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Memo react

Thursday, Jun 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m pretty certain I know who wrote the impeachment memo and I’m also pretty sure I know who leaked it to the press. I’ll save that for my subscribers, but it may not be what you think. Zorn is getting ahead of himself here

Well, maybe you’d want it published precisely because no one would think you’d want it published: Maybe Team Madigan salted embarrassing elements into a muscular brief for the impeachment to make more plausible the claim that Madigan was merely trying to provide background advice to his candidates, not get the whole state buzzing about what a bad guy the governor is while dicey budget negotiations proceed.

Or maybe somebody outside Team Madigan leaked it.

* This is a good point

Kent Redfield, a political scientist at the University of Illinois at Springfield, said the memo was “heavy-handed and not very artful” and could actually benefit Blagojevich.

“It becomes about the speaker picking on the governor,” Redfield said. “What does this do for negotiations? It helps the governor to say the speaker is out to get me and he’s the one causing the problems. It’s not very helpful to the speaker at all.”

That might give you an idea how this got out.

* Anyway, the papers have more reaction today from Democrats to the impeachment memo. It’s not all positive, as you might imagine

“If he’s got issues with the governor as speaker, that’s his issue. But as leader of the party, no, I don’t think that’s appropriate,” said Kane County Democratic Party Chairman Mark Guethle, a member of the state party’s influential central committee.

Guethle said Democrats should be getting a state construction-spending plan approved.

“I’ll talk to you forever about that. That’s my world,” Guethle said. “No one’s ever talked to me about (impeachment).”

Lauren Beth Gash, also a member of the state party’s central committee, had not read the memo, but said Springfield needs to start sharing the national party’s message of progress and reconciliation.

“Honestly, my personal preference at this point would be for legislative leaders and legislators to work on the issues that are most important to the people they represent,” said Gash, a former Illinois House member from Highland Park.

“I think it’s unfortunate that this is the type of thing we’re discussing right now,” she said, but quickly added regarding Madigan, “That doesn’t make him wrong for doing it.”

* Notice that last sentence. Whether or not Democrats think the memo was a good idea, there is still a lot of talk about impeachment out in the real world

“Everywhere I go people ask me about impeaching the governor,” [Democratic state Rep. George Scully] said. “If my neighbors see me outside my house, they ask me when we’re going to impeach the governor. When I go to the store, people ask me if the governor is going to be impeached.

“I recently went to a Bloom High School Board meeting, a Crete Village Board meeting and a Chicago Heights Park District Board meeting, and at every single stop people asked me about impeachment.

“So I could understand the need for talking points because anyone who holds elective office or is running for office in Illinois is being asked that question whenever they meet the public.”

* Rep. Naomi Jakobsson (D-Urbana)…

Asked how her constituents feel about Blagojevich, she gave a nervous laugh and said, “I just hear a lot of comments like, ‘How long will he be around?’ I’m not sure if people want him impeached or if they are talking about something else.”

* More

A day after a memo surfaced in which Madigan recommends how candidates in the November election discuss the issue of impeaching the governor, Jason Warfel, an Ingraham Democrat vying for the 108th House District seat, said the in-fighting is hurting the state.

“It’s tying the hands of the legislature,” Warfel said. “It’s preventing us from moving forward on many of the reforms we need to accomplish.” […]

Warfel has worked for both Madigan and Blagojevich but says he’s not taking sides or accepting help from either of them as he attempts to unseat Reis.

Warfel acknowledged that impeachment is a popular subject among voters.

“It’s on a lot of people’s minds,” he said.

But, he said he’s not getting involved in the tussle between his party’s leaders.

“I’m not in lockstep with everything Madigan is doing,” Warfel said. “And, I’m not advocating for the impeachment of the governor.”

Warfel isn’t “accepting” help because none has been offered. He is in an overwhelmingly GOP district and probably doesn’t stand a chance. Still, that makes his opinion a bit more interesting.

* More

“It’s outrageous,” state Rep. Kurt Granberg, D-Carlyle, said Wednesday of the Madigan memo. “It’s very transparent now that this is just a personal vendetta” by Madigan against Blagojevich.

Not mentioned in the story is that Granberg has become much more of a Blagojevich ally since he decided he might want a position within the administration. But, he has a point that about the memo being a bit outrageous.

* Former Gov. Jim Edgar also weighed in

“It’s all academic because Senator Jones would never call for impeachment in the Senate,” added Edgar, now on staff at University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public Affairs. “It’s just speculation or wishful thinking, and until the Senate Democrats want to deal with that, we’re not going to place any stock in it.”

What the memo does do is add to the already agitated scene among top Democrats as they wrangle over a state budget many perceive as far out of balance.

“There’s already all kinds of problems throughout the system,” he said. “It just adds to the atmosphere.”

Edgar says little can be done to resolve the situation beyond the governor crawling back to the speaker on hands and knees.

“I don’t have the silver bullet and can’t pretend to tell you how to solve that situation,” Edgar said. “You can be humble and say, ‘I screwed up,’ and make amends. It may not turn it around immediately, but it will stop it from getting any worse.”

1) Jones may have no choice if the presiding Chief Justice decides to convene a trial.

2) Gov. Blagojevich ain’t gonna crawl on his hands and knees to anybody except maybe the feds.

* Meanwhile, Chuck Sweeny writes about a recent “bash Madigan” event in Rockford designed to whip up the home front in favor of the capital bill

Led by Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Collinsville and Blagojevich’s ally, Reps. Dave Winters, R-Shirland, Ron Wait, R-Belvidere. Bob Pritchard, R-Hinckley, and Jim Sacia, R-Pecatonica, took turns dissing Madigan. Winters urged Democrats to overthrow Madigan as speaker, and Pritchard suggested getting on buses and making a fuss in Madigan’s Chicago district.

Winnebago County Board Chairman Scott Christiansen said Madigan was stifling democracy and demanded, “Mr. Speaker, pass the (word I can’t use) bill.” Mayor Larry Morrissey, not to be outdone by the county, said maybe it’s time for voters to change the state’s rules by having a constitutional convention, something they’ll be asked on the Nov. 4 ballot.

“Who here voted for Mike Madigan?” the mayor shouted. “I’m angry, I’m (word I can’t use) off.”

That’ll work.

* Related…

* Impeachment of state officials very rare

* Jones plays Olympic card in state standoff

* Kay’s Statement on Possible Impeachment Investigations on Governor Blagojevich

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  1. - anon - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:47 am:

    the real question is when Scully sees people outside his house, does he first ask if the person is an attorney, then tell the person that he is an attorney. Its important that that be discussed right away so everybody knows that he is smarter than whoever he is talking to. After all, he’s an attorney. Didnt we just cover that?

  2. - Thanks for taking my call - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:49 am:

    Let’s not lose focus here. The memo was a private document that got out. The reason the memo was prepared was for candidates to take advantage of the Governor. Rod created the mess over the last 5 years. Last time I worked campaigns it was about candiates using issues (Rod) to their advantage. If the House dems didn’t think impeachment was a hot button issue, it would never have been prepared. That’s it in a nutshell. Thanks for taking my call.

  3. - Just Because - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    I dont know who wrote the memo or leaked it. However I think it hits home to some of the issues with this govenor

  4. - Gomer GOP - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:54 am:

    Let us begin with those tender thoughts from The President.
    If he were concerned about the City and the Olympics might he have tried to pass a gambling bill that City could support?
    Might he have included a slug of dough earmarked for the games?
    Nope and Noper are the answers.
    Just cash for Hollywood slush fund and a state authority for the south ‘burb casino in case the “bids” don’t come in.
    P.S. Nice catch or Warfel “refusing” non exsistent help and Edgar ignoring Chief Justice Thomas.
    Now about critic’s conections (i.e. Pat Welch on payroll)
    BTW Skipper told everyone at the meeting that the GOP anti gambling expansion platform plank wasn’t the real true final version. Right!
    That should help the party building.

  5. - Captain America - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:59 am:

    Since incompetent perforamnce is not an impeachable offense, there isn’t going to be any impeachemtn initiative unitl the governor is indicted. If and when he is indicted, then impeachmnet is inevitable, unless he resigns.I assume the Governor will resign if he is indicted.But if he doens’t resign and isn’t promptly removed from office, then the Democrats deserve to lose control of the State legislature.

  6. - Cal Skinner - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:00 am:

    Would someone reveal why a Republican state representative has not introduced an impeachment resolution?

  7. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:03 am:

    It’s interesting to see the governor drumming up support now for a capital bill (whatever they’re calling it this week). Perhaps if he would have put in a full-court press when the GA was actually in session, he could have exerted some pressure on House members and Madigan.

  8. - Pat Collins - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:04 am:

    hy a Republican state representative has not introduced an impeachment resolution

    Bad idea jeans day!

    1) If the Dems didn’t allow a vote, the Gov could say ’see’, no interest in this bill.

    2) If there was a vote and it lost, the Gov could say ’see’, no interest in this bill.

    3) If there was a vote and it passed with mostly R support, the Gov could say ’see’, it’s partisan stuff, just like in 98.

    In Chess, the threat of a move is often stronger than the execution of that move. So, why let the pressure off the Gov and the Dems?

    Just lay low, let them fight it out.

  9. - the Other Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:07 am:

    I don’t buy into the idea that the memo was leaked by MJM. It’s not how he operates. Sure, he wants the information contained in the memo out, but I cannot imagine that he wanted the specific document released.

    RWM2 makes an interesting point about the Chief Justice convening the Senate for an impeachment trial. That creates an interesting question: is the trial a “session” that needs to be scheduled by the presiding officer (or Governor, in the case of a special session); or is it a different creature because it is a trial, and so the chief justice can convene it?

    One last, random observation: who the heck uses 14-page talking points? They really aren’t very helpful in preparing for dealing with the press unless you’re willing to cram just like for a final exam — which, in my case, just led to remarkable b.s. on essay questions.

  10. - Juice - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    Wait, where’s Rockford? (never gets old)

  11. - Wumpus - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:17 am:

    Cal Skinner,

    Let Rod be linked to the dems forever. Let him sink or at least hold back theri campaign efforts. Tie every dem incumbent to the Gov. Besides being alousy gov, why impeach him? He has not been covicted yet. As for working outside the constitution, don’t most of them down there want some non-con mandated spending?

  12. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:27 am:

    Unreported speeches from the same event:

    “That darn madigan standing in the way of progress!!! Madigan needs to call for an immediate vote on legislator’s pay raises so the people can see who is bumping their salaries during a fiscal crisis and who is willing to make painful cuts on themselves as well!!! Madigan needs to stop refusing to call this for a vote!!! WHats that? Oh, its not Madigan? Wel then who is interfering with the right to vote by not even calling it up? Jones is the one was stifling democracy? Oh well then perhaps maybe was stifling democracy is a bit harsh. Regardless we need to take Madigan to task for refusing to call last years budget vetos to the floor for a vote. Madigan again was stifling democracy when he refused to let our elected members even the opportunity to vote to override the Governors outlandish and politically biased vetos!!! Hmm? what? Jones again? Dang it! We republicans are trying to rebuild our party following the Ryan conviction. We have decided to fight for democracy by backing Blagovich and Jones actions! Republicans demand you stand up with us and support Jones, even if he occasionaly refuses to let the Senate vote on things like lining his own pockets during a fiscal crisis! We need to keep supporting the Governor who gives us his word repeatedly on how we can benefit from a captial plan. Just like the word he gaves us on re-opening the Lincoln facility and other projects he never actually funded. Just because he is closing down prisons in republican districts is no reason we can not re-make the party by supporting the Gov and Jones!!!

    Down with Madigan!! Stop standing in our way!!help the Republican party back up yet another corrupt governor by sending your donation to….”

  13. - Dirt Guy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:28 am:

    I find it odd that many people commenting here seem to think the only impeachable offense is being a criminal. Why is that? You can and should be bounced if you are a complete failure, mismanage state funds, totally screw everything up and have lost the trust of the entire state of Illinois. Obviously we can’t count on voters to remove Blago. If we want a change someone has to get the ball rolling. In this case it is through the impeachment process.

  14. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    I also find it odd that Jones raises the Olympics issue. Um, who cares? Right now, e’ve got CTA trains running off the tracks, buses that don’t have the power to climb the grade out of lower Wacker Drive and the biggest surge in ridership in 50 years.

    Infrastructure needs the money. But for the Olympics? Senator, how about your constituents? Put Rod aside — he’s through, one way or the other. Make a real deal with Madigan.

  15. - East Madison County - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Who is Dwight Kay & why should we listen to him?

  16. - the Patriot - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:56 pm:

    1. Olympics are not comming to IL. It is a ploy to detract from the real issue. No way the IOC puts that kind of cash into the most politically corrupt system in the nation and maybe the world.

    2. It all goes back to Mike Madigan having to impeach for the bs he isn’t playing nice. If he raised the criminal issues, he has to explain why the AG does not indict.

    It would be easy to say the feds are on the Job, but Lisa specifically said, Jim Ryan should have impeached George Ryan rather then wait on the feds. She can’t play that card now.

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:08 pm:

    ===No way the IOC puts that kind of cash into the most politically corrupt system in the nation and maybe the world.===

    Considering how corrupt the IOC appears to be, I wouldn’t bet on that.

  18. - The Doc - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 2:09 pm:

    Wordslinger, I think Emil’s comment about the Olympics is a shot across the bow in Mayor Daley’s direction. It’s plenty obvious that Daley’s first priority is landing the Olympics, disregarding all of the collateral damage that will result. Jones knows that Daley has oligarchy-like control over Chicago, and, in my estimation, is attempting to leverage some of that power to further his own agenda.

  19. - Nice Suit - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 3:18 pm:

    Great teamwork by Madigan–his folks statement on Warfel is absolutely the wrong answer and “tinkle” poor.

    For the Speaker of the House to say even a remotely negative comment about a Democratic challenger, no matter how uphill the climb, is horrible leadership and smacks of immaturity.

    Good for Warfel for being his own man, and not aligning himself with either of Madigan or Blagojevich. Sounds like he wants to make hi won way and not ride coattails.

  20. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    No way the IOC puts that kind of cash into the most politically corrupt system in the nation and maybe the world.

    Refresh my memory on where the next Olympic games are to be held.

  21. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 4:01 pm:

    ==No way the IOC puts that kind of cash into the most politically corrupt system in the nation and maybe the world.==

    Any cursory reading of the modern Olympic movement would disabuse you of that notion. Not a real cuddly, Kumbaya bunch over the years in the IOC. Remember Avery Brundage (a Chicagoan)? Juan Antonio Samarranch? They do like their cash, though.

    Remember, good old Mitt Romney had to come clean up after it was found the folks in Utah had spent millions bribing IOC members to land their winter games. Are you telling me Chicago can’t compete on that level with Utah? Please.

    Just about every time Peter Ueberroth makes a comment on Chicago’s chances, he says something about “Chicago needs to build stronger relationships with IOC members.”

    Yeah, we get it Peter. Keep your voice down. Fitz is in town.

  22. - Garp - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 4:03 pm:

    Whoever the Repub was on Chicago Tonight last night actually did a very good job of beating up Jay Hoffman and the Governor. He was articulate and quite convincing. Maybe the repubs have some hope for the future with guys like him and Jim Watson, whom was featured on this blog a few days ago.

    Who’d have thunk it.

  23. - Fox News Alert - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 4:58 pm:

    Word is Blagoof will trot Ken Dunkin for defense on the Fox weekend news show…..Guess the JRTC head janitor was tied up.

  24. - anon - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:42 pm:

    Ghost 10:27 a.m…..Your post is hilarious. Am I missing something? Why is Madigan the bad guy???? We know he is pompous, arrogant and reclusive, but he is no crook. Has anyone been reading the papers or listening to the news the last 3 years!!

  25. - Bookworm - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 12:48 am:

    “Most politically corrupt system in the WORLD”? Yeah, I know things are pretty bad here but c’mon, do you really think Illinois is worse than China or Afghanistan or Russia or Iraq?

    The mere fact that we can post nasty comments about Blago, Madigan, etc. on this blog around the clock without getting killed or dragged off to a reeducation camp by a goon squad in the middle of the night proves otherwise.

    In Illinois, pay-to-play can mean the difference between getting or not getting a state job or contract. In China, it can mean the difference between an “illegally” pregnant woman being allowed to give birth to her child or being forced to abort or abandon it.
    If the IOC has no problem with stuff like that I can’t imagine our brand of corruption being a factor in whether or not they choose Chicago.

  26. - Obvious - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 4:28 am:

    It’s obvious who “leaked” this memo. The only person who has been cornered for months now, Elvis. Evidence.

    1. Poorly written.
    2. Scripted responses from Abby, Emil, ‘Punkin Haid’(just happens to be available to Chicago media), and unions backing Elvis. Even Elvis’ old buddy Cross.
    3. Message is not about the budget, but Madigan’s unwillingness to negotiate on Capital bill.
    4. Even played the Olympics card.

    It actually is not a bad move by Elvis, although somewhat desperate, to shift the ‘bad guy’ badge over to Madigan. The impeachment card has been played in the press for weeks now, so this is something that everyone is already thinking about.

    Unfortunately for Republicans, Cross is allowing himself to be used in this. Actually, Watson has done a pretty good job in using it against all Democrats and just speaking in sound bites about the ‘dysfunctional’ Democrats.

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