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Another Spin Sister leaves

Monday, Jun 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sneed broke the story yesterday

Sneed hears Governor Blago’s top deputy gov, Sheila Nix, just quit. Is this the beginning of an office bailout now that the feds are fine-tuning their gun sights on Gov. Blago? Stay tuned.

The bailout began before Nix’s departure.

* The SJ-R followed up today

“I’ve been working for the governor for almost four years, and I told him probably about six weeks ago that … when we finish (the legislative session) in Springfield after the end May, and my kids get out of school the first week in June, that I wanted to have some time with them,” Nix said Sunday. […]

She said her decision had nothing to do with last week’s guilty verdicts in the corruption trial of Blagojevich friend and advisor Antoin “Tony” Rezko.
“In these positions, you have to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in order to be able to do your job,” Nix said. “Obviously, we spend a lot of time in Springfield and I’m away some. It was really more just a situation where I felt like after four years, it was the right time.”

Nix, 46, of Oak Park, laughed about the idea she is leaving her $135,000-a-year job to spend more time with her family, because she knows people think that’s code for getting fired.

“I actually am going to really enjoy spending some time with the kids over the summer and then be ready to move onto something new,” she said.

The Rezko mess undoubtedly contributed to Nix’s work-related stress, but so did the other federal investigations. The timing is odd, of course, but nobody can last in an environment like that forever.

* Rep. Fritchey is not exactly kind with his parting words

But I have been repeatedly told that Sheila was part of the brain trust that prepped Carol Ronen for her disastrous Chicago Tonight appearance, and who helped conjure up the Governor’s dimwitted and ill-received strategy to try to derail the pay-to-play ban by uttering flat out lies.

Paycheck or no paycheck, the concerted efforts of Sheila, Carol and Rebecca Rausch to aid and abet the Governor’s efforts to prevent ethics and campaign finance reform by conjuring up and mindlessly parroting the party lines were inexcusable and emblematic of the legacy that will mark the Blagojevich era.

The Governor’s need to surround himself with sycophants unwilling to question the misguided wisdom of his strategies, coupled with individuals all too willing to play that role, have done untold damage not just to the Administration, but more importantly, to our fine state.

While Sheila may be the latest out the door, I think that it’s a safe bet that she won’t be the last.

Frankly, I’m not really interested in your own theories claimed as fact for why Nix left. Just a warning.


  1. - nieva - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:18 am:

    You know it is possible to distance yourself from the govs office but you can’t get away from the feds when they start the next round of indictments.

  2. - phocion - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:04 am:

    I’m generally a Fritchey fan, but I think he’s off-base on this one. We don’t know that his inner circle are go along types. We do know that whatever message the administration has decided upon was delivered by staff whose job it is to just that. Are these people leaving because they, at end, just cannot accept that message anymore? Perhaps, and that is the duty of public servants - support the elected administration, or get another job. In Fritchey’s view, would Obama be advised to hire Tony Snow as his press spokesman? There’s little doubt that this Governor has been a little-mitigated disaster. That doesn’t mean he should hire staff that will consistently undermine whatever message he decides to deliver.

    Parenthetically, I find it interesting that the top (or at least most visible) women in this Administration are bolting. This group has long had a reputation for innate sexism. Not saying they’re “victims,” just observing how he’s got the ladies out there being vilified instead of the men who are actually doing the damage.

  3. - Bill - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:11 am:

    Good Luck, Sheila!
    You were always willing to listen to other points of view and make decisions based on what you felt was right. The state is a better place because of your service. You’ll be missed, and not just by Rod.

  4. - Executive Branch Montessori - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:15 am:

    I suspect she’ll have very few techinical adjustments to make upon re-entry into the process of caring for her kids.

  5. - Can't comment on an ongoing investigation - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:05 am:

    I always thought it was a pointed choice of Rod to replace so many of the spokesmen with women.

    Reading the tea leaves my way, I figured it was twofold: a blatant way to pander to women voters, and strategically, I think what they thought was reporters would take it easier on a spokeswoman than a man.

    I don’t think that second theory proved true at all. Reporters would not let something like that hold back embarrassing questions.

    Not that women can’t be effective spokespeople, not at all. But this administration went out of its way to disconnect the messengers from the agencies where they were knowledgeable, and put them into a pool of flacks that were supposed to be as knowledgeable about transportation issues as they were about agriculture or health or….

    Well, unfortunately, now that “equally knowledgeable” bit has become sadly true. Doesn’t matter though, because all communication functions are just about Rod.

    …And then there was one.

  6. - MouthofBabes.. - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:11 am:

    Fritchey hit the nail on the head. The Nazi defense doesn’t work (”I was following orders.”) Nix and Rausch’s willingness to “lie” for Blago aided his every turn. They may have been “guilty of nothing but doing what the Boss told them,” but one day they will have to face the man upstairs y and that is going to be one tough press conference.

    Good riddance.

  7. - Who's gonna water the plants? - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:24 am:

    Who’s left? Boy, is Rod in big trouble, he can’t complete a sentence let alone write one. But we know he is fair at addition the big bucks kind.
    This is a signal that Rod’s going underground. Won’t see him till his next campaign starts.

  8. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:29 am:

    He’s still got his chief of staff, chief legal counsel, chief operating officer and chief spokesperson, not to mention everybody else at that office.

    Tone it down a bit, please.

  9. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:38 am:

    “The Governor’s need to surround himself with sycophants unwilling to question the misguided wisdom of his strategies, coupled with individuals all too willing to play that role, have done untold damage not just to the Administration, but more importantly, to our fine state.”

    That is a bit strongly worded, but in a nutshell I thinks explains the problems the Gov is having. He replaced Lichtenstein and Golden, his prior chief and legal counsel who would not just him what he wanted to hear. Lets not forget the questionaire he sent around to prospective agnecy heads asking if they would do whatever he the Gov ordered. He alos lost a few agency directors and his head legal guy at CMS.

    Fritchey is right, the Gov has surrounded himself with far to many people to serve as yes men and he is not getting good guidance. I blame the gov for this not the people he hired.

  10. - Who's gonna water the plants? - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:41 am:

    Sorry Rich

    By the way, are you designing new apparel this summer?
    Shouldn’t be short on subject matter.

  11. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:42 am:

    Abandon Ship!!!Abandon Ship!!!!

  12. - fedup dem - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:44 am:

    Rich, all I could think of when I read your report was the cry, “Abandon ship!”

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:45 am:

    Who’s, we did it last year during an excruciating time. I’m hoping this year will be less so. Besides, I got other things I’m pushing this year like blog ads and InsiderzExchange. :)

  14. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:48 am:

    If Nix was found floating in a Titanic life preserver, she’d claim she was just scraping an iceberg for a margarita.

    Sorry, we don’t believe you.

  15. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:53 am:

    Sheila did a great job during very tough times and for a very demanding boss. For those who suggest that it is unusual for a chief executive to have a female spokesperson, look at President Bush (Perino), President Clinton (Dee Dee Myers), Mayor Daley (Jackie Heard), and Todd Stroger (Cant remember her name). It isnt unusual at all. It may have more to do with the fact that women have a greater ability to communicate than men. Remember that women are from Venus? It is better to have a good communicator as the face of your administration than some hotheaded male.

  16. - Cassandra - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:54 am:

    The fact is that even working for a governor with, uh, legal troubles, has cachet when you are job-hunting. That’s why I think we taxpayers should pay them a lot less. By giving them these governor’s office jobs, we are virtually ensuring them a high income for the rest of their working days. They should pay us for these jobs. Uh, well, maybe not in the current situation. Anyway, who cares why she left. She’s history now.

    I hope we aren’t in for a long period of torpor in the guv’s office and the state agencies while everybody waits for the next shoe to drop and polishes up his or her resume. We pay a lot of money for our state government and we should be demanding more than the status quo (or worse) we are currently getting.

  17. - Levois - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:16 am:

    I’ve learned that when someone leaves a position with a public official it’s very easy to read into it. Yeah perhaps this person is leaving because the governor has his issues or perhaps this person is leaving because they want to spend time with their family. At the same time, they may never say exactly why they are leaving except for the oft used excuse that they want to spend more time with their family.

  18. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:16 am:

    It’s been clear for some time that the only voices the governor hears are the ones in his head tellling him how wonderful and smart he is. That’s why we’re in this mess.

    Sheila Nix is a nice lady who took an impossible job. Don’t lay Rod’s actions/inactions at her doorstep. She has a wonderful family and I hope they enjoy a well-deserved, relaxing summer together.

  19. - DumberThanUThink - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:17 am:

    SpinSister Giggle Bails
    Wow they are hopping off the train faster that House Republican Press Secretaries during the reign of Lee Daniels and the antichrist.
    Now we are down to SpinSisters Slim & H— B—
    & the BoyToys. Perhaps they’ll issue skirts.

    BTW Capt. Fax does not want to do more apparel because it cuts into time he needs to count all the cash from the classifieds.

  20. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:40 am:

    I hear Scott McClellan is available for Rod!

  21. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:41 am:

    ==Frankly, I’m not really interested in your own theories claimed as fact for why Nix left. Just a warning.==
    Like she said, she’s spending time with her family this summer. The spring session is over, everything taken care of, natural time to leave. Always on message.

  22. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:12 am:

    Hey Cassandra, if you are a state employee in a managerial role or a Blago appointee, polishing up your resume is probably first on your to do list…unlike Ryan appointees, there isn’t alot of good efforts/results to crow about in the last 6 years…Ryan left the State in good shape infrastructure wise and some State agencies were highly regarded nationally, even though he left finances deeply in the red…

  23. - Maggie - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:18 am:

    She was in on all the strategy sessions and lies. Could it be the feds are interested in what was said in those sessions ? Would she have some kind of immunity ?

  24. - problem - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    Ms. Nix was smarter and had more class than half the dimwits posting above (comment applicable only to dimwits).

    For Fritchey to try and disparage her on her way out shines a very bright light on his character.

    Respect the person, respect the position - even if you disagree with their policies.

  25. - rep. john fritchey - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:39 am:


    I think that Sheila would be the first to tell you that I was never anything but nice, professional and respectful towards her in all of our interactions. That is part of the reason that I was so surprised by her

  26. - rep. john fritchey - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:44 am:

    (sorry, that’s what happens when you post via phone)

    by her willingness to devise the Governor’s approach to handling the pay to play issue.

    I nevertheless showed her much more respect than she showed me or other legislators.

    Besides, if you go read my whole post, you will see (I think) that my comments were more a criticism of the Governor than of Sheila.

    She had a job to do. I get that. I just don’t think that working in this Administration is a very noble calling.

  27. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:49 am:

    Frichey is right on here. Blago’s people and him need to get publicly shamed for that Ronen baloney. I like Rep. Fritchey and sometimes think he’s over the top, but he is right on here. Carol Ronen completely tainted her record of public service with that one tv appearance, her 8 weeks of work and her pension bump. She used to be a goo-goo liberal, she’s just a phony now in my opinion.

  28. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:58 am:

    I’m not buying her excuses. She has children 15, 12 and 7 and suddenly gets a conscience to spend more time with her kids. She has been working among “professionals” for many years, including
    chief of staff in Washington to U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and former U.S. Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., and had been policy director and chief of staff in Blair Hull’s Democratic primary bid against Obama, and now wants to spend time with her kids. Spinning this resignation by saying “I just decided that it was a good time to have a little time to decompress a little bit, spend some time with them, and then, you know, kind of figure out what to do next,” just doesn’t add up to someone who has been out in the workforce, has no high paying job to go to, and is “choosing” to go home. Nix said. “Obviously, we spend a lot of time in Springfield and I’m away some.” Yessiree, she’s away “some” but I question whether she spends a lot of time in Springfield. More time is spent on Illinois Air Farce One.

    Resignations like this have really come to be expected during the last year or two of an administration. I really take it as a positive note that Blago won’t be around after 2010, either by not running, running and being defeated, or watching it all from the sidelines in front of a TV in the commons room of ClubFed.

  29. - Bill - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:06 am:

    Rep. Fritchey,
    I understand that you were upset by Carol’s performance on Ch 11 and that you are disappointed by Rod’s “performance” as governor. I’d venture a guess that you are not the only one who had their high hopes of 2002 dashed by Rod. However, after reading your post on your blog, it seems to me that you are close to doing to Sheila what Carol tried to do to you on TV. You don’t really know, I don’t think, that Sheila was the “mastermind”. No one really knows what goes on over there. It took me a long time to realize that it is not Rod’s people, its him.
    Sheila has really done a good job, both for Rod and for Illinois. Whether you think it is noble or not we all try to make the best out of the situation we find ourselves in.
    Cut Sheila some slack. Is I was going to war, I’d want Sheila Nix on my side. I wish some of her loyality had rub off on Rod.

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:12 am:

    === It took me a long time to realize that it is not Rod’s people, its him.===

    Bill, we can finally remove the restraints. You’re now free to move about the country. Ding!

  31. - Bill - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:16 am:


  32. - Rep. John Fritchey - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:17 am:

    Hey Bill,

    If what I have been told by more than one person is incorrect, I will gladly, and publicly, apologize to Sheila.

    And I agree that Sheila is an extremely competent person. The role that she was relegated to, however, did nothing to utilize her skill in any way that would ‘Move Illinois Forward’.

    She is not the first one to find herself in that position (see Susan Lichtenstein, Z Scott, and others). But when the others left, they did so quietly. In an almost deafening silence.

    Sheila just stayed on point to the end. Which I guess is understandable, but still does little to change my opinion of recent events.

    See you soon Bill.

  33. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    I figured that if Fritchey was right he deserved to take that shot, which is why I posted it. I think he’s probably right.

  34. - DumberThanUThink - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:33 am:

    Without criticizng Giggles directly can we all agree that these people are at least enablers?

    The disaster that was the RTA funding debacle could have been resolved months earlier without the diversion of other state dollars if the enablers had “invented” the seniors ride free exit stategy sooner or convinced Blagoof that everyone would believe his “improvement” was

  35. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:34 am:

    Now he’s down to Ottenhoff.
    And we wonder if she’ll be trottin’ off.
    You can set the cycle to spin
    Or throw the towel in;
    Dear Abby, how long can you feed at a rotten trough?

  36. - Anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:35 am:

    Working for Rod burns you out faster than working for others. And for those who question his staff for failing to challenge him, you’re wrong, he is regularly challenged and doesn’t listen, which is why people get burnt out so fast.

  37. - Jechislo - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:57 am:

    Rich - I think it’s the beginning of the ‘big bailout’. A guy I know that has connections inside of this administration says that all H E doubletoothpicks is going to break loose during the month of October. Rod knows it, Sheila knew it, and we all know it’s coming. Somehow I just can’t get the words “Governor Quinn” to roll off of my tongue.

  38. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:59 am:

    === A guy I know that has connections inside of this administration says===

    A lot of people say a lot of things. I think Chris’ trial starts in October, so that might be what’s behind the rumor. I’ll believe it when I see it.

  39. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:13 pm:

    Mark my words, by 1/11/11 we will have a new Governor!

  40. - Amy - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:15 pm:

    spin brothers? has that term ever been used?

  41. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:19 pm:

    We may have to if all the women leave. Or come up with a catchy new line.

  42. - Joe Public - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:25 pm:

    I dont care if the spin sisters tell the truth, or lie, both they and the Gov need to realize what i think happend is more important then the truth or what they told me was the truth and when what they tell me is totally opposite of what i think happened then i really know they are shoveling
    crap and it reinforces my thought of what i think really happened is probably right on what did happen

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:26 pm:

    Also, just in case you might be implying sexism (again) with your comment, the spokespersons seemed to enjoy it. They even kinda latched on to an earlier nickname given to them by a commenter here: The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse (that was back when Becky Carroll was still on the payroll). I kid you not, they dug it. Weird, eh?

  44. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    catchy new line? Spin Misters comes to mind.

  45. - Amy - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:33 pm:

    i would never stoop to defend the people who spin for
    grod, including that they might like the term you use
    to describe them. however, i am happy to see that
    you are thinking about sexism.

  46. - Bman - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:40 pm:

    anonymous45 - what color are your glasses? Ryan started putting his flunkies around in agencies as soon as he took his oath. Once Blago is out of here, it’ll take ten years to get competent people back into agencies!

  47. - Chillimon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:48 pm:

    This is from today’s Peoria Journal Star, Word on the Street column.

    Brian Williamsen, 31, of Pekin just completed his first week as the Springfield press secretary for Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

    The other is House Speaker Michael Madigan’s public relations guru Steve Brown, who’s from Washington.

    Williamsen most recently was a spokesman for the Illinois Department of Transportation, a position he held since September 2007.

    He’s filling the position previously held by Rebecca Rausch, who took a job with a public relations firm in the St. Louis area.

    A native of Chatham, located south of Springfield, Williamsen graduated from Bradley University in Peoria in 1998. His resume includes being a public information officer for North Myrtle Beach, S.C., and a news anchor for the ABC affiliate there and for WICS-TV in Springfield.

    He’s commuting to Springfield daily.

    “I’m excited at the opportunity to serve for the governor and learn more about state government. With any job in public relations there certainly are a number of issues in the news all the time. My experience lends to that. I’m following the path, as they say,” Williamsen said.

  48. - Yoda man - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:56 pm:

    No, padawan Brian, to the dark side you are going!!!! Evil the Sith governor is, warp your values, he will!

  49. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:13 pm:

    How about the Bull Brothers?

  50. - Princeville - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:34 pm:

    Frankly, I was not too impressed with the first statements I heard coming from Mr. Williamsen. WQAD last night was talking about the TS move to S IL and I hear “real jobs w/real people spending real money” and that’s a good thing from an area the needs it. I didn’t see where that spin did much to defend/support the governor. The question left in my mind was ‘oh, but does Rod care what he does to the economy in the area he moves the jobs from? After all he moving real jobs, real people and real money from one area to another’. I would have really liked to hear an answer to my thought. I can’t get excited over nor jump on board a plan that hurts one to help another. Right or wrong, good idea or bad one, that spin won’t cut it. Just my opinion.

    And to Ms. Nix, good luck to ya. Anybody willing to take on the kiddies 24/7 for several months at grade school, middle school and high school age all together, is one tough cookie. :)

  51. - JonnyCat - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:34 pm:

    I worked with Sheil and while she’s a bright and dedicated public servant she (like everyone on that staff) was certainly a “Yes Man.” Half the reason Rod gets into these messes is because none of his advisors push back and are honest with him about his crazy ideas or management style. At least Bradley Tusk openly voiced dissenting opinions in that office. Maybe if Rod had brought in someone who would play the devil’s advocate like bradley did, he wouldn’t be in such a mess. Now he has an opportunity to do just that. i, for one, hopes that he does

  52. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 2:10 pm:

    From the Illuminatus Trilogy (by way of Wikipedia):

    [Robert Anton] Wilson rephrases this himself many times as “communication occurs only between equals.” Celine calls this law “a simple statement of the obvious” and refers to the fact that everyone who labors under an authority figure tends to lie to and flatter that authority figure in order to protect themselves either from violence or from deprivation of security (such as losing one’s job). In essence, it is usually more in the interests of any worker to tell his boss what he wants to hear, not what is true.

  53. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 2:11 pm:

    Celine’s Second law being: Accurate communication is possible only in a non-punishing situation.

  54. - zatoichi - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    It’s the job of the “Spin Sisters” and anyone else in PR positions, to push the Admin message. It’s the job they elected to take and decide to stay in as long as they want to or their boss decides to keep them. PR is not always easy and it is their job to make it look good regardless of their personal feelings. Internal conflicts of interests/ethics is something they have to live with. Thought she did a pretty good job in a stressful situation. If anyone can do the job better, step up to the plate and get put into the spotlight.

  55. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:04 pm:

    Anon 2:11, that’s spelled “Cellini,” not “Celine.”

    His first law: “Never communicate over the telephone.”

  56. Pingback In Chambers » More Nonsense from a Blago Talking Head - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:07 pm:

    […] The notion that Blagojevich yielded to Rezko because he was sincerely determined to include “new people” who “understand business” in the administration of state government — rather than because Rezko packed $1.4 million into his campaign fund — is nothing short of absurd. […]

  57. - annon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:04 pm:

    These are fundementally good people who I would think have just all had enough! I think they were following orders & trying to be the best “face” they could with the endless blunders of this governor. I wish all of them well… couldn’t have been very pleasant.

  58. - Maggie - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:26 pm:

    This is strange. Sheila just did an interview for WLS channel 7. Rebecca sat in to monitor the interview. You would think Sheila has done enough interviews she would not need a monitor. Something smells.

  59. Pingback ArchPundit » Blog Archive » What’s Most Baffling About the IL GOP? - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:32 pm:

    […] The notion that Blagojevich yielded to Rezko because he was sincerely determined to include “new people” who “understand business” in the administration of state government — rather than because Rezko packed $1.4 million into his campaign fund — is nothing short of absurd. […]

  60. - Off work - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 6:10 pm:


  61. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:36 pm:

    Bman-read my post…some agencies, not all…I am a state gov’t employee and can attest that all appointees aren’t incompetant…at least Ryan knew how to work with other branches of gov’t…if you don’t believe me check out Mayor Daley’s recent quotes about Ryan…

  62. - In the Sticks - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:56 pm:

    Spin Meisters has a better ring to it!

  63. - DD - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:15 pm:

    Best of luck Shelia. You are a class act and were an asset to the State. It’s too bad that Fritchey is still bruised from the well deserved beating about his own ethical conflicts on Chicago Tonight.

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