Rezko watch…
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 2:21 pm - From the US Attorney’s office…
Not sure if they spilled coffee again or want to go home early or what, but we’ll be watching. * 2:45 pm - [Kevin Fanning] The jurors are near a verdict, and returned a note to the judge stating:
The jury has returned to their closed-door deliberations.
This just in… *** Stand down for now *** Raw audio posted *** Highwire act *** Madigan won’t attend meetings ***
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * 7:14 am - From a press release received at 7:10 this morning…
Special session, anyone? * 8:48 am - The press conference has been delayed until 11 o’clock. * 10:08 am - Stand down? I have a couple of solid sources [update: make that three] who say that there are no plans to announce a special session or a veto today. Instead, the governor will say that there’s a need to “work together” to figure out how to fix the budget deficit problem. But, there’s no guarantee that he won’t go off script. Still, at this point, no special session announcement. That’s a relief. After that press release went out this morning, a pal of mine in the administration was already preparing to return to Springfield as early as tomorrow, which helped to set me off. But that’s not gonna happen yet. * 11:57 am - So far, all I’ve gotten from inside the press conference is that the leaders will meet next week. * 12:08 pm - Here’s the governor’s press release…
* A couple of thoughts: 1) Passing the revenue generators will now require a three-fifths vote in the House; 2) That’s unlikely to be achieved. * 12:25 pm - IIS has posted raw audio. Listen or download. * Quotes from the presser…
* From the Tribune…
Unsurprisingly, the IIS audio ends before the Rezko question was asked. * LOL: Blagojevich Presser Delayed 4 Times * More thoughts - I figure that Madigan probably won’t show up at the leaders meetings, repeating his oft-stated claim that the governor should just reduce the spending on his own. The governor will say he’s tried to make nice, darnit, and then will take the next step. A total budget veto would not go over well in the Senate, however, so this should be interesting to watch. * 1:20 pm - Madigan’s spokesperson just asked whether this would be the first time in six years that the governor was interested in a balanced budget. He also confirmed that if the leaders meeting was about the budget, then Madigan’s budgeteer Rep. Gary Hannig would be sent. If it’s about gaming, then House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie would be dispatched.
Question of the day
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
* The question: Do you think Chicago will elect another Daley family member as mayor one day soon? Explain.
Why they left
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * Besides the threats of impeachment if the General Assembly had to endure yet another overtime session and the overwhelming desire to just leave town and avoid another summer-fall session, there was something else at play under the dome. My syndicated newspaper column takes a look at a concept I shared with subscribers a few weeks ago…
If that clock ticked down to the zero hour during the overtime session, the pay raises would take effect immediately…
* And…
* By the way, if the pay raises do take effect, legislators won’t receive all the pay hike recommended by the Compensation Review Board, but they will get a cost of living raise in the coming fiscal year…
The keys to the bus
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller * As i told you early Sunday morning, the governor is considering calling a special session this month. The Tribune has a piece today entitled “End to spring session may be short-lived for Illinois lawmakers.”
* Only the beginning. Oy. Gov. Blagojevich asked GOP congressional candidate Aaron Schock what Schock would do about the unbalanced state budget if he was the governor. Said Schock…
* How underfunded is next fiscal year’s budget? The AP takes a look…
* Gatehouse claims the deficit is $2 billion, while the Sun-Times says it may be as high as $2.5 billion. Speaker Madigan says the guv can just use his line item and reduction veto powers to put the budget into balance, but…
I’m pretty sure she’s right. * And then there’s the promised amendatory veto of the ethics bill…
* If we do come back to session, it may not be for long. Here’s why…
* Madigan was asked Saturday night about impeachment. Patterson summarizes part of the back and forth…
* If you were reading the blog Saturday night, you saw that Gov. Blagojevich made a rare visit to the House floor. More from Patterson…
* And what about the stalled capital bill? Bethany Jaeger has the lowdown…
* Translation: Madigan wants to do this on his timeline and his way, just like the electric rate issue and the mass transit bailout last year. And, like the transit bailout, he wants higher taxes. Here’s a story that Rep. Jim Sacia has been telling lately. The legislative leaders and the governor are on a bus with four flat tires, so…
Morning Shorts
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Kevin Fanning * Straight Party Voting Dead for This Year * Timely reactions are a real gas
* If Rush Retires, Many Are Ready * Jim Thompson: CS-T editorial makes case for executive clemency for Ryan
* One plan to fix state’s debt: Get workers to give back
* State funding for UI included in shaky budget * Monroe County eyes referendum on tax to pay for levee upgrades * State’s stance on silence makes no sense * State says mental heath check system ready to go * Sen. Jacobs should check his shoe
* Mike Tryon Tries to Boost Name Identification * Harmon, Froehlich Bill Provides DuPage Candidates With Equal Ballot Access * New law may leave some seeing their glass half empty * Bernard Schoenburg: Ex-state rep fined in ethics panel’s 1st completed case * We’re mired in standoffs * Chicago tries to ease traffic mess around train stations * He zones. She sells. And it’s legal. * Cook County Board President Todd Stroger names new chief of staff * Feds raid union boss’ farm * Possible Fermilab cuts could have major impact * City Desk: Rep. Peter Roskam
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Raw audio of Speaker Madigan’s 5/31 presser, plus audio highlights and Gov. Blagojevich’s full statement
Monday, Jun 2, 2008 - Posted by Rich Miller
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