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Not gonna work

Monday, Jun 9, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former governor Jim Edgar did a good job of diagnosing the problem the other day…

“We have a governor who just doesn’t quite understand his responsibilities, and we have the leaders of his party in the Legislature who spend more time being mad at the governor than doing what needs to be done,” Edgar said, adding he has no future plans to run for political office.

But his solution was far from perfect…

“I think (Blagojevich) has got to admit he’s made some mistakes and buckle down and spend a little more time in Springfield and reach out to the Democrats and Republicans he hasn’t been able to get along with,” Edgar said. “There’s a lot of lack of confidence in state government today.”

* The governor’s word is mud. There is almost nothing he can do to salvage that. Admitting his past mistakes won’t help, partly because he is so thoroughly trapped by those old mistakes

Back in 2004, when (surprise) the state was going through financial problems, Blagojevich complained that many of those problems were caused by “the biggest borrowing binge in Illinois state history.” Specifically, the Illinois FIRST capital program pushed through by former Gov. George Ryan.

For the record, that biggest borrowing binge in Illinois history cost $12 billion. Blagojevich’s capital plan is $34 billion.

Not all of that is based on borrowing, but you get the idea.

* And this is what you get when you have no more credibility or influence

Blagojevich began the year with an ambitious wish list: A massive infrastructure program; universal health care; and a $300-per-child state income tax rebate. He suggested paying for it with a major expansion of gambling.

But by the time the Legislature adjourned for the summer, virtually all of Blagojevich’s agenda had been ignored. Instead, the Legislature unanimously sent him a campaign ethics bill that clearly was a swipe at the governor’s own fundraising methods.

Blagojevich’s failure to win passage of his $33 billion proposed infrastructure plan has been an especially bitter one.

* Speaking of the capital bill, did you know this?

In one example, as the plan relates to the money earmarked for all nine Illinois Department of Transportation districts, the two southernmost districts would get 16 percent of the $14 billion for road and bridge projects. Yet those two districts only make up about 9.3 percent of the state’s population.

The Chicagoland district would get 37 percent of the funding, while it has nearly 64 percent of the state’s population.

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  1. - rural dweller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:16 am:

    The two Southern most IDOT districts also have thousands and thousands of miles of roads and Interstates They also have hundreds of bridges that are posted for less weight than designed. The folks from the north use these roads and alot of their food gets transported on them as well. Its a necessary investment.

    Besides it was the downstate road fund that was shorted when the Dan Ryan Expy went $500 million over budget the last couple of years.

  2. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:21 am:

    ===downstate road fund===

    There is no such thing.

  3. - rural dweller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 7:27 am:

    ===Besides it was the downstate road fund that was shorted when the Dan Ryan Expy went $500 million over budget the last couple of years.===

    Besides, road funds that normally would have been spent downstate were redirected when the Dan Ryan Expy went $500 million over budget the last couple of years putting their projects on hold.


  4. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:29 am:

    Gov. Edgar’s diagnosis of the “problem” is not new, certainly not on this blog and elsewhere. I have heard speak and make presentations several times since he left the Mansion. His views are really not that insightful but he has the cachet of being an Illinois governor to give his words the patina of a political elder statesman. Gov. Edgar’s assessments seem generally partisan. He sincerely believed that there would be a last minute surge for Jim Ryan (maybe because of the “Jim” and not because of the “Ryan”).

    But to the point being made, it takes just a second for a person to lose trust and a lifetime to regain it, if ever. The only real ethics in Illinois politics is supposedly that when a deal is struck it is delivered upon, and the Governor seems to have violated that ethic.

  5. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:33 am:

    While an interesting observation, comparing population percentages with dollar amounts in regards to transportation needs is a misleading one.

    Let’s focus on needs instead.

  6. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:42 am:

    Jim Edgar doesn’t appear to be fully aware of how far Illinois state government has fallen since leaving office in a decade ago.

    Naturally, his solutions appear naive, he cannot fathom today’s situation. Depending on Blagojevich is like depending on a pyromaniac fire chief on a blaze he set at his own fire station. Rod Blagojevich is the biggest Chicago disaster since Mrs. O’Leary’s cow.

  7. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:45 am:

    ABBA sums it up
    “I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
    Ain’t it sad
    And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
    That’s too bad
    In my dreams I have a plan
    If I got me a wealthy man
    I wouldn’t have to work at all, I’d fool around and have a ball”

    The Gov is fooling around and having a ball with his wealthy [wo]man (the State), unfortently, the wealthy women is broke and can’t spend to buy al his fancy health care plans like free breast exams for the welthy, free mass transist for the wealthy, expansions in everything, plus a capital plan!

  8. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 8:58 am:

    Its never too late to repair relationships. The legislators need to realize that this governor may be the governor until 2014. If multiple candidates line up to challenge him in the primary, it works to his advantage. Even if its him one on one with most of those mentioned, its still a good race.

    These legislators must face the fact that the governor could be around for some time. How long will they allow the roads, bridges, and schools in their districts decay before they demand a capital bill? Can the Speaker starve them that long to help his daughter?

  9. - Bill - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:11 am:

    ==Naturally, his solutions appear naive, he cannot fathom today’s situation.==
    That can be done, I suppose, only by a sophisticated, experienced pundit like VanMan,not a mere amateur like Edgar.

  10. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:12 am:

    Oof, Bill. You’re really starting the week on a high note. lol Let’s try to keep an even keel.

  11. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:16 am:

    –Its never too late to repair relationships.–

    I wish that were true. But the gov. has consistently burned people after they voted for his programs. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,” is very appropriate here. Add that to last Fall’s flip by Jones (supporting Madigan’s budget and then not calling the line-items for override) and you end up with the House saying “here you go, have fun…” and leaving town. Why should they bother to spend time crafting a deal they know will be changed into whatever the Gov. wants at that moment.

  12. - trafficmatt - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:24 am:

    Dan Ryan overbudget - Important to note that the firm that was given the charge of overseeing the construction was a combination of two very well connected DBE firms that had never managed a project of that scale. Both had been subs on big projects, but had never taken on a project of this size.

    There has always been a conflict between NE Illinois and “downstate” on the funding levels. In general, NE Illinois provides most of the funding for roadways, and downstate gets a disproportional amount of the funds. However, there are plenty of other areas where there are a lot of funds that flow to NE Illinois. I think VanillaMan got it correct when he suggested focussing on needs. Of course this is difficult when we have a Governor that could be suspected of using funds for votes.

  13. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:52 am:

    ==The legislators need to realize that this governor may be the governor until 2014==

    Wow….I’m just letting this sink in….. Um, I will wager my two kids’ college fund (right now, about $350—thanks, Bright Start) Blago does not get a third term. Even if he survives the primary, any GOP candidate not named Ryan (heck, even IF he/she is named Ryan) will defeat Milorod. Wow….6 more years of this!? What are you thinking?

  14. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:56 am:

    VQ, a third term would pretty much guarantee that I could retire with a little vineyard in the south of France. Rod ‘10!!!!

    Then again, the stress might kill me.

  15. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 9:58 am:

    Actually, I don’t think I’d live through it.

    So, on second thought, maybe not.

  16. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:02 am:

    I am praying the era ofBlago will conclude at he end of this year, please God make it so…

  17. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:10 am:

    Whoever becomes governor will face so many problems you will have no problem making money from the daily crisis reports.

    Blagojevich has a good chance of becoming a senator, so he will still make news for you. If Obama wins, Blagojevich will appoint himself. That is the escape hatch for Rod, and he will use it to keep alive until 2010. He knows he is dead if he stays governor and will use it as an out.

    The third term fund raising is for his senate re-election in 2010, not for his gubernatorial re-election in 2010. He’ll have almost two years in the US Senate to show off in the office he was meant to inhabit, and should easily fight off any challengers for the nomination.

    Quinn will have a honeymoon as governor and be a strong contender in 2010. He will probably be challenged by Giannoulais. Madigan will sit it out, and Hynes is weak against Quinn, since they are politically the same.

    Blagojevich will bloviate but be inconsequential in Illinois, so he won’t be news - for at least a year.

  18. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:14 am:

    Vineyards are overrated anyway…. at least with Governor Quinn you may be able to afford annual first-class trips to France!

  19. - Skirmisher - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:33 am:

    Senator Blago??? Say it ain’t so, VM!

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    VM is just playing with you.

  21. - Gomer GOP - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Edgar made some good points….too bad the reporter was not old enough to ask how he reacted when Pate told him to GFY over his income tax swap plan.
    Memory was he pouted and then announced he would seek reelection. Then there was the MSI nuisance

  22. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:22 am:

    “The legislators need to realize that this governor may be the governor until 2014″

    Only if he wins re-election in Federal District Court in the Northern District of Illinois…

  23. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    There’s a lot of funny stories about Pate vs. Edgar and Pate vs. Thompson. MJM is now in that Pate role as “Mr. No.”

  24. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:23 am:

    Patti could be senator!
    She has an inside aquataince for the Job when Obama becomes president.

  25. - Frank Booth - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:25 am:

    global warming is treatening those vineyards. Better to sit by the lake and watch the power plants churn out cheap electricity as the sun goes down.

  26. - Anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:29 am:

    Isn’t it an automatic IP ban for quoting ABBA? If not, it should be.

  27. - Kevin Fanning - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:30 am:


  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:34 am:

    That ABBA thing got by me. Won’t happen again.

  29. - Truth - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    Edgar is caught in the same trap that many have fallen into. He is trying to sound upbeat and offer hope to the citizens that things can get better. What he and all others need to understand is that things will only get better when Blagojevich is gone. The Governor doesn’t have any more chances left. He’s played his hand.

  30. - DumberThanUThink - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Froggy & Jay Magoo and other thugs just had a presser in Cdale…in a effort to build support for the capital plan they blamed Madigan for the failure to give Blagoof $34 billion no strings attached over Chicago’s opposition…..gooooood plan

  31. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:11 pm:

    It was more of a test to see how many actually read me post :)

  32. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:13 pm:

    Rich, you need to look at miles of roadway that are the state’s responsibility

  33. - 618er - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:50 pm:

    Federal motor fuel tax money goes to incorporated town/cities based on population. In rural areas it is based on surface area of road types. So proportionally more dense (road and population) areas should get more tax money for whatever reason.
    The problems are…1) these funds are getting diverted for some reason, putting in jeopardy future federal distributions and 2) the state funds more roads thereby creating a situation where these tax monies have to be spread out or prioritized.

    And actually VM might not be off base with Blago appointing himself. A federal prosecutor might indict a sitting governor, but who would indict a sitting US Senator….?

  34. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 12:58 pm:

    One other thing…the transit portion of IL Works will go dispropotionately to NE IL, just as the roads portion will disproportionately go downstate. But as VM says, that’s where the needs are.

  35. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:01 pm:

    Something like 80% of the state’s highway mileage is “downstate”. And the elements and beatings from traffic don’t care whether a bridge is in Cass County or Cook County; they will attack it regardless of its geography.

  36. - Capital Deficiency - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:12 pm:

    No mention of the Molaro exit and Zalewski ballot integrity project sleight of hand?

    Who is going to be left in the House to lobby for gambling; other than Lou Lang?

  37. - Been There - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    As appealing as it might be for the gov to actually think about appointing himself senator, his biggest problem would be that he couldn’t fundraise the way he does now for his legal fees. The federal rules on raising and spending funds would be enough of a deterrent to appoint himself.

  38. - Tracks and Boats - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:18 pm:

    ===Who is going to be left in the House to lobby for gambling?====
    We are molding John Bradley into our new torch bearer.

  39. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 1:24 pm:

    In politics, there are no such things as permanent friends or enemies. But there is always self-interest.

    Could Rod, Mike and Emil make nice on something that would be in all three of their interests? An income tax hike for property tax swap could be the issue.

    Rod, of course, would have to flip and go first. But it would be in his interest to bring in new revenue for the state and be the hero for homeowners.

    Emil’s on board, I believe. I think Madigan might go for it, unless it’s too late. He might see his interest now in letting the Rod Saga play itself out, or by facilitating impeachment.

  40. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 2:04 pm:

    CD, I told my subscribers about that a week or so ago.

  41. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    I would have to check a notebook from an IDOT finance class, but I believe that District 1, gets by law, 45% of the IDOT budget.

    Regarding the MFT - county/township highway departments get MFT money based on road miles. Towns/villages/cities get MFT money based on population.

    If I recall correctly, 55% of all MFT money collected goes to the local agencies.

    I once heard an interesting statistic concerning the interstate system - 90% of the interstate carries 10% of the traffic. 10% of the interstate carries 90% of the traffic. It shouldn’t be difficult to guess which is rural and which is urban interstate.

  42. - anon - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    618er– A federal prosecutor might indict a sitting governor, but who would indict a sitting US Senator….?

    I believe there was a U.S. Senator who spent time in jail over the Abscam scandal in the 1980s.

  43. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:30 pm:

    Sen. Harrison Williams, D-NJ, Abscam.

  44. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:38 pm:

    anon and wordslinger, thanks for bringing that up. I should’ve mentioned something. Far too many people are wiling to spew just about any non-existent facts to buttress their personal conspiracy theories.

  45. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 3:44 pm:

    Also, a simple Google search for “us senator indicted” produced this story

    ===Two months later, U.S. Sen. Edward Gurney of Florida, who had been the most outspoken supporter of Richard Nixon during the Watergate hearings, was named along with six others in a federal bribery-conspiracy indictment, the first U.S. senator indicted while in office in 50 years.===

    Think and do just a little research before you impress us with your theories. Thanks.

  46. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:28 pm:


    The 45-55 split is not legislated AFAIK. It is a sort of “gentleman’s agreement” dating back at least to the Edgar administration. And not strictly followed, but fairly close. This formula is for highway projects only, and does not include state/federal funding for public transit and airports. Earmarked highway projects can throw the yearly balance either way also, depending on what’s on the plate.

  47. Pingback ArchPundit » Blog Archive » What’s Most Baffling About the IL GOP? - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:32 pm:

    […] Miller: […]

  48. - 618er - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 5:54 pm:

    You are absolutely correct Rich, I apologize.
    Next time I will try to keep my conspiracy theories longer than 50 words and not in the form of a question…

    And also take off my tinfoil hat.

  49. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 9, 08 @ 6:06 pm:


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