* It’s really slow around here today. Weather got you down or what? Anyway, in an admittedly desperate attempt to spark some comments, let’s have a go at this one…
Ok…watch again…see how fast my hand moves…the federal dollars are gone…that’s how you do it with state dollars…move the hand fast. Nobody will see it disappear. Got it? Easy.
“Of course, Emil, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Giving me some street cred.. elevating me over longer-serving Senators.. pushing me for the Senate. But you see, I’m running for president now, and I’ve got a real shot, and let’s face it, my image… your image… it’s, well, you know, awkward, people are funny, they don’t always understand…JUDO CHOP!”
Hey now you better listen to me everyone of you
We got a lotta lotta lotta lotta work to do
Forget about your woman and that water can
Today were working for the man
well pick up your feet
we’ve got a deadline to meet
I’m gonna see you make it on time
Don’t relax
I want elbows and backs
I wanna see everybody from behind
‘Cause your working for the man working for the man
you gotta make him a hand when you’re working for the man
Oh well I’m pickin’ ‘em up and I’m laying ‘em down
I believe he’s gonna work me into the ground
I pull to the left I heave to the right
I wanna kill him but it wouldn’t be right
‘Cause I,m working for the man working for the man
gotta make him a hand when you’re working for the man
Well the boss man’s daughter sneaks me water
everytime her daddy’s down the line
she says meet me tonight love a me right
and everything is gonna be fine
So I slave all day without much pay
’cause I’m just abiding my time
’cause the company and the daughter you see
Their both gonna be all mine
Yah I’m gonna be the man gonna be the man
Gotta make him a hand if I’m gonna be the man
working for the man working for the man
gonna be the man gonna be the man
Gotta make him a hand working for the man
- The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:28 pm:
Godfather to protege:
“That man’s name was Bill Shaw, and the city he invented was Dolton, Illinois. This was a great man, a man of vision and guts. And there isn’t even a plaque, or a signpost, or a statue of him in that town!”
“Emil, I told you a dozen times — I will lift the restraining order after the November election but not a minute before.”
- frank clark's BFF - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:30 pm:
As BO blathers on & on about all the celebs he’s meeting, Emil can’t help but wonder “how DOES he keep his skin looking so young? Those pores — invisible! It’s the smoking… I need to quit… Lori keeps telling me to quit, I NEED to quit smoking, then maybe I can catapult to a higher office too…”
“Listen, it’s not really an attic, it’s quite roomy. And it’s just until the election is over. You and Rod will be very comfortable. There’s a tv, fridge, and I’ll have the key, so if you really need to get out you can just call… you don’t have my new number? Well, I’m sure someone can get that to you…”
“Okay, do me a favor. In my stump speech, when I call for Change, stop yelling ‘You can keep the change, give me the folding money!’ Can you do that for me?”
=“That man’s name was Bill Shaw, and the city he invented was Dolton, Illinois. This was a great man, a man of vision and guts. And there isn’t even a plaque, or a signpost, or a statue of him in that town!”=
Having grown up in Dolton I don’t know if I should laugh or cry
=“That man’s name was Bill Shaw, and the city he invented was Dolton, Illinois. This was a great man, a man of vision and guts. And there isn’t even a plaque, or a signpost, or a statue of him in that town!”=
Emil, EMIL! You’re spacing out on me again. Can’t you pay attention for more than 10 seconds? OKAY. This is how I want it. My part of the capital bill is sent to my campaign in cash. You know $5, $10, $25, $100 donations. Use the phone book to get names, and stick DCEO on it. They have a ton of Tony’s “appointee’s” and nothing to do.
Dang. I lost him at the mention of a capital bill. His eyes glazed over and he started to drool.
“No, Emil, I don’t think Jesse White is smarter than you. But you have to understand, Secretary of State at the federal level is an entirely different job…”
… and that’s why even if you were over there at the time you still can’t be my dad, and no I am not giving you a raise or food stamps for fathers’ day. Now get out of my space,I really need some distance.
Barack: “As we were heading away from downtown and heading toward the airport to come here, we stopped at a red light. I rolled the window down and there’s a young girl, an African-American girl, maybe about 13 or 14 years old. I looked at her, she looked at me. She said ˜Oh my God, it’s Tiger Woods!” (Laughs) “It’s nice to know that I’m known here.”
Yes, Emil it IS true. I am related to Dick Cheney but I never go hunting with him . . . Never! But if you’d like, I can probably get a hunting trip for you with Dick.
- The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:31 pm:
“After I’m elected, tell Rod, anybody but Rickey…or Rev. Wright”
By the way what’s with Blago and this Doomsday threat? Too bad he didn’t go to a Governors School so he could figure out how to run this state after the first term. Got any prospects for a replacement?
- Mr. Ethics - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 1:56 pm:
Do you know where Lawrenceville is?
- Siyotanka - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 1:57 pm:
Ok…watch again…see how fast my hand moves…the federal dollars are gone…that’s how you do it with state dollars…move the hand fast. Nobody will see it disappear. Got it? Easy.
- yoohoo - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 1:58 pm:
Obama: look, i told you, even though i might be president i still cant increase your legislative salary
- Shelbyville - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 1:58 pm:
You don’t want to thump me in the chest, buy.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 1:58 pm:
See…you take my place in the Senate. You’re my prodigy!
- Muskrat - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:00 pm:
“I really want to thank you for being a great counter-example and anti-role model.”
- yoohoo - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:00 pm:
Obama: Well Emil, there are a lot of reasons why you cant be my VP…
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:00 pm:
Six years ago you thought WHO from Illinois was going to be running for president?
- OneManBlog - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:01 pm:
You know someday this will appear in a TV ad…
Senator Jones shows Senator Obama how to do his ‘Looking into the future’ look…
Ambassador to The Court of Saint James, that sounds nice.
- curious george - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:01 pm:
“Ya take your fingers like this and grip the ball along a seam and…. whoosh a perfect slider every time”
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:02 pm:
See…it’s not really gone. You just move your hand real fast and it LOOKS like it disappeared.
- Holdingontomywallet - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:02 pm:
Justkeep saying “hope” and “change”. They will love you! Go ahead, just try it…
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:02 pm:
What’d ya think… Emil? Is R. Kelly guilty or not?
- Judgment Day Is On The Way - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:03 pm:
He could come to regret being part of this photograph.
- The Elderly Republican Tomato Farmer - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:04 pm:
I’m sorry, President Jones, but the Surgeon General really has to be a licensed medical doctor.
- curious george - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:06 pm:
“If I’d had a 4-hole bowling ball maybe I could have scored more than and 87″
- Bill Baar - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:07 pm:
Are they discussing Auchi’s visa request?
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:08 pm:
Emil, can you teach me to bowl higher than a score of 37?
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:08 pm:
“Of course, Emil, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Giving me some street cred.. elevating me over longer-serving Senators.. pushing me for the Senate. But you see, I’m running for president now, and I’ve got a real shot, and let’s face it, my image… your image… it’s, well, you know, awkward, people are funny, they don’t always understand…JUDO CHOP!”
- Wumpus - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:08 pm:
That’s right, make Washington just like Chicago..er Springfield
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:09 pm:
You GOT to wear the flag lapel pin. It worked for me!
- Kevin Fanning - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:09 pm:
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
Don’t tell me you’re going to make a speech from the pulpit too…
- The Doc - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
Relax, Emil, my new taxes platform will only affect you if the legislature gets a pay raise this session…
- Spongebob - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:10 pm:
Meet me in the parking lot. I’ve got your food stamps…
- The Doc - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
EJ, ever see the film “X-Men”? Halle Berry loves these magic fingers!
- K to the 3 - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:14 pm:
Obama: “and that’s how this whole thing looks to people who aren’t just in it for themselves, Emil”
Emil: (inaudible)
- Roy Orbison - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:18 pm:
Workin’ For The Man
Hey now you better listen to me everyone of you
We got a lotta lotta lotta lotta work to do
Forget about your woman and that water can
Today were working for the man
well pick up your feet
we’ve got a deadline to meet
I’m gonna see you make it on time
Don’t relax
I want elbows and backs
I wanna see everybody from behind
‘Cause your working for the man working for the man
you gotta make him a hand when you’re working for the man
Oh well I’m pickin’ ‘em up and I’m laying ‘em down
I believe he’s gonna work me into the ground
I pull to the left I heave to the right
I wanna kill him but it wouldn’t be right
‘Cause I,m working for the man working for the man
gotta make him a hand when you’re working for the man
Well the boss man’s daughter sneaks me water
everytime her daddy’s down the line
she says meet me tonight love a me right
and everything is gonna be fine
So I slave all day without much pay
’cause I’m just abiding my time
’cause the company and the daughter you see
Their both gonna be all mine
Yah I’m gonna be the man gonna be the man
Gotta make him a hand if I’m gonna be the man
working for the man working for the man
gonna be the man gonna be the man
Gotta make him a hand working for the man
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:18 pm:
See, I told you Tony shoulda hired R Kelly’s lawyer.
- Squideshi - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:20 pm:
Step aside Emil, there’s a new President in town.
- Greg - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:21 pm:
“…and the fifth bill I want my name attached to is…”
- bud - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:21 pm:
You got a cigarette I can bum?
- Just Because - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:21 pm:
Are you really going to pardon Rod?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:22 pm:
[Bud, take it from me, that could be said by both men.]
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:25 pm:
Naw…..Obama quit smoking (wink, wink)
- The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:28 pm:
Godfather to protege:
“That man’s name was Bill Shaw, and the city he invented was Dolton, Illinois. This was a great man, a man of vision and guts. And there isn’t even a plaque, or a signpost, or a statue of him in that town!”
- Garp - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:28 pm:
Barak-Master, how do I become a true Jedi?
Emil-You must follow me over to the darkside.
- been there - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:29 pm:
Look, Emil, there are four governors from swing states who wanna be ambassador to Ireland. How about Algeria?
- so-called "Austin Mayor" - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:30 pm:
“Emil, I told you a dozen times — I will lift the restraining order after the November election but not a minute before.”
- frank clark's BFF - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:30 pm:
As BO blathers on & on about all the celebs he’s meeting, Emil can’t help but wonder “how DOES he keep his skin looking so young? Those pores — invisible! It’s the smoking… I need to quit… Lori keeps telling me to quit, I NEED to quit smoking, then maybe I can catapult to a higher office too…”
- Levois - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:31 pm:
Hey Emil, I went to Havard!
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:32 pm:
“Listen, it’s not really an attic, it’s quite roomy. And it’s just until the election is over. You and Rod will be very comfortable. There’s a tv, fridge, and I’ll have the key, so if you really need to get out you can just call… you don’t have my new number? Well, I’m sure someone can get that to you…”
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:36 pm:
“Okay, do me a favor. In my stump speech, when I call for Change, stop yelling ‘You can keep the change, give me the folding money!’ Can you do that for me?”
- Unreliable Sources - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:47 pm:
Do you think Madigan’s staff will come up with some impeachment talking points about Bush for me?
- Crystal Clear - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:48 pm:
“Honest, Michelle never said that about you.”
- OneManBlog - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:51 pm:
=“That man’s name was Bill Shaw, and the city he invented was Dolton, Illinois. This was a great man, a man of vision and guts. And there isn’t even a plaque, or a signpost, or a statue of him in that town!”=
Having grown up in Dolton I don’t know if I should laugh or cry
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:52 pm:
Yeah, it’s got great classified and an event calendar…check it out at insiderzexchange.com
- Tony @ -30- - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:53 pm:
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama explains to State Senator Emil Jones that wildly patterned ties are so 2007.
- OneManBlog - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 2:56 pm:
=“That man’s name was Bill Shaw, and the city he invented was Dolton, Illinois. This was a great man, a man of vision and guts. And there isn’t even a plaque, or a signpost, or a statue of him in that town!”=
However his brother has a job there as well
- Dirt Guy - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:00 pm:
Emil, EMIL! You’re spacing out on me again. Can’t you pay attention for more than 10 seconds? OKAY. This is how I want it. My part of the capital bill is sent to my campaign in cash. You know $5, $10, $25, $100 donations. Use the phone book to get names, and stick DCEO on it. They have a ton of Tony’s “appointee’s” and nothing to do.
Dang. I lost him at the mention of a capital bill. His eyes glazed over and he started to drool.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:03 pm:
“No, Emil, I don’t think Jesse White is smarter than you. But you have to understand, Secretary of State at the federal level is an entirely different job…”
- A Citizen - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:03 pm:
… and that’s why even if you were over there at the time you still can’t be my dad, and no I am not giving you a raise or food stamps for fathers’ day. Now get out of my space,I really need some distance.
- The Rookie - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:05 pm:
EJ: “I don’t do fist bumps…”
- SLICK - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:08 pm:
How much more money do you want for Chicago State?
- Crystal Clear - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:09 pm:
“After I’m elected, tell Rod, anybody but Rickey.”
- SLICK - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:10 pm:
Have you seen either Tony or Rod? I would rather talk to Tony so that I can get something done.
- Ahem - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:14 pm:
Barack: “As we were heading away from downtown and heading toward the airport to come here, we stopped at a red light. I rolled the window down and there’s a young girl, an African-American girl, maybe about 13 or 14 years old. I looked at her, she looked at me. She said ˜Oh my God, it’s Tiger Woods!” (Laughs) “It’s nice to know that I’m known here.”
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:18 pm:
“If I’m not elected, McCain will go ahead and ban all the earmarks and you will no longer get those tens of millions I’ve sent you so far.”
- observation - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:18 pm:
No,you’ve got it wrong. The land that I bought was to the left of the driveway.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:21 pm:
I dunno. It’s been like that for a week. I think I shook too many hands.
- A Citizen - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:21 pm:
Yes, Emil it IS true. I am related to Dick Cheney but I never go hunting with him . . . Never! But if you’d like, I can probably get a hunting trip for you with Dick.
- The Unlicensed Hand Surgeon - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:31 pm:
“After I’m elected, tell Rod, anybody but Rickey…or Rev. Wright”
- Ghost - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:33 pm:
SO the loan is interest free and I don’t have to pay it back? hmmm maybe I should top off at 100 Mill, make myself a loan and suspend my campaign.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:44 pm:
“No, really, they ACTUALLY put their hand over their heart like this.”
- Sweet Polly Purebred - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:45 pm:
Tag your IT!
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:46 pm:
You really think they will go after Patty first?
- curious george - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:55 pm:
By the way what’s with Blago and this Doomsday threat? Too bad he didn’t go to a Governors School so he could figure out how to run this state after the first term. Got any prospects for a replacement?
- George - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 3:55 pm:
How would you like to be a real senator?
- Take It Easy - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 4:17 pm:
I know I promised that you could represent the State and announce Illinois’ electoral college votes at the convention but . . . .
- Dirt Guy - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 4:21 pm:
Go away Rod. Oh, that was just a gnat.
- Anon - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 4:51 pm:
“Mr. Jones and me . . . .”
- Anon - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 4:54 pm:
Hey, Emil, can I rent one-sixth of your office space at a below-market rate?
- zatoichi - Friday, Jun 13, 08 @ 5:00 pm:
EJ: Man, I coulda been this guy.