Two very important, but overlooked stories
Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I told subscribers about this situation yesterday. The General Assembly hasn’t yet sent the governor the four appropriations bills which make up the state the budget. Three are Senate bills, one is a House bill…
…the General Assembly approved a state budget ten days ago that calls for spending at least $2 billion more than it raises in revenue. Governor Blagojevich is hinting veto, but he can’t do that until the House and Senate send him the official, “enrolled and embossed” copies of the legislation. Sources say the State Senate may delay until the last possible moment on June 30th, because Senate President Emil Jones is trying to talk the governor out of a veto.
Emphasis was added to make a point. The chamber where the bill originates controls when it transmits the bill to the governor. They have 30 days to do this, and this time it’s not just Speaker Madigan holding up the show. It’s Jones.
* As I’ve been saying for weeks, a big reason the Senate doesn’t want to come back for an overtime session is that it will activate the legislative pay raises…
One reason for this is it could cost legislators a $4,700 pay raise.
“The fact that the pay raise for the elected officials is kind of holding up the train is really sad,” says Jay Stewart, executive director of the Better Government Association. “It shows you how petty and parochial sometimes the members can be.” […]
Under the quirky rules the General Assembly created for raising its own pay, those raises immediately take effect as soon as the State Senate convenes three more times. That is, unless the senate votes to reject the raises. The Illinois House did. That puts State Senate leaders on a hot seat they want to avoid until after the November election.
* Another factor might be the impact on state employee pay checks, but last year a judge allowed state workers to be paid without a passed budget. Still, Flannery reports…
In fact, sources report, House Speaker Michael Madigan believes that payroll pressure and the threat of shutting down vital state services will ultimately force all sides to resolve their differences.
Could be.
* Meanwhile, a Chicago media outlet finally notes that Mayor Daley did not support the gaming proposal, which is one of the major funding sources for the capital plan. Except they buried it at the bottom of the piece…
The mayor said anyone who thinks he spoiled a potential deal to increase school funding is “greatly mistaken.” A proposal that would have expanded gaming to raise funds passed a state legislative committee, but it did not win final approval.
Daley said that idea was put forward too late.
“Last-minute proposals are always unacceptable,” he said. “There should be at least a discussion beforehand.” [emphasis added]
Why the Chicago media hasn’t taken more notice of this is beyond me.
* Budget bills and related stories…
* HB 5701
* SB 1102
* SB 1115
* SB 1129
* SB 773 (BIMP)
* Budget Has Yet to Reach Blagojevich’s Desk
* Chicago Public Radio: Illinois may not have enough money in its unemployment reserves for a lengthy recession. That’s according to a study by the National Employment Law Project advocacy group.
* 30,000 city students to rally at Soldier Field for more state funding - Mayor Richard Daley, several music stars expected to attend
* Editorial: Blagojevich pledges to actually work
* SUI’s Poshard and lawmakers renew call for capital bill
* Poshard, other leaders gather in Carbondale to push state program
* Blagojevich signs bill giving IDOT $20 million in additional funding
- It's to late - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:15 am:
All Rod wants to do is become the crown jewel of governors.
Changes are. he’ll be watching the 2016 Olympics from the Big House.
- problem - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:22 am:
Well, its not last minute anymore. So can we have people stop using that as an excuse and tell us their real opinions?
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:23 am:
I understand Emil’s desire for his raise; but bewteen his comments and his conduct it seems like he is acting out of more then just desire for (yet another) increase in salary. Its almost like he is desperate for the extra income. If the geist of the story is correct, it appears Jones is putting more effort into the budget vis-a-vis avoiding having to address his pay raise and failure to call its denial up for a vote then he did the budget himself.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:27 am:
(sigh) I may just move to Wisconsin….and do you have to link Poshard to SIU (not SUI) every single time?
- Deep South - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:37 am:
Hey Quimby, what’s wrong with linking Poshard to SIU every single time?
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:41 am:
Wisconsin does offer a nice cheese soup. Speaking of cheese, Poshard tends to rely on that link to get on commitees and press recognition so it is only fair that the association be noted.
- BandCamp - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:43 am:
If the GA created the rules for activation of their pay raises, has any legislator or group lobbied to change those rules to dispose of that quirky rule? Maybe this has been discussed before, so I apologize if I am bringing up a previous discussion.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 8:53 am:
What we are witnessing the residual effects of the 2007 budget fiasco.
The GA just doesn’t want to be played a fool again by a man they just don’t like, trust, or have any respect for.
Why balance a budget, do all the heavy lifting, just to watch Blagojevich hack it up for political chits as partisan rewards?
Have him hack it up now.
Blagojevich should veto. Jones is at this side for the next 20 days to salvage this thing, but the Governor isn’t going to be happy feeling that he is being forced to react to Madigan for a goal Blagojevich doesn’t yet see. Emil has a lot of lifting to do, doesn’t he?
I will expect Blagojevich to try and give Jones a shot, but his gut says to veto so he can return the hot potatoes to the GA. Salary increases and their possible political negatives this election year is secondary to Blagojevich, who isn’t on the ballot.
There is more to the story about Daley and gambling that we are not getting. His answer is too vague.
The editorial isn’t kind to the Governor. It sounds as if someone is tired of Blagojevich’s empty promises and wants to hit him over the head about it. Naturally Blagojevich is going to say these things, so it isn’t what he said that angers the editorial writers. Instead I believe they are just tired of hearing this Governor talk like this without results.
- Truth - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:06 am:
Did Daley really call it last minute? There’s a hollow argument for opposition. There are a lot of flaws with the gaming plan but lack of discussion isn’t one of them. If anything, Molaro, Lang and the gang have discussed it too much.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:07 am:
Once again, someone named or claiming to be in possession of “truth” got it wrong. Yes, they’ve been talking about gaming for years. But they didn’t get this bill until the afternoon of the last day of session and Molaro got shafted out of something he’s worked on for years.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:08 am:
State government, and for that matter, local government, are grossly underplayed by all Chicago media outlets.
I know reporters who can’t get good stories in the paper because their Ivy League, 30-something editors have no knowledge or interest in government and how this city and state really work. Their knowledge of the streets is limited to the walk from Trib Tower to the Ogilive Station to catch the train back to the North Shore. It’s galling.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:09 am:
south….I guess I can’t tell you
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:11 am:
You can tell him, VQ, just watch your language.
- Truth - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:17 am:
I’m standing by my post Rich. I respectfully think you are wrong on this one, but admire your defense of Molaro who has worked hard.
If he didn’t see this bill ahead of time, it is because the Speaker’s staff didn’t share it with him.
Anyway these gaming bills have not been all that different. There are no new issues in there.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:23 am:
OK Rich, sorry for the bombs. With stronger ties to Edwardsville campus than Carbondale, some incidents Poshard has been involved with recently leave me chagrined. Examples: questionable hires for top positions; his masters thesis drama; silencing Mike Lawrence; declining enrollment at Carbondale; and tying support for the SIU system so closely with this governor.
As someone who had a Poshard yard sign in the 1998 primary, I’m disappointed in the slippery slope of the latest ’savior of southern Illinois’. The area needs some help, but at what price?
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:27 am:
So the budget is held up because a Gov veto means coming back to session, which uses up the banked days, which would force the raise issue to be addressed before the elections. Since the House rejected it, the heat will be on the Senate. Someone has their feet on their desk, smiling at the ceiling. The WWE Tag Team world championship match rolls on.
- Deep South - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:43 am:
Quimby, I am not a Poshard defender but your points are highly debatable and that would be fodder for another thread. Should reporters just say “former gubernatorial candidate Glenn Poshard?” Or “former congressman Glenn Poshard?”
- Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:52 am:
Who is funding the rally in Soldier Field?
Stadium rental, transportation and t-shirts are not free…..
- KiR - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 9:55 am:
I think the point being missed overall in the coverage is that the raises must still be appropriated by the GA even if they “automatically go into effect”. We’ve seen many instances where an appropriation item goes into effect, but is not appropriated in a bill until much later or even at all.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 10:53 am:
hey south…’re right it is much shorter to say SIU President, plus we’re stuck with him as its obvious he’s not going anywhere…I guess I’ll just have to adapt.
A thread on Poshard during his next crisis would be interesting….
- TimB - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 11:19 am:
Good question, just the expense of getting those kids there in what?? over 1000 buses on $4.75 diesel fuel?? Isn’t it supposed to be illegal or at least unethical to use public school funds to influence political figures?? Since Daley’s involved, I’m assuming there’ll be plea for more funding, more laws, and I’ll bet firearm laws come up in somebody’s conversation.
It would appear that public education money could be spent on things more directly effecting the education of children, rather than a giant field trip with no educational goal in mind.
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 1:25 pm:
Maybe the reason that Chicago media failed to report on the mayor’s non support of the caming proposal was because the Mayor doesnt REALLY oppose the Chicago casino.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 1:26 pm:
He wants a Chicago casino, he didn’t want to pay that much for it.
- The Doc - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 2:13 pm:
Like Rich said - Daley wanted to pay a miniscule amount for the land-based Chicago casino. As for today’s rally, it’s nothing more than a populist smokescreen and preemptive justification for next fiscal year’s tax increase. Expect more rhetoric along the lines of “it’s all about the children”.
Meanwhile, we’re already popping open the bubbly for making the Olympic first cut. A bad, bad idea.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 2:18 pm:
Blaming Springfield is the oldest game in the book, and not just in Chicago.
- Crafty Girl - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 3:52 pm:
It looks to me like everyone is playing chicken with the budget. And what effect will the expiration of the AFSCME contract have if Blago vetos the budget and no new contract is in place? If state employees are looking at not getting paid because of a budget impasse, what incentive does AFSCME have to stay on the job?
- Captain America - Tuesday, Jun 10, 08 @ 6:10 pm:
Although I respect the Capitol fax bloggers, it’s hard to find anything original to say about the impasse between Blago, Jones, and Madigan. I blame all the parties. Blago is most responsible; Jones has been Blago’s primary enabler; and Madigan is the most ccompetent of the three, but not entirely blameless.
The current situation seem like deja vu over and over again, notwithstanding differnt particulars this year. Little or nothing is getting done!
Pingback In Chambers » Illinois Gov’t a Sputtering, Burning Trainwreck - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 7:05 am:
[…] As the CapFax Blog noted on Tuesday, this conundrum puts Blagojevich squarely at odds with Jones, his chief ally in the Legislature. The budget consists of multiple bills. And because most of those bills originated in the Senate, Senate President Jones therefore is the first to decide when to release those bills to the governor. (Both Jones and Madigan ultimately must sign off on each bill.) Jones spokeswoman Cindy Davidsmeyer did not respond to my requests for comment on Tuesday. […]