Shameless plug
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller Tired of all that spam at CraigsList? Do you want a targeted audience to advertise your particular service, business, job opening, housing, etc.? Are you looking for campaign workers? Would you like to post your resume (free of charge) to move up in the world you’ve chosen? Do you have a fundraiser or event that you want the Statehouse types to know about? Well, then head over to InsiderzExchange right now. You can even keep track of classifieds, resumes and the calendar via RSS feeds. ![]()
Rezko Trial Watch *** UPDATED x2 ***
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Closing arguments started today in the Tony Rezko trial…
*** UPDATE 1 *** Interesting…
*** UPDATE 2 *** The prosecution is expected to wrap up closing arguments about 3 o’clock or so…
Question of the day
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * A Senate committee approved an amended version of House Bill 946 last week…
* Question: What other special license plates would you like to see in Illinois? Snark heavily encouraged. [Hat tip: SGOPs]
On pay raises and making things worse
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Sun-Times editorializes today on the sorry spectacle surrounding the pay raise votes…
* Meanwhile, the Civic Federation blasts the governor’s job performance today…
Read the full report at this link. * The administration responds…
I’d like to hear how the governor plans to get his programs passed first. Just having bright, shiny ideas (or rehashed, old ideas) doesn’t mean squat unless you can pass them. So far, the track record hasn’t been great. I doubt voters believe he deserves a pay raise, either. * Related…
The politics of fear
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * My Sun-Times column was pushed back to Monday because I got bumped by a special Roger Ebert column on Friday. Not like I could complain. He is Roger Ebert, after all, and Monday has a much higher readership than Friday. It came out OK for me. Here’s the beginning…
* The “stunt” I referred to was the governor’s anti-violence “plan” that he attached to the capital bill. This is what Blagojevich had to tell reporters after the unveiling…
* And the homestretch…
* A reporter friend who was at the event read the column this morning and sent this e-mail…
He may have a point. * I couldn’t resist sharing with my syndicated newspaper column readers the Automated Rod Blagojevich Story Generator posted here by an anonymous commenter…
* Meanwhile, the New York Times takes a look at the damage the Rezko case has inflicted on Blagojevich. There isn’t anything new in the story at all, but I thought you’d like to know about it. * Related…
Trouble for Ozinga? Plus: Oberweis tries mending fences
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Business owners are routinely involved in lawsuits, and that can sometimes make for tough times on the campaign trail. This one doesn’t look good for Martin Ozinga…
Not good at all. Allegedly lying under oath and a big man forcing a little guy to sell land to make the big man bigger? Nope. Not good whatsoever. * Meanwhile, I’ve already told you several times that the Ozinga campaign has been in high attack mode recently, but this piece gives us an idea of some of the themes the Democrats plan to use…
* Halvorson tried to claim that she “improved” the recently agreed ethics bill by sitting on it for a year…
I don’t see the logic there. The original bill would bar campaign contributions to constitutional officers from contractors under their control who had at least $25,000 in bids or contracts with the state. The “new” bill basically just raises that floor to $50,000. That was worth waiting a year so the governor could continue to raise campaign contributions?
* In other congressional campaign news…
I still say that I doubt he can stick to that line. We’ll see.
Morning Shorts
Monday, May 12, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Student-led effort lobbies online for civil unions bill * Payday loan law loophole swallows borrowers whole
* Chance to update state constitution will be in voters hands * Cubs chairman raises specter of taxes to pay $400M tab
* Rosemont mayor antes up tax revenue to gain casino
* Chicago roads may undergo bumpy transition to bus-only lanes * Officials launch updated Web portal for Medicaid information * Union: IDOT has plenty of room
* Bernard Schoenburg: Ex-Rep. McKeon sees setbacks in efforts to end bias * Strattons big in Illinois politics * Schools Lobby for Makeover Dollars * Cook health chief hasn’t left yet * Hospital board slights suburbs
* Lincoln, Douglas to duke it out again