* Much of the impeachment memo is basically just a litany of complaints about Gov. Blagojevich. Check out Addendum 1 starting on page 10 entitled, “Blagojevich’s Misdeeds and Malfeasance from High to Low (A Far from Complete List). Here are a few highlights…
2. Having no involvement with the mass transit issue, until springing seniors ride-free at the last second
3. Wasting his time and efforts on a scheme to have the state buy Wrigley Field andpay for its renovation
4. Gross Receipts Tax
11. Promising to spend $40 million to tear down Cole Hall in the wake of a shooting at NIU
16. Refusal to reside or even work with any regularity in the state capitol
23. Gross abuse of the power to call special sessions
24. Telecom reform bill negotiated, crafted and passed without governor’s involvement
25. Property tax reform bill passed without governor’s involvement
26. Cost of state airplane to fly back and forth to Springfield, rather than even spend a night in the capital
* From the governor’s press office statement…
“This is another example of the pettiness, silliness and backroom games that Speaker Madigan has been playing for months to prevent progress.”
* From Senate President Emil Jones’ statement…
“I think it’s wrong for the Democratic Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman to promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor.”
This brings up a couple questions…
1) Do you think it’s acceptable for a state party chairman to use his position and state party resources to attack a fellow party member like this?
2) In your opinion, is Madigan simply using this impeachment issue to try to gain some political leverage because the press may be finally turning against him and because he is so isolated from the unions and many of his fellow Democrats on the capital plan?
* Related…
* State’s government, like its roads, need repair
* Press conference on Illinois Works
* Madigan target of local disgust over capital plan
* Editorial: Don’t let autism bill be victim of politics
* Editorial: Lead and crime
* Illinois Gov’t a Sputtering, Burning Trainwreck
* OneMan: My Daughter Sort of Makes Madigan’s Impeachment Talking Points
* Archpundit: Impeach him, impeach him now.
* Dan Proft: Madigan’s Memo Signals Gathering Storm
* IlliniPundit: Democrats On Impeachment
- Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 9:42 am:
1) Yes. Madigan has spent a long time building his ‘fort,’ and if he chooses to launch this attack he certainly can–with the consequences of people questioning his long-term goals.
2) Yes. It’s becoming obvious to the public there are bigger issues in state government than just Blago–partly/mostly because of efforts by the other leaders to ostracize Madigan, who knows a capital plan is needed but doesn’t want to give away the checkbook from the next governor.
- Squideshi - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 9:48 am:
Emil Jones said, “I think it’s wrong for the Democratic Speaker and Democratic Party Chairman to promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor.”
Translation: Jones values party loyalty more than he does the rule of law. Why SHOULDN’T a Democratic Speaker promote the impeachment of a Democratic Governor, if the Democratic Governor has done something impeachable?
Rich Miller asked, “Do you think it’s acceptable for a state party chairman to use his position and state party resources to attack a fellow party member like this?”
I think that a state party chairman is obligated to do whatever they think is (1) in the best interest of the party and (2) ethical. I see no ethical problem with Madigan promoting impeachment, and I leave the opinion about what’s best for the party to his judgment.
Rich Miller asked, “In your opinion, is Madigan simply using this impeachment issue to try to gain some political leverage because the press may be finally turning against him and because he is so isolated from the unions and many of his fellow Democrats on the capital plan?”
I don’t think so. It’s possible, but I suspect that there really is a deep seated resentment between Madigan and Blagojevich; and this fight is a real one.
- Funkytown - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 9:49 am:
1) Yes, The House of Representatives has the sole power to conduct legislative investigations to determine the existence of cause for impeachment and, by the vote of a majority of the members elected, to impeach Executive and Judicial
officers. Impeachments shall be tried by the Senate. When sitting for that purpose, Senators shall be upon oath, or affirmation, to do justice according to law. If the Governor is tried, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall
preside. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators elected. Judgment shall not extend beyond removal from office and disqualification to hold any public office of this State. An impeached officer,
whether convicted or acquitted, shall be liable to
prosecution, trial, judgment and punishment according to law.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
2) No, he’s doing what his constituents want.
- DumberThanUThink - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 9:49 am:
If Party chairman is code word for Titanic Capt. then Madigan is wrong. If the party wants to prosper in 08 and beyond he is right on target.
GOP critics are intellectually bankrupt this time.
If Madigan were to use party resources to deny the Disaster that Is Blagoof he would be on the wrong course.
Can’t wait for the SpinSiters and BoyToys to struggle through this love fest.
- DHouser - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 9:58 am:
No, it is not right for Madigan to use this post in his personal grudge against the Governor. This is not the party of Madigan.
- bored now - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 9:59 am:
it’s a clear conflict of interest. but illinois isn’t a reform state. it’s a state that allows — encourages — the concentration of power into the hands of a few. and while blago seemed to promise that he would “reform” that problem, he hasn’t taken a single step towards doing so (that i can tell). bitching and belittling madigan won’t do it. it’s doubtful the governor even has the political skills to compete with the speaker, let alone diminish his power.
there will be no reform while rod is around, so that consideration is completely off the table. what remains is a completely unpredictable governor, an unstable political environment (one that teeters on implosion), and a man named fitzgerald. i’m not a madigan fan, but this governor is completely incompetent…
- plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:02 am:
Certainly any ethical Party Chairman should defend his State and Party from criminal behavior. I applaud Mr. Madigan for standing up for his beliefs. (The Republicans would be in better shape today if the party would have worked to stop Mr. Ryan’s forays into illegal behavior) Following Mr. Jones’s philosophy will damage the party more than rooting out criminal behavior.
As to the 2nd point I believe that the Speaker is trying to find a way to do the people’s work without the overhead of the Governor’s flights of fancy. (free this and that )
- problem - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:08 am:
Well, I think we know it definitely isn’t right or acceptable.
A couple further questions:
Was it political staff or campaign staff that put this memo together?
Should Madigan abstain from party chairmanship responsibilities while his daughter is running for Governor?
And yes, Madigan found himself outplayed on the capital bill all spring, and is trying to blow back hard.
First, he said it was trust, but then everyone else began trusting and working with the Gov.
So, now, it is change the subject time.
- Lindsay - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:10 am:
check out this great picture from OpenlineBlog.com of Madigan and Blago giving each other the laser eye look:
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:17 am:
1. You could spin it either way.
But ultimately, I think it’s okay. As Speaker, he’s trying to preserve his Democratic members by distancing them from the governor.
As party leader, he’s trying to separate the party from a hugely unpopular and possibly criminal governor. The Nixon and Ryan experiences justify that.
2. I think he’s isolated on the capital plan because he doesn’t trust Blago with the money for many of the reasons he’s stated for impeachment.
- ILPundit - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:19 am:
As is generally the case, Madigan is positioned perfectly. Emil, Jay Hoffman, and the rest who are standing by their man are only positioning themselves to be steamrolled when the chickens come home to roost.
Blago is wildly unpopular, and its a good bet he will not complete his current term. There is no political margin in coming to Blago’s defense.
If Madigan’s priority as Chairman is to the overall health of the party, then he’s correct in wanting to throw this Governor overboard. Failing to take action will not be viewed kindly when this Governor is on trial for misdeeds as Governor.
- Garp - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:22 am:
The party chairman is responsible for making sure the democrats succeed in the state and Madigan has been the best. All constitutional officers, the state house, the state senate, both US senators and the entire state in general is leaning heavily democratic. Not only is it acceptable for the chairman to police his party, it is his job. There is only one statewide official who is embarrassing the party and it happens to be the head of the state. Madigan knows he has to nip this problem in the bud before Blogo creates too many more Repubs.
And in answer to question 2, No this is not political manuevering, Madigan knows this guy has to go, either by impeachment, resignation or dragged out kicking and screaming. It is for the good of the party that it’s leader sees the problem and is trying to mitigate it before the feds do it for him.
- problem - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:23 am:
Dumber -
Nice try, but the impeachment memo makes Madigan look crazy.
Seriously unabomber notebook kinda crazy.
But you probably wrote it, right? So I will follow Rich’s rules and not criticize a fellow commenter…
- phocion - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:24 am:
Shouldn’t they impeach Ken Dunkin first?
- Greg - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:29 am:
I agree with Rich’s Bush/GOP analogy. Legislators ought to at least create the perception that they are unswayed by the party registration of the troublemaker(s)
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:36 am:
1) Do you think it’s acceptable for a state party chairman to use his position and state party resources to attack a fellow party member like this?
What do you mean “attack”? You make it sound like this is unprovoked and unexpected.
Not only is it acceptable, the Chairman is obligated. To do otherwise is to not do his job. As a citizen empowered by party and law, it is his duty to become a conduit for the majority of citizens recognizing the need for impeachment. What kind of a man would he be if he used his office to circumvent the political need of Illinois citizens to remove this govenor? The Chairman isn’t simply responsible for his partisan band of politicians, he is responsible as the Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party to use whatever legal mechanisms are available to address the Blagojevich crisis we currently face. Madigan hasn’t “attacked” Blagojevich.
2) In your opinion, is Madigan simply using this impeachment issue to try to gain some political leverage because the press may be finally turning against him and because he is so isolated from the unions and many of his fellow Democrats on the capital plan?
There you go again, “simply”? You make this sound like it wasn’t reasoned or is taken lightly, when that is clearly not the case.
This question focuses on timing. Politics doesn’t dictate everything. No one wants to impeach a governor. How many bites at the apple do we give Rod Blagojevich just to watch him sell the apple for a campaign contribution instead? Addressing a ugly crisis isn’t something anyone wants. These people would rather run for re-election.
But impeachment is like scheduling surgery. You have to take into consideration the how, where, who, why and when components. Get any of these wrong and you merely prolong the agony.
- Dirt Guy - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:41 am:
2) In your opinion, is Madigan simply using this impeachment issue to try to gain some political leverage because the press may be finally turning against him and because he is so isolated from the unions and many of his fellow Democrats on the capital plan?
Absolutely not. He is doing his job as Speaker. Has Blago ever, I mean ever, acted responsibly with the state’s finances? NO!
MM is just making sure the hen house has no foxes in it before a capital bill puts 34 (billion) chickens in the coop.
- Mr. Wizard - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:46 am:
Regardless of how it looks, clearly MJM is a supreme strategist. Ergo, the significance of this memo is that he KNOWS the Gov. will be indicted - otherwise, the memo could be a bad strategy.
Since he would not pursue a potentially bad strategy, his sources must have confirmed the eventual indictment, imo.
Other than that implication, the rest is politicking.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:48 am:
Mr. Wizard, thanks for using MJM. This MM abbreviation used by commenters is becoming a pet peeve of mine. lol
- The lazy intern - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:52 am:
I think Madigan is thinking of not only the party but the state as well. Blago is unifying the republicans in their mutual hatred of him, I do not think that this force is enough to unify them to win but it is the beginning factor. At the same time I think the general public is fed up with Blago and this could be Madigan’s way of focusing that dislike into a win for the democrats in November. Is he trying to protect himself I do not know.
- Garp - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 10:52 am:
By the way, the voters could give a rats behind about the Capital Bill. It is the Springfield insiders who are drooling to get more billions to feed their gluttony. The voters want something done about corruption and Blogo in particular. Madigan and some others appear to be grasping this.
- Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:09 am:
1. If it’s done because of adherence to higher principles such as a steadfast belief in honesty, transparency, etc. then yes, it is absolutely right and meet for the leader of a political party to do this.
2. Yes, this was purely a political ploy by MJM, which renders my affirmative answer to question 1 rather moot.
- Dirt Guy - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:10 am:
I must make a mental note of your peeve RM.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:12 am:
That’s RWM2
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:16 am:
I’m surprised no one’s talking about — or critiquing — the overall tone of the memo itself. It’s quite shrill — strangely shrill — and reeks of everything that’s wrong with politics today.
Blagojevich is no statesman. That’s a given. But this memo — if it’s authentic and from Madigan himself — makes me dislike Madigan just as much.
Whatever happened to settling this kind of crud behind a closed door? (I know — that’s impossible with Blagojevich.)
But after reading this memo — and looking at the weird laundry list at the end — it makes me (as a citizen) quite embarrassed.
- Leave a light on George - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:29 am:
Madigan may be on the outs with unions but what about Blago. He is okay with the union leaders that he or Rezko have gave jobs and appointments to but the rank and file dislike him very much. This inspite of the generous contracts they have received. Why? working conditions have deteriorated and public servants who care no longer feel like they are serving the public - only surviving.
- Garp - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:29 am:
I also wanted to interject that I like the way these “Talking Points” are written. They are honest and not written in legalese. I’ll grant there are some complaints that may seem trivial, but on the whole the document is damning. It reflects a legislature that has been so thoroughly manipulated, mislead and discouraged that it is passionate about an endeavor.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:31 am:
Mr. Wizard - That’s exactly what I was thinking. As much as I dislike him, MJM is no idiot. He has to be setting himself up to look clairvoyant so he can tell everyone ‘I told you so’ and continue to reign supreme. Sick? Yes. Annoying? Yes. Smart? Yes.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:39 am:
On the autism issue…I am still not clear on why these children can’t be covered by Medicaid if their families can’t afford treatment. Doesn’t Allkids/Medicaid cover such treatments? If not, why not. Why would the government pass a bill mandating coverage for treatments which it does not itself provide to those getting government
funded health care.
I just read an article describing Resurrection Health Care’s push to sign up uninsured kids, and it clearly states that there are no income or citizenship requirements.
I do agree with the broad principle of guaranteed access to private health care, but that should apply to all conditions. Illinois, unfortunately, has a loosely regulated insurance industry, and there are those pesky campaign contributions which no doubt complicate reform initiatives. If we deal with the lack of access to care illness by illness we will never get anywhere. Broad reform is needed–and, despite the promises of presidential candidates, I wouldn’t count on national reform any time soon. The insurance industry has a ton o money to use in blocking reform.
- Interested Observer - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:53 am:
This tidbit is on the latest SJR postings “House Minority Leader Tom Cross says the memo lays out ” a scheme to lie” to the public. Cross said Wednesday that Madigan shouldn’t question the governor’s trustworthiness but then suggest that candidates lie.” Huh?
- Lake Tom - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 12:22 pm:
The memo was done to help “candidates” not Madigan. The chair of the party has a right to help elect more democratic members to the general assembly. I would venture a guess Madigan never even read the memo until all this press. Everyone who has an ounce of sense knows GRod is going to be an issue rod in this election so let’s not kid ourselves that Madigan is the bad guy today.
- problem - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 12:42 pm:
Cassandra - good question.
The answer is that you can’t get All Kids if you have insurance.
The autism bill deals addresses the fact that insurance companies often won’t cover treatment for autism, even though those people have insurance, even good insurance.
They can’t afford the costs of autism treatment on their own when their insurance won’t pitch in.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 12:56 pm:
Lake Tom - MJM never read the memo until all this press? Holy crap, you’re hilarious.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 12:57 pm:
BSP, he may know whereof he speaks. Just sayin
- Reformer - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 12:59 pm:
Andy McKenna publicly criticized Bob Schillerstrom, a fellow Republican, at the GOP convention last weekend. If the GOP chairman can chastise one of his own, why can’t the Dem chairman do the same?
- Sporty 41 - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 1:20 pm:
Madigan’s first obligation is to the people he represents.
His Second obligation, as Speaker of the House, is the People of the Great State of Illinois, Independent, Green, Democrat and even Republican.
His Third obligation is to the Democratic Party.
Undoubtedly, his belief system is one that should promote Democratic ideals (whatever they maybe) and candidates. However, to check his obligations to people of the State simply because the governor is a democratic is assinine.
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 1:51 pm:
RWM2, if that’s so then doesn’t it just make things worse for MJM? How does a memo like that get distributed from your office without you knowing about/reading it? Don’t see how his lack of memo-knowledge is at all beneficial to him.
And, really? This kind of political powerhouse move and MJM didn’t read it? That seems a tad unbelievable.
- TaxMeMore - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 1:51 pm:
1) Absolutely and it’s about frickin’ time. Too bad the only motivation behind this play by Madigan is maintaining power in 2008. When Blago is indicted, the Rs and Greens can not use instigating impeachment against their opponents. Madigan just took what probably will become the biggest issue in November off the table as a weapon for the Republicans and Greens. Brilliant. Pathetic, but brilliant. The fact that he has done nothing about corruption in his Party and this state should have been enough to knock him out years ago, but this is Illinois.
2)Political leverage, yes, but it’s to take the issue away from Republicans and Greens and protect his Speaker kingdom in 2008.
Given the best opportunity in the world, and the ILGOP still looks soft on government corruption.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 1:54 pm:
BSPE, I seriously don’t know how or why or by whom this was leaked. You’d have to ask the AP. I know where I got it, but I don’t know if that means anything.
- fed up - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 2:20 pm:
MJM memo tells dem how to respond to impeachment questions but also telss them not to say they got the memo from MJM. he points out all of blagos lies and then tells the dem canadates to LIE about where they got the info.
- get a grip - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 4:48 pm:
1. no.
2. no. why? the unions need him just as much, if not more, than he needs them. legislative initiatives…appropriations…he in so many ways has the reins by just holding onto things in the House. and i think that although they’re putting on the pressure with capital, his relationship with many of them still will not break.
- mlr701 - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 5:34 pm:
Anyone else getting polling calls on whether or not our gov should be impeached? I just did.
- emmejo - Wednesday, Jun 11, 08 @ 11:12 pm:
I could care less about Madigan’s daughter, but I do care about the corruption under this Governor’s reign. It’s about time someone who is a real leader tells it how it is. Politics isn’t about playing it safe. If you don’t stand out now on this corruption, Democrats will get creamed. And….give me a break, do you actually think the Suburban Voter is going to listen to the likes of Emil Jones and Governor Blagojevich. I say impeach him. This is a no brainer.