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Question of the day

Monday, Jun 16, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Somebody over at DKos posted the other day about potential replacements for US Sen. Barack Obama if he is elected president. It was a pretty good list, but some were more than a little ridiculous (Speaker Madigan?).

Jan Schakowsky “won” the poll included in the post, so I thought we should do our own voting here. I’ve deleted some of the DKos poster’s selections and added a few of my own.

Keep in mind that this poll is about who should replace Obama if he’s elected preznit, not who will be named by the governor.

Use comments to explain your vote and/or add more names to the list that I have overlooked. We’ll hold a runoff election later this week. Also, be honest and only vote once. It’s difficult to get around the poll’s safeguards but not impossible, so have a little integrity…

…Adding… There are lots of write-in votes for Secretary of State Jesse White. Secretary White says he doesn’t want the job and won’t accept it, so that’s why he was left off the list. Move along, please. Thanks.


  1. - bored now - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:04 am:

    i “hear” that there’s some interest in keeping this senate seat in african-american hands. several black pols have been mentioned, including emil jones. i’d assume that the guv would like to keep jones in springfield BUT every indication i’ve seen suggests that jones can go to washington with obama if he wants — not much blago could do about that. i don’t think obama’s senate seat is close to the best prize being sought by illinois politicians etc…

  2. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:24 am:

    I want Dan Hynes to stick around IL…Blago will not ask him cuz Dan has been bad mouthing him pretty regularly in the past year…

  3. - Amuzing Myself - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:28 am:

    If Blago is delusional enough to think he should run for re-election again, he might send Hynes to keep him out of the 2010 primary.

    Out of that list, he’s about the only one that could hit the ground running AND be a good fit for long-term re-election. Nothing to stop him from using it as a platform to continue to beat on the governor, though…. THEN run in 2010 anyway.

  4. - North of I-80 - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:34 am:

    According to current IL Pay-to-Play rules:
    1) Patti Blagojevich - to keep Dick Mell quiet
    2) Richard Daley - just returning past favors
    3) Whoever writes the biggest $$$ check at the upcoming June 26th fundraiser

  5. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:43 am:

    You need to add a second version of the poll to cover the scenario that it is Governor Quinn making the decision.

    I think that Quinn cuts a deal with the Madigans and appoints himself so that AG Madigan (next in line) becomes governor.

  6. - Excessively rabid - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:45 am:

    Can we just give Dick Durbin two votes and dispense with this list of distinguished public servants?

  7. - Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:14 am:

    Nearly every name on your list would make me barf upon hearing it enunciated preceded by “Senator.” Most are machine hacks and/or extremely to the left of center politically. Some have never even been elected to anything of consequence, yet it is proposed to be possible to thrust them on 11M+ Illinoisians as their senator.

    And, sickening as it is, race does play a role in this, as there would be a huge outcry of a “racist conspiracy” or “disenfranchisement” of blacks if a white were chosen, even though Obama is half white and was by and large elected by white voters.

    Illinois is a centrist state, yet both our senators apparently must be east coast style liberals. Sigh …

  8. - Big W - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:36 am:

    I Voted Blago…I think he will feel obligated to the people of Illinois to appoint himself as the person best qualified to do the the peoples will. And truthfully, who better to represent what Illinois/Chicago Politics really stands for!
    What a JOKE!!!!!!

  9. - Wonder - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:37 am:

    And if Durbin were to take an Obama appointment, there’s two Il Senate seats, huh?

  10. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:53 am:

    If Dawn Clark Netsch served the remainder of Sen. Obama’s term, then a competitive election — one without an incumbent advantage — could follow.

    I understand the political foolishness of such an action, but if one wanted to show oneself a statesman…

    – SCAM
    so-called “Austin Mayor”

  11. - fan of cap fax - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:57 am:

    Seriously, no-one on the list that I would vote for at this time.

  12. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:02 am:

    Wonder — I doubt very much that Durbin would want to leave the Senate, especially if Obama is elected. He’s the number 2 guy, with a good shot of becoming Majority Leader next. And he would have a direct pipeline to the President. Why give that up for a cabinet appointment?

    I voted Hynes — not because I think it will happen, but because he seems the best choice politically and in terms of competence.

    Hynes has proven himself a smart, thoughtful politician as comptroller. Even though the office has a very limited scope, Hynes has been fairly straightforward about the state’s fiscal shape.

    Politically, it makes sense for Democrats as well. With a Senate appointment, there is one less candidate in the Democratic primary for Governor — a primary that is beginning to look very messy. It also opens an entry-level statewide position, which will allow Democrats to continue to build a farm team.

    The only liability I see is that Hynes is rather young. But looking at the remainder of the list, there really isn’t anyone of the “appropriate age” other than Schakowsky, who is too liberal for Illinois.

  13. - Tumbled off the list? - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:15 am:

    No Jesse White? Has he said he wouldn’t take the position? Been ruled out for sure?

  14. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:21 am:

    Lisa Madigan, because she has shown competence and independence.

    Ron Huberman? Where have I heard that name? I remember now — it came up when CTA trains derail [not his fault of course — like every CTA exec, he blames the prior guy] and of course, most recently, last week, when the CTA decided that it did not have current technology to complete the State/Washington station, with a result that the CTA will now throw about $50 million into that hole. Nice job, Ron. Your boss Richie did a fine job with that also.

  15. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:25 am:

    I voted for Jesse Jackson, Jr. because as nutty as his father is he’s been a very good congressman and even though they aren’t tight now, him and G-rod used to be buddies. Jackson would be a great senator and I think the appointment should definitely come from the congressional delegation.

  16. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:28 am:

    Hynes would a be a good addition to the Democratic Senate — Irish-Catholic from a diverse in every sense of the world. I think he could raise money and hold the seat.

    Besides Quinn and Madigan, I think any of the others would be considerably weaker statewide candidates.

    Bill Daley on the list? He’s made a lot of money by now. Do you think the mayor would let him?

  17. - Ultra50k - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:28 am:

    I’m voting for Rod…one way to get his slimy hands off our budget.

  18. - jerry 101 - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:31 am:

    I always figure it’ll be a friend of Blago, if the writing is on the wall and Blago’s going to be indicted. Who was that downstate Senator that Blago’s so fond of? Him.

    Or, if Blago doesn’t think he’s getting indicted, it will be one of his potential foes for governor in 2010. My money’s on Alexi. Hynes has run for higher office and failed. And the gov wouldn’t want to reward the Madigans. Plus, Alexi seems to make everyone uncomfortable.

  19. - Greg - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:32 am:


    I understand the CTA cynicism, especially as it applies to Daley, but I’m pretty sure Huberman represents the opposite. Blaming him for devastated track lines and stupid investments might be a bit like blaming the next president for the troubles he’ll face in Iraq.

    I actually like Rich’s addition of Huberman’s name, because everything I read about him suggests a reform-minded, efficient operator who cuts through union/patronage/etc waste. Of course, that’s not to say that others on the list don’t appear to share those traits.

  20. - jerry 101 - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:33 am:

    And, on the who should front, I also say Alexi, so that’s how I voted.

    Competence goes a long way.

  21. - BIG R.PH. - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:35 am:

    The happiest day in Arkansas was when Bill Clinton left for the White House. Good Riddance!!

    Same Here. Send Rod!! Good Riddance.

  22. - jerry 101 - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:36 am:

    Skeeter - at least Hubie had the sand to stand up to Daley and tell him his superstation pipe dream was just that. And he shut the sucker down. Daley wanted that thing almost as much as he wants the Olympics. Hubie finally was able to convince him that it’s a very bad idea. Sure a lot of money was wasted, but at least he won’t continue throwing good money after bad.

    And Huberman has worked aggressively to repair the tracks, but he can’t repair 15 to 20 years of neglect overnight. You should see the tracks at my redline station. They are all being repaired. What a concept.

  23. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:38 am:

    Often appointed senators are those who had peaked and a governor is using the appointment as a lifetime leadership award. Frankly, I like this approach. It better represents the original intention of the US Senate.

    As the House was to represent voters, the Senate was to represent governments, elected by voters. Consequentially, the House was directly elected, and the Senate was appointed by state governments, a Parliamentary design.

    Since direct election of senators, we now have senate races, so now candidates have fewer ties to the state governments they once represented. It is doubtful that Dick Durbin would have been a senator using the old model. Considering Jones’ selection of him, Obama falls into the old model of pre-elected senators.

    So in light of this traditional approach, Dawn Clark Netch and Pat Quinn would be selected.

  24. - Little Egypt Native - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:39 am:

    The day this governor appoints any of the political legacies is the same day … oh well, you get the idea. Think of the most far-fetched idea you can imagine then double it. These round up the usual suspect lists are not based in political reality. A U.S. Senate appointment is not like the local committeemen getting together and agreeing to get rid of some local headache by sending them to Springfield or the U.S. House. Especially for someone who absolutely intends to run again in 2010.

    The appointment will go to Senator-President Jones — close to Obama, plays well with gov’s base, and keeps gov clear of Congressional delegation politics.

    Jones agrees to simply serve out the term and then any of the Congress-people who want to risk their seat and run for higher office (as the gov was willing to do) are welcome to do so. There’s no way he gives any of them such a decisive advantage in the primary by appointing them to the seat.

  25. - Way South of the Border - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:45 am:

    Until we get more women and people of color into the Senate, diversity needs to remain a big part of the equation. She’s not on this list, but I would like to see Sandi Jackson fill out his term. She strikes me as Obama-esque.

  26. - Hearing Voices - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:45 am:

    So few for Jesse Jr.? Seems like a Dem a reformed Dem could vote for (other than Jesse White who is a great person). Maybe Jr. could fullfil the promise that Sr. squandered. Jesse Jr. has done good work for his district, on which I border. And he is interested in what is good for more than just his constituency, he looks out for Illinois.

  27. - Anon 4:08pm - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    Instead of thinking of a position in the US Senate as being a Chicago Alderman on steroids, how about people who are thoughtful statesmen (or women), advocates of good public policy and of their state? Having said that, can anybody think of anybody in that category? I like Hynes and Giannoulias as much as anybody, but they seem so “small” compared to the position - Dirksen, Percy, Stevenson . . .

  28. - southside mike - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:48 am:

    why not senator kwame raoul, he replaced barack in the state senate and has done an outstanding job. I would prefer him over do nothing loud mouth jesse jackson jr!

  29. - Ultra50k - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:52 am:

    OMG! I think I’m going to be sick. All these nice Dems, Bless you all, fawning over possible replacements for Obama. Maybe Obama will replace himself. He might not win in November you know. Actually a few of those choices would make better Senators than Obama, because they might even do something, anything for our state.

  30. - Dirt Guy - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 9:54 am:

    Todd Stroger. What a better way to rid the county of an incompetent leader. As senator he would be only one of 100 votes, not the top puppy as he is in Cook Co. You know he would not do much to mess up (because he does very little), he probably wouldn’t survive a reelection bid and the County can be rid of the Strogers.

  31. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:02 am:

    Greg and Jerry,
    We heard those same stories about Kruesi (spelling?). He was taking the trains every day, on top of things, blah blah blah. And with him, it was Somebody Else’s Fault. I see the exact same thing with Huberman. When Huberman pulls a Gates (Defense Sec.) and starts dumping high ranking incompetents, then we can talk. Until then, he’s just another Daley sheep.

  32. - ZC - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:08 am:

    Out of many deserving candidates, I cast my vote for Danny Boy. Restoring fiscal sanity to Washington D.C. is even more of a priority than restoring it to Springfield.

  33. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:09 am:

    No offense to Tammy Duckworth, Ron Huberman or Arne Duncan, but they’ve never won AN election, let alone a statewide election.

    Dawn Clark Netsch hasn’t won an election in 18 years, and I’m not sure she’s ready to be schlepping up and down Illinois.

    Bean and Hoffman are too far to the right: Bean is a free-trader, Hoffman is pro-gun and pro-life.

    I love Jan, Rahm, Jesse and Luis, but I’m not sure how well any of them play outside of Chicago’s city limits.

    Not to surprisingly, that leaves us with the 5 people who are current statewide officials.

    I agree, Jesse White’s name should be throw into the mix, even though he doesn’t want to go.

  34. - jerry 101 - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    skeeter - the CTA has become noticably better since Huberman came in.

    Kruesi reigned over a collapsing transit system. Huberman is actually fixing things. I’m sorry he can’t wave a magic wand and give us Paris’s transit system overnight, but 15 years of neglect takes time and money to fix.

  35. - DumberThanUThink - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:31 am:

    Let’s send Jay Magoo. He blew a Congressional seat a few years back, so he seems well trained. Unless, of course, he attended too many check passing ceremonies with TR and Ata.

  36. - Tony @ -30- - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:39 am:

    I like Lisa Madigan for the position - she’s independent, with a fighting spirit, and has already proven herself to be a possible gubernatorial candidate. However, I don’t think Blago would do her the favor. Then again, maybe he will, thinking she’ll like the Senate too much to run against him for governor.
    Dan Hynes is a good number two choice - a decent moderate, independent politician who hasn’t made too many enemies in Ill.

  37. - Pat collins - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:50 am:

    I dont know if Jesse White wants it or not.

    BUT it makes a ton of sense.

    It replaces a black with a black.

    It opens up a key statewide office for someone to run for. Imagine how that upsets all the political calculations currently in force?

    It rewards an outstanding person with a Senate seat.

  38. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:57 am:


    You took the words right out of my keyboard. Jesse White is the ultimate Blago power play. Allows Rod to appoint Jay Hoffman to Sec State (the #2 power post in state gov’t), thus doing a BIG favor for a friend. Jesse won’t run for reelect, and is currently the most popular pol in the state (for reasons that escape me).

    It’s absolutely the right answer.

    The nightmare scenario I’ve heard though, is Emil for Senate.

  39. - Been There - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:01 am:

    If he was smart he would go with someone he can cut a deal with. Since he is the one who has to plays his cards first by naming the person senator, the person being named is the one that has to follow through. So who best to cut a deal with? He already has Emil so that does no good. Same with Jay and he can appoint him to an open spot to replace Lisa, Dan or Alexi. Madigan would probably turn down a deal for Lisa because he couldn’t stomach it. Hynes’ don’t have as much to offer as they use to. Alexi could possibly be the biggest threat to him, so he might be the top choice. If Daley cuts a deal for his brother Bill, there is a lot he could offer in return like votes on his capital bill. Since he may not be around long enough to run again, the deal he cuts needs to benefit him sooner. For that reason I think he goes with Bill Daley.

  40. - cermak_rd - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:01 am:

    I like Danny. He appears to be fair minded, capable and seems as though he might play well in Peoria. He’s definitely capable of fund-raising for his next run and holding the seat.

  41. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:09 am:

    Don’t understand the Emil Jones talk — he’s the best and most powerful friend Rod has in Springfield. Why would he kick him upstairs to Washington when he could be facing an impeachment trial in the state Senate?

  42. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:12 am:

    Replacing Barack with Jesse would probably create the biggest “swing” in IQ in the US Senate’s history.

  43. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:12 am:

    Jesse White, that is

  44. - Captain America - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:15 am:

    I’m a big Jan fan. but I’d like to see Lisa get the Senate seat, and see Dan Hynes get a clear shot at the Governor’s mansion. There is no other candidate that qualifies as an anti-Rod better than Dan Hynes to right our ship-of-state. Hynes represnts good old-fashioned competence, bipartisan consensus, and a genuine ability to govern instead of just campaigning 24/7.

    Nothing herein is intended to denigrate or detract from Lisa Madigan’s outstanding abilities and political future. I’d like to see one of the excellent alternatives like Alexi or whoever run for the third biggest executive job in the State, Cook County Board President. That office is definitely be a stepping stone to higher political office.

    Dan’s the man and Lisa’s the wo-man of the future Democrat Party of Illinois. Obama probably wouldn’t mind seeing his buddy Alexi get the nod for Senate.

    My personal dream team would include Dan, Lisa, and Alexi for the three top jobs - Governor, Senate, and Cook County Board President. I wouldn’t be averse to JJ Jr as a Cook county Board President either!

  45. - Leave a light on George - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:20 am:

    Chris Kelly. Remeber that Blago said he was much closer to Kelly than Rezko - talks to him nearly every day and that Chris couldn’t/wouldn’t be involved in the illegalities that Rezk is.

  46. - Anon - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:21 am:

    Bring back Paul Simon!

  47. - Pat Collins - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:34 am:

    Replacing Barack with Jesse would probably create the biggest “swing” in IQ

    Certainly Illinois would get someone who actually did the job, and would do it well.

    For a change.

    why so popular

    People deal with the SoS office a lot. Where I go (Gurnee, Elgin, Woodstock) the lines are manageable, and the wait not at all bad.

    Now, that may be due to increasing automation/web use, but the skipper still gets the credit.

    Also, in a state where public office holders seem to be inundated in mud, he has a very clean name and record.

    Which, sad to say, in this state the public recognizes as a real achievement.

  48. - Sinister - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:34 am:

    Tammy will be the next Senator. Is it in the works? Maybe, Maybe not.

  49. - Suzanne - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Yellow Dog writes: “I love Jan, Rahm, Jesse and Luis, but I’m not sure how well any of them play outside of Chicago’s city limits.”

    True. But the appointed Senator, whoever it may be, would later seek reelection with the advantage of incumbency and that may be all (fill in the blank) needs to win outside Chicago.

  50. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:48 am:

    My name was missing from the list! I’m the one person that is mostly likely to represent me the way I want to be represented.

    I think Glenn Poshard should be on the list. He would do an excellent job, is centrist, has Washington experience, is able to deal with the Gov., lots of positives…

    Since he wasn’t on the list, it was a toss up between Lisa Madigan and Dan Hynes, who have shown some integrity over the last few years. (Alexi is just too new for me to pick.) I am concern about hidden agendas, esp. with Lisa, but I still picked her because I respect her forward thinking and most of her track record.

  51. - There he goes again - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:50 am:

    Although I think the Democrats, especially downstate Democrats, would be well served by having Dan Hynes running and governing with integrity as our Governor, I think Hynes is a good choice for U.S. Senate as well.

  52. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:54 am:

    Jesse won’t run for reelect

    THAT is exactly why he shouldn’t be appointed. You want to appoint someone who will run in 2010 and can hold onto the seat.

    Former State Rep. Robin Kelly would be a great pick too.

  53. - Lexi Liker - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 11:56 am:

    Opps…my man has been tainted. From the Southtown
    “…As for Rezko’s bounced checks, Giannoulias said they simply show “the bank did the right thing.” In other words, the bank didn’t help Rezko by covering the losses. Giannoulias said he oversaw the loan portfolio of the bank anyway and would not have been aware of Rezko’s bad check-writing habits….” (everyone knows most Northshore Mansion owners use Broadway as their bank)
    In short yes-and-no answers to my questions, Giannoulias said Rezko never asked him or Broadway Bank to help with the gambling debts; Rezko wasn’t steered to Broadway Bank by Barack Obama, a mutual friend; and Rezko had no personal connection to Giannoulias, other than as a bank customer.

  54. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:00 pm:

    One more name: Coreen Gordon.
    She’s not from Chicago, and she can win GOP voters (has in the past).

  55. - 618er - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:14 pm:

    If Rich Miller were appointed would it shut down this blog???? :)

  56. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:20 pm:

    I wouldn’t accept. lol

  57. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    To a small handful of people posting here: Don’t be silly. If the president and vice president candidates are from the same state then that state’s electoral votes don’t count.

    Read the constitution. It doesn’t take long.

  58. - Grateful taxpayer - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:23 pm:

    I voted for Huberman!
    In the short time he’s been at the CTA, he’s demanded accountability, cleaned up the buses & trains, fixed the elevators and escalators, etc. etc.
    He gets things done!
    That’s my kind of leader!

  59. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:25 pm:

    Tumbled off the list, Jesse White has said he would decline.

  60. - Pat Collins - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 12:27 pm:

    Tumbled off the list


  61. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:04 pm:

    Someone might say he/she would decline, but when the offer is actually made, he/she might think differently.

  62. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:07 pm:

    ===Someone might say he/she would decline===

    That someone was White himself.

  63. - PhilCollins - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:10 pm:

    I voted for Anne Duncan. Out of those choices, she probably has the lowest name recognition and would be the easiest for the Republican to defeat, in 2010.

  64. - fed up - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:18 pm:

    Just a few months before announcing he was running for president Obama stated that he wasnt interested in that eithier. I am surprised that you would believe anything said by a politican. Jessie White would take the senate seat in a second. Or maybe he wouldnt considering how many family members of his are employeed buy the sec of state office.

  65. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:20 pm:

    fed up, I was the first to suggest that JW might be a good choice. The push-back was swift and strong. He loves being SoS. It’s the job he’s always wanted.

    === Jessie White would take the senate seat in a second. ===

    I don’t know how you can read his mind when you can’t even spell his name. ;)

  66. - True Observer - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:30 pm:

    The previous 2 appointments did not fare well.

    James M. Slattery (D-IL)
    Appointed April 14, 1939
    Lost election on November 6, 1940

    Ralph Tyler Smith (R-IL)
    Appointed September 17, 1969
    Lost election on November 3, 1970.

  67. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    I would add, TO, that anyone who took an appointment from Blagojevich would most definitely suffer from Blagojevich’s taint.

  68. - True Observer - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:48 pm:

    Except for the slight matter of corruption, Blagojevich is the most qualified candidate for U.S. Senate.

    No other state wide office holder has served in Congress and no sitting congressperson has executive experience on a remote par with Blagojevich.

    Blagojevich can appoint himself.

    It only takes a plurality to win the nomination. There are sure to be many candidates splitting up the vote.

    Plus, if he leaves town things may quiet down.

    The Club may not welcome him with open arms but it sure isn’t going to turn him away given the caliber of some of the other members.

    As a matter of fact, he may become an influential member having previous served as governor of a major state.

  69. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:49 pm:

    Alan Dixon was an appointee, wasn’t he? (from SOS office, which was then filled by Edgar, appointed by Thompson). He did OK until Braun tripped him up.

  70. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:02 pm:

    Dixon was not appointed to the Senate. I believe he defeated the great Dave O’Neal of the Metro East, who had previously resigned the office of lt. gov. because he was bored.

    They competed for a seat left open by the great Adlai Stevenson III, Son of The Man from Libertyville, who had declined to run for another term because he was bored.

    To his credit, Dixon seemed excited just about all the time.

    That was a long trip to the dusty basement of the mental archives. Any updates out there on Dixon and O’Neal?

  71. - archpundit - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:03 pm:

    Dixon ran for the Senate in 1980 after Stevenson stepped down to run for Governor.

  72. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:15 pm:

    you’re right, wordslinger.

  73. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:16 pm:

    With regard to Dixon/Braun: It wasn’t Braun who tripped him up. She just won because of a third candidate. That candidate (I don’t recall the name) ran a series of great attack ads against Dixon with themes like “When my plant closed I was so mad that I called my Senator” [front]. Open cover to reveal “But they got there first” with details of how much money Dixon took from various groups. Classic ads. I remember them, but can’t recall who ran then.

  74. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:16 pm:

    And unless my memory is more full of holes than I think it is, I believe O’Neal’s run for the Senate opened the door for the great Speaker George Ryan to run for lt. gov. with the great Big Jim Thompson.

    Any updates on Ryan and Thompson out there?

  75. - Pat collins - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:17 pm:

    He did OK until Braun tripped him up.

    I think Al Hofeld had as much to do with it as she did. No way the Pal would have lost a 2 way race.

  76. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:18 pm:

    Skeeter, the attack ads certainly helped, but CMB ran a good campaign because she took full advantage. She eventually deteriorated before our very eyes, but that first campaign was pretty good.

  77. - Nordica off Harlem - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:18 pm:

    You couldn’t find anyone better than Ron Huberman…brilliant mind, extremely charismatic, friendly & down to earth!!

  78. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:18 pm:


    The great Al Hofeld, perhaps Illinois’ first self-funded millionaire blowhard. Nasty, nasty to Dixon.

  79. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:20 pm:

    While CMB wasn’t bad in her first race, there is no way she would have won one-on-one against Dixon. She did a nice job of keeping above the fray and letting others do the dirty work. Had she run those ads herself, Dixon would have beat her by 40.

  80. - fed up - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:22 pm:

    Maybe maybe its his dream job because of all the Family connections to the sec of state office he has now. Lots of family on Sec of State payroll. Jesse might not want the attention for a reason. Even though I believe he has made the Sec of State office his familys fiefdom it is in much better shape then when he took over. Maybe he learned from King Daley if things look nice and are semi well run the citizens of Ill. will accept corruption.

  81. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    By the way — am I the only one laughing that so mamy us remember the ads of Senate candidate who finished third? I’ve got to get out more. Maybe I should read some books or something. Anything not involving campaigns.

  82. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:23 pm:

    Skeeter, you’re not dealing with the reality of the situation.

    The reality was that three people ran. She took advantage. Simple.

  83. - Skeeter - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:27 pm:

    Of course I understand that. Carol did a great job of staying above the mud. My only comment was that without the third candidate, she would never have won. She did a nice job of smiling and waving and saying nothing. It worked for her. She played it right. I give her credit for it. But I also note that one on one she would have lost. I don’t think there is any contradiction there. She played the card dealt.

  84. - ZC - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:50 pm:

    I know this is getting off topic, since it’s not so much who _should_ be picked … but I just noticed a fun fact in the IL Constitution.

    If Blago picks _Quinn_ to go to the Senate, then the office of Lieutenant Governor would remain empty for the remainder of Blago’s term (Art V, sect 6).

    Under the succession rules in the Constitution, then, if Blago were to subsequently leave office (through impeachment, conviction, etc.) then the next-in-line for the Governorship is … the Attorney General.

    Somehow I don’t think Blago’s gonna pick Quinn!

  85. - Will - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:52 pm:

    Carol Mosley Braun. She’s the only person who would start out with six years of seniority and familiarity with how the Senate operates. It might help if she didn’t run for re-election after filling out the term and left the decision to fill the open seat up to voters.

  86. - True Observer - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 2:59 pm:


    1. Hofeld was the first emergence in the US of the trial lawyers. He opened the door to many, like Edwards, who followed. It wasn’t just holding office but exerting muscle on the democratic office holders.

    2. Obama owes Braun because he used her example by running in the middle of his term and counted on the massive support of the blacks and ultra liberals to eke out a plurality. In Obama’s case, the opposition self-destructed to give him a landslide.

    3. Dixon’s sacrifice bunt helped Clarence Thomas get on the 9 man roster.

    4. Dixon’s critical vote for Thomas has and will have a more lasting influence on american civilization than the actions of all the other persons mentioned put together.

  87. - Undercover - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 3:14 pm:

    Generally, I am not in favor of more white males in government. They are more than well represented in Congress and everywhere else, for that matter. When all things are considered equal otherwise, I will always choose a woman over a man and a minority over a caucasian. Diversity does matter if government is supposed to be truly representative.

    All that said, I think the world of Dan Hynes. I have no doubt that he would serve as Senator with dignity, respect, and as competently as anyone I can imagine. He would work well with Durbin, my favorite old white guy in government.

    I love the idea of using Obama’s Senate seat as a waste disposal for Todd! Brilliant.

    It’s not hard to see the strategy of some IL pols with regards to landing this seat. Who can be the biggest thorn in Blago’s side, making Blago want to send he or she to DC to get them out of his perfectly coiffed hair?

    I like the idea of appointing Lisa to clear the way for Hynes for Governor, too.

  88. - 618er - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 3:31 pm:

    At the risk of a permanent ban

    - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 1:33 pm:

    I would add, TO, that anyone who took an appointment from Blagojevich would most definitely suffer from Blagojevich’s taint.

    I had to walk away from my desk for about a half hour…

    I really need to start reading these in order….

  89. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 3:42 pm:


    Mind out of the gutter, please.

  90. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 3:46 pm:

    Ironically, Barack Obama played a role in Braun’s senate win by organizing a huge voter registration drive.

  91. - overpar - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 5:30 pm:

    Gotta be someone VERY smart!
    Gotta be someone who always does the right thing!
    Gotta be a team player!
    Gotta be someone with personal and professional ethics!
    Gotta be someone who’s not full of himself!
    Gotta be someone people trust!…
    Gotta be Hynes!

  92. - Been There - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 5:31 pm:

    How come Mike McDerrmott’s name is not on the list? If I am not mistaken he was leading the pack a couple of years ago as our Capitol Fax favorite candidate for something. Maybe it was for governor. But I think he would make a great Senator.

  93. - HLC - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 6:46 pm:

    Thanks for reminding me why I worked so hard to elect Braun and get Dixon out of the Senate; I’d forgotten:

    “4. Dixon’s critical vote for Thomas has and will have a more lasting influence on american civilization than the actions of all the other persons mentioned put together.”

    A lot of women deserted Dixon because of that vote.

    In the poll, I chose my Congresswoman, Jan Schakowsky. Second choice would be Jesse Jackson, Jr., who I agree with on most issues except Peotone! Do I think either of them will be appointed: No way.

  94. - Bob - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 6:55 pm:

    He’ll appoint the person that Obama tells him to. In exchange, Rod will be named to some sort of post; Under-Secretary of something. I highly doubt that he’s seriously planning on running for another term. Jack should be announcing his run sometime in the very near future…………

    My vote is for Jay.

  95. - Optimistic - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:29 pm:

    As cynical as I have become about politicians in general, there are still men and women who are honestly interested in the welfare of the citizens they serve. Dan Hynes is one who stands above the crowd in his earnest effort since taking office to do what is right for Illinois. He would reflect proudly on Illinois as Sen. Obama’s replacement. He gets my vote!

  96. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 7:44 pm:


    - Rich 1:07 pm:

    “===Someone might say he/she would decline===

    That someone was White himself.”

    I understand, I’m just saying that sometimes when an offer is made, it’s hard to pass up.

  97. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:02 pm:

    === In exchange, Rod will be named to some sort of post; ===

    Where do you get this stuff?

  98. - Chicago Progressive - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 8:14 pm:

    Jan Schakowsky has the leadership and dynamism and political strategy to move Illinois and the country!

  99. - AfricanGray - Monday, Jun 16, 08 @ 10:18 pm:

    Jan has proved to be one of the best progressives in the House - she would be the natural choice for most of us in the 9th District!!!! Naturally, I speak for everyone……………

  100. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 17, 08 @ 7:00 am:

    Jan Schakowsky

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