Morning Shorts
Thursday, Jun 12, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Hotter fans? Step it up South Siders!
* CTA delays express trains to airports * Kids’ museum site approved * Children’s Museum to be built in Grant Park * How council voted on Children’s Museum * Council approval for museum moves issue to court * Audio: Friendly Chicagoans, controversial land deals and graceful concessions * Still fighting over museum location * Goal is to enroll 1,000 in state-sponsored program * Springfield Mayor waits for hearing on IDOT move * Illinois governor declares six counties disaster areas * Lake Co. officials anxiously watching strained Wisconsin dam
* If you care about something, you can be a lobbyist. We show you how. * Bernard Schoenburg: Don’t forget certain countywide officials’ state stipends
- Leroy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:09 am:
So let me get this straight…
$330 Million for a Block 37 CTA Station
$62 Million for two station renovations on the Red Line
$100 Million for a Children’s Museum
Over half a billion, and we get 3 CTA stations (that will no doubt smell like pee 6 months after opening), and a Children’s Museum. And this is just construction costs. Remember - all the land is free.
- Wumpus - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:21 am:
Isn’t there already a Nice children’s museum? Ricardo, what are the plans for the Navy pier Site if and when the museum leaves there?
I hope COok COunty and Springfield are both included in those disaster areas.
- Levois - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:22 am:
That lobbyist piece is interesting!
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:32 am:
What will replace the Children’s Museum in Navy Pier is the $64 question. Daley said no casino, but we’ll see.
- anon - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:43 am:
Finally somebody said it! The Speaker’s actions with regards to the capital bill put Chicago’s Olympic bid in jeopardy! The Mayor has worked very hard to get the city in the position its in with regards to the competition for the 2016 games. I cannot understand why he has sit on the sidelines and watched the capital bill be killed by the Speaker. Without this bill, there is no money for infrastructure, thus we lose the games. Its pretty simple. For a person who people claim sees everything (the Speaker) he is being very shortsighted with his opposition to the capital bill.
When he looks back from retirement, I would think he will want to be remembered as more than the person who killed Chicago’s olympic bid!
- corvax - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:53 am:
I find the aldermanic roll call on the Museum pretty interesting…whatever happened to Helen Shiller…now voting yes? Did Schulter vote no to protect aldermanic prerogatives or on the merits?
- Wumpus - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:54 am:
AS for hotter fans, I say Cubs fans…but that is because theya re dressed for a bar since that is what Wrigley has basically been.
For the voting, it would be much closer, but Sox fans keep trying to vote on their typewriters.
Sox v Cubs World Series, I am hoping.
- Easy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:55 am:
I’m just shocked Cubs are winning in the hotter fans contest.
I would have thought the mullett-phenomenon sweeping the southside fans would score huge votes.
- Kevin Fanning - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 9:57 am:
- JonShibleyFan - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:04 am:
Oh, snap! A south side mullet joke! Fresh!
- Princeville - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:12 am:
Anon “The Speaker’s actions with regards to the capital bill put Chicago’s Olympic bid in jeopardy…..Without this bill, there is no money for infrastructure, thus we lose the games. Its pretty simple. For a person who people claim sees everything (the Speaker) he is being very shortsighted with his opposition to the capital bill. ”
While it’s exciting to think of the 2016 in Chicago, I think you have to be careful how one ties support to the CP and the Olympic bid in your pleas. For example, your statement could indicate to me , a downstater, that the fears about releasing funds for projects and money released for them will be focused entirely on Chicago. While the rest of the state gets projects and supposedly also funding for the projects released by Blago, screaming it’s all about the Olympics and Madigan killed it. does not give me hope that that funds for other projects across the state will be forth coming on a timely basis as it will for Chicago. I guess I find the rush to get the Olympics and needed projects to obtain rather overides what I’m hearing for the pro CPer’s about jobs and building the economy across the state including Southern IL.
- dani - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:29 am:
Nice post kevin! The cap fax is still keeping me interested all the way in champaign
- Frost - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:30 am:
Cubs fans hotter? Hardly. The Cubs are winning because Sox fans are too busy actually watching games and following their team (and trying to not get shot when they venture a few blocks away from Comiskey), instead of drinking and the other tomfoolery that comes along with Les Cubs.
In all seriousness, another silly waste of newsprint on the ST’s part.
- Greg - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:32 am:
This is embarassing. Some of those Sox pictures must have been sent in by Cubs fans in the form of psychological warfare. There is no other explanation.
- Old Shepherd - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:38 am:
How come all the “hot” Cub fans are wearing t-shirts and shorts? Don’t they have any pictures of Cub fans in October?
- johnnychicago - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:57 am:
“The Cubs are winning because Sox fans are too busy actually watching games and following their team”
Unlikely since the Cubs outdraw the Sox (significantly) and their TV and radios are higher than then Sox (significantly). The myth that Sox fans pay more attention to their team is simply a way to try and explain away their teams miniscule fan base.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:03 am:
==Unlikely since the Cubs outdraw the Sox (significantly) and their TV and radios are higher than then Sox (significantly). ==
Where do you get this data from. Last year, the Sox drew better radio and TV ratings than the Cubs. I say check your sources, significantly.
- johnnychicago - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:48 pm:
In 2006, yes. After the Sox won the WS and were in it until the end, while the Cubs were losing 96 games under Dusty Baker. That was the first time in 20 yrs the Sox ratings were higher then the Cubs.
Last year, my friend, was a different story.
- Amy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 7:43 pm:
Sox fans should not waste their time with the Sun Times
Start voting on the All Star Game! everyone gets 25 shots
on line.
and, for those who like Obama, your guy is a Sox fan, so
make him happy and vote for the White Sox to go to
the All Star game!