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Impeachment roundup

Monday, Jun 23, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After saying for weeks that he had nothing but “love in my heart” for everybody, Gov. Rod Blagojevich finally let fly on Speaker Madigan over the weekend…

“I just think it’s the same old kind of politics that he’s been playing,” Blagojevich said. “It’s unfortunate that he wants to hide behind impeachment memos where he is directing his candidates to essentially lie to the public about their role in things when we have so many big issues that we need to take care of, especially getting the jobs bill, the capital bill, passed…. That’s where the focus ought to be.” […]

“He can do as many impeachment memos as he wants, and if he wants to spend his time doing that, that’s his choice,” Blagojevich said. “But we sure would like him to start coming to some meetings, which he has not done, so we can pass this jobs bill that passed the Senate with bipartisan support. You know, it’s really unfortunate, we want him back.” […]

“We have a $2 billion budget deficit that Speaker Madigan is largely responsible for, because unlike the state Senate, which increased spending (but) also has revenue to pay for it, the House failed to provide the revenue for the spending,” the governor said.

* But others are warning the governor to tread carefully this summer

“No good can come out of hitting the red button that launches the nuclear warheads,” said Sen. Jeff Schoenberg (D-Evanston). “Any hint of last year’s conflict would definitely be the tripwire for a far more explosive situation.”

* Even so, House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie tried to throw some cold water on the whole idea

“Though some might not like his style of governing, I don’t think what we’ve seen, in my mind, rises to the level of an impeachable offense,” said House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago), a frequent Blagojevich critic.

* Springfield Republican state Senator Larry Bomke backs impeachment, but somehow manages to trust him on the capital plan

My differences with the governor don’t mean I don’t support a capital plan,” said Bomke, who voted for the plan in the Senate.

* The SouthtownStar’s Tom Houlihan thinks impeachment might backfire, despite a recent poll showing a majority want the process to begin…

Personally, I think impeachment might accomplish the impossible. It could turn Blagojevich into a sympathetic figure. With his approval ratings hovering about 25 percent, many Illinois residents want this governor to just go away, which is why that unsuccessful recall initiative sounded like a such good idea. In the aftermath of super-insider Tony Rezko’s federal conviction - and criminal proceedings against other Blagojevich cronies - it’s entirely possible the governor is under investigation. But we don’t know that for sure. Without criminal charges, I’m not sure what an impeachment attempt would accomplish.

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  1. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 9:26 am:

    So far it is only the genral assembly which is no interested in impeachment. Our elected officials are spending more time trying to tell the people we have it wrong and trying to spin excuses for not acting. They can tell us all they want how afraid they are that impeachment might backfire. BUT given the failure to get a recall provision enacted, this is the choice they have left. Those officials better hope voters do not recall their inaction when it comes time to vote.

    The general assembly looks inept. They are so afraid to remove an inneffective governor desptie the hew and outcry to end obvert corruption. How manyt more 25k checks from contractors does the general assembly need to overcome thier cowardice? Bomke thinks that the gov who backed out of the Lincoln and other deals is actually going to fund his porjects? That said, any legislature who would give 30+ Billion to a gov who is awarding construction contracts based upon 25k donation checks has lost its sense of oversight. Instead of looking at the illusory promise of jobs for his district, perhaps Bomke should consider the very real sucking noise of money be re-routed to the Gov in exchange for large contract awards.

    Mr. Schoenberg, that flashing red button does not launch nuclear weapons, its the warning that the people want the legislature to do somthing other then turn over more money to the States most corrupt Gov.

  2. - Cassandra - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 9:51 am:

    I think we can be grateful to Madigan for allegedly being uneasy about handing Blago and Emil such a large chunk of cash as the capital bill would provide.Imagine how much they could divert to their generous pals, and perhaps to other nefarious ends.

    I suppose it would be possible, as some have suggested, to spell out with precision exactly how much money would go to each project, so as to
    minimize the “extras” for Blago/Emil and their cronies , but that sounds Pollyana-ish to me. Other than voting themselves pay raises (directly or indirectly), our feckless legislators seem unable to do much of anything, much less something which would require cooperation, attention to detail and, um, intellect. And it does seem a bit cynical to build anything on the poorly spent monies of those who persist, for whatever reason, on spending their shrinking incomes at the casino, despite escalating gas and food prices. I’m all for freedom of choice, but do we as an (Illinois) people really want to encourage this behavior by providing even more casinos where people can waste their money.

    So, we have to wait for the next governor, preferably one with, um, intellect and also the ability get something done. Could be less than two years, if we pay attention during the next Democratic primary. Because that’s when the
    decision will be made. Let’s not get distracted by
    recalls and impeachment threats. Let’s find ourselves another governor. Time for another CEO of state government, I think. We have less time to do that than we probably think. Decision time is right around the corner when the polls open for the primary. And our current state CEO will almost certainly be one of the contenders.

  3. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 9:52 am:

    Who has approval ratings as low as Blagojevich? Why, the people who are now telling us that impeachment isn’t necessary! The same people who are attempting to get a salary increase without asking for it, avoiding any budgetary decisions that require courage, poo-pooing public demands for recall and feigning memory loss over their connections to Rod Blagojevich.

    The Illinois Democratic Party has refused to take action against their own leadership even when voters across Illinois demand action. This is what happens when Chicago machine politicians take over state government - we get Chicago machine mentality instead of good government.

    Now they give us Obama? Will it ever end?

  4. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 9:56 am:

    VanillaMan, I’ve seen this “Obama is a product of the Chicago Machine” meme plenty of other places, but it doesn’t square. Is the Daley Machine backing him now? Yep. Did they support him at all before he won the US Senate primary? Nope.

    The link often cited is Tony Rezko. But Rezko also contributed and raised money for non-Machine types, like Pat Quinn.

  5. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:10 am:

    What I have read is that Mr. Obama was indeed different from other Chicago politicians when he began.

    What are we seeing now? We see Daley’s Mr. Axelrod as his partner. He has had no “Sister Soulja” moment regarding the corruption blanketing Chicago. Unlike Durbin, he hasn’t reached out to state players regarding our budget, or even issued one comment.

    A lot of us are waiting for Mr. Obama to apply a similar standard of good government for Chicago and Illinois as he touts for Washington. The longer he waffles, the more he looks like a part of the problem, not a solution. As a part-time senator, we didn’t witness much reform for Chicago. We didn’t witness him leading a demand for change. As a US Senator, we didn’t see him effecting Chicago except for his millions in earmarks to Jones.

    He might have started as a virgin, but a lot of us wonder how after a decade in Chicago he can be so silent on so many issues effecting us, but still make his claims.

  6. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:23 am:

    Rather ungracious column by Chuck Goudie.

    I understand the frustration the working press can have with flacks, but they are speaking for the principals. That’s their job. They’re a convenience for the press who can’t always get access to the principals; they shouldn’t be ridiculed for failure to undermine or contradict their bosses.

    That’s the first I’ve read by Chuck. Must have had a bad day at the tanning salon.

  7. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:29 am:

    I have spoken personally with Larry Bomke regarding his “optimism” over re-opening Lincoln Developmental Center that Blago now acknowledges he screwed Larry on. I told Larry, “you can’t do a capital program until this governor is out of office. He simply can’t be trusted.” Larry’s comment was “I understand.” If Larry Bomke sides with the governor on this capital plan, he will never see my vote again and I will do everything I can to help defeat him in his next election. I really thought Larry was smarter than this. Guess not.

  8. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:34 am:

    The recent state gop convention in Decatur made it very clear the Republican Party here isn’t even serious about getting the Mansion back in 2010. When Blago goes, the Dems will just field a candidate who will trounce the GOP nominee by an even bigger margin.

    The IL GOP is still run by a bunch of clowns who are good at rigging internal elections and making fools of themselves, but they couldn’t beat their way out of a wet paper sack when it comes to a general election (a real election) against a Dem.

  9. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:34 am:

    VM the problem with blamin the democrats, it is the republicans who are standing frim behind the Gov and propping him up. it is the repubs who came out vocally in oppoisition to impeachment and recall.

    The repubs have been backing the Gov’s play every step of the way. Without his republicans backers like Bomke etc, the Gov would be standing naked in front of the crowd trying to show off his new clothes. Only the republican leadership insits he is dressed in a lovely new robe no matter how often Madigan shouts that the Gov is stark naked.

  10. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:36 am:

    ===If Larry Bomke sides with the governor on this capital plan, he will never see my vote again===

    Bomke voted for the capital plan in the Senate.

  11. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:43 am:

    I really don’t understand how the Speaker of the Illiois House could produce so damning a memo as the impeachment memo and not follow through with an actual investigation. The media should be all over the Speaker demanding an answer.

  12. - Belle - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 10:52 am:

    Until Illinois can elect a governor who can serve a term uninvestigated and unindicted, nobody from the state gets my vote on the federal level. They all have some proving to do.

  13. - Anon - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 11:27 am:

    “VanillaMan, I’ve seen this ‘Obama is a product of the Chicago Machine’ meme plenty of other places, but it doesn’t square.”

    And, even if it were true, don’t forget that Harry Truman was a product of the Pendergast machine from Kansas City. Everybody comes from somewhere, and your roots may offer clues to who you are, but they don’t define you.

  14. - Ahem - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 11:46 am:

    Ottenhoff looks to me like what Blagojevich would want to be if he were a woman - a female Blago. It’s amazing how much personal appearance and demeanor can influence how their credibility is perceived by people. “Sleek” is the perfect word in this case. I liked Goudie’s column a lot. Goudie’s kind of sleek too, in his way, isn’t he????

  15. - Napoleon has left the building - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 11:51 am:

    Chuck Goudie - ouch! Ungracious perhaps. Or perhaps he is just saying - like you we may, but your role with this disaster we call a Governor is too much to be ignored.

    Goudie wishes he could do more state political stuff, but he doesn’t have great sources. I wonder how much he and Andy Shaw tussle over turf over there at the Circle 7.

  16. - Chanson - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 12:07 pm:

    Senator Bomke has made a huge error. He will have to go a long way to earn back many voters

  17. - The Doc - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 12:25 pm:

    Cart before the horse here; business as usual. Hemming and hawing over the capital bill, which is as good as dead, should not be prioritized ahead of the ethics bill and FY09 budget.

    At the risk of alienating Jones, a special session may give Blago the populist platform he historically craves by playing the legislative pay raise card. Cutting the budget deficit line item by line item may be more if an impetus for impeachment proceedings than July in Springfield for the GA. $2 billion worth of cuts means a horde of angrier house democrats and senate republicans.

    On the other hand, it’s probably just wishful thinking.

  18. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    Chanson, I agree with you. I don’t care how many parades Bomke shows up for with his cute little 4 wheeled, 4 seater “bicycle”, I’m so done with him. If he would grow a backbone and a pair, perhaps he could win me over but it’s really too late now.

  19. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 23, 08 @ 4:27 pm:

    Harry Truman proved himself after five years rooting out corruption with the Truman Committee during WWII. He had been a US Senator for one full term and was re-elected in 1940 without Pendergast support, since Tom was already facing prosecution at that time.

    Obama has been senator three years. He has little to show for it. Unlike Truman, Obama hasn’t done anything to prove to voters that he isn’t a cog in a political machine at this time. I voted for Obama and I thought he would be a good senator. As of this date, I still don’t know if he would be a good senator, because he hasn’t been a senator.

    Truman sloughed off his Pendergast roots by 1940, and by 1945 was his own man. Obama hasn’t done that.

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