This just in…
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:32 pm - In case you care, a committee of the Illinois Republican Party just voted to elect Patrick Brady and Demetra DeMonte as the party’s new national committeepersons. I’m working on getting the vote totals. Fewer than seven votes for any of the losers means there is no committee minority report, making it much tougher to get a floor vote at the convention. Former state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger was running for the second time and lost out to Brady, who came almost out of nowhere. Rauschenberger’s loss won’t go down well with the Illinois Review/Jack Roeser types. Kathy Salvi was also being backed by the Right, but DeMonte is also very conservative and was not thought to be beloved by the old guard. * 3:49 pm - I’m told Brady won 15-4. The other race was closer. 10-9 DeMonte over Carol Donovan on the second ballot. Salvi’s people backed DeMonte after losing in the first round.