760,000, and that’s before factoring in the lifetime 3% annual COLA.

  25. - gray wolf - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    seems like this is an insult to sgt schultz

  26. - Anonymous45 - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    I personally ascribe to Egypt’s #3 scenario cause Rod seemed like he was fuming under his “I didn’t know about it till I read it in the papers facade”. Carol goes way back (she was on his transition team) and knows where the bodies are buried…she got out before he goes down…hard!

    She saw the forest for the trees, and since it’s not illegal she went for an enhanced retirement package.

  27. - Just Numbers - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 1:11 pm:

    poor richard…that $38,000 over 20 years, with a 3% annual COLA will go to $66,633.23 annually, with a total payout of $1,021,074.23! Not bad for a few weeks work. Wish I could get a job like that.

  28. - Say WHAT? - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 1:35 pm:

    If its true that the Governor didn’t know until he read it in the paper, then all I can say is Now he knows how the rest of us feel! This administration never tells anyone anything. We learn everything from the papers or evening news. Do I believe he didn’t know? Nah! Do I believe he hoped nobody would notice? Wadda YOU think? I think she will keep it, after all, its legal.

  29. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 3:07 pm:

    Little e-

    How about #8: Ronen bakes the Gov his favorite recipe:

    “Der Strudel! My favorite! I know NOTHINK!”

  30. - Anon - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 3:54 pm:

    “Blagojevich has failed to live up to the Sgt. Schultz standard.”

    But he has lived up to the great Col. Flagg’s pronouncement: “It’s no good playing dumb. You’re not as good at it as I am.”

  31. - Garp - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 4:13 pm:

    Is it worth $38,000 for life to destroy your reputation by defending the governor for 8 weeks? Seems like fair pay.

  32. - Amuzing Myself - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 5:17 pm:

    This must be what it’s like for Madigan dealing with Jones and the Gov.:

    Flagg: I don’t know how long I’ll be here. It all depends on HQ.
    Henry: (writing) HQ.
    Flagg: (turning back) Why did you say HQ? Whoever told you about HQ?
    Henry: Well, you told me, Colonel Flagg.
    Flagg: Who’s Colonel Flagg?

  33. - Thomas Westgard - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 8:08 pm:

    Thanks for the link. I have gotten a huge influx of traffic on this post. It seems people are interested.

  34. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, May 28, 08 @ 9:45 pm:

    wordslinger, a tip of AA’s crumpled Stetson to you for an excellent post above. You most certainly slung the words well today.

    A couple thoughts along the same lines:

    -If your tireless and immeasurable efforts for Barack bring you that Federal position, AA would be happy to cover the third third of that job for you. The mind wanders at all the toys, hardware, freebies, and perks that would go along with that gig. Comped ammo alone would be huge.

    -AA has been awaiting the moment when the formal disassociation between The Anointed One and the discredited Ronan (I know I’m spelling it wrong, but given the turn of events, she should have to spell it the same way as Slick Alfred) occurs, but no joy. If this was oh, Gov. Jim Ryan, Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, and close adviser Arthur Andersen, the hysterical howls would have started the monent the story broke; unless, of course, those two gents would have said, “AA, don’t think you are coming on my staff to pull a pension scam” and “Pull a pension scam and I don’t even want my bumpersticker on your freaking car, AA. You are done in politics.” That would be change I can believe in.

    -That entire Blago presser the other day sounded like a gangster movie to me. How else could you explain POA, Phil Leotardo, The Dr. from Ghostbusters, and the “well-related” Teamster, all at the Italian Village? If somebody that looked like Al Pacino came out of the can with something in his napkin, AA would have lost his lasagna.

    -Speaking of bringing back our Hogan’s Heroes classics into enlightened discourse, wouldn’t it be a showstopper to see Pat Fitgerald lean over that podium at the Dirksen and do a little bit of Col. Klink: “The jury concluded that Mr. Rezko needed to spend some time in the cooler.”

  35. - Mad Max - Thursday, May 29, 08 @ 7:14 am:

    Not that I am a big Rodney Blagojevich fan but in this case, maybe Blagojevich really was clueless about the huge pension increase that Ronen would receive? He seems to be clueless on about everything else so maybe in this case, he actually is telling the truth for a change? I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

  36. - Thomas Westgard - Thursday, May 29, 08 @ 8:56 am:

    True, he could in fact be so incompetent as to not know the pension consequences. Tragically incompetent, but logically possible.

    Look at Blago’s behavior AFTER the event - he shoots off the little quip about Ronen (who is gay) leaving him for another man. He thinks this situation is funny, and he’s smug about getting a benefit for his buddy. Blago’s smugness can’t possibly be a “misunderstanding,” and it casts doubt on any claim he might have that he didn’t know.

    An normal, honest person wouldn’t joke about it, they would say what we’re saying, that it’s inappropriate, unfair, and an exploitation of the rules. Blago didn’t say that.

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