Question of the day
Thursday, Jun 12, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The setup, which is about a letter that Tony Rezko wrote to his judge a couple of months ago…
Convicted political fundraiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko claims in a letter to his trial judge written two months before his conviction on corruption charges that federal prosecutors pressured him to implicate Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama or Gov. Rod Blagojevich in wrongdoing.
But in the letter to U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve, which she placed in his file Wednesday, Rezko said he was never involved in any wrongdoing with either Obama or Blagojevich and wouldn’t make up stories about them in an attempt to benefit himself.
* More…
“They are pressuring me to tell them the ‘wrong’ things that I supposedly know about Governor Blagojevich and Senator Obama,” Rezko wrote St. Eve in an April bid to be released on bail during his trial. “I have never been party to any wrongdoing that involved the Governor or the Senator,” Rezko continued. “I will never fabricate lies about anyone else for selfish purposes. I will take what comes my way, but I will never hurt innocent people.” […]
“I understand I may well lose this case,” Rezko wrote. “If I do, I am prepared to serve my sentence.”
* Caveat…
Sources say that the feds have not approached Obama to question him regarding Rezko.
* The question: After reading the excerpts from Rezko’s letter, do you think he’ll flip or do you think he’ll stay mum and serve out his sentence? Explain, and please try to stick to the question. Thanks.
- BandCamp - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:48 am:
Stay mum until November election. McCain wins, he may unzip the lip a little. If he was to flip on Blago, it would seem a natural leap of faith to assume there was some involvement with B.O., although even I would be surprised to find B.O. in the types of shady dealings Blago seems to concern himself with. So, no reason to talk now and muck up the election.
- Fan of the Game - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:48 am:
Everything Mr. Rezko has said so far indicates that he will ride out the storm on his own.
If, in fact, he has some dirt on the governor and senator, he will likely be rewarded when he leaves prison. Though that is a crap shoot when you don’t know how lengthy the sentence will be. If he doesn’t have such dirt, he will have done the honorable and right thing.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:50 am:
He’ll flip. Too much time to do on your own.
Other than to make bail, the purpose of the letter was to plant a seed in the judge’s mind that the prosecutors weren’t really after him, but bigger fish. He was a victim; he told her he did nothing wrong, that should be good enough.
I wonder if he knew that St. Eve was a former Whitewater prosecutor when he was talking about those bad old feds trying to get him to make up stories. Like his word, without corroborating evidence, would be worth anything in court.
- Just saying - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:54 am:
Even if he does cooperate, he just gave the defense a nice weapon. He wrote and presented to the court a letter claiming he has no knowledge of wrongdoing on the part of Blago.
If he were to testify the defense will hammer him with the “so were you lying then or are you lying now” implication.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:56 am:
Well, let’s try to put ourselves in his mind. A lot of his influence-peddling and fiscal maneuvers using government access probably seemed perfectly normal to him, as they likely do to many people who move here from the “developing” world. That’s the way things are done there.
I believe a Democratic contributor from abroad during the Clinton years famously described our federal goverment as a vending machine or some such thing–you have to put in some coins, and you get something back.
Illinois Democratic government is clearly a vending machine–a great big one, sloshing with billions of dollars for those who put in the right number of coins.
Maybe Rezko will have an ethics epiphany and re-think his activities. Or maybe he still just doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Given our Illinois political climate, one could possibly forgive him that. But he should serve his term.
- Steve - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:57 am:
This is a big story.Let’s quote the Trib story: “Rezko told his trial judge that “overzealous” prosecutors were pressuring him to tell them about any wrongdoing involving Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama or Gov. Rod Blagojevich.” Sounds like Obama is on the radar,do the Democrats want to run someone who might be indicted?
- The Doc - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 10:57 am:
Moving from a Wilmette mansion to a federal penitentiary is quite the lifestyle change. I expect him to sing in due time, although wordslinger’s point about corroboration might mean a number of other well-heeled IL politicians might be in hot water, other than those already named.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:00 am:
Steve, I asked people to stick to the question. Please do so.
- Amuzing Myself - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:02 am:
Because of the Feds’ success with a guilty verdict on SO many counts, I think he will have to sing to avoid life in prison. I don’t care how loyal you are… if you’re facing a life sentence you could avoid and temper the devastating effect it would have on your immediate family, it’s not that difficult a choice.
I would guess the feds have one or two specific things they’re looking for amidst the fishing expedition they will now go on (rightly so) with him. Fitzgerald doesn’t want this to stop here, just like he wasn’t satisfied with Fawell or any of the other players in Episode I: the George Ryan Administration. He’ll go as high as he can with any tool he has at his disposal, and Rezko is now a very valuable tool in that effort.
- Take It Easy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:03 am:
He’ll flip once his family loses that mansion.
- irishpirate - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:07 am:
Will he flip?
I guess time will tell, but after a year in prison I would expect him to start acting like Mary Lou Retton. Hopefully without the tights though.
It’s difficult to predict as some of these guys have a twisted sense of honor. “Thou shall steal at every opportunity, yet thou shall not rat on your fellow thieves.”
- Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:10 am:
Keeping confidences is the honorable thing to do.
Fortunately for the public, the criminal class as a whole is not very honorable. There are cases in organized crime when the crook keeps quiet, but that is uncommon.
It all boils down to the personal calculation of which path will be most advantageous (or least bad) for Mr. Rezco. Perhaps the key is that magic job for his spouse which allows the family to live their lives in that or better mansion. It was Fawell’s girlfriend who was the key to unlock his lips. Who will be the key for Tony?
- Vote Quimby! - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:11 am:
Since it was written before his conviction, I don’t think it proves he won’t spill the beans. Part of the judicial system is to wear you down, and I think he will be wearing down quickly behind bars.
- Dirt Guy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:12 am:
We will just have to see how long Tony can handle government cheese, mystery meat sandwiches, hard boiled eggs and communal living arrangements.
He will talk. I give him 5-7 months, or until he realizes he may never see the outside as a free man again. Maybe when the sentencing phase of the trial that just finished is completed, Tony will decide he doesn’t want to be the tough guy any more.
- Amy - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:25 am:
he will stay silent. but, by mentioning the two names
together, blago and obama, he has helped blago and
hurt obama and sent messages. that’s as far as he will go, implication of problems for both of them but claiming that he
has no connection with them. it’s a swipe at both, but
that it includes both must indicate that he is smarting,
especially about Obama.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:26 am:
Rezko will flip.
The feds just need to keep forcing him to endure humiliations that are unbearable for him. He couldn’t handle sharing underwear, for instance, so there are other indignities that they will discover will break him.
It could be the despair his family is facing, it could be watching an old friend pretend he doesn’t know him, it could be a number of things. Every person is different. It will be the Fed’s job to make it happen - and they have a pretty good record to prove they can break him.
Rezko’s world is completely different since January. What he wrote that month doesn’t reflect his new reality.
Regarding what he is claiming in his letter - we have centuries of experience in legal matters regarding letters such as these. We have years of experience extracting information from defendants and criminals. We have procedures in place to sort these kinds of things out fairly. If Rezko doesn’t have the goods on Obama or Blagojevich, we will ensure that this is proven. If Rezko does have information pointing towards misdeeds committed by others, I am certain that this information will be handled correctly if it is verified and indicates that a situation needs to be handled.
We don’t know what he will flip on, but he will flip.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:28 am:
I get the impression that he will flip. Some factors that play into my conclusion include the fact that he was going crazy in prison just before and during the first portion of his trial. I also can’t imagine this self-made man sitting in prison while his businesses fail and he loses his real estate holdings and homes.
As to when, before his next trial which is what, late September?
- ImTellenYou - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:29 am:
I think Just Saying hit the nail on the head. If he does testify, it won’t be worth much.
- Legal Eagle - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:33 am:
He’ll flip. The feds will use-immunize him post-conviction if he doesn’t flip voluntarily. The letter was dumb, and was written without his lawyer’s approval. But Rezko wouldn’t know what was “wrongdoing” anyway. Letter is not fatal to his future sworn and corroborated testimony . Obama/Blago have nothing they can or will offer him in return for silence. He’ll flip, probably after sentencing.
- Black Robe - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:34 am:
What or who prompts a guy to write that sort of letter to a trial judge, during a trial in which he intended to assert his 5th Amendment rights? Did his lawyer know? Did his lawyer ok it? Was it during a time period when he was not in custody, and thus could exchange confidential messages? No question it is defendant’s ex. A in the cross-x of Rezko should he later flip. A great deal of thought went into this letter. Is it naive to assume that that the two beneficiaries of the letter had no knowledge of it, or whose buffers played no role in procuring it?
- Black Robe - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:37 am:
If one accepts the letter at face value, does it not give the next Administration a reason to make changes in the US Atty’s office?
- Speaking At Will - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:46 am:
This letter only confirms in my mind that Rezko will flip.
Obviously Rezko is a man who is very capable at adapting to situations and using people for his own ends. He has been found guilty of being a con man, and the line “I am simply an honest, humble immigrant who believes in the American dream” smacks as a bit over the top.
At the time Rezko wrote the letter he had probably figured out that a guilty verdict was on the way, and this was his shot at softening the blow from the Judge when sentencing comes down.
Just as he was adapting and trying to work the system with this letter, he will work the system for himself by flipping.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:46 am:
Again, try to answer the question. These conspiracy theories are getting to be a bit over the top.
- Speaking At Will - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:54 am:
Just my take, I will try to be more direct in the future.
- archpundit - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:58 am:
I figured he’d flip, but he may be another Sorich. Given it appears he was the guy who did the dirty work as a go between, he may be the only route to Blagojevich and it might be a dead end.
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 11:58 am:
When Rezko wrote this letter, he had not been convicted and was not facing life in prison. He has since been convicted, is facing another trial in September and may well be prosecuted by the state of Nevada due to his gambling debts. He has other legal problems to face - a former partner that is owed $18 million and has asked a judge to freeze Rezko’s assets and now there has been a motion to freeze Rezko’s bail money. He has not made a “mansion” payment in ages. He is, by self proclamation, a man who has virtually lost everything. I believe that he will flip and flip big time, but he may well wait til after the election in hopes of a presidential pardon by BHO - if he gets elected.
- Ghost - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:00 pm:
He will flip. The underlying premise of his letter is that there was no wrongdoing with the Gov. The trial has settled the existance of some of the wrongdoing. Rezko is not oging to want to do the time in jail. ALso one of the stories you linked (can’t remeber if it was linked in this or another post) had Rezko’s attorney noting that the feds have never really asked any questions about Obama. The implication is they are asking questions about the Gov. Also, the attorney never says they are asking baseless questions abo9ut the gov or laments that rezko is being asked to suborn perjury. Thus some very pregant silences that Rezko has and can deliver goods. The letter mentioned above was designed to get him out on bail, and so would have to deny the exsiatnce of wrongdoing in a strong way. Those denials are behind us and now its time to shave time of the sentence.
- Kevin Fanning - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:01 pm:
===I believe that he will flip and flip big time, but he may well wait til after the election in hopes of a presidential pardon by BHO - if he gets elected====
BHO has already stated in the press that that will never happen.
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:07 pm:
Kevin - I am aware that BHO has made this comment more than once, but that does not mean that Rezko does not hold out hope that the man he played godfather/banker/mentor to would not come to his rescue.
- Anonymous45 - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:08 pm:
I honestly am unsure…it may be in his best long term interest to stay silent…politically he could deep six many…he might need to go to jail for awhile until the hoopla dies down…his name won’t always be on the front page…
- The Fox - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:08 pm:
Flip? No way. This is not the first time the federal prosecutors, GOP or Dem, have tried to force revisionist memories or the use the cheap tactic of trapping unwary victims into charges of lying to a federal agent to “encourage” testimony to indict larger targets. Lazy reporters and editors are no longer skeptical of FBI and/or prosecutors actions or evidence. Unfortunately, victims don’t want to risk a flood of problems in going public as Resko has.
- Ghost - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:08 pm:
More to the point, will he Flip in time to be a key witness against kelly. My bet is yes.
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:13 pm:
Ghost - You may well have hit the nail on the head. If Rezko would agree to flip before Kelley’s trial in October and his own trial in September it might make a world of difference in the sentence Rezko would serve and in the outcome of this year’s elections.
- Fan of the Game - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:14 pm:
===BHO has already stated in the press that that will never happen.===
BHO also said he would serve his full term as senator and not seek the presidency. His words: “I’ve never worked in Washington. I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I’m the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois.”
If he can dissemble about that, he can dissemble about a pardon.
- Chicago Dem - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:15 pm:
I don’t quite understand why Rezko thinks he is covering for…if he is…for honorable men? BO and the Gov. are politicians for goodness sake. I say he will flip. Someone will convince him that pols aren’t worth their salt. Has he not heard how close friends and family memebers of these two pols in question have fared lately?..Ald. Mell’s fiasco and the faith incurred by BO’s mentor and trusted friend for the last twenty years? Rezko will soon realize these guys aren’t his real friends and most certaily do not deserve his loyalty. He’ll come to realize he benefitted from his relationship with them and so did they! He’ll realize to flip after all ‘it’s stricly business nothing personal’
- Ahem - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:15 pm:
Rezko is a malignant narcissist. Once the feds find his funny bone he will be putty in their hands.
- Korn Fed - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:17 pm:
I say Rezko stays silent and does his time. I believe the man grew up in Syria. As such, his code of conduct would be based in middle eastern, not western ways. Flipping help his enemies and hurts his friends. If prosecutors are able to charge his wife or other close family, I would think again; absent that, he shuts up and cuts off the fed probe - which is vengeance of its own.
- Kevin Fanning - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:20 pm:
===BHO also said he would serve his full term as senator and not seek the presidency. ===
Fan, you’re comparing apples to oranges. Changing your mind about running for higher office is in a different league than changing your mind on pardoning a convicted criminal.
- Bill - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:22 pm:
Fox is right. The only way Rezko could flip is if he makes something up. Even if he does, since there is no other evidence it really won’t matter. His best hope now is to try to beat the other cases and go for a short sentence with credit for time served and good behavior while he waits to win his appeal.
This wouldn’t be the first time a fed judge disregarded sentencing guidelines.
- Just Watch! - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:27 pm:
Mansion & Silk boxers or Small Cell & Shares boxers. Tony’s use to the high life, he’ll flip.
The Blago’s are working out damage control when it goes down.
- Toni H - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:29 pm:
Flip for sure - nothing more to lose and everything to gain, plain and simple. He is a business man - he will see that for sure.
- Anon again - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:35 pm:
Isn’t there an assumption here that he has something to tell. What if he has nothing to tell? Very one sided question the assumption of guilt is not what our system is built on but i guess since it involves the Gov that’s ok.
- Bill Baar - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:38 pm:
He will not flip. His family will be taken care off. The letter assures those taking care of his family that he will not flip.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:38 pm:
Anon again, as I’ve written before, flippers don’t always tell the truth.
- OneManBlog - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:42 pm:
It will depend on how much time he gets. Also if they start to press those around him.
- Ghost - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 12:47 pm:
Oneman in that mix is the question of who or how will he support his family if he ends up in jail for a few decades or more. Ultimately I doubt he will want to be away from his family for the rest of his life regardless, so will flip to get out.
- Black Robe - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:03 pm:
Because his sentences will run concurrently, he is not looking at spending the rest of his life in jail. The question asks us to speculate about what he will or will not do and the motive behind it. I believe his present intention is not to flip because he recv.ed what he thought were reasonable assurances as to what would be done for his family while in jail and what will be waiting for him when he finishs serving his time. The letter to Judge St. Eve suggests his acceptance of that offer and served as a guarantee that he would not renege once in jail. The thought is that this letter makes him less attractive as a witness for the Feds. One last note, it does leave an opening for him to testify against individuals other than Blago and Obama, such as Kjellander and Cellini.
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:07 pm:
Something that has not really been mentioned that would make a big difference in whether or not he flips is what if anything do the feds have on his wife Rita? She was involved if in name only in many of his business deals and I am sure that the feds are looking into contracts, deals etc that have her name on them. Other posters have mentioned that Rezko won’t flip and out of loyalty, his family will be taken care of by those he protected. While possible, that scenario is a bit of pie in the sky as it implies that there is actual honor among these thieves.
- Reality Check - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:15 pm:
Whether or not Rexko flips he will be goiing to jail for a long time. So he probably will do what’s in the best interst of his family, meaning, if his family is stable he will probably not flip. But if the feds can make life very uncomfortable for his family it is a good chance he will become a witness for the feds. If he flips on the gov it probably nothing he can give them that they din’t have already other than corraberation. As for Obama, the damage, however minor it is, is already done. rediction: he flips-testifies against the gov and a handful of others in their circle-Obama stays out of it-gov goes to jail with Kelly and a few others.
- Tony - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:32 pm:
If Rezko was going to “flip,” why hasn’t he done it by now? If he knows something about either of those higher-ups, one would think someone like him would use that information to get as much of a deal out of the feds as possible.
- Maggie - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:36 pm:
He’ll flip. The letter was just a slam at Levine.
- Ghost - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:39 pm:
Tony, short answer, Rezko decided to roll the dice with the trial. No need to flip if they cant convict. And if they do (which they did) he can cut a deal later. he still has another trial looming over his head as well.
Canaries will appear mute once Rezko begins to sing.
- Kevin Fanning - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:41 pm:
Best analysis I’ve heard so far.
- Been There - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 1:52 pm:
Having spent 3 months in jail I can honestly say it’s not a happy place. He will flip.
- Siyotanka - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 2:17 pm:
Rezko is not being entirely truthful. He included the Illinois governor in at least one of his meetings where there were discussions about denying state business to a company because the owner would not contribute to his campaign. The governor also agreed at this same meeting to threaten the man with a loss of business unless be paid up.
Federal authorities have several active investigations involving Blagojevich and his administration over allegations of wrongdoing dealing with state hiring, contracts and campaign fundraising. Prosecutors alleged Rezko traded on his influence as a top adviser and fundraiser for the governor.
It’s clear to me that Rezko has got “The Chicago Way” of handling oneself when pinched down pat. Keep you mouth shut and never turn on the big boys.
But who knows what the prosecutor could offer Rezko for telling stories out of school — including some interesting tidbits on Obama
- Been There First - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 2:25 pm:
Hey “Been There” @ 1:52. I use that nickname sometime. So anyone who knows who I am (like my wife), I have not been hiding my three months in prison from you. It’s the other guy with the same name (you are probably the reason I get stopped at the airport all the time, just like Rich).
Since I am posting here, I say he flips. First he weighs on what Chris Kelly might do. If he thinks Kelly flips first, that makes him less valuable. But Kelly’s trial won’t sling any mud at the gov. His trial is all about income tax and will be centered on him personally. But they can still use it as leverage for Kelly to flip though and he might. Rezko can’t wait too long to make a decision or he becomes less valuable.
- Maggie - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 2:40 pm:
I didn’t have time to explain myself before.
He’ll flip. The letter was just a slam at Levine.
It is obvious that he was trying to say he would not be like that dirty rotten rat Levine and just make up lies to get himself off. Rezko is just a noble honest wonderful little guy.. NOOOT. What an idiot. He didn’t think the judge would see right through this sham ?
- Little Egypt - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 3:05 pm:
He will flip. He doesn’t like the confinement a jail cell offers. Couldn’t stand it before the trial. It will be impossible for him to even think about spending years behind bars. He’s too accustomed to the good life.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 3:10 pm:
I’m not convinced the Feds don’t already have everything TR may have to offer. Therefore the Feds may well not be interested in making any deal. Makes the issue of turning him moot. There are so many other knowledgeable players capable of providing a wealth of evidence he may be low value.
- Garp - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 3:57 pm:
As the federal prosecuter Patrick Collins said the other day-and I am paraphrasing, “whether a year, two years or three, eventually he will tell his story.
- Honest Abe - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 4:01 pm:
Rezko may flip sometime this summer before sentencing, so as to get a recommendation for leniency. The reality of the prison walls may begin to work upon him. I really wonder if he feels safer talking to the Feds while in the prison than being accessible to all “interested persons” on the outside. Since Blagojevich’s scandals seem to be pretty well covered by the prosecutors, Rezko may be asked to supply sordid details related to Senator Obama. Rezko could provide duplicative testimony on the governor. I think Blagojevich will be on trial in a few months and that Obama may have to sweat it out for some months. Obama may skate because he was not important enough to take part in all of the dirty deals.
- DumberThanUThink - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 4:27 pm:
The real question is why did Duffy have TR write the letter? Probably a heads up to the next in line to get zapped.
The direct answer is he look like a charter member of The Flying Walenda’s as soon as the G
start squeezing the Mrs. ala Scooter Fawell.
- Macbeth - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 4:47 pm:
If he’s complaining about sharing underwear to get *out* of jail — then why in the world would he suddenly go all Sterling Hayden and keep his yapper shut?
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 7:41 pm:
First of all, I agree with the premise advocated by Collins and others that it becomes a question of when, not if, Tony does the cartwheel if for no other reason than they can compel testimony.
I think the letter was mostly a spin piece to say a few things to multiple audiences:
-He wanted to say to the Judge that he wouldn’t Scooby-Doo across the pond if granted bail.
-He wanted to say to the “G” that “you’re not taking old Tony down this easy,” whether he means it or not.
-He wanted to send the message (delayed, perhaps)to the Four Liars that he knows who screwed him over and he ain’t forgetting. (Hmmm, what is it they do in the Middle East do dudes who are caught lying?)
-He wanted to tell Rod and Barack that he hasn’t told the Feds anything bad about you guys YET.
-By saying nothing, he also sent a message to his pals Bill and Big Bob; thanks for nothing.
-Beyond the judge, AA things the most important message, even though the delivery came late, was sent to the greater Arab business community here and abroad where there are very sharp opinions about the fairness of the prosecution of this case. Tony spoke to his friends and business partners and said, true or false, “these people ruined me. I’ll tough it out, but take care of my family.”
Finally, in AA’s highly biased, uninformed opinion, all you armchair gumshoes don’t know squat about what the “G” might have or not have on any particular individual and would be needing to borrow some Jockeys yourselves after one fireside chat with these fine fellows.
- Big Mama T - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 8:00 pm:
I have been wondering about this for awhile now. Is it mandatory to wear undies in the lock up? If it is or isn’t, poor Tony.
Oh, BTW. Rezko has just been polishing his singing voice. He should be ready for prime time soon. Singing and squealing.
- Huh? - Thursday, Jun 12, 08 @ 8:17 pm:
Korn Fed has a point. Based on the Middle Eastern culture in which he was born and raised, it is likely that rezko truly believes he has done nothing work.