Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * OK, that’s it for me. I think I may head over to Decatur for the IL GOP festivities. You ought to head to Illinoize for lots more talk and fun. Also, make sure to buy an ad at InsiderzExchange. We have big plans for that place. * How about some serious party rock to end our week? I can’t tell you how many memories this song brings back. I also can’t tell you what those memories are. Turn it up!!!… It ain’t easy ![]() ![]()
This just in…
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:32 pm - In case you care, a committee of the Illinois Republican Party just voted to elect Patrick Brady and Demetra DeMonte as the party’s new national committeepersons. I’m working on getting the vote totals. Fewer than seven votes for any of the losers means there is no committee minority report, making it much tougher to get a floor vote at the convention. Former state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger was running for the second time and lost out to Brady, who came almost out of nowhere. Rauschenberger’s loss won’t go down well with the Illinois Review/Jack Roeser types. Kathy Salvi was also being backed by the Right, but DeMonte is also very conservative and was not thought to be beloved by the old guard. * 3:49 pm - I’m told Brady won 15-4. The other race was closer. 10-9 DeMonte over Carol Donovan on the second ballot. Salvi’s people backed DeMonte after losing in the first round.
A couple of videos from Rep. Jim Watson *** UPDATED x1 ***
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I thought you might like to see these. Rep. Watson, as most of you know, is a Marine reservist stationed in Iraq. Here are two new videos from the Department of Defense which feature Rep. Watson. The first has a shout-out to the folks in Springfield… ![]() *** UPDATE *** My good pal Jerry Clarke, who is also stationed in Iraq, is the proud father of a new baby girl: Reagan Marie Clarke was born at 8:17 pm last night. 8 pounds 11 ounces. Mom and baby are said to be doing fine.
Question of the day
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * If you were making a movie about Illinois politics, whom would you cast in the following roles…
Not a big deal
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * This doesn’t bother me at all…
* Personally, I think it’s silly to think that the fairs ought to pay for themselves. So, I agree with Squibb…
* Some of this is problemmatic, however…
Permits not properly displayed is no biggie, but they need to be on top of those gate and parking admissions. Read the full audits here and here. Thoughts?
Live and learn
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m pretty sure that this Sneed item is on the money…
Warning to all potential Blagojevich campaign contributors: Your cash is going straight to Winston & Strawn. * But, as with some Blagojevich contributors, some people just never learn…
So, the guv admitted he lied and now Bomke believes him? I’m sure that’ll work out fine.
How to deal with Rezko “distraction”?
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The two Republican legislative leaders appear to have different outlooks on how the Rezko verdict will impact Statehouse progress. * Glass empty…
* Glass full…
* And Senate President Emil Jones is sticking by his guy…
* Cross made a good point in a different story…
* Watson’s quotes were put in more context in the Tribune…
* Rep. Hamos makes a good point…
* Madigan’s spokesman lays out the Speaker’s thinking in more detail…
* One of the two remaining Spin Sisters says her boss is focused on his job…
* But the governor may speak about the imbroglio soon…
I wonder who he’ll hide behind this time. * Related…
Morning shorts
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Committee OKs building Children’s Museum in Grant Park
* Chicago zoning board OKs Children’s Museum move, but opponents sue to halt plan * Ill. court: Casinos must share cash with tracks * AFSCME hits IDOT with unfair labor charge * NIU still counting on state * Burke on Chicago 2016 bid: We can go higher * State Convention likely to be newsworthy * Illinois GOP to elect national convention representatives * Court: Ill. governor can call special sessions * WSCR may switch Mike North off mornings * Judge delays decision on dismissing antitrust suit * Your congressman may be on a corner near you soon * Illinois begins aggressive speed enforcement in construction zones
Bob Dylan breakfast
Friday, Jun 6, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * More appropriate music for the week… Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth,