This just in…
Thursday, Jun 5, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 12:41 pm - The leaders meeting ended a few minutes ago. No progress was reported on the budget or the capital plan. Big surprise. Not. House Majority Leader Barbara Currie reportedly called the governor’s complaints about the budget deficit a “manufactured crisis,” but I haven’t talked to her yet nor heard the audio. All leaders were apparently asked if Tony Rezko’s conviction had been brought up at the meeting, and they all said “No.” * 2:18 pm - The AP has a story up. The governor wants another leaders meeting next week, but this one didn’t go all that well…
* 2:22 pm - The Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability’s latest monthly revenue report has some interesting stuff on the statewide smoking ban and riverboat gaming revenues. Click here to download the report…
The other interesting thing is that admissions are down 6.2 percent for the fiscal year, but adjusted gross receipts are off 17.6 percent. Some are claiming that this is because smokers are taking more breaks from gambling so they can go outside and feed their habits/addictions.
…Adding More… If you go to page 8 of the report, you’ll see that some revenues are expected to tank for the rest of the fiscal year, so CoGFA is figuring about break even with their revised revenue estimate, which was a $915 million increase over last fiscal year. The budget assumed $1.6 billion in new revenues, so we’ll be about $700 million short. Clear as mud? Tell me about it.
* 4:24 pm - Another report from today’s leaders meeting…
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 12:53 pm:
It wasn’t brought up while the Gov was in the room!!! Hey was Pat Quinn there?
- dupage progressive - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:02 pm:
does anyone think we’ll have a summer?
Gov. shouldn’t want the GA in town bored with impeachment ideas in their head, but that means he’s gotta cave on the budget.
And what about all the bills caught up in the “rules amendment hell”.
Why no press on this?
Just saw an article about the 270 bills passed this year — isn’t that a small fraction of what typically passes each year?
There are many many folks ticked off about bills that normally would have passed caught up in this war between leaders.
- Furter - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:10 pm:
The leaders have excellent poker faces while giving the press a quote. Darn tootin’ they talked about it and laughed.
Well, maybe not Emil….
The press should ride Emil a bit to declare where he stands regarding Rod now…
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:11 pm:
Leader Currie is right - She and Speaker Madigan manufactured this crisis and put it on the Governor’s lap.
The General Assembly needs to stop hiding from the issue - if you want all your glorious new spending, do you have the guts to pass revenue to pay for it?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:11 pm:
===Just saw an article about the 270 bills passed this year===
Yeah, I’m gonna do a story about that as soon as this other stuff dies down a bit.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:17 pm:
That’s a good point about the number of bills that passed.
Weren’t there 800-some last year?
And will any of those groups be coming after Madigan because he killed their bill with the rules amendment garbage?
While I don’t think that there has to be 700 things in our laws that need to be changed every year, I think there were some very worthwhile pieces of legislation that got killed.
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:20 pm:
(Sorry, forgot to put my name on that last post.)
Rich, do you know of any bills that got caught up in the mess?
And can an agreement be reached?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:24 pm:
===do you know of any bills that got caught up in the mess?===
===And can an agreement be reached?===
Dunno yet.
- MOON - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:35 pm:
It is my understanding that both chambers passed the budget that is now on Blago’s desk. Don’t be pointing a finger at just Madigan… your mind and eyes….the senate is also responsible!
- Bill - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:36 pm:
The Senate also passed bills raising revenue to pay for the budget. The house killed them.
- MOON - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:48 pm:
Whats sitting on Blago’s desk was passed by both chambers. End of discussion!
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:50 pm:
When MOON looks in your eyes,
And says its the other guys,
That’s - a - Madigaaaaaan
- Bill - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:50 pm:
- Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:51 pm:
Crain;’s reported a few days ago that the revenue collected over thee last 8 months was higher than the previous year’s.
This supports the idea that the so called budget crisis is more manufactured by goofy increases in spending plans than due to declining revenues.
Has anyone ever seen an economic downturn which was solved by increasing taxation?
- Muskrat - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:51 pm:
“Yeah, I’m gonna do a story about that as soon as this other stuff dies down a bit.”
Ever the comedian. It will never die down! Like Karl Rove and that guy in “1984,” your leaders have decided to keep you in a permanent state of crisis. You’ll no more have time to write reflective articles on process than you will to take vacations or sick days. It’s political pie-fights 24/7/365!
- Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:51 pm:
How long do we keep the charade of “leaders” meetings up? Did the governor address the media after the meeting?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 1:54 pm:
===It will never die down! ===
You may be right. But I’m still gonna do a piece about it.
- If It Walks Like a Duck... - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
Whatever happen to those words, that were repeated ad nauseam, that “I not a party to those proceedings” in reference to Pub. Off. “A” and Rezko. Hmm….
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 2:27 pm:
They should have done a phase-in and made the boats put in the filtration systems like Vegas. If you smoke and gamble, Indiana is worth the trip.
- Siyotanka - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 2:28 pm:
Hello…revenues down…anyone hear of a ressession? Maybe is not the smoking issue…it is the discretionary spending money issue…Hum?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 2:29 pm:
Except look at Indiana’s numbers.
- BandCamp - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 2:40 pm:
In a related smoking ban twist, what are the sales tax revenues from business compared to say, 2 years ago? I know you hear small business owners complain (rightly) they have lost large amounts of revenue. To back that up, ask beer and alcohol distributors about their sales to those businesses, as their answer will be “sales are down”. So how much is forecast and what is the reality of sales tax revenue being brought in the state coffers?
Smoking ban may be healthy, but the unfortunate consequence of it are failing revenues. There should have been more compromise about WHERE you can and cannot smoke.
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:03 pm:
“Total revenues are running about $300 million higher for the fiscal year than originally projected by the governor’s budget office.”
Or, to put it another way:
Total revenues are running about $900 million lower for the fiscal year than originally projected by the General Assembly.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:04 pm:
Actually, it’s about $300 million higher than CGFA, which is an arm of the GA.
- One of the 35 - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:09 pm:
The smoking in casinos issue is a catch 22. If you let them smoke to gamble and create more revenue now, they will die sooner and subsequently reduce revenues.
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:10 pm:
So, GA didn’t listen to CGFA, then, when they went out and said revenues would be $1.2 billion more than CGFA’s estimate?
- BandCamp - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:14 pm:
You are making a leap that all people who smoke in casinos will die sooner than those people who go to non-smoking casinos.
And, until pregnancy is outlawed, there will be plenty of more casino attendees as long as there are casinos.
- Capitol View - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:33 pm:
So if revenues are projected up by $300 million, and the bill to allow limited sweeps of up to $350 million from special funds is still available — that’s fully a third of the FY 09 budget deficit. Almost 1.5 billion dollars short is a lot of money, but compared to a $59 billion spending plan, that’s within shouting distance and Governor’s imposed reserves. Why not let it wait until the fall, on the assumption that the sweeps bill will pass?
Sign it, Rod!!
- Downstater - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:35 pm:
Me thinks that there were really only a few “leaders” in the leaders meeting and Blago was not one of them. A true leader does not point fingers and blame others for issues that needs to be addressed.
Roll up your sleves and get to work people! The taxpayers of this great state are paying you rather well to do your jobs. I for one have about had it with these bunch of clowns. Illinois deserves better.
- Ghost - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:35 pm:
Bandcamp, there should have been more compromise about health because it effects profit? under this theory we should have the State begin slling meth. Just think of the money we could raise for the budget.
Perhaps the problem is not that we have banned smoking, perhaps the problem is that the State has become dependent on sin taxes from gambling and smoking in the first place to pay its expenses! Instead of permitting smoking because its a good way to earn money, why don’t we look for better ways to upport our governemnt. Revenues from gambling and smoking tend to impact those with low income more then those in themiddle and upper class which creates a slew of social problems.
Instead of looking for ways to get money from the poor through vice perhaps we could tax income and wages instead.
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:41 pm:
Wow, the bigger the insult, the bigger the apology, I guess.
Read the report, thanks. Here is what I am saying plain and simple:
March 2007: OMB estimates (and CGFA is similar) total revenues of $29.392 billion.
August 2007: General Assembly “estimates” total revenues at $30.656 billion in order to construct their wacky budget.
May 2008: CGFA pegs end of year revenue total estimate at $29.555 billion.
OMB and CGFA: Estimate was $163 miilion less than current projections.
General Assembly’s budget drafters: Over-estimated revenue by $1.101 billion, based on current projections.
Does that make sense? I may be off on my math a little…
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:49 pm:
You’re off by $300 million, according to CGFA.
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:52 pm:
Which number is wrong?
Maybe I am not understanding your argument.
It says right there on page 12, under “subtotal general funds”: $29,555.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:52 pm:
But I did pull down the insult. I need a nap. lol
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:53 pm:
Thank you for that…
- MOON - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:56 pm:
You have been operating this blog for sometime now. I thought you would know better than to continue taking the bait PROBLEM keeps offering.
There are certain people including PROBLEM and BILL that have no concept of being unbiased. There approach to any situation is seek out their advesary and say whatever is needed to make their point,regardless of the facts or truth!
- MOON - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 3:57 pm:
- Muskrat - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 4:01 pm:
Another leader’s meeting? Is this to be a long series of them like last summer’s long series of unproductive special sessions? I guess the July 1 deadline is the only real hard data point, so I say the next meeting should be June 28; anything before then is theater.
- problem - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 4:03 pm:
When MOON looks in your eyes,
And says its the other guys,
That’s - a - Madigaaaaaan
When the Gov’s right on line,
and all you do is whine,
That’s - a - Madigaaaaaan
- Bill - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 5:11 pm:
==There are certain people including PROBLEM and BILL that have no concept of being unbiased.==
Ms. Objectivity has spoken.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 5:16 pm:
“I don’t know whether I took any money,” Jones said
$2000 from a Rezko source and Emil doesn’t know? Anyone on food stamps or wanting them surely would “remember” such a fine benefactor. Emil should be ashamed of himself!
- Skirmisher - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 6:22 pm:
To my admittedly inexpert eyes, Emil Jones gives the appearance of being one of the most blatantly and unashamedly acquisitive and seemingly corrupt figures in Illinois politics. Even Blago seems a minor actor in comparison. Yet, no one seems inclined to really go after him, not even on these blogs. What is there about this guy that I don’t understand?
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 7:23 pm:
Emil is the Poster Boy for largesse to family and friends (and himself). He is No Contest as he seems not to even try to hide it. Some might call it greed, others corruption. Nevertheless he seems unashamedly “on the take”. Pay raises, foodstamps, etc. - Emil’s first in line.
- Just the Facts - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 7:48 pm:
Emil isn’t hypocritical. He says what others think,but never say out loud. If he didn’t have the support of his members he wouldn’t get away with his statements. Not much different than Pate was in that regard.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 8:04 pm:
Emil is more like Roger, The Hog, Stanley than Pate.
- RJW - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 8:36 pm:
I just wish people could be rational and objective all around. I hate the Governor. I mean REALLY hate him. I think he is an inept leader and has been bad for the state. HOWEVER, this crap with Madigan is getting really old. Madigan needs to work with the Governor or maybe he should be impeached. Blaming people is easy. Pouting about stuff is easy. If Madigan thinks their should be a tax increase (which I agree with by the way) he should put it in a bill and run the thing.
- RJW - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 8:37 pm:
Continuing . . .
Let the Governor veto it. I don’t buy off on the arguments people make about working on something the Governor is going to veto. That’s the way the process works.
- anon - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 9:21 pm:
A Citizen……..I could not agree more. What’s so shocking is his arrogance.
- Chicago Publius - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 9:26 pm:
Because of the Rezko verdict, the Gov just ain’t going to get his capital spending plan enacted. First, there’s the really practical reason: anyone who votes for the capital spending plan is going to do so because GRod promises that certain projects that they like will be funded. But if GRod ain’t around - because he’s indicted or impeached - those promises aren’t worth anything. This very practical fact means that GRod has nothing of substance to offer the legislators to gain their support. Add to this the fact that the House now has a very good political reason to reject the capital plan - ‘why would we give this administration all of this money when they are so corrupt?’ - and you can reach only one conclusion: no capital plan until this guy is gone.
- Truth - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 9:43 pm:
I just checked the GA website. As a technical matter the budget bills are not yet on the Governor’s desk. He could not act on them today even if he wanted to.
- Speaking at Will - Thursday, Jun 5, 08 @ 10:43 pm:
on an unrelated note, looks like the Celtics are gonna win game one of the finals.