* I’ll have more on this tomorrow…
Ilinois House Speaker Michael Madigan has produced “talking points” for legislative candidates on the reasons to impeach Governor Rod Blagojevich. […]
It refers to corruption under Blagojevich as “a tumor” that must be surgically removed. It also claims the governor has violated the state constitution by abusing his authority.
Spokesman Steve Brown says the talking points do not represent Madigan’s views. Instead, he says they simply provide information for any House candidates who want to discuss impeachment.
*** UPDATE *** Reaction from the governor’s press office…
“This is another example of the pettiness, silliness and backroom games that Speaker Madigan has been playing for months to prevent progress. We wish he would drop his behind-the-scenes maneuvering and come to the leaders’ meetings. It’s time for the Speaker to join the rest of the legislative leaders who have been working with the governor to pass a capital bill that will put thousands of people to work.”
*** UPDATE 2 *** The AP now has a longer story online…
Brown said he believed Democratic candidate Emily Klunk-McAsey, who is running against Republican Rep. Brent Hassert for a seat in Chicago’s suburbs, received the information for a recent news conference on impeachment. Klunk-McAsey did not return a phone message seeking comment Tuesday afternoon.
Other lawmakers who have discussed pursuing impeachment said they had not seen the memo but were not surprised it went to candidates.
‘’I don’t think that he (Madigan) is pushing for impeachment at this time, because if he was we’d be in Springfield right now,'’ said Rep. Jack Franks, D-Woodstock. ‘’He wants to make sure that he does well with the House. This is one way of giving his candidates some options.'’
* Klunk-McAsey’s statement was only covered in one paper yesterday…
Here’s a sign of the ironic condition of Illinois politics.
Emily McAsey , the Democratic candidate for 85th District state, last week issued a statement calling for Gov. Rod Blagojevich ’s impeachment in the aftermath of his buddy Tony Rezko ’s conviction. Not only that, McAsey of Lockport accuses her Republican opponent, Rep. Brent Hassert of Romeoville, of not being tough enough on the Democratic governor.
“His (Hassert’s) attitude shows exactly what is wrong in Springfield right now: Republicans and Democrats covering up and protecting each other when something is amiss,” McAsey said in a written statement.
*** UPDATE 3 *** Statement from Senate President Emil Jones…
“I think it’s wrong for the Democratic Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman to promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor. Impeachment is unwarranted in my opinion, and should not be used as a political tool. It is a serious state action that should not be used to divert attention from the issues at hand which are the operating budget and passing a capital bill.”
- The Relic - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:14 pm:
I guess later is better than never. Its obvious the feds are closing in on Blago and this is a publicity stunt.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:39 pm:
Well I suspect you are going to want to keep everyone on message since the question is going to come up….
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:40 pm:
In defense of Madigan and Brown, candidates with opposing views can simply insert the phrase “not” into each of the talking points to express support for Blagojevich.
If they want to.
So, its a handy tool either way.
But it would be foolhardy for anyone to believe that candidates aren’t getting asked questions about Rod and impeachment, and its completely appropriate for the chair of the Democratic Party to advise them on how to respond.
Last I heard, Rod’s job approval rating is at 13%. Those are Terri Schiavo numbers — arguably not “dead” per se, but definitely not likely to rebound.
P.S. Don’t be surprised if Senate Democratic candidates are calling House candidates right now to ask for a copy.
- Mad Again - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:40 pm:
Yeah, sure, they don’t reflect Madigan’s views.
Everything happens by accident over there.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:41 pm:
“Not that I am advocating anything of the kind, but here is today’s Top Ten list of reasons to impeach the governor.”
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:50 pm:
Seems the gloves are coming off and we are going to witness a barefisted battle. Madagin is on the right track here - get it out in the open and finally deal with it.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:53 pm:
Only 10…?
- Captain America - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 5:54 pm:
I think Madigan’s talking points are reasonable given the circumstances. Since the Governor is ineffective no as a result of his intransigence and bizarre governing style, he will be unfit and unable to govern the state should be be indicted.
The Governor ;s entitled to his day in court to confront his accusers and to present the strongest possible defense,as well as a presumption of innocence unitl proven guilty. But if he is indicted, he should be immediately impeached, if he refuses to resign.
RAtional Governors have resigned when they are confronted by legal impropieties (Spitzer and McGreevey), but I don’t consider our Governor fully rational.
- disappointed supporter - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 6:06 pm:
The Gov did this to himself. While you are at it get rid of Emil and Rep. Jay Hoffman.
I still have the newspaper clipping (1/15/2003)where the Governor stated “I intend to use every power at my discretion as Governor to eliminate unquified, unnecessary and overpaid positions wherever I find them.”
I have been with the state for 22 years and I have never seen more unqualified, made-up, overpaid positions than with this administration. Check out IDOT positions - there is a ‘customer service specialist’ on the payroll.
- It's Broken - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 6:08 pm:
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
- Bookworm - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 6:14 pm:
Nixon resigned after the House Judiciary Committee voted three articles of impeachment, but before the full House got to vote on them. He said at the time that he had “lost (his) political base in Congress”.
Blago is already well past the point of “losing his political base” in the General Assembly. He’s already an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the Rezko case and other cases. If he had as much decency and common sense as Nixon (!!) he’d resign now.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 6:34 pm:
- Steve - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 6:53 pm:
Mike Madigan is doing his constitutional duty.There seems to be enough hard evidence to warrant impeachment proceedings.The Governor,under the constitution can put up a defense.For Madigan and others to pretend that Tony Rezko’s conviction didn’t mean anything would be irresponsible.Tony Rezko’s conviction shows there hard evidence that felonies were committed dealing directly with people very close to Blagojevich.
- Macbeth - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:00 pm:
Wasn’t Madigan in charge of Blagojevich’s re-election last term?
I mean, come on — cripes. He’s gonna do the same thing in 18 months. This is a non-story. Madigan will be buddy-buddy in a year’s time.
- Macbeth - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:05 pm:
Point being: if people would stop *enabling* Blagojevich, he’d stop winning elections and be outta here. But people continue to enable Rod despite all the crud that circulating.
It’s the same with voters who vote by party. One punch, and they enable him to stay for another four years.
All this talk — this stuff — is nothing. It means nothing. Rod will take another term simply because people will not not vote for him.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:09 pm:
Wasn’t Madigan in charge of Blagojevich’s re-election last term?
It was more like MM being the groom’s husband at a shotgun wedding.
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:09 pm:
- Macbeth -
“Madigan will be buddy-buddy in a year’s time.” You are right, but his “buddy” will be Fitz and Quinn.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:10 pm:
change “husband” to “father” sorry MM.
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:23 pm:
Wow, I just read the download from the SJ-R. It’s pretty compelling and makes me wonder why the House is waiting to begin impeachment proceedings. There’s no need to investigate - just get the ball rolling. Impeachment means Blago cannot hold public office in Illinois again. Would that also mean that he could not appoint himself to the unexpired term of Obama? Let’s hurry this thing up and let Blago stay home to perpetually watch Hannah Montanna re-runs.
- Bookworm - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:24 pm:
Madigan’s reference to Blago as a “tumor” that must be excised echoes John Dean’s famous reference to the “cancer” on Richard Nixon’s presidency… I suspect the parallel was entirely intentional since MJM was around during the Watergate years.
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:27 pm:
I wonder if MM will get a note from Fitz (Like lisa M did) to hold off while he finishes up the investigation? Running Impeachment Proceedings parallel with Indictments and trials would just be too much of a good thing. Makes me almost giddy with anticipation.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 7:52 pm:
A Citizen, read the memo. They’ve already got that angle figured out…
===There is already enough evidence for the House to consider, from the trial records, to the guilty please of those associated with the governor that there would be no need for the House to conducts its own criminal investigation.
Furthermore, besides the criminal problems besetting his administration, the House may want to consider whether or not he has violated his oath of office in promising to uphold the constitution and whether or not he is derelict in his duties and not doing the work required of a governor.
The impeachment process is completely separate from the processes used by the criminal justice system. The impeachment and conviction of a constitutional officer does not preclude the possibility that that individual could be liable for prosecution by state or federal authorities.===
- It's Broken - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:11 pm:
“Mike Madigan is doing his constitutional duty.”
Of course, I guess the Constitutional duty that “Proposed expenditures shall not exceed funds
estimated to be available for the fiscal year as shown in the budget” just slipped his mind.
I’m not recommending that Madigan and Jones be stripped of their “leadership” positions, but here are some “talking points” for legislative candidates….
- Ahem - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:16 pm:
If anything, one should probably wonder what took them so long, because the unconstitutional acts go back over quite a period.
The memo is business-like. The response from the governor’s office is shrill and unrealistic.
- Bookworm - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:22 pm:
Of course the Nixon-Blago analogy limps in places. For Madigan to distribute a secret memo in which he instructs recipients to swear he had nothing to do with the ideas it proposes sounds a bit Nixonian in itself. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire” all right — and Madigan just pulled up with a tanker full of gasoline to spray on it.
- Selene - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:30 pm:
I’d like to see the case calling for Madigan’s impeachment. First he kills the capital bill and now he’s using his post as party chair to intimidate candidates to do his bidding.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:35 pm:
One post per IP address, please. Or at least use the same name. Thanks.
- Ahem - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:35 pm:
Bookworm, Bob Secter and Jeff Coen of the Tribune smithed this great passage (we all know how it turned out):
“Duffy is going to say, ‘You don’t find people guilty on the theory that where there’s smoke, there’s fire,’ ” Cavise said. “But the government will say, ‘You call it smoke, we call it fire.’”
- Easy - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:49 pm:
How can anyone say these talking points are ok? MJM is telling his candidates to lie about having his staff involved in the preparation of the talking points. The “trust” issue is a two way street.
- Arthur Andersen (one IP) - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:49 pm:
Killing the “capital bill” and all the other great ideas that accompanied it was a textbook example of a mercy killing. The people of Illinois should thank the speaker, not impeach him.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:56 pm:
Well put AA,
Why doesn’t the Governor’s office do a poll to see how Illinoisans feel about leasing off the lottery, having a major expansion of gambling, and playing games with the pensions in order to give the Governor unfettered access to 34 BILLION dollars? Then we can see who’s doing the will of the people.
- Gregor - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:59 pm:
Based on all the typos in it, I doubt Madigan read this, only because he’s a better speller.
- Ahem - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:10 pm:
Politics is Machiavellian, bystanding is Pollyannian.
- Frustrated Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:22 pm:
Boy, Oh boy! So much for a boring summer….
- ILPundit - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:31 pm:
This memo definitely reads like it was staff prepared for a candidate — however, the basic material and understanding of impeachment and the issues related to Blago are deeply thought out. I’l be a million dollars there is a better, more detailed memo from Dave Ellis floating around that informed this effort.
That said, this memo could have three concurrent effects, all very bad for Blago
1) It plants impeachment as a campaign issue in every district in the state. It forces candidates to take a stand on the issue. With the Gov’s approval rating south of 20%, media activity over the coming days may demonstrate a broad base of impeachment support in the GA. This thing could generate its own momentum rather quickly.
2) This seriously ups the ante on the Governor to speak publicly about the Rezko conviction — something his lawyers probably are advising him not to do.
3) This puts the pressure on Patrick Fitzgerald to act quickly. If he wants credit for the scalp, he’s going to have to indict sooner rather than later.
But hey, its nice to see the Gov still has Emil in his corner. I’ll bet the Senate Dem Caucus is just thrilled…
- Princeville - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:49 pm:
Emil “I think it’s wrong for the Democratic Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman to promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor”—first Emil doesn’t think citizens to be given a chance at recall and now Speaker should not be able to mention impeachment. Emil, are you telling us that you will support anything and everything Blago wants to do because he’s a Democrat and so are you?
- The people have spoken - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:58 pm:
FOX-TV call-in poll, as unscientific as it may be:
88% in favor of impeachment
12% against
- ChiCountryGuy - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 11:29 pm:
–Candidates are also told to say Madigan’s staff wasn’t involved in researching impeachment. “I’ve researched the issue on my own and after careful consideration believed that now is the right time to do it,” says the suggested comment.–
Your thoughts on this one, Rich? This is an obvious lie.
How can they (Madigan and his cronies) wash their hands of Blago? They are responsible for him being governor. They stood by and did nothing when he ran for re-election. They made the bed with Blago and they should sleep in it.
I’ve said this before and I’ll keep saying it. Chicago democrats have and continue to ruin this state.
Chicago itself, Cook County, the General Assembly and the Governor’s office. And we want to elect Barack Obama, another Chicago democrat, to President of the United States?
- Perspective please - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 11:53 pm:
Yeah, because the Republican from Kankakee was such a treat.
- Big Mama T - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 1:17 am:
Even if you strip away all of the indictment and Rezko conviction drama, you HAVE to admit that Blago has been a Spectacular Failure. State government is at an all time low. Mega-debt, nothing working very well. Gads!
MM did has easy access to The Attorney General to make sure the impeachment is Constitutionally sound.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 2:31 am:
—3) This puts the pressure on Patrick Fitzgerald to act quickly. If he wants credit for the scalp, he’s going to have to indict sooner rather than later.
I generally agree with everything you have said, but by all past experiences Fitzgerald appears quite content to do everything on his own time.
As for, the Senate Dem Caucus Central Illinois and suburban members,
A) 1/2 are ecstatic they aren’t up this cycle
B) 1/2 Jotting down notes
C) 2/2 Wishing Jones would shut up and fight Madigan with Pat Quinn.
- Bill - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 6:55 am:
OK. I’m trying to get this strategy straight. State Democrats are going to beat their targets by having their candidates slam Republicans for being too nice to a democratic governor. I’m sure the voters will believe that a democrat will be much more critical and tough on a governor from their own party then the opposition. Even Barack is not going to save these people.
This scorched Earth policy is stupid. I’m gonna sit this one out and watch the carnage. Why would anyone waste time, energy, and most importantly, money on these goofballs?
By the way, I see that now calling the Speaker a conservative republican is an impeachable offense. Maybe they can get that plank put into the constitution during their con con, which will most likely be just another typical comedy of errors that we have come to enjoy so much.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 8:23 am:
MM makes a good point, the impeachment process on the house side is to determine IF they think impeachable conduct has occured. The idea that the known information about the Gov warrants an inquiry by the house is a solid proposition. They should convene and consider whetehr the Gov’s conduct rises to the level of impeachable actions. If so, it heads to the senate for the actual decision. Think of the house as acting more like an investigator and States Attorney, looking into the matter then trying to decide if it should be prosecuted. If so the House then charges the Gov, and the Senate is where the hearing on the charges occurs. Not unlike what happened with Clinton. The house decided to charge.