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Bill Daley for guv?

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** 12:47 pm *** I’ve been telling subscribers for a week or so now that mayoral brother Bill Daley is considering a bid for governor in 2010. Mayor Daley was apparently asked about this possibility at a press conference today. Chicago Public Radio will have raw audio posted soon and I’ll have a link.

*** 12:58 pm *** The Sun-Times now has a Bill Daley story online

On Tuesday, the mayor laughed out loud when asked whether he would like to see his younger brother in the governor’s mansion.

“I don’t know. It will be up to him if he makes that decision. He’s doing very well in the private sector. He was secretary of commerce under Bill Clinton. That would be up to him — not to me,” the mayor said. […]

“Bill would be good at anything that he does…He’s very dedicated and passionate about what he’s done — both in public and private life,” the mayor said.

Bill Daley could not be reached for comment. Asked last week whether he was exploring another race for governor, the mayor’s brother advised a Chicago Sun-Times reporter to “call me next year.” He said it was too soon to discuss the issue.

One caveat, the story claims I wrote that Bill Daley is reaching out to Downstate lobbyists. I wrote that he had spoken to lobbyists. I didn’t identify their regional base. They were Chicagoans.

*** 1:50 pm *** You can listen to Mayor Daley’s full press conference by clicking here.

*** 2:50 pm *** The governor sidestepped a question about a possible Bill Daley bid during his press conference today, saying “This is America. I think everyone should have an opportunity to run.”

*** 2:54 pm *** Asked whether he planned to run for reelection in 2010, the governor said he loves his job and has no reason to want to stop doing it.


  1. - decaturvoter - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:09 pm:

    Anyone is better than Blago.
    I hope Daley would do a better job running the state than he did running Gore’s campaign.

  2. - fan of cap fax - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:11 pm:

    Downstate lobbyists? That’s pretty funny. What downstate lobbyists exist?

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    There are several downstate lobsters.

  4. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:14 pm:

    They’re coming out of the woodwork now….smelling blood. I’m afraid there will be too many contenders in the primary

  5. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:19 pm:

    Like everything else involving our ambitious band of Dem political climbers, it’s Obama-dependent.

    If he wins, the Senate seat opens up. And, because I believe the governor’s office will be Rodless after 2010 one way or another, that makes two open spots.

    If Obama loses, he keeps the Senate seat and I believe very likely goes for governor to get his executive experience ticket punched. If he does, I think he most likely clears the field. That leaves one Senate seat to run for in 2010.

    If I were Bill Daley and Obama wins, I would lobby for the Senate seat.

    I think a lot of Dems who would like to take a poke at his brother but are scared to would oppose him for governor. And I’m not sure his brother can or would try too hard to change their minds. If I recall correctly, he was less than enthusiastic the last time this trial balloon got floated. Some big brothers are like that.

  6. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:23 pm:

    He doesn’t want the Senate seat. No desire to go back to DC.

  7. - 2for2 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:41 pm:

    It is difficult to come up with a rationale for his candidacy other than “I am the mayor’s brother.” As a candidate he obviously would be formidable. On the plus side, he could raise money quick and has some strong private sector experience. On the negative, he would have to defend City Hall scandals and NAFTA.

    No way he runs IMO.

  8. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:44 pm:

    Frankly, I’m not sure he runs, either. I pegged the chances at 25 percent or less, based on conversations with close associates. But just floating his name out there has major repercussions.

  9. - The Doc - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:49 pm:

    To quote a famous scribe - oy. I’m already suffering from Daley fatigue. Please, keep your cushy JPM Chase gig and permit another corrupt Chicago Democrat to replace Blagojevich.

  10. - Mark Johnson - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:51 pm:

    I’m not trying to get to tin foil hat here but Rich makes a good point that floating the name has repercussions. Anything to the coincidence this story broke the same afternoon that the Governor is to have a press conference about the Budget?

    Don;t you think Madigan is snickering that he knows Blago is going to get questions on this.

  11. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 1:54 pm:

    The story finally broke, I think, because I pushed it for the third time in a week. lol

    The second push was a barely visible nudge, and today’s was a little harder, but not huge.

  12. - Mountain Man - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:13 pm:

    The Daley machine vs. the Madigan machine. Ooooh. That would be fun to watch! I’ll pop the popcorn!

  13. - 2for2 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:25 pm:

    I agree on repercussions.

  14. - Steve - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:26 pm:

    Bill Daley will be good for the Chicago Machine.A higher state income tax and other goodies.Bill Daley’s just the man to help bring even higher taxes and regulations to Illinois.

  15. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:28 pm:

    Steve, if you’re previewing an ad, say so. Try not to just spew stuff without context. And, remember, your opinion does not make it so.

  16. - PhilCollins - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:30 pm:

    If Bill wins, he would be one of the few Clinton cabinet members who would have run for governor and won. In 2002, Janet Reno ran for gov. of FL and lost the primary. In 2002, Robert Reich ran for gov. of MA and lost the primary. Bill Richardson is the exception, since he ran for gov. of NM and won twice.

  17. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:40 pm:

    Governor Bill Daley - well, at least his press conferences will be short - he’s been known to pass out at them.

  18. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:03 pm:

    ==Asked whether he planned to run for reelection in 2010, the governor said he loves his job and has no reason to want to stop doing it==

    The feds have at least nine reasons….

  19. - Steve - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:05 pm:

    I really like your line “remember, your opinion does not make it so.” Does that apply to Bill Daley running?

  20. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:06 pm:

    My opinion is that he probably won’t do it, but that doesn’t make it so, either. But coming in here and making broad pronouncements of what this or that candidate will do is usually frowned upon. Engage, don’t bloviate. Thanks.

  21. - Steve - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:08 pm:

    Does that apply to Patrick’s comments about someone’s corporate buddies? Or is Patrick staying on message?

  22. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:09 pm:

    Patrick was deleted. And, Steve, this is my last warning to you. Too busy to argue with a newbie.

  23. - JonShibleyFan - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:11 pm:

    As an occasional friendly critic of Vanilla Man’s theses, I am happy to say: That made me chuckle.

  24. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:12 pm:

    Bill Daley is a candidate who could push Blagojevich out of the race. Blagojevich had one overwhelming advantage in his past two races: money. Bill Daley, if he runs, will likely have the ear of major donors to the Clintons, Gore, and Obama (not to mention his brother), and could eliminate that advantage quickly.

    Given that Blagojevich’s flaws — notably an approval rating of Cheneyesque proportions — are more obvious than any the brother of the mayor might have, a Daley-Blagogevich primary might not be competitive. Downstaters might chafe at such a Chicagocentric race, and some may worry about the influence of Richard Daley in Springfield. Given the mismanagement of the current administration, however, I have to think that Bill Daley would win a lot of downstate votes.

    It’s an interesting possibility. Daley might prefer to see if he has a role in a possible Obama administration, but Illinois (including Blagojevich’s Cook County base) may be receptive to him running the state.

  25. - He Gone - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:17 pm:

    Can you imagine how great it would be if we had a Daley running the state, our largest city, and our largest county (you don’t really think Toddler is pulling the strings). John Kass would never have to worry about writers block, he could write about the Daley Combine every day of the week! Of course, we would have to change our license plates to the Land of Daley, but most people would be in favor of it.

    It would be great theatre to have the Daley machine run against the Madigan machine. It would seem like Madigan would have the better downstate organizations in place. And I doubt downstaters would want Springfield to be an extension of the 5th floor of LaSalle St.

  26. - K to the 3 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:18 pm:

    –It is difficult to come up with a rationale for his candidacy other than “I am the mayor’s brother.”–
    Yeah, I suppose being Secretary of Commerce and an executive for a multinational corporation isn’t significant experience to lead the state. I think he should go for it, if nothing else so we could see the single most significant political clash in Illinois history when the Madigans face off against the Daleys. Yes, please!

  27. - Levois - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:19 pm:

    A Daley as governor? Well I wonder if Bill might be like both Richie and John. Sorry I couldn’t help but make a certain comparison. Although it’s easy to generalize, I won’t do that here.

  28. - Anonymous45 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:23 pm:

    this will not fly for the same reason that Lisa won’t run for Guv while Dad is on the State payroll…too many family members in high viz positions is not swallowed ny the constituents…besides, downstaters have serious
    reasons for worrying about theirs if this comes to pass…

  29. - Levois - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:24 pm:

    Oh and I had no idea there is anything resembling a rivalry between the Daleys and the Madigan’s what’s up with that? Would it be much different than any tension between Burke and Daley?

  30. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:27 pm:

    Right now, Daley and Madigan are on the same side. It’s almost impossible to separate the two for long, regardless of their old rivalries. Move along.

  31. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:28 pm:

    ==Given the mismanagement of the current administration, however, I have to think that Bill Daley would win a lot of downstate votes.==

    Probably not as many as the Republican candidate will get….

  32. - 2for2 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:34 pm:

    I didn’t say he wasn’t qualified K 3. Rationale for running is different than being qualified. There are many qualified people in Illinois. Why is he running? Why now? Why not 8 years ago? What has changed since then? Why hasn’t he taken Blago to task during the last 8 years? Those questions are important. His answers on the surface seem to be different than most of the other tier 1 candidates who are mentioned routinely. When he calls people as he reportedly is doing, what is his pitch?

    Is there an outcry for a candidate who was secretary of commerce and works for an investmeent bank? I don’t know. Maybe. But there is no doubt that his name being floated has repercussions. This is great theater though.

    Again, I don’t think he runs.

  33. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:38 pm:

    Bill Daley may throw his hat in the ring but I don’t see him going far in a primary … he may drop out well before a primary.

    Do the Daleys have much of a base outside of Chicago?

    {tinfoil hat) Perhaps he’s actually looking for another Cabinet post under a hypothetical Pres. Obama. Transportation would work well considering the IOC’s comments re Chicago’s 2016 bid. (/tinfoil hat)

    Many will come out of the woodwork for 2016. Few will rise to the top.

  34. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:50 pm:

    From my vantage point, Bill is the smartest of the Daley brothers. Think of Bill as Michael Corleone to the Mayor’s Sonny, with John as Fredo. Michael Daley fits in the role of Tom Hagen, consigliere, and Jack George as Clemenza.

    Not sure if Bill will run, but he’d be a strong candidate if he did.

  35. - decaturvoter - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:51 pm:

    The Guv loves his job and see no reason why he will not contiue to serve?
    1.Tony and his friends turn on him
    2. The Feds do finally go after him
    3. Impeachment and Conviction
    4. loses the primary election or genral election in 2010
    Four good reasons why Blago will not be Governor in February ,2011.

  36. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:53 pm:

    47th Ward, in the era of Big Heat, your analogy begs the question: Who is the Tessio?

  37. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:56 pm:

    Good question, Tessio might be Whispering Vic.

  38. - True Observer - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 4:10 pm:

    It was said Richard J wanted to but told others that he wouldn’t because he couldn’t get elected.

    Top Daley achievements:

    1. Helped elect JFK. Ranking would be even higher if there had not been as much, if not more, Democratic Party vote fraud in some other states.
    2. Adlai nomination for Pres.
    3. Bill in the Cabinet.

    The Daley legacy will not be complete until one of their own serves in the U.S. Senate or preferably as Governor.

    Only then will the Daleys become a storied political dynasty for the history books.

  39. - Irishpirate - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 4:45 pm:

    IF IF IF Bill Daley runs he wins both the primary and the general election. He would have the support of President Obama and I guess Lisa Madigan would either stay as Attorney General or move over to the Secretary of State’s office.

    No way the Daleys and Madigans publicly go at it.

    Right now the three big dogs in Illinois Democratic politics are Obama, Daley and Madigan and two of the three would clearly be supporting Bill Daley. Blago is best described as “dead man walking” because if the feds don’t get him the voters will.

    Actually perhaps “dead man talking” would be a better phrase.

  40. - He Gone - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 5:07 pm:

    I just read the Sun Times article…that’s pretty interesting how they say Mell bullied Bill Daley into not running. What’s up with these divorce allegations? How and why are the Daley’s letting Dick Mell bully them around?

  41. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 5:08 pm:

    unTrue Observer -

    You can stop with the Richard J Daley/JFK urban legend now.

    Even if vote fraud was committed in Chicago, look just the west in Republican DuPage County and you’ll find plenty of “miraculous” voter turnout numbers… but with no “Hizzoner” to pin it on folks don’t talk about it because it doesn’t make for as good a story (not that Republicans would ever care to point it out in the first place).

    “Bring out your dead” indeed.

  42. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 5:18 pm:

    Daley offered to pay for half the recount of illinois. The Repubs refused. Print the legend.

  43. - Anon - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 5:29 pm:

    Bill Daley is a good man, and I think would make a good governor. But its hard to imagine voters putting Da Mayor’s brother in charge of the state.

  44. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 5:33 pm:

    If Daley decided to run, he’d obviously have a good chance of winning against any other D or R–and anyone’s better than Blago at this point.

  45. - True Observer - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 6:01 pm:

    “Daley offered to pay for half the recount of illinois. The Repubs refused. Print the legend.”

    What would the recount have accomplished. The stuffed ballots were still in the ballot box.

    If a person was recorded as voting and were to be asked if they had in fact voted, what are the odds they are going to say they didn’t vote right after a close election. They would look pretty foolish saying they didn’t do their civic duty. No, they’d eagerly say they voted when the precint captain had voted for him.

  46. - Independent - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 6:07 pm:

    I heard it was Rich Daley discouraging Bill from running in ‘02 to avoid the appearance of too much power in one family. The notion that lapdog alderman Dick Mell intimidated the mayor’s brother doesn’t wash.

    As much as downstaters dislike Blago I don’t see them electing Bill Daley. They believe Illinois is too Chicago-centric as it is to vote for the mayor’s brother.

  47. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 6:50 pm:

    I beg to differ with “Independent”. Downstaters think they make a huge impact on statewide elections but they don’t have the numbers to counter Chicago and the burbs. As a Springfield D, I saw the GOP leadership tell downstaters they mattered for years, the Sangamon County GOP thought they decided who was Gov, then when Rod was elected, twice, they found out they don’t and they have been throwing fits ever since.

  48. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 7:09 pm:


    The voter fraud in Chicago elections has been documented for decades. The count in Illinois clearly influenced the results of the 1960 elections.

    Even if your baseless assertion that there was voter fraud in DuPage, the population sizes are disparate enough that the alleged fraud in DuPage would have had to have been orders of magnitude greater on a percentage basis in order to equal the number of votes influenced by the Chicago machine.

    I’ll bet you are still counting the votes in Florida and Ohio from 2000 and 2004.

    Bill Daley has the clout to do what he wants to do. So far he is helping BHO raise money for his campaign. If there is a quid pro quo for his labors, he can write his own ticket out of the new administration. I don’t anticipate a governmental run because it is hard work to be Governor. He has paid his due and the outcome is uncertain.

  49. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 8:02 pm:

    Mountain Man, IrishPirate is right.

    And He Gone, no scandal; nothing will stick. Things were, back when, and still are quiet and peaceful. Besides, whenever it came down to scandals of any type on the R side, good and common advice was always “handle the press conference as you believe any Daley would”. “Private matter. Done. Move on.”

    Just look at the stomach most Rs had for the whole Skoein “Cook County Bounty” fiasco–and rightfully so. Backfired big time by making Richie Daley look even better and making many Rs wonder what the heck was going on within the Party. Most of those who weren’t immediately turned off, seemed pretty guilty about cheering once the initial rally ended.

    Da Mayor even left the Ryan scandal alone and called for others to do so, too. That was the one moment that some believe Jack! hiccuped with his response by being thisclose to being a tad ungracious.

    Say what you will about the background politics, but the public have seen and buy into the limits because the perception is that the Daley clan are strong (and they are) and therefore don’t have to, and will not, play those games.

    In kindergarten, we would have agreed that there’s a great talent there for “rubber and glue” when it comes to name calling.

  50. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 8:44 pm:

    Come to think of it: Taking it out to the burbs, Ds are trailblazing out here, too. Don’t underestimate the Rs’ draw to a family that keeps the City running well; we like our visits to the park downtown, too.

    And, staring at a 50/50 chance of a recession with a guarantee of increased taxes, having the brother of a Mayor of a City that ripped Xs into an airport during the middle of the night run the State seems to be the only promise of a good show that would call for popcorn.

    Look out America! There’s this State in the Midwest called Illinois….

    If Daley, Too can hold for the State the promise of what Daley One did for the City, it might even sell pretty well downstate. If anything these boys don’t flinch when it comes to a challenge.

  51. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:36 pm:

    I don’t know about the rest of the commentors here, but frankly, I’m fed up to my teeth with dynasties in politices, because they’ve done SO-O-O-O much good when they get elected, either locally or nationally. Do not vote for families, it just encourages them.

  52. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:37 pm:

    Oops - That word at the end of the second line would be “politics.”

  53. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 11:46 pm:

    I don’t believe that anyone’s proposing that we vote for “families”. These guys just happen to be brothers.

    Furthermore, I don’t think that anyone can argue, very successfully, that kids raised in political families do not have an advantage over those who aren’t. They have a better understanding of the good, bad, and ugly, having experienced it in front row seats. Therefore, they have a better idea as to whether or not their personal lives will pass muster and whether or not they can “stomach it”. For some, that’s more than half the battle.

    Those who probably shouldn’t run are those who are in it for the limelight and those who read an old Cosmopolitan article, telling them it’s a good way to drum up a better network for greater business opportunities in the private sector.

  54. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 25, 08 @ 9:10 am:

    Print the legend, indeed. The Daley legend of presidential kingmakers, which continues to this day, is worthy of John Ford.


    1960: This is where it was made, but not quite as many people think. Richard J. and the Illinois delegation got off the train in LA technically uncommitted, but clearly favoring Kennedy over Johnson. The sticky part was Adlai, who was madly undecided about seeking a third shot. Adlai finally said he would go for it if he had his own state’s support. He beseeched Richard J., who coldly turned him down and went for Kennedy. End of Adlai.

    Illinois did go for Kennedy by a razor-thin margin. But even if Nixon had won Illinois, Kennedy still would have won the election. You can look it up.

    1964 — No serious opposition to Johnson. The only drama was keeping RFK off the ticket.

    1968 — Moving right along…

    1972 — Bill Singer and Jesse Jackson got Daley thrown out of the convention and helped nominate the McGovern juggernaut that rolled to victory in Massachusetts and the District of Columbia in November.

    1976 — Carter had it won before the convention. I’m not sure Daley endorsed anyone beforehand. Ford won Illinois.

    I’m not sure Richard M. has stuck his neck out for anyone in the primaries when his support would have mattered. They seemed to like Clinton over Tsongas in ‘92, perhaps.

    Therein lies the legend of the presidential king-making Daley clan.

  55. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 25, 08 @ 6:39 pm:

    wordslinger: From an R perspective that’s not all bad! We wouldn’t want the Daleys to be good at all things political. lol

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