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This just in… *** Stand down for now *** Raw audio posted *** Highwire act *** Madigan won’t attend meetings ***

Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 7:14 am - From a press release received at 7:10 this morning…

**Media Advisory**
For Monday, June 2, 2008

Governor Blagojevich to comment on new Budget passed by the General Assembly

WHO: Governor Rod R. Blagojevich

WHEN: Monday, June 2 at 10:30 a.m.

WHAT: Governor Rod R. Blagojevich will make a statement about the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget passed by the General Assembly.

LOCATION: Governor’s Office
100 W. Randolph, 16th Fl.
Chicago, IL

Special session, anyone?

* 8:48 am - The press conference has been delayed until 11 o’clock.

* 10:08 am - Stand down? I have a couple of solid sources [update: make that three] who say that there are no plans to announce a special session or a veto today.

Instead, the governor will say that there’s a need to “work together” to figure out how to fix the budget deficit problem. But, there’s no guarantee that he won’t go off script. Still, at this point, no special session announcement. That’s a relief. After that press release went out this morning, a pal of mine in the administration was already preparing to return to Springfield as early as tomorrow, which helped to set me off. But that’s not gonna happen yet.

* 11:57 am - So far, all I’ve gotten from inside the press conference is that the leaders will meet next week.

* 12:08 pm - Here’s the governor’s press release…

Gov. Blagojevich announces General Assembly’s Fiscal Year 2009 budget unbalanced, unconstitutional

Governor urges all four leaders to join negotiations on operating and capital budgets

Initial review shows House inaction on new revenue leaves FY09 budget $2.1 billion in the red

CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich announced today that after an initial review, his budget experts have found the Fiscal Year 2009 budget passed by the General Assembly on Saturday to contain $2.1 billion more in spending than anticipated revenue will support, making it unconstitutional. The Illinois State Constitution requires the legislature to pass a balanced budget. The Governor said he will call the four legislative leaders together this week to resume work so the people of Illinois will have a budget that fulfills constitutional requirements and meets the state’s needs by July 1.

“As consumer prices go up and wages stay the same, households across Illinois and across the whole country are making tough decisions. Some people may cut back on expenses, or pick up extra shifts at work – whatever it takes to make ends meet. Our lawmakers should take the same responsible approach when it comes to budgeting the public’s resources. Unfortunately, because the House did not pass new revenue as the Senate did, I have a budget on my desk that jeopardizes the State’s ability to meet its core responsibilities like providing healthcare, educating our youth and protecting the public,” said Gov. Blagojevich.

The new budget lawmakers approved for Fiscal Year 2009, which begins on July 1, includes a $1.2 billion increase in spending over the Governor’s FY2009 introduced budget. The General Assembly’s budget does not include $875 million of new revenue contained in the Governor’s proposed FY09 budget, leaving it $2.1 billion in deficit.

The Illinois Constitution states that the General Assembly “by law shall make appropriations for all expenditures of public funds by the State. Appropriations for a fiscal year shall not exceed funds estimated by the General Assembly to be available during that year.”

While the Illinois State Senate passed two new revenue sources, the House failed to adopt them. Those revenue sources included $530 million through transfers from special purpose funds, and $400 million which would have been freed up through a refinancing of the state’s pension debt.

The Governor warned lawmakers that more work will be required to ensure the state can afford to meet its obligations and serve the public in the fiscal year ahead.

“This budget will not be final until it is balanced. Lawmakers, especially those in the House, have more work to do in order to enact an operating budget that’s balanced and a capital bill that will put people to work and fix our aging infrastructure. I will call a meeting with the four legislative leaders this week to resume the work necessary to make sure we have met our responsibility to the people of Illinois before the new fiscal year begins on July 1. It’s imperative that all four leaders take equal responsibility for ensuring we can pay for new spending, and can meet the state’s most pressing needs. To date this year, that responsibility has not been shared evenly,” the Governor added.

After the state Senate approved new revenue mechanisms in conjunction with the increased spending plan, the House pushed through the spending plan without passing the Senate’s proposals to provide revenue necessary to pay for it.

In early March, Gov. Blagojevich appointed former Republican US House Speaker Dennis Hastert and former Democratic US Congressman Glenn Poshard as co-chairs of the Illinois Works Coalition. The duo focused on crafting and passing an infrastructure and jobs bill that would address pressing capital needs that have built up since the last public works plan was passed nine years ago. The co-chairs facilitated regular meetings with the Governor and four legislative caucuses to draft a capital plan that could be acceptable to all participants. Three of the four leaders participated in those negotiations. In the end, the House Democratic leadership used procedural maneuvers to kill the negotiated capital plan before it could be voted on by the full House.

* A couple of thoughts: 1) Passing the revenue generators will now require a three-fifths vote in the House; 2) That’s unlikely to be achieved.

* 12:25 pm - IIS has posted raw audio. Listen or download.

* Quotes from the presser

* “My hope is if we can get this done with the leaders and resolve these two important issues then it would be a matter of a day or so when the General Assembly would reconvene and pass a budget that’s balanced as well as a jobs bill.”

* “I’d be delighted to have as many meetings as we can constructively have… What we’d prefer not to have are meetings where some might participate but are more interested in just running place and running out the clock than actually trying to find a way to solve problems.”

* Question: Are you afraid to call a special session? “Of course not.”

* Madigan’s parliamentary maneuver on gaming expansion “Thwarted the will of the people.”

* On Madigan’s statement that the capital plan funding ought to include some “pain” - “I didn’t run for governor or become governor because I was interested in inflicting pain on people… I want to ease their pain.”

* From the Tribune

Blagojevich was circumspect on the fate of a new ethics bill approved by the Legislature. The bill would prevent those who have state business, or those seeking state contracts, from making campaign donations to the statewide officeholder who doles out the contracts. Blagojevich said that he is working to improve the bill and he will be “deliberate” about the process to ensure that the reforms are sweeping.

He declined to say what these improvements would be, but indicated that he would propose similar restrictions on lawmakers.

Asked if he believes his campaign fund will be indicted as the next step of the federal investigation into his administration after the Antoin “Tony” Rezko corruption trial, Blagojevich said it was “inappropriate” to comment while the Rezko jury is still deliberating.

Unsurprisingly, the IIS audio ends before the Rezko question was asked.

* LOL: Blagojevich Presser Delayed 4 Times

* More thoughts - I figure that Madigan probably won’t show up at the leaders meetings, repeating his oft-stated claim that the governor should just reduce the spending on his own. The governor will say he’s tried to make nice, darnit, and then will take the next step. A total budget veto would not go over well in the Senate, however, so this should be interesting to watch.

* 1:20 pm - Madigan’s spokesperson just asked whether this would be the first time in six years that the governor was interested in a balanced budget.

He also confirmed that if the leaders meeting was about the budget, then Madigan’s budgeteer Rep. Gary Hannig would be sent. If it’s about gaming, then House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie would be dispatched.


  1. - Sporty 41 - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 7:34 am:

    They forget the one important thing . . . Why?

  2. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 7:39 am:

    Scroll down to this post for your answer.

  3. - South of I-80 - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 7:51 am:

    Is anyone doing anything the week of the 16th?

  4. - Homing Pigeon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 7:54 am:

    It’s a good thing that he has a driver that has been employed by the state for some time. Otherwise I question whether he would be able to even identify the Governor’s office at JRTC when standing out in front of it, let alone find it on a map and then get himself there.

  5. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:19 am:

    I guess he is asssuming the press will not interupt him with “stupid” questions about 25k checks and the selling of Govt. so he an get out his agneda uninterrupted by public scrutiny.

    I wonder where they will find the children to make his press shield wll from for this event?

  6. - 12 Angry Men - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:34 am:

    We interrupt this scheduled press conference to deliver our verdict, so that we can then go home ourselves.

  7. - Sounds like a plan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:35 am:

    When the legislators are back in Springfield, they can discuss the Rezko verdict that will be in well before then.

    Motions anybody?

  8. - Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:37 am:

    Great, here we go. Has all the looks of a large train wreck just getting ready to happen.

  9. - The Doc - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:46 am:

    A rare chance for the governor to rise above the fray here, even if it’s against protocol. Take out the red pen, and start slashing, Rod. When the inevitable backlash occurs, resist the temptation to engage in the usual petulance, and simply make a statement:


  10. - The Doc - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:46 am:


  11. - You Go Boy - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:48 am:

    The Clinton’s, Blago…always wearing the tee shirt “it’s all about ME!!!”

  12. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:49 am:

    Breaking News: We now take you LIVE to our state’s capital for a guberna….oh, wait, it’s in Chicago.

  13. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:54 am:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if he does something constructive? The betting is 90%-10% that he will use this budgetary moment to do what he does best; rock the boat while self-righteously announcing his digust with everyone involved in it.

    Special sessions, here we come!

  14. - Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:55 am:

    This is out of charactor, he’s is annouceing a delay in the time instead of just showing up late? Strange

  15. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:55 am:

    I want to tell the hardworking people of Illinois that I am shocked and appalled at the irresponsibility of the General Assembly, well one part of it, and I…. hey, where’s everyone going? Uncle Tony’s jury is in? Oh…uh, I just wanted to announce I will be working hard behind the scenes to do what’s best for the great people of Illinois and you won’t see me again in public until October when the Cubs are in the World Series. No, no time for questions….kids! get over here!

  16. - Selene - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:59 am:

    I hope he is announcing impeachment proceedings for Madigan.

  17. - Dirt Guy - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:01 am:


    Blago had to delay the press conference in order to find enough children. So far they have all been running away from “that scary man”.

  18. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:05 am:

    Can anyone pinpoint the exact moment when Rod Blagojevich’s actions as governor became villainy?

    – SCAM
    so-called “Austin Mayor”

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:06 am:

    Good question SCAM. Perhaps we can assign that task to the intern.

  20. - OneManBlog - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:07 am:

    If he is looking for kids, he can use both of mine this time. My son broke his wrist this weekend so he can even work ‘health care’ in or at least some sort of swing set safety thing…

  21. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:08 am:

    If I were him, I’d take the high road and announce that I’m going to do the responsible heavy lifting to get the budget balanced, then get to work on selling MY (Cool Name Here) capital plan.

    Will be a nice contrast to future stories.

  22. - OneManBlog - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:11 am:

    SCAM, you question makes me think of how we can redo the cantina scene from Star Wars with Rich and Kevin

    Rich: Kevin welcome to Springfield, where you will find the most…

    Nah, I can’t even be that hard on Springfield.

  23. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:17 am:

    I predict he won’t call a special session. He’ll announce that the state constitution very clearly requires the General Assembly to pass a balanced budget, and since they did not do so, he is constitutionally obligated to veto it.

    If he vetoes it, then the burden is on the House and Senate to go back into session before July 1. No need to be the bad guy and call the session himself.

  24. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:18 am:

    Don’t Worry, Be Happy, you could be right. We’ll have to wait and see.

  25. - North of I-80 - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:35 am:

    Maybe he’ll promise Free Tollway I-Pass transponders to the seniors…. Free tollway through June 2009. Funding to be determined in summer session.

  26. - anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:53 am:

    Maybe he is waiting for his staff to read as many blog suggestions/suppositions as possible, then pick one that best suits the situation.

  27. - OneMan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:53 am:


    If that is the case, I guess my folks can look forward to free tollway rides.

  28. - Anon Again - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:58 am:

    Rich, Is there anyplace we could listen to this comment from the Gov

  29. - Wumpus - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:58 am:

    Hmmmm, have the incumbants in a special session which hinders fund raising, run your candidates so they can be active on the campaign trail…overtave Madigan!
    COuld it be done?

    Anyway, any one running against an incumbant should tie them to the gov at the hip.

  30. - lifer - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 9:59 am:

    Okay Rich what am I missing. The mandate is to have a “balanced” budget. The legislature sends them a budget out of balance. My thoughts 1) the legislature didn’t do the job they were supposed to do. 2) Or they are saying Rod back at ya you be the bad guy. I say long summer again. All need to get a grip they seem to finish on time and badly during an election year.
    I say vote out all incumbents and set term limits. They need to govern and that aint easy.

  31. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:01 am:

    ===I say vote out all incumbents and set term limits.===

    Simple solutions are almost always neither simple nor solutions.

  32. - anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:02 am:

    what if there is a senior, but being driven by a non-senior? fully free, or partial discount?

  33. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    How many veto’s will it take until Blago gets the budget he wants?

    It’s going to be another hot summer in the Capitol, and Rich, it is time to raise the cost of your ads!

  34. - North of I-80 - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    Selene: Was going to ask you which Madigan but ‘predictability’ hasn’t been his strong suit. In true faux-godfather style, he’ll announce impeachment and arrest proceedings against Both M’s as well as Pat Q and Dan H. He’ll rename the capitol building “Bounty” and go on with the People’s Business as usual.

  35. - anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:06 am:

    Back in the second or third year of the Ryan administration, the GA passed a budget on May 31 the Governor thought was unbalanced. He called the GA into special session in June to fix the budget to his satisfaction, which it did in pretty short order.

  36. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    ahhh….the good old days of the Ryan administration.

  37. - Muskrat - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    I think he’s going to announce that he’s just 2,117 delagtes away from the Democratic presidential nominaiton, and he’s in it to win. Meanwhile, in a bizarre coincidemce, Hillary Clinton will veto the Illinois state budget, citing as the basis of her authority that she won the popular vote in Pike County.

  38. - Cassandra - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:20 am:

    I wonder if any of those who are proposing that we toss out all incumbents know the name of their state senator and legislator, have called their office, have written a letter advocating for this or that side of an important issue, have checked to see where their campaign contributions are coming from, and so on. And have they identified someone viable who is willing to run against them who has a prayer of winning. Are they working to help elect that individual, contributing to their campaign, attending events to promote their candidacy, and so forth. If you haven’t done so, you can’t speak credibly on tossing out incumbents. Replacements don’t materialize out of the ether; they have to be identified and brought along…a difficult task made more difficult, of course, by Illinois’ rampant gerrymandering.

    It’s not “them,” it’s “us.”

  39. - Unbalanced, indeed - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:22 am:

    You guys don’t understand Rod’s priorities…

    Actually, he’s going to announce that since her recent spate of under-aged, semi-undressed magazine and myspace photo shoots, he’s taking a tip from Obama and publicly distancing from/ repudiating Hannah Montana as no longer a wholesome figure to associate with. “That’s So Raven” is also “On Notice.”

    Budget? What? Oh yeah, that. Yeah, I’m gonna amendatorially veto the whole thing and submit my own, you’re gonna love it. Now, about the Cubs…

  40. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:26 am:

    I the con-con will be an easier sell in November…

    right on, Cassandra! We suck!!

  41. - Wumpus - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:28 am:

    Rich, why would incumbants ever set terms limits? I agree with you…at least limit consecutive terms. Maybe no more than 2 consecutive terms.

  42. - Anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    Is there a video feed on the web somewhere?

  43. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:38 am:

    I like SCAM’s question. The two things that I remember most clearly were both in 2004. He had a “honeymoon” year in his first year in 2003, but then it was go time. The point in time that I clearly remember is his second budget address when he went after ISBE and called it an old style soviet bureaucracy. Nobody really wanted to defend ISBE, but that was when the Governor’s style began to irritate members. There were also several very big behind the scenes battles between House Dems and the Blago people throughout 2004, so I think his 2004 budget address was the turning point.

    In terms of his villainous activities, those started from day one I believe.

  44. Pingback In Chambers » Lawmakers Coming Back to Springfield Updated X1 - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:39 am:

    […] CapFax Blog reports there will be no special session announcement. […]

  45. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:45 am:

    Pingback sounds a lot like the Gov, and appears tobe doing a better job as leader. Pingback for Gov!!

  46. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 10:59 am:

    I will answer SCAM’S question:

    A “moment” is the shortest time length in the English language. Blagojevich did not have a moment for us to pinpoint as villainous.

    As governor, he had a reservoir of dignity within our government. As the popularly elected governor, he had a reservoir of goodwill to use. A moment usually doesn’t drain these reservoirs, and Blagojevich didn’t have one.

    Instead he drained these reservoirs and then drained all of our patience. He has relied on our conscience to offset his lack of one. He is the guest of honor at a dinner party who clearly displays to all the folly of their assumptions and lives off the embarrassment that paralyses the party goers.

    Illinois voters and Illinois citizens are good people to the point where they have given Mr. Blagojevich two historic opportunities to distinguish himself in the state’s highest office. Unfortunately, this governor sees the state’s highest office as a mere stepping stone. Blagojevich seems to treat his current gubernatorial position as would a 16 year old driver thrashing the family’s perfectly good minivan angry that it wasn’t the Ferrari he feels he deserves. He would rather wreck a gift that fails to meet his aspirations, than treat it like a gift.

    There was no “moment”. We’ve given him six years and then some to prove his villany.

  47. - lifer - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 11:16 am:

    I agree Rich that my “solution” is not simple or easy; no we won’t get all the incumbents out and I agree that incumbents will never vote for term limits. However something has to change we can’t live with more of the same. Yes Cassandra I do know who my rep and senator is. Yes I do vote and unfortunately my representation is long running incumbents and leadership I don’t know who we could run them against that would take the job which is thankless but we have to start somewhere.

  48. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 11:19 am:

    I take it he’s running late as usual?

  49. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    I tried to get a plane ticket to Chicago this morning, but couldn’t score one. So, I have to rely on the kindness of others while I wait by my phone. It may be awhile. Hang loose.

  50. - Benjamin Froglegs - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 11:37 am:

    So this thing happening or what???!!!

  51. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 11:38 am:


  52. - anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:02 pm:

    There is a press release saying that the budget is unbalanced and therefore unconstitutional. He wants leaders to meet. Blames the house for not passing revenue bills.

  53. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:06 pm:

    VanMan just hit a bases loaded home run to center field. Thanks buddy for your take on Blago. I definitely could not have said it better. I would only add that Blago is out of stepping stones to a higher office. His stepping stones are now going in an entirely different direction to a ClubFed. He just doesn’t have sense enough to realize it and thus he continues doing business the only way he knows how, a way that continues to truly incriminate him.

  54. - Math Class - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:13 pm:

    “The General Assembly’s budget does not include $875 million of new revenue contained in the Governor’s proposed FY09 budget, leaving it $2.1 billion in deficit.”

    “Unfortunately, because the House did not pass new revenue as the Senate did, I have a budget on my desk that jeopardizes the State’s ability to meet its core responsibilities like providing healthcare, educating our youth and protecting the public,”

    So, even if the House did pass the cited revenues sources, there would still be a $1.2 billion deficit, but the Governor again chooses politics over the truth.

  55. - anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:17 pm:

    Don’t forget the $500+ million we are short this year. That brings the total to over $2.6 billion short for FY’09.

  56. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:18 pm:

    Pretty tame press release. Time to play nice?

  57. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    ===Time to play nice?===

    Or calm before the storm.

  58. - fantasma - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:21 pm:

    Looks like rod needs to go back to school. How does a 2.1 billion dollar hole plus 930 million dollars in new revenues equal a balanced budget? Oh wait, I forgot, emil can do no wrong and madigan is never right.

  59. - anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    Hmmm, what kind of revenue stream(s) would appeal to 107 legislators? And what would be the appeal?

  60. - Timmy OToole - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:39 pm:

    I actually think the gov is handling this the right way. What the House Dems did was irresponsible and they know it. Err… well, the Speaker knows it bc the members are just lemmings.

    Maybe the media will finally start picking up on the fact that Madigan is the root of the problem here. Say what you want, but Blago was able to craft an agreement with three of four legislative leaders. Madigan was the lone holdout bc of selfish, political reasons. Citezans of the state be damned. We’ll see if Madigan shows up this week and starts pulling his weight. I aint holding my breath!

  61. - Anon Again - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:47 pm:

    Tim O i agree one hundred percent, madigan is acting like a two yr oldd who cant find his binky, and i think his blatant misuse of power hurts lisa madigan chances of ever being gov if she acts like her dad she could be worse than blago

  62. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 12:57 pm:

    OK, I am either dumb for asking this question or brilliant. Well, certainly not brilliant but here it goes:

    If the newly passed budget is $2.1 billion out of balance (projected expenses over projected income) then what happened to the $1.7 billion in medicaid payments that were owed to the various medical and pharmaceutical providers that the State never paid? Is the $1.7 billion part of the $2.1 billion deficit or is the real math $1.7 billion + $2.1 billion = $3.8 billion?

    Am I making sense here or am I trying to make sense out of something that cannot be made sense of?

  63. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:06 pm:

    Good question.

    If last year’s budget was out of balance and that’s why Blago had to line-item veto all that spending why can’t he just do it again? He was either lying then or he’s lying now. I think its both, but he has to pick one. I can’t believe none of the “reporters” asked him that question.


  64. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:27 pm:

    perhaps instead of “budgeteer” they need to have disney send up some imgagineers to help them with this years budget.

  65. - John Bambenek - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:32 pm:

    The gov. is right on this one, it is the General Assembly’s job to send a balanced budget and if they leave this as it stands, it’s unconstitutional on its face. Interesting thought, the gov could, in theory, sue (and I’d have to do more research) simply to have the judiciary throw it all out as unconstitutional and make them do it over.

    Right now it just seems he’s asking them back for the limited purposes of “revenue enhancements”.

  66. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:51 pm:

    If an unbalanced budget is unconstitutional, then let Blago take Madigan to court. Blago’s not been shy in the past to do this, so bring it on Elvis. Just what the taxpayers need is another outside attorney bill to pay. But Elvis, you go ahead and do what you think you should to “lead” this state because everyone knows that Madigan is the bad guy, and you are the all-knowing, all-powerful Oz, nevermind that guy behind the curtain.

    I agree with Rich, this is the calm before the storm. And this year, it’s going to be a tsunami.

  67. - Just My Opinion - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    The judiciary is not going to throw this budget out. It’s got their pay raise in it.

  68. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:52 pm:

    The guv is right. And he should be allowed to cross out certain parts of the budget. He’s given that constitutional authority, and now is the time to exercise it. What he really should do - and I’m sure he would never agree to this - is a $5 billion cut, then call the leaders into his office to hash out the even-revenued (is that even a word?!) budget that is constitutional and still accomplishes what they want. Or, he should cut out the exact amount and tell the leaders he’ll keep calling special sessions until the agree to the cuts. If our illustrious reps and senators dislike Springfield so much, they’ll take it and go home for the summer. Or they can keep pumping money into the Feedstore and Del’s Popcorn Shop.

  69. - The Elderly Republican Tomato Farmer - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 1:56 pm:

    On the impeachment front, I can understand why no chief executive would want the stain of having been impeached, because that never goes away - but wouldn’t a Senate acquittal bring about a measure of vindication for Blago? If Madigan pursued impeachment, he’d likely use subpoena power to bring anybody with a pulse and a bad story to tell about Blago up to the witness table. If, after all that, the House impeached but the Senate acquitted, Blago could go before the voters in two years and basically say “forget everything you’ve read over the past several years - I’m innocent.” Since the feds are usually reluctant to indict a sitting governor, there wouldn’t likely be any resolution to all the allegations swriling around the governor as long as he’s in office, and therefore, a Senate acquittal might actually help the governor re-establish a measure of credibility in the eyes of the voters.

  70. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    Elderly Farmer, the great thing about impeaching Blago is that Jones would NOT preside over the Senate trial. It would be an Illinois Supreme Court Justice - not sure if it would be the Chief Justice though.

  71. - The Elderly Republican Tomato Farmer - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 2:13 pm:

    Doesn’t matter who presides…Elvis could preside, they’d still acquit.

  72. - A Citizen - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 2:26 pm:

    I need some relief from this stuff. Does anyone know where I can go for a refreshing dose of Chinese Water torture ?

  73. - Truth in Accounting - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 2:38 pm:

    I don’t get it. How can they use $400 million from the refinancing of the pension debt to balance the budget? Didn’t the Enron executives go to jail for recording loan proceeds as revenues?

    I also don’t get how they can use $530 million of funds they take from special purpose funds. Aren’t those funds called special purpose funds, because the money in them suppose to be used only for “special purposes?”

  74. - Capitol View - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 2:40 pm:

    Nothing gets done in this state capitol until the last minute.

    The legislative leaders may met with each other and/or with the governor this week or next, but I’ll bet the soggy farm that the vote takes place on June 30th.

  75. - Levois - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    Is sending surrogates is what Madigan means by opening up the budget process?

  76. - TimB - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 3:33 pm:

    Old agriculturist and Little Egypt, this from the constitution, Art IV, section 14: “If the Governor
    is tried, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside.” Might not make any difference, but it is the Chief Justice.


  77. - Anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 3:38 pm:

    “I don’t get it. How can they use $400 million from the refinancing of the pension debt to balance the budget? Didn’t the Enron executives go to jail for recording loan proceeds as revenues?”

    The constitution doesn’t say appropriations must not exceed revenues, it says they can’t exceed funds available. Funds borrowed are available for spending.

  78. - The Elderly Republican Tomato Farmer - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 3:40 pm:

    In the context of an impeachment trial, I wonder what “preside” actually means.

  79. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 3:51 pm:

    Elderly lets just break the word down:


    Pr, is obvioucly slang for press;
    e, is short for entertainment;
    si, spanish for yes; and
    de, spanish preposition of

    So to preside is to say yes to entertaining press relases about the hearing.

  80. - There he goes again - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    It’s time for a capital budget folks.

  81. - Truth in Accounting - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 4:03 pm:

    Anon: So they can reach balanced by borrowing money? I don’t find that very truthful.

  82. - Anon - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 4:14 pm:

    I was a little shocked the first time I realized that what everyone calls a “balanced” budget could include borrowing, but the constitution doesn’t say anything about a “balanced” budget, and possibly shouldn’t. It says appropriations cannot exceed funds available, which would mean if you saved money in the past, you could spend the savings, and if you overspent in the past,it would reduce the funds available this year, and you would have to take that into account in this year’s budget.

    So are you ready to consider the weasel wording about how appropriations cannot exceed the amount of funds “estimated” to be available by the General Assembly, or would that be too much for one day?

  83. - Fightin' Ennui - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 4:15 pm:

    Rod, aka Cowboy Troy, is playing chicken with a train.

    Madigan can wait all day, every day. Waiting just adds the repubs back into the mix, but Cross notwithstanding, they aren’t going to just line up for this governor.

    Nope, Rod is going to have to line item veto this budget and wear the jacket for all the pain that will bring, and the media is primed to make a HUGE deal over each instance of obvious political favoritism in those cuts.

    He can try going to court but his win/loss record there predicts failure as well, and the court will be too slow in any case.

    And would he really want to surrender all of his remaining authority to the courts? “Mommy says you have to do what I say” is hardly the stuff to stir men to great deeds.

    What little damage he tries to apply to Madigan meanwhile will not stick, Rezko results and aftermath will insure that in any name-calling, Rod starts out with a huge disadvantage: proof by jury he’s a liar and a crook. The press he counts on as a tool is completely against him now and won’t play his game. If his campaign money gets frozen, he also loses his paid PR arm to shape public opinion.

    George couldn’t get much done after his case started unwinding either. OTOH, Ryan had done enough before then to let the rest go on autopilot for the remainder of the term. Rod never left the runway, he just keeps ground-looping.

  84. - Fightin' Ennui - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 4:22 pm:

    Would Lisa Madigan have to represent Rod in the Senate if they impeach? Who in the Senate would handle the role of the “prosecution”? Who would be the “defense”?

  85. - Bill - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 4:28 pm:

    I nominate Ricky Hendon and Jim DeLeo for the defense and Gary Forby and Mike Jacobs for the prosecution.

  86. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 4:55 pm:

    I believe that Madigan is not out of step by his public refusal to meet with the Governor regarding the budget. Remember last year? Well, Mr. Madigan hasn’t.

    The General Assembly went above and beyond for Mr. Blagojevich. They followed the rules. They gave him enough rope to hang him, and he strung himself up for the entire summer. We had to wait until 2008 for the 2007 budget.

    I would not show up at any meeting with Mr. Blagojevich until Mr. Blagojevich indicates that he will not force us all into a repeat of last year. Then I still wouldn’t trust him.

    What we know, what we all learned the ugliest way imaginable last year, was when we let Mr. Blagojevich into budget meetings as we would any previous governor, he would turn it into a monumental mess.

    Honestly, how could anyone stand here and wonder why this governor is not trusted after the years of nonsensical behavior he has exhibited?

    Blagojevich is toxic. Do not touch. Do not meet. Do not discuss. Work around him. Then go home and get re-elected so that you can survive his term in office - at least until 2010 or until Mr. Fitzgerald has enough proof to indict and remove him before that date.

    Remember - if Obama is elected, Rod Blagojevich will appoint himself as our next senator. So deal with Rod Blagojevich as you would any other form of radioactive waste. His political shelf life could be much greater than we believe.

  87. - Truth in Accounting - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 5:27 pm:

    The people I talk to think Illinois is in fine financial shape because we have been told the budgets have been “balanced” for the last twenty years. If the policy wonks are shocked and have trouble seeing the truth through the smoke and mirrors used to calculate the budget, then there is no hope for the public. How can citizens be knowledgeable participants in their state government, if they are not given truthful and transparent information? Please tell me how we can spread the word about these shenanigans.

  88. - Fightin' Ennui - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 5:33 pm:

    Bill, man, I don’t know why you didn’t apply for Rebecca’s job when it came open, you already have the Kool-Aid jug:-) At least you are consistent, which is not something anyone can say about your boss.

  89. - emmet jo - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 5:39 pm:

    Question. Would Governor Blagojevich be an effective Senator? What’s his stance on the war??

  90. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 5:40 pm:

    Just when you think it can’t get any weirder…. The inability to do ANYTHING on time with this guy!!! They’ve had since Saturday night to come up with a press release and coach the Gov on what to say and it still comes off as a train wreck.

    How does the old saying go— if it wasn’t so sad it would be funny?? It’s tough to explain to people from outside Illinois. They look at Obama and see that he’s a really intelligent guy and a credit to our state. And then there’s Blagojevich. What is there left to say?

  91. - Bill - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 6:21 pm:

    Well, thanks, I think…but no thanks for Rebecca’s job. I couldn’t afford the pay cut and then there is that whole “ethics thing”. Besides, I’m not exactly on Rod’s A-list and I would break the under 35 rule.

  92. - Truth - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 7:00 pm:

    The Governor usually wants all the power to do everything himself. He wants to fund stem cells and new health care programs without the legislature’s consent. He has filed lawsuit after lawsuit to keep the legislature from challenging his authority. It’s almost as if he wishes the legislature didn’t exist.

    Now, the legislature has given him all the power to shape the budget into size, keep things he likes, veto things he doesn’t. But suddenly, he thinks the legislature is critical and he needs their help.

    Pick One.

  93. - problem - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 7:39 pm:

    Governor can reduce spending on his own.

    But he needs the legislature to pass revenue to pay for all the worthwhile things.

  94. - Truth - Monday, Jun 2, 08 @ 8:08 pm:

    Oh, so he likes all the spending, he’s just upset they didn’t raise enough taxes?

    If they couldn’t raise taxes with majority vote, who expects them to do it with supermajority?

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