Quote of the week
Tuesday, Jun 24, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Actually, it’s two quotes, both by Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn during an interview by Bob Reed…
Q: Let’s consider this: Obama wins the presidency. The governor has to appoint a new senator. Would he name you?
QUINN: Well, it would be snowing in Hell. If it were up to me, I’d rather the governor appoint himself, and we could get a fresh start in Illinois . I think enough people on the Democrat and the Republican sides would say, “Hallelujah.”
Q: Would you make a good governor?
QUINN: I know I could get people in the huddle, and we’d come up with a play that everyone would carry out.
- Bi-Partisan - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:23 am:
The best part of a Quinn term as Gov. is that it would be brief. While he has been great for our troops, he would be a terrible Governor.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:25 am:
What’s with the music today Rich?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:28 am:
It’s from that Rep. Watson video below.
- bored now - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:28 am:
governor pat quinn. i like the sound of that.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:30 am:
The music is kinda dramatic, though. Nice touch.
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:34 am:
Yeah, but the trumpets make it seem like there will be a BIG announcement (not the budget but more like a resignation). Wishful thinking on my part.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:36 am:
Quinn should be careful what he is wishing for; even if Blago removes himself from the picture he still has allies around who might want to test Quinns ability to make deals.
But at least Quinn could at this stage be trusted to keep his word so it would overall put the Stae in a better position until we can elect a good Gov.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:39 am:
That’s direct. Good for him.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:41 am:
I may put that music in permanently during big news days. lol
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:41 am:
U.S. Senator Rod Blagojevich? That’s the best case scenario we have now? Siiiiiiigh….there goes all the pork our current junior senator has done for Illi…oh, wait a minute.
I do like the sound of Gov. Pat Quinn, though.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 10:42 am:
Quinn’s time is running out. He is turning upo the heat and becoming more public with his criticisms of the gov. Blago’s removal is the only way Quinn becomes gov. If it were to happen, not even the power of incumbancy could help him get reelected.
- SalukiDog - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 11:07 am:
Quinn…6 years of silence, calling Rod honest while running on the ticket with him in 2006, suddenly finding a voice for criticism…now that’s the person I want calling the plays in the huddle. Hilarious.
- Downstater - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 11:26 am:
With Gov. Pat Quinn we would at least have a grownup in the governor’s office. It takes maturity and people skills to effectively lead and that is something the current occupant sorely lacks. Illinois citizens desparately need effective leadership in the top spot.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 11:31 am:
ironic, isn’t it? only 6 years of Blagojevich would make anybody look at this showboat (Quinn) as a potentially “good” governor.
- stones902 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 11:48 am:
Quinn is a joke. The guy’s whole career is a contradiction between words and deeds. It’s one thing to go out and trumpet populist ideas such as taking on the utilty companies or supporting the troops and quite another to be able to work with Repubs and Democrats in the interests of good government.
Most politicos don’t trust the guy because they know he’s just another guy (like our current gov) looking out for #1.
- Levois - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 12:16 pm:
So where has he been? Shouldn’t Quinn have seen this trainwreck coming? I know they don’t talk but surely the signs were there.
- Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 12:32 pm:
Speaking of train wrecks….
The sad part of any result from the people in a huddle is that there will be a substantial tax increase ‘in the spirit of compromise’
No reform, no efficiencies, just new taxes.
- Illinois Insider - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:05 pm:
Hmm - let’s see. Quinn started CUB - the Citizens Utility Board which has saved billions for Illinois consumers. He wrote the ethics law that prohibits state employees soliciting funds from companies they regulate - in response to George Ryan - years before he was Lt. Governor.
He won national awards as State Treasurer, he cleaned up the Cook County Board of Tax Appeals. He has done a lot more than any other constitutional officer out there or anyone else in the legislature.
For the naysayers - NAME ONE OTHER constitutional officer elected now who has done 1/50 of what Quinn has accomplished.
Lisa ? Dan Hynes ? Jesse White ? Alexi ? Are you joking ?
- downhereforyears - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:50 pm:
I never thought I would be uttering these words…but Governor Quinn has a very pleasant ring to it. Truth is anybody possessing a little common sense and a fear of spending any time down at 219 s. Dearborn would be better right now. And by the way, while we are at it, lets change the rest of the four leaders with the same requirements and see how good this state can become. It’s not a republican/democratic issue….it’s honesty, common sense and a willingness to work with others.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 2:53 pm:
Quinn is a self-centered egoist who does not play nicely with others. His steady stream of Sunday morning press conferences where he would announce “press release” proposals were a laughing stock. Where he has accomplishments, they have mostly been go-it-alone type things. With that profile, doesn’t the expression “from the frying pan into the fire” come to mind?
- stones902 - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:10 pm:
Illinois Insider, let’s talk about Quinn’s tenure and Revenue Director (i.e Patronage Chief)for the City of Chicago back in the early ’80’s in addition to his ill-advised inititave to downsize (thereby reducing the # of bills) the Illinois General Assembly back in 1980. Are you better off now that your district is now served by one State Representative from one party rather than 3 reps comprised of both parties? I believe that if you look at the # of bills that we’re filed after the cutback amendment, there were actually more than when the House had 177 members. Additionally, I think the partisanship has incresed in our legislature as a result of Quinn’s amendment.
I’ll take Stratton, Adalai Stevenson II and even Ogilvie as more effective constitutional officers.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:12 pm:
Remember -
I have been giving very good reasons why Blagojevich would appoint himself Senator if Obama actually wins in November.
The man doesn’t quit. He will leave the governor’s office for greener pastures in order to keep his political career alive. He knows he’s dead meat right now and he will use a senate appointment as an emergency exit.
- Highland, IL - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 3:43 pm:
Unfortunately for the Lt Gov this isn’t flag football.
- Jechislo - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 6:54 pm:
I kind of like it. As a staunch Republican I can’t believe I’m saying this. But, with Blago as a US Senator I think the GOP just might have a shot of ousting him and capturing a Senate seat. At least he’s out as Governor. That can’t come soon enough.
- Johnny Joliet - Tuesday, Jun 24, 08 @ 7:18 pm:
I knew Pat Quinn a little bit years ago. He worked hard and didn’t ask for a lot of perks. We shared a cab a couple of times from the Springfield airport. He paid his half and tipped for the both of us. I can only imagine sharing a cab with Blago….