Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Thompson strikes out with Wrigley deal * Tribune, IFSA talks to buy Wrigley Field hit taxes snag * City seeks alternate funds as gaming tax revenues slip * Daley Reacts to IOC Transportation Concerns * BGA has CTA salary database * Glenview contractor in Chicago city inspector bribery probe gets 33 months * Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration * Deputy Gov. Nix leaving Blagojevich administration * Deputy Governor To Step Down * Blagojevich Names New Deputy Governor * Nix says governor not distracted by verdict
* Consulting Deal Sweeter Than Acknowledged For Former Health Bureau Head
* Mayor’s ad blasts Blagojevich over IDOT jobs transfer * In ad, Springfield mayor urges governor not to move IDOT jobs * IDOT says I-57 moving again * Mayor’s aide: Next step in IDOT fight is hearing * Want to know what happened to the art around the Sears Block? * State taxes add to pain at the gas pump * Republican party elects woman from Pekin * Republicans Elect Pat Brady to Replace Bob Kjellander as Illinois Republican National Committeeman * WGN poised to offer top news job to sidelined anchorman Suppelsa * 183rd’s jets as good as gone
* SIUC’s energy research center waits
- Princeville - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:53 am:
Kevin-not in the Morning Shorts, but I’ll ask here anyway. Any idea which governor’s spokesman issued the statement about Pontiac Prison closing in regards to questions on a hasty decision? WEEKTV ran a story by Syreeta Baker on the prison closing and statement was “Decisions on this issue are not made overnight. Great consideration is and was placed on this issue as with all issues statewide”. Just curious as I’m use to seeing a name next to such statements. As Stateville was to close one day and suddenly –don’t blink–changed to closing Pontiac instead, this public pacifier of spin caught my attention and a sore thumb.
- Levois - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:31 am:
You might want to fix the link in the mayor’s ad blast Blagojevich.
- Kevin Fanning - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:36 am:
Fixed. Thanks Levois.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 10:16 am:
Princeville, you should send an email to that reporter.
- Princeville - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 10:51 am:
Thanks, Rich, I actually did think of that but there was no email/number for the reporter. I just sent an email off to the channel and made my inquire. I would assume that a quoted statement from a governor’s spokesman would be identified by speaker as it was given as a direct quote and not a summary of statement. I’ll see if I get a reply.
- Princeville - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:07 pm:
quickie update–I did recieve a timely, polite and througho response and answer to my email inquire from the reporter. The spokesman was named in the video just not on the printed web version which is what I read